Friday, June 28, 2024



Trump Declares Victory in Wake of Biden 'Disaster,' Dems Panic

Democrats, Left in Full-Blown 'Panic' Over Biden; Trump Campaign: 'It's So Joe-Over'

Donald Trump made it appear obvious to America: President Joe Biden cannot stand next to him on a debate stage without a "disaster," Democrats and leftist media sources were forced to admit Thursday night after the earliest debate in presidential history.

The Trump campaign messages blared "It's So Joe-Over" and "Crooked Joe Biden's Horrible, Humiliating Night," and Friday outlined the reaction from several mainstream reporters, saying that the reaction "speaks for itself."

  • NBC's Kristen Welker: "There's widespread panic among Democrats."
  • NBC's Chuck Todd: "Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting ... you saw it before your eyes!"
  • CNN's Chris Wallace: "This has been, quite frankly, a car accident in slow motion."
  • CNN's Abby Phillip: "The panic that I'm hearing from Democrats is not like anything I've heard in this campaign so far."
  • MSNBC's Nicolle Wallace: "What was wrong with [Biden]?"

In a second memo about the debate, the campaign declared that the American people "witnessed a split screen for the ages — a strong, focused, and powerful performance from President Donald J. Trump and an incoherent, humiliating, and embarrassing display of Crooked Joe Biden's weakness and decline.

Some "must-watch moments," the campaign said, included:

  • Crooked Joe Biden took zero responsibility for the millions of illegal aliens he has ferried into the country — and even credited them as "the reason why we have the most successful economy in the world."
  • Crooked Joe Biden blamed President Trump for his own historic inflation crisis.
  • Crooked Joe Biden admitted he has NO PLAN for Social Security.
  • Crooked Joe Biden lied about raising taxes on middle-class Americans.
  • Crooked Joe Biden was unable to name a single limit he'd support on taxpayer-funded abortion-on-demand until birth.
  • Crooked Joe Biden malfunctioned in real-time (again, and again, and again, and again).

"Meanwhile, President Trump took Crooked Joe Biden to task over Biden's border invasion, his disastrous foreign policy, his plan to raise taxes on 91% of American families, and his lifetime of chronic lying," the campaign said. "There's a reason two-thirds of Americans say President Trump was the clear winner of tonight's debate — because he was."

The debate left many in the left-wing media shaken, including CNN analyst John King, who commented minutes after the debate ended that "there is a deep, a wide, and a very aggressive panic in the Democratic Party."

The campaign, declaring victory, said that Trump "delivered the greatest debate performance and victory in history to the largest voter audience in history, making clear exactly how he will improve the lives of every American."

In its statement, the campaign commented that Trump "over and over" again "highlighted common-sense plans to reduce inflation, bringing down the costs of groceries, housing, and gas, as well as his plans to bring back his successful first-term policies that kept our southern border secure and free from the wave of Biden migrant crimes currently sweeping our country."

Biden, on the other hand, "showed exactly why he deserves to be fired," the campaign said. "Despite taking a week-long vacation at Camp David to prepare for the debate, Biden was unable to defend his disastrous record on the economy and the border. Throughout the debate, Biden lied, invented stories, and could not articulate a single plan to make things less expensive and keep our people safe, choosing instead to change the subject and dwell on the past."

Even worse, the campaign declared, "Biden couldn't explain why he took a week of vacation at Camp David while 50 ISIS terrorists ran loose in our country. President Trump is spot-on when he says that if Joe Biden is too incompetent to stand trial, then Biden is too incompetent to be president."

Meanwhile, "Americans are struggling financially while the families of Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, Jocelyn Nungaray, and every other victim of Biden Migrant Crime are grieving," the campaign said. "Our country is on fire at home and we stand on the brink of World War III because of Joe Biden's incompetence. But we can turn it all around, and bring back the American Dream, starting on day one, by reelecting President Donald J. Trump.

Sandy Fitzgerald

Sandy Fitzgerald has more than three decades in journalism and serves as a general assignment writer for Newsmax covering news, media, and politics. 

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


Bombshell: Listen to What CNN's Erin Burnett Just Admitted About Biden Knowing the Debate Questions

Joe Biden was just an utter train wreck in the debate. 

