Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Shamelessness Pool Just Keeps Getting Deeper

Kamala Harris slammed for 'cringe' response to border questions: 'Not a  joke to laugh at' | Fox News

The 2020 election was irregular.  Not satisfied with mere irregularity, the Democrats have now managed to fill the top spot on their ticket with a woman that has never ever received a vote in a nationwide election – ever.  She did not need to bother with those pesky primaries, not even, unless something changes radically, an irritating floor battle at the convention.  Nope, somehow she has managed to be coronated.  And so, irregularity becomes a coup d’etat.  And now Kamala Harris takes to the campaign trail without a hint of humility or an ounce of shame.  You might think we had hit the bottom of the pool of shamelessness.

But no.  The media has decided to find some sort of Mariana Trench in that pool.  They are just flat-out reinventing Kamala Harris, contradicting, almost entirely, previous reporting they have done.  It’s way past spin.  Here are some examples chronicled by:

One has to wonder, is this really partisanship, or just a total and utter failure to do any actual research? It’s a fail either way, but we can’t fix it if we don’t properly diagnose it.

Democracy is breaking down before our very eyes. One of the two major parties no longer functions in any vaguely democratic fashion and the media, the means by which the people are informed so that they can hold their government accountable is now largely in thrall of that government.  The feedback loop to the voters is seriously broken.  Being informed now requires a lot of careful media consumption and it is impossible using television exclusively.  I do not typically watch TV news, ever, but events have been breaking so fast in the last couple of weeks that I have had to and it’s actually frightening.  When the host says “Special Report with Bret Baier” is the only reasonable news program left on TV, he is not kidding.  And I have to be honest, particularly when the news is breaking fast and furious and Baier has to settle for available panelists instead of reliable ones, even his anchoring can get a bit out there.

A couple of weeks ago I picked a fight with an adult Sunday School teacher over their use of the word “reimagine.”  You hear that word a lot these days, but here’s the thing – life is not about what we imagine – it is about what is.  But apparently our media now thinks it is about what they imagine, and worse their imagination can shift on a coronation.

There is an old lawyer joke, “What’s lower than whale poop?…”  Well, there is now a corollary, “What’s lower than the Democratic party presidential candidate selection ‘process’?”  The answer would be “Legacy Media.”


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