Saturday, June 29, 2024

Gold Star Families Slam Biden's Denial of Troop Deaths

History of the Washington Crossing National Cemetery Gold Star Families  Memorial Monument - Guardians of the National Cemetery

Following President Joe Biden's debate oversight regarding military deaths under his watch, members of gold star families shared their frustration with the New York Post.

During Thursday night's debate, Biden said, "The truth is, I'm the only president this century that doesn't have any this, this decade — doesn't have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like he did," referring to his debate opponent, former President Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee.

Sixteen troops have been killed overseas since Biden took office, according to the Post. Thirteen were killed during the United States' withdrawal from Afghanistan on Aug. 26, 2021. Three were killed five months ago in Jordan. U.S. troops also have died in training incidents during Biden's time in office.

Mark Schmitz, whose son, Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, was one the 13 Marines killed in Afghanistan, shared his contempt for Biden's remark with the Post.

"My phone blew up for probably 20 minutes after that came through, and everybody was just in utter shock. And my poor kids were in the next room — let's just say I ultimately ended up having to apologize to them for my language," he told the Post.

"It took all self-restraint not to put my fist right through my TV. I was beyond ticked off, disrespected. That's all we've ever gotten out of this president," he added.

Marine Lance Cpl. Kareem Nikoui also died during the withdrawal from Afghanistan. The Post spoke with his father, Steve Nikoui, who was arrested in March for disrupting Biden's State of the Union address.

"I did see that, and I was just as shocked as anyone else, but I wasn't surprised," he told the outlet. "I'm glad that the rest of America is able to see what we've been dealing with for the last three years.

"What he did last night was he basically refused to honor the service and sacrifice of the 13 servicemen and women that were killed at the Abbey gate directly — were killed because of his incompetence. And he refuses since that's happened to even recognize them."

James Morley III

James Morley III is a writer with more than two decades of experience in entertainment, travel, technology, and science and nature. 

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


Gavin Newsom Had Sex With His Best Friend's Wife, Who Allegedly 'Showed Up Passed Out' Outside His Door

Ex-San Fran mayor Gavin Newsom 'learned from' his affair | Daily Mail Online

Democrats Considering this guy for a presidential run, REALLY?

After Thursday night's debate, California Gov. Gavin Newsom made the rounds in the spin room as a surrogate for Joe Biden but ended up being the belle of the ball as Democrats desperately seek any alternative to the elderly president. Newsom vigorously defended Biden and quickly quashed any thoughts that he could replace Biden on the ballot then took his Twitter trolling to live TV with this gem:

Of course, Newsom then had to tweet out the clip (complete with Alex Wagner nearly drooling over him) with the insult written out.

Newsom hurled this out there despite having been in the uncomfortable - and losing - position of having to admit at a press conference back in February 2007 that he'd been having an affair with his scheduling secretary, Ruby Rippey-Tourk, who also happened to be his best friend's wife. At that time Newsom was the mayor of San Francisco, and Rippey-Tourk's husband, Alex, was also working as his Deputy Chief of Staff.

 Newsom said, in part:

I want to make it clear that everything you've heard and read is true, and I am deeply sorry about that. I've hurt someone I care deeply about, Alex Tourk, and his friends and family, and that is something that I have to live with and something that I am deeply sorry for. 

I also want to extend a personal apology to everyone in our administration, tomy staff that I just met with, to my friends and my family members. I am deeply sorry and am accountable for what has occurred and have now begun the process of reconciling it, and now will be working aggressively to advance our agenda in the city and to work hard to build again the trust and restore the trust that the people of San Francisco have afforded me.

Some will likely say, well, he admitted it, and he apologized, and he's attempting to make amends, so it's no big deal; we all make mistakes. Keep reading.

As it turns out, Tourk learned of the betrayal by his wife and his best friend when Ruby told him the story as part of Ruby's inpatient treatment for severe alcoholism and drug addiction. Tourk then had his attorney confront Newsom at the office to negotiate the terms of Tourk's resignation.

In addition to the general despicableness of carrying on a sexual relationship with one's best friend's wife, there may have been some issues with Rippey-Tourk's ability to give consent. In a lengthy, e.e. cummings-style comment posted on a story about the affair, Newsom's then-girlfriend (and current wife) Jennifer Siebel said "It was a few nothing incidents when she showed up passed out outside of his door."

Jennifer Siebel-Newsom admitted that she wrote the comment screenshotted above, and made other disparaging remarks about Rippey-Tourk, and issued an apology, in a statement on her PR agent's website the next day.