He started out like he was on speed, and it sounded like he had memorized the answers he was trying to give, although they all came out in a jumble. 

But if he was memorizing answers, that would suggest that he might know what the questions were. And at times, particularly in the beginning, it sounded like he did know what was coming. 

Now that's going to get even more questions after what CNN's Erin Burnett admitted during a discussion afterward about how badly Biden did. 

She said he went through six days of preparation but was corrected by Chris Wallace that it was actually more than a week. "They know the rules," she said. "He practices with the mics. He knows every one of these questions is coming and yet he couldn‘t fill the time."

Wait, what? He "knows every one of these questions is coming?" Really? 

Is that an admission they gave him the questions? Please clarify, Erin Burnett. Did someone tell him about every one of these queries? Are we talking about something similar to the Donna Brazile situation when she tipped off then-candidate Hillary Clinton about what was coming? 

CNN needs to answer up about this comment. 

But whether Trump had them or not, even Burnett had to admit even with all that preparation, Biden couldn't measure up. She outlined some of the excuses now being spread, including that he had a "cold." And as CNN's Chris Wallace even admitted, the problem was that he simply wasn't capable. The number of people who think he's compromised is going to skyrocket after this debate. Even with everything, all the help and all the prep, he still wasn't able to deliver. It was so bad they couldn't pretend otherwise. 

Now there's already talk of replacement. But they put themselves in this situation, so they deserve the implosion and the mess they are in. I hope every American realizes what the Democrats wanted to foist on us, all of them knowing the issues but thinking that control was more important than the safety of the country. 


This May Be the Most Incoherent Biden Moment of the Debate

Biden Completely Implodes on Charlottesville Lie, Ends Up Arguing Against Himself

WATCH: Troubling Post-Debate Moment With Joe and Jill Biden and Another Handler Has People Talking


WATCH: Troubling Post-Debate Moment With Joe and Jill Biden and Another Handler Has People Talking

Well, the first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign season is officially over, and pretty much all anyone can talk about in the aftermath of it is how President Joe Biden looked and sounded, which - incredibly - was even worse than he normally looks and sounds on any given day.

On Friday, we wrote about the warning NBC News/MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan gave about how Biden "absolutely cannot have a senior moment at this debate" because focus group Democrats she'd talked to in states like Michigan and Wisconsin had stressed that they had serious concerns about Biden's age and fitness to lead.

It was, she correctly pointed out, "an albatross that is hanging around this candidate and campaign."

READ MORE: MSNBC Analyst Reveals What Focus Groups Say They'll Watch for at Debate, and It Should Terrify Joe Biden

Suffice it to say that it's an even heavier albatross around Biden's neck after the Thursday debate, which Biden had to be thankful only lasted an hour and a half.

But it was something that happened just after the debate concluded that's gotten people talking, and it involves Biden's handler-in-chief, Jill Biden.

Because there was no studio audience, we didn't get any shots while the debate was going on of any family members, friends, or others who were there in support of the candidates. But as soon the debate was over and as soon as she got the opportunity, the First Lady - who is often seen pushing the purported leader of the free world and directing him on where he needs to go, rushed onto the stage.

Video clips show her briefly hugging him and then immediately trying to guide a frozen-looking Joe Biden away from the podium and toward two steps. She grabs either his hand or arm, and they move forward, with Biden shuffling slowly, eventually gingerly stepping down.


The zoomed-in version actually shows another person, presumably another handler or perhaps a CNN staffer, walking up to Biden and appearing to offer additional assistance:

In this clip, we see her guiding him towards the debate moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash:

I mean if these clips don't put a finer point on how awful Joe Biden looked and sounded on that stage as he and Trump debated each other, I don't know what does.

There's no other way to spin it: This debate was a disaster for Biden. An absolute disaster. Even if he'd had any zingers or home run moments (he didn't) they would have been overshadowed by him walking out on that stage looking lost and out of it and basically confirming everything his critics - including Donald Trump - have said about him.

Related -->> Boom: Border Patrol Union Shuts Down Biden With Epic Fact Check After Whopper at Debate About Endorsement


Jill Biden Treats Joe Like a Child in Sad and Infuriating Remarks After Debate

The only way to describe the CNN debate for Joe Biden was a train wreck. 

