Friday, July 26, 2013

Enough of Trayvon

David Lawrence
Enough of Trayvon

On the cover of the “Daily News” we have the usual protestors—Beyonce, Jay Z, and AL Sharpton.  Add the really aggrieved, Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton.

It’s not my party.   It’s not my death.  But I don’t like long faced grievers trying to publicize, glamorize and get ego satisfaction out of misfortune. 

The court said Zimmerman was innocent.  Let it die.  Let Trayvon die peacefully rather than be tossed up in the air as a political cause. 

I didn’t know Trayvon.  I wouldn’t have wanted to know him.  Not because he’s black.  But because he’s an uneducated kid.  And those thousands of demonstrators who act like Trayvon was their best friend didn’t know him either. Jay Z is not a poor kid from the streets; he’s worth millions.

If you really need to breathe in the sadness of the dead, go up to Chicago and mourn some of the nameless murders of black on black crime.  Don’t pick and choose your wailing according to Presidential whim.  As the rappers say, stop biting out of Trayvon’s lyrics.

When my mother died I didn’t even invite any guests.  I’m not a wake person.  I don’t like parties over the dead.  I think it’s disrespectful and digressive. 

If Trayvon is to rest in peace he should not have 101 demonstrations around the country shaking up his bones.  Let him go with dignity, not with anger and vituperation.

Let the Jay Z’s of the world wipe those blank mindless expressions from their faces and mourn their own previous contributions to crime and the drug culture. Let them look for solutions rather than to wail, cry and complain. 