READ MORE: Here Are Jennifer Newsom's Disgusting Comments About the Employee Gavin Had an Affair With While SF Mayor

Four days after that press conference, Newsom issued a statement saying he, too, had "problems with alcohol" and was going to seek help:

"My problems with alcohol are not an excuse for my personal lapses in judgment," Newsom said in a statement widely quoted in news reports. "Upon reflection with friends and family this weekend, I have come to the conclusion that I will be a better person without alcohol in my life."

Newsom told department heads at a meeting this afternoon that the help he is seeking would not require him to step aside even temporarily, as it might if he entered a residential rehabilitation program, sources familiar with the meeting told The Chronicle.

Having to deny an affair with a porn star on national television is a far more enviable position to be in than having to admit to having sex with your employee who's also your best friend's wife - on multiple occasions - who might have been too intoxicated to give consent. In the most generous of descriptions, that's known as taking advantage of a woman, a woman who just might have been looking for a safe place to sleep it off.

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Trump Comes Up With a New Name for Biden During Rally in Virginia—It's Right on Target

In the wake of the first debate, Joe Biden and his team have been doing all they can to try to spin away the disaster.

But it isn't doing much good. He is getting savaged in all the media over how badly he did. Plus, on Friday, Biden continued to be incoherent and screaming in North Carolina, and went into pandering overdrive in New York City for the Stonewall monument visit. 

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump went to a rally in Virginia on Friday. Virginia, which should have been safe blue for Biden, is now in play because of the strength of Trump and the weakness of Biden. 


Biden Tries to Spin His Poor Debate Performance During Stop in NC, but Incoherence and Screaming Continue

Biden Goes Into Pandering Overdrive With 'Origin Story' at Stonewall Visitors Center in NYC

Shock Polls: Trump Edges Biden in Two Blue States That Haven't Gone With the GOP for President in Decades

People began lining up hours before the event was scheduled to begin in Chesapeake, some as many as 15 hours ahead of time:

WAVY TV 10 said there were about 10,000 people out. 

The moment President Trump took the stage in Virginia.

Thousands of excited people greet him after his dominant debate win over Joe Biden.

Virginia is in play.

— Daniel Baldwin (@baldwin_daniel_) June 28, 2024

Trump spoke about how Biden got everything he wanted with the debate--from the network to the rules to the moderators--but nothing could help him "defend his atrocious record":

Trump said the question wasn't whether Biden could stand up for 90 minutes, it was whether "America can survive" four more years of Joe Biden:

But then he dropped a new name for Joe Biden. Especially in the wake of the debate where Joe lied his head off, the name was very apropos

People loved the new name. 

Trump said if he wins Virginia, that means he's going to win the election, and he urged people to get out and vote. 


Bill Maher Goes Scorched Earth on Progressives at Academic Conference

Aspen Ideas: Climate 2024 Conference Dates - Sustainable Tech Partner for  Green IT Service Providers

Bill Maher was invited to the Aspen Institute’s 2024 Ideas Conference, where he made host Tina Brown a little uncomfortable when discussing the 2024 election and the ills plaguing the Democratic Party. The HBO host, a proud and unabashed liberal, has recently directed more fire toward his side for their complete abandonment of common sense. 

He also said that the Democrats’ 2024 messaging is appalling in telling the American people you can’t possibly think you can do worse than Donald Trump. If there’s one thing, we, as a people, don’t like, it’s having someone tell us what to do. This is basic American history, as per our founding. Maher still wouldn’t vote for Trump and thinks the GOP isn’t the right party for him, but he understands the undercurrents that have led to Trump’s political ascendency. 

He also torched the woke Left again, talking about his friends with kids who are besieged by their kids who have yet to leave home about all the hyper-left-wing nonsense they hear daily. The usual rejoinder the youths toss out is 'You’re old,’ or ‘That’s old thinking.’ 

What’s old thinking? Maher listed off the usual talking points from these kids: abolishing the police, tearing statutes of Abraham Lincoln down, maybe giving communism another shot, getting rid of the Border Patrol, getting rid of capitalism, white supremacy has never been worse, gender is just a social construct, it’s okay to have penises in the women’s swimming pool and prisons. 

You can see Brown getting edgy during the penises in the swimming pool part. 

“It’s not that I’m old; it’s that your ideas are stupid,” Maher added. Last month, he made the same point to CNN's Fareed Zakaria:

 Maher also said that it's not his fault that he's noticing how his side has become more insane, though he did that he felt the GOP was more dangerous, but that's a pre-Trump take. Maher has said that for years (via The Wrap):

“People say to me all the time, ‘You make fun of the left more than you used to.’ Uh, yeah. Because they’re dumber than they used to be. And the right has gotten dumber, too,” Maher said.