It was so bad even Democrats couldn't argue it away or turn it into a "win." I seriously doubt we will have a second debate in September as planned — at least not with Biden, as the talk is now underway with some on the left about how he should be replaced. 

As my colleague Sister Todjah explained, it was so bad that Jill even had to take his hand at the end and do handler duties to usher him off the stage. Look at how she has to help him here. 

WATCH: Troubling Post-Debate Moment With Joe and Jill Biden
and Another Handler Has People Talking

It's Happening: Growing Calls From Liberal Media for DNC
to Replace Biden at the Convention or Earlier

If anything truly put a cap on how bad it was, that was it. He can't even walk down two steps without the help of handlers. That's truly concerning. He did worse than I even thought he could do after all that prep. 

But even after having to lead him off the stage like that, you still had Jill Biden trying to communicate a fantasyland assessment of the debate to Joe and to supporters at a campaign event right after. Now why they would do that after the debate when he was already beyond his capacity and it's already way past his bedtime is beyond me. What Jill said was both sad and infuriating.

"Joe, you did such a great job. You answered every question. You knew all the facts," she said. "And what did Trump do?" she asked the crowd. "Lie!"  On the contrary, it was Biden who lied — constantly. 

Meanwhile Biden just stood there, like he had no idea what was going on, with this vacant look on his face, but Mommy was praising him and might give him an ice cream. 

I'm sorry, Jill Biden is just a horrible human being. Both because she's letting this happen to him, but then treating him like a three-year-old child there, in front of others, acting as though this was some great win for him instead of the unmitigated disaster it actually was. 

Bombshell: Listen to What CNN's Erin Burnett Just Admitted
About Biden Knowing the Debate Questions

This May Be the Most Incoherent Biden Moment of the Debate

Biden Completely Implodes on Charlottesville Lie, Ends Up Arguing Against Himself

If I were to caption it, it might be "worst wife in the world." Who does something like this to someone she supposedly loves?   

They deluded themselves and their supporters about Joe Biden, hoping to hold onto control. But it blew back on them big time during the debate. 

Biden should step aside, but that's probably in the hands of this woman, and she hasn't shown she cares enough about the country and about her husband to do it. 


The CNN Post-Debate Poll Is Absolutely Brutal for Joe Biden

The debate Thursday night was a complete and total disaster for the Democratic Party. Joe Biden pounded his chest over the prospect of debating Donald Trump. His side was eager to do it. The party, in general, seemed to be primed for the showdown. But time is a funny thing in politics. It’s the most valuable resource, and often, operatives say there’s not enough to get everything they want done in a campaign. For Biden, too much time has allowed his weaknesses and party fractures to fester, leading to a full-blown stage 4 diagnosis of political cancer that might have undone the president against Donald Trump. 

Trump just released a brutal 95 second ad of Joe Biden's debate lowlights:

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) June 28, 2024

We’ve known for months that Joe Biden lacked the stamina, cognitive abilities, and skill to be president. The lack of presidential timber was apparent to most voters; 86 percent felt he was too old to run. Biden’s staff ignored the polls. How could they lose to Donald Trump? The arrogance of the Left is also to blame, the entitlement that they think they should win all elections, debates, and legislative battles because they have better feelings on the issues. Trump smashed that sentiment in 2016 and might have done it again. 

Biden was slow, slurred, and incoherent for most of the debate. Trump was poised, pointed, and robustly defended his presidency and record. The president could not do the same—it was sometimes painful to watch. It was absolute domination by Donald Trump. He obliterated the president in ways that might be irreparable. The issues surrounding age and mental health have been magnified 1000x. The goal of this showdown was to pivot away from those voter concerns—they’re now the only thing we see. The cherry on top of this Biden fail sundae is Jill leading Joe off the debate stage. 

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) June 28, 2024

The panic among the liberal media was immediate and pronounced. This epic collapse by Biden was the Hindenburg of debate performances, which led to a plethora of meltdowns and panic commentaries unlike I’ve ever seen. It may eclipse the reactions from election night 2016. Politico outright said that “Biden is toast.” It’s one of the most damning post-debate pieces, though this outlet and others had spent months propping up Biden. The portion about abortion, where Biden stumbled badly, illustrated that the president has lost it: 

Organized mutiny.

— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) June 28, 2024

Yikes from the recent former WH comms director

— Jacqui Heinrich (@JacquiHeinrich) June 28, 2024


— (@townhallcom) June 28, 2024

All Joe Biden needed to do was deliver a repeat performance of his State of the Union address. 

Instead, he stammered. He stumbled. And, with fewer than five months to November, he played straight into Democrats’ worst fears — that he’s fumbling away this election to Donald Trump. 

The alarm bells for Democrats started ringing the second Biden started speaking in a haltingly hoarse voice. Minutes into the debate, he struggled to mount an effective defense of the economy on his watch and flubbed the description of key health initiatives he’s made central to his reelection bid, saying “we finally beat Medicare” and incorrectly stating how much his administration lowered the price of insulin. He talked himself into a corner on Afghanistan, bringing up his administration’s botched withdrawal unprompted. He repeatedly mixed up “billion” and “million,” and found himself stuck for long stretches of the 90-minute debate playing defense. 

And when he wasn’t speaking, he stood frozen behind his podium, mouth agape, his eyes wide and unblinking for long stretches of time. 


Biden’s team had tried to engineer the debate in his favor — pushing for it to be early and without an audience. And the president agreed to hold the event in part to calm Democratic nerves over whether he could win in November. 

Afterward they didn’t try to cover up his poor performance, but instead tried to emphasize that Trump remained a threat to American interests at home and abroad. 

“It was a slow start, that’s obvious to everyone. I’m not going to debate that point,” Vice President Kamala Harris told CNN’s Anderson Cooper an hour after the debate wrapped. “I’m talking about the choice in November. I’m talking about one of the most important elections in our collective lifetime. And do we want to look at what November will bring and go on a course for America that is about a destruction of democracy?” 


Biden struggled at times to articulate strong arguments on some of his campaign’s biggest selling points, bungling his health care record and stumbling through a response on his support for abortion rights. 

“I support Roe v. Wade. You have three trimesters. First time is between a woman and a doctor. Second time is between a doctor and an extreme situation. Third time is between the doctor — I mean, between the woman and the state,” he said. 


Fergus Cullen, a former New Hampshire GOP chair and “Never Trumper” who is considering voting for Biden, had warned that Democrats would need to reconsider their ticket if the president delivered a poor performance on Thursday. 

After the debate, Cullen said: “Anyone who has watched a parent grow old, frail, and foggy recognizes what they are seeing and knows it only gets worse, at an accelerating rate, from here.” 

CNN’s Kate Bedingfield got a little testy with Scott Jennings before the debate, skeptical that Biden’s campaign was hanging by a thread, given how close the polls were in some key states. That’s not good, Kate. Some states, like Minnesota, should have Biden running away with it; Trump is tied there. The age issues, Biden’s cognition, and the defection of black voters under 50 is a five-alarm fire that these clowns refused to believe until tonight. Biden got the hinges blown off him, and with his age and frailty, I doubt he’ll get better as we approach Election Day. 

CNN’s John King added that this disastrous debate has ramifications down the ticket, with some Democratic candidates surely reconsidering whether to stand near the president or even be in the same zip code. MSNBC’s Chuck Todd said Biden acted like what many conservative media outlets have been noting for months, which is that this guy is cooked, and there are no deep fakes, cheap fakes, or editing going on—welcome to the party, folks. MSNBC, a network whose sole purpose was to keep liberal blood pressures low, was in all-out ‘Kill Biden’ mode post-debate:

On the far left, which already had its issues with Biden, the Young Turks are calling it: this race is over: 

The president said ‘watch me’ when pressed about his age which reached fever pitch when Special Counsel Robert Hur released his report on his investigation into the president’s mishandling of classified information where charges were not filed, due to Biden’s age and memory issues. The nation watched, Mr. President, and they saw what many of us already knew about you: you can’t do the job. CNN's post-debate poll had Trump trouncing Biden, which was no surprise:

‘Don’t believe your lying eyes’ was never a serious counternarrative. There’s no spinning this, which is why the liberal media can do only one thing: pressure this president into dropping out by relentlessly attacking him.

