Friday, December 9, 2011

The US government pays its staff NOT to work

For all of the benefits of working for the federal government, perhaps none is greater than being on 'official time'¿a taxpayer-paid union representative, doing next to nothing for workers who don¿t need a union. Isn¿t America great!

WASHINGTON—As Congress looks for ways to cut its $1.3 trillion deficit, the federal government is paying its employees $137 million a year not to work for Uncle Sam. Not working. That’s right. The Office of Personnel Management reports that taxpayers paid Federal workers over $137 million in 2010 to work as representatives for government unions, up from $129 million in 2009.
The time that union representatives spend not working for taxpayers is labeled 'official time' by OPM. According to the report, 'Official time is time spent by Federal employees performing representational work for a bargaining unit in lieu of their regularly assigned work.' Under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, this is perfectly legal.
