Monday, October 18, 2010

Talking about a Spineless Puke

On her Headline News channel show this evening, host Behar explained her walk-off by saying, “I thought he was saying something that I construe as hate speech, frankly.” Her guest was former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, who called O’Reilly “a spineless puke.” Ventura’s insult was rather sour-graped, however, by his admission that “the whole Fox [network] won’t have me on.” Sounds like someone has had his feelings hurt by not getting a invitation from O’Reilly or Glenn Beck. But who would want someone like Ventura around other then the Idiots in Minnesota who were stupid enough to vote in a trashy wrestler as their governor? But I guess it can't be any worse then the dumb ass Actor who has ran California into bankruptcy!

Biden White House Rushes to Cover Up Joe's Latest Wild 'Ron Burgundy' Moment

Joe Biden made an absolute mess of things in a North America’s Building Trades Unions (NABTU) speech he gave on Wednesday. Biden ...