The “Real Time” and “Club Random” host then explained when that turning point came.

“If I had to find a reason why I thought I was right about doing this, it happened after Oct. 7,” he said. “I mean, people demonstrating for Hamas? For Hamas? It’s like rooting for the planes on 9/11.”

Maher than looked out to the live festival audience for its muffled response to such sentiment: “That’s a joke, for f–k’s sake. Come on, lighten up white people!”

Pressed, however, on which party he thinks is “more dangerous” when it comes to the 2024 presidential election and beyond, Maher didn’t mince his words. It’s “definitely the Republicans.”

“When people say, ‘You make fun of the left more’ — yes, because they went nuttier. Obviously, so did the Republicans. But, you know, five years ago nobody was demonstrating for Hamas,” he said. “I’m going to just go where the funny is as a comedian. But that doesn’t make me a Republican. They went nuttier, the left, and then they blame me for noticing it. If I notice how unproductive it is to make everything about identity politics, that doesn’t make me a Republican, that makes me an honest broker.

He also added that conservatives don’t like Trump, but they hate the didactic, snobby attitudes of the Left more. He can understand that, and his reasoning for that is not off-base. 

“The stuff about family, race, and gender is very close to their own home,” he said while adding that issues about defending democracy or Ukraine are issues that are viewed as too remote for most voters. 

Yet, I disagree with his take that conservatives hate Trump—but the latter part certainly explains why those in the center have drifted toward the former president and the Republican Party. It’s why black and Hispanic men in working-class jobs are now joining white working-class voters in leaning toward the Republicans. Everyone has lives to lead, as James Carville noted when also scorching the preachy liberal women who are destroying the Democrats. No one wants to be spoken down to and told they're wrong for simply eating a hamburger and watching football. 

Maher isn’t a conservative, but he’s very much with us on cultural issues. When Quiet on Set was released, which detailed the sordid horrors that reportedly occurred at Nickelodeon Studios, he called out Hollywood liberals for being appalled at that but attacked Ron DeSantis for making the same claims about Disney, who has a parade of child sex offenders walk around that kingdom. The comedian also credited DeSantis for having a better plan for COVID, unlike New York’s, which led to so many deaths that the state lost a congressional seat. 

He may be brash and offensive to some, but Maher has been a one-man wrecking crew on some of the most salient cultural issues right now, and he’s on our side. He’ll never admit it, but the commentaries about these topics for this season of Real Time have been brutal toward progressives. When he sees the ‘Queers for Palestine’ signs at these pro-Hamas rallies on college campuses, he checks out, along with the rest of us who are normal.


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Was This the Sign That the NYT Editorial Board Was Going to Push for Biden's Ouster?

The Weekly | The Times Editorial Board Endorses Klobuchar and Warren - The New  York Times

Joe Biden is heading for election defeat in November. Is there any hope of recovery from this awful debate performance? Probably not. Biden doesn’t possess the charisma, political skill, or mental faculties to pull what will be an epic political comeback. Obama, Clinton—sure. Those men had the chops to be president. Biden showed last night that he decidedly doesn’t have what it takes. There’s a reason why we had stories of Obama trying to coax Biden out of the 2020 race. He knew his vice president didn’t have what it took to be commander-in-chief. Now, the whole nation knows. 

The Democrats and the media are in meltdown mode, but they are also doing damage control. I’m sure you saw that party members are discussing replacing Biden on the ticket. At The New York Times, two of the paper’s most prominent editorial writers, Nicholas Kristof and Thomas Friedman, have called on Biden to call it a day. 


I watched the Biden-Trump debate alone in a Lisbon hotel room, and it made me weep. I cannot remember a more heartbreaking moment in American presidential campaign politics in my lifetime — precisely because of what it revealed: Joe Biden, a good man and a good president, has no business running for re-election. And Donald Trump, a malicious man and a petty president, has learned nothing and forgotten nothing. He is the same fire hose of lies he always was, obsessed with his grievances — nowhere close to what it will take for America to lead in the 21st century. 

The Biden family and political team must gather quickly and have the hardest of conversations with the president, a conversation of love and clarity and resolve. To give America the greatest shot possible of deterring the Trump threat in November, the president has to come forward and declare that he will not be running for re-election and is releasing all of his delegates for the Democratic National Convention.


President Biden is a good man who capped a long career in public service with a successful presidential term. But I hope he reviews his debate performance Thursday evening and withdraws from the race, throwing the choice of a Democratic nominee to the convention in August. 

