Friday, May 13, 2011

Obama Saves/Creates Us!

John Ransom

During Obama’s campaign infomercial that CBS News produced on Wednesday regarding the economy and jobs, he showed again why he is unfitted for the job of president.
In an exchange with a Karen Gallo, a federal employee with the National Zoo who is being laid off because the rest of us can’t afford to keep paying more and more for a zoo every year, CBS News served a huge floating fastball for the president to hit out of the park.
Our country is in trouble, read the sub-text, and only Obama can save it!
Putting aside the fact that no self-respecting person with real confidence would promote themselves in this way, I wonder what Obama thought he was suppose to be doing in his first three years as president?
Now all of a sudden he wants to be relevant again?   
After Gallo complained that she’ll be out of work soon, and explained that she is pregnant and building a house, Obama took his cut:!