Liberal America won’t be sleeping tonight, but you voted for this, you endorsed this—this is your mess. Across the board, the nation agrees: Joe, you're not it. 

Remember, the whole reason Biden wanted this debate was to show a contrast with Trump and to make this a referendum on Trump. Instead, only thing we’re talking about is Biden’s poor performance.

— Amy Walter (@amyewalter) June 28, 2024

Forget the election, this is heading into 25th amendment territory.

— Sarah Isgur (@whignewtons) June 28, 2024

This debate making abundantly clear that Biden’s insistence on running for another term - when 66% of voters in our swing state poll believe it’s likely he won’t be able to finish a second term - has gravely jeopardized Dems’ prospects to defeat Trump.

— Dave Wasserman (@Redistrict) June 28, 2024

After the first commercial break, I asked my focus group of undecided voters how many of them are more convinced to vote for Joe Biden.

Zero raised their hands.

Half of them say they voted for Biden in 2020.

— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) June 28, 2024

After the second commercial break, I asked my focus group of undecided voters how many are more convinced to vote for Donald Trump.

10 of 14 raised their hands… Even if they didn’t like Donald Trump.

One said: “I don’t even know if Biden can make it to November!”

— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) June 28, 2024



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CNN Host SHOCKED Biden Knew 'Every One of These Questions Was Coming' But STILL Blew It

At this point it's generally agreed in all but the most loyal of Biden superfan circles that the president lost Thursday night's debate, and badly

Let’s say it right now: Donald Trump might have won the 2024 election tonight. You’d think President Joe Biden would have at least a good performance for one-third or even two-thirds of the debate. That never happened. Biden was incapable of delivering cogent and coherent remarks about the cornerstones of his presidency. He was incapable of defending what little legislative wins he clinched during his first term and was lost trying to pivot and deflect from the pointed attacks from Donald Trump.

Now the excuses will start to pour in. 

The lefty loyalists will blame it on Biden having a cold:

Oh, sure, sure!

Meanwhile, even lefties like MSNBC's Joy Reid are sounding the Democrat alarm. 

On CNN, the cable net that hosted the debate, host Erin Burnett was surprised that Biden performed so badly even though he knew what was coming: 

Actually, we wouldn't be shocked if Biden knew exactly what was going to be thrown his way, and he still blew it.

That wouldn't be a shocker. 

That's totally open to interpretation (cue massive eye roll).


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Biden's Debate Performance Was So Bad They Sent Kamala Out on Clean Up Duty

According to Democrats and their allies in the media, President Joe Biden's debate performance Thursday night against former President Donald Trump was a disaster. So much so that high profile party members are calling for Biden to be replaced as the nominee before the Democratic National Convention in August. 

VAN JONES: "That was painful"

— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) June 28, 2024

Biden's performance was so bad, they sent Vice President Kamala Harris out on CNN and MSNBC immediately after the debate to attempt damage control. It didn't go well and Harris threw Biden under the bus in her first sentence, admitting "I understand why people want to talk about it" and " it started off slow." 

ANDERSON COOPER: "Can you say that you are not concerned at all having watched the president's performance tonight?"

KAMALA HARRIS: "It was a slow start. That's obvious to EVERYONE!"

— (@townhallcom) June 28, 2024

ANDERSON COOPER: "[Biden] was a very different person on the stage four years ago when you debated him. That's certainly true, is it not?!"

KAMALA HARRIS: "I got the point that you're making...The last three and a half years, up until today, performed in a way..."

— (@townhallcom) June 28, 2024

JEN PSAKI: "You don't send the Vice President of the United States out if you won the debate, typically."

Said while the MSNBC chyron notes that Kamala Harris is coming up...

— (@townhallcom) June 28, 2024

Earlier in the night Kate Bedingfield, Biden's former White House communications director, admitted it was a bad night for the incumbent president. 

"Look, it was a really disappointing debate performance from Joe Biden. I don't think there's any other way to slice it."

— President Biden's former communications director, Kate Bedingfield, reacts to the CNN presidential debate

— The Recount (@therecount) June 28, 2024