One of the perils facing this country, I believe and Biden believes, is the risk of a victory by Donald Trump. And after the debate, it’s hard to avoid the feeling that Biden remaining in the race increases the likelihood that Trump will move into the White House in January. 

Biden has never been a great debater, but his voice and manner didn’t put to rest the doubts about his age and effectiveness. Rather, he amplified them. I happened to chat today with a woman who is undecided about whom to vote for — she says she distrusts both Trump and Biden but will choose based on who will do better for the economy — and I bet that now she will be supporting Trump. 

In some sense, this may be unfair. This was one debate. A candidate’s physical frailty, hoarse voice and rambling responses may not be good predictors of how that person will govern. But in this election, they probably are good predictors that the candidate will lose in November and not have a chance to govern again. 

Now, the editorial board has called on Biden to exit the race. When two key figures call for the same thing, maybe we should have expected the other shoe to drop.

I don’t think there can be a change at this point. Biden has enough committed delegates, and he’s not one to give up, especially if his opponent is Trump. Democrats have strapped themselves to an out-of-control rocket, and the fuse has already been lit. Still, it’s not as if the signs weren’t there. Again, we saw them, but we’re also glad you, liberal America, were blind to them or dismissed them outright because conservatives made the observation. Thank you. It allowed Trump to win the race last night.  


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Prescription Drug Prices Have Increased Almost 40% Over Past Decade

GLENSIDE, PA - SEPTEMBER 7:  Pharmacist Howard Brooker(C) and his wife Pam Harvey (R) fill a prescription at Adams Discount Pharmacy September 7, 2006 in Glenside, Pennsylvania. Adams offers generic drugs for forty to seventy five percent cheaper than the brand name manufacturer's cost. They are able to charge low prices by not dealing with insurance companies. (Photo by William Thomas Cain/Getty Images)

A new study shows the cost of prescription drugs in the U.S. has increased nearly 40% over the past 10 years, surpassing the rate of inflation during the same time span. 

According to drug savings company GoodRx, prices have increased 37% since 2014.

These rising costs continue to raise worries for many customers who are forced to take certain doctor-prescribed medications in order to live a normal life.

On average, an American spends $16.26 out of pocket per prescription, according to data from GoodRx data, which was first reported by CNBC

“For most Americans, the difficulty with affordable medications isn’t over the ones that cost thousands of dollars,” Tori Marsh, director of GoodRx research, said in a published study. “It’s about affording routine drugs for chronic conditions, and finding that their insurance doesn’t cover what it used to.” 

Additionally, as Americans continue to face pricier prescription costs, they also have to come to the understanding that higher copays, coinsurance, and deductibles typically follow as well, according to GoodRx.

The average deductible has nearly doubled from $917 to $1,644 over the past decade. 

Furthermore, almost 54% of drugs can be covered by insurance, 50% of drugs have an insurance restriction, and 25% of Americans have at least one prescription not covered by insurance, according to GoodRx. 

“It’s really kind of a threefold problem: high costs, more restrictions and more friction as well…so that’s like people navigating hurdles to access their medication,” Marsh told the New York Post.

Additionally, Marsh said that these problems for many Americans include a lack of pharmacy access, as 41 million Americans reportedly do not have proper access to a nearby pharmacy, according to GoodRx. 

The amount of medications covered by insurance from a GoodRx study of more than 3,700 Medicare Part-D plans from 2010 to 2014 fell by 19%. 

“Despite various efforts by policymakers and pharmaceutical manufacturers to combat rising drug prices, the cost of medications remains a significant burden for many Americans,” Marsh said in the published study. “Legislative attempts to cap insulin prices and manufacturer programs to provide discounts on expensive therapies have not led to a substantial decrease in overall drug costs.”

During Thursday night’s debate, Biden claimed his administration “brought down the price of prescription drugs” and lowered insulin shots to $15.

However, multiple outlets fact-checked this statement and reported that Biden actually capped the cost of insulin at $35 a month under Medicare. 

The White House also claimed that: “more Americans have health insurance than under any other President, and are better protected against surprise medical bills and junk fees.”

According to NBC, the Biden administration also said on Wednesday that it would impose inflation penalties on 64 prescription drugs for the third quarter of this year in order to lower costs for some senior citizens in the U.S. who are enrolled in Medicare. 

Americans pay “two to three times more” on average than other countries that sell prescription drugs, according to the White House. 

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SCOTUS Rules That Cities May Ban Homeless People From Sleeping Outdoors, In Public

By a 6-3 majority, the U.S. Supreme Court decided that cities had the right to forbid homeless individuals from sleeping on the streets or in public.

Since at least the 1980s, many experts believe this time frame is when the current “homelessness epidemic” began in the United States.

Some notable left-wing pundits claim that this was due in part to former President Ronald Reagan’s “decision to close mental institutions” after signing a repeal of former President Jimmy Carter’s Mental Health Systems Act of 1980. However, others adamantly reject this claim and note that the legislation was repealed “with a Democratic majority in both houses.”

Three homeless people had filed a lawsuit in the city of Grants Pass, Oregon, after being given tickets for sleeping and camping outside, according to the BBC.

The city argued that criminal sanctions were required to uphold municipal regulations that prohibited homeless individuals from being in public areas for “reasons of cleanliness and safety” during a Supreme Court hearing back in April.

Due to the lack of public shelters in the city, the homeless residents claimed that the sanctions violated the Eighth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Justice Neil Gorsuch, writing for the Conservative majority, stated that the city’s camping regulations do not cause “terror, pain, or disgrace” in a decision published on Friday.

He also clarified that the prohibition places more emphasis on the acts of individuals than on their position alone and that it does not criminalize the “mere status” of homelessness.

“Under the city’s laws, it makes no difference whether the charged defendant is homeless, a backpacker on vacation passing through town, or a student who abandons his dorm room to camp out in protest on the lawn of a municipal building,” stated Justice Gorsuch.

Meanwhile, on behalf of the three liberal justices who dissented, Justice Sonia Sotomayor wrote: “Sleep is a biological necessity, not a crime. Homelessness is a reality for so many Americans.”

Yet, a number of cities welcomed the decision in posted statements. Grants Pass, the city at the center of the legal battle, announced that its officials would meet with their attorneys to consider the next steps.

San Francisco announced that it would assist areas in “managing our public spaces more effectively and efficiently.”

However, according to Jennifer Friedenbach of the San Francisco Coalition on Homelessness, funds and resources still ought to “go towards getting folks off the streets.” 

“Around 653,000 people did not have homes in 2023, the largest number since tracking began in 2007, according to U.S. government figures…There were also an estimated 256,000 people living without shelter on a given night across the country last year, according to the Department of Housing and Urban Development,” BBC reported.

Soon after the ruling, the National Alliance to End Homelessness stated that this ruling “sets a dangerous precedent that will cause undue harm to people experiencing homelessness and give free reign to local officials who prefer pointless and expensive arrests and imprisonment, rather than real solutions.”

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Obama Admits Biden Debate Performance Was 'Bad,' Urges Voters To Still Consider Him As Other Dems Desire New Candidate

Despite acknowledging that President Joe Biden’s performance in the debate on Thursday night was “bad,” former President Barack Obama still urged voters to support his former vice president over Donald Trump.

“Bad debate nights happen,” Obama, 62, posted on X (Twitter) on Friday afternoon, adding, “Trust me, I know.”

“But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself,” Obama said in regards to Biden and Trump. “But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself,” he added.

“Last night didn’t change that, and it’s why so much is at stake in November.”

Bad debate nights happen. Trust me, I know. But this election is still a choice between someone who has fought for ordinary folks his entire life and someone who only cares about himself. Between someone who tells the truth; who knows right from wrong and will give it to the…

— Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 28, 2024

Throughout the verbal sparring on Thursday night, Biden, 81, disappointed Democrats who had so desperately hoped that the president’s week-long debate preparation would help him come out on top.

However, Biden still frequently stammered, stumbled over sentences, and seemed to freeze and lose his train of thought multiple times. Many Americans felt embarrassed that the United States’ commander-in-chief seemed to be in such bad shape, especially knowing the leaders of many other countries were watching as well.

In addition to Obama, former Democrat President Bill Clinton also chimed in on the debate talks as well.

“I’ll leave the debate rating to the pundits,” Clinton said on Friday. “Joe Biden has given us 3 years of solid leadership, steadying us after the pandemic, creating a record number of new jobs, making real progress solving the climate crisis, and launching a successful effort in reducing inflation, all while pulling us out of the quagmire Donald Trump left us in.”

The last time Clinton made media headlines was after he was spotted vacationing in Mexico with California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom. This followed the controversial Jeffrey Epstein document dump where many of Epstein’s close colleagues and friends were exposed. Former President Clinton acknowledged traveling the world in Epstein’s private jet alongside the notorious sex trafficker, yet he still claimed that he was “unaware” of Epstein’s sexual offenses.

After Thursday’s debate, major questions were raised regarding Biden’s capacity to be on the ticket on election day after his extremely poor performance. However, reports that he would soon be replaced were adamantly refuted by aides, who said he was already preparing for the rematch in September.

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