Monday, July 1, 2024

Biden's Family Urges Him To Stay, Says He Should Axe Advisers

Jill Biden helps Joe off stage after disastrous debate showing


President Joe Biden's family members privately trashed his campaign advisers this weekend at Camp David, blamed them for his failure in Thursday's debate, and urged Biden to either fire or demote people, Politico reported.

According to three people who were told about the family discussions but were not directly involved with them, there is no immediate expectation that the president will listen to their advice.

Biden's family members complained about the debate practice: that he could not pivot to attack more, that he could not outline a vision for a second term, and that he was overworked.

Politico reported that the blame was cast mostly on staffers, including senior adviser Anita Dunn; her husband and Biden's attorney, Bob Bauer, who stood in for former President Donald Trump during debate rehearsals; and former chief of staff Ron Klain, who ran point on debate prep.

However, Biden campaign spokesperson Kevin Munoz said in a statement, "The aides who prepped the president have been with him for years, often decades, seeing him through victories and challenges. He maintains strong confidence in them."

Biden allies and staffers have blamed many factors for the president's bad debate performance, such as his having a cold or being overprepared. However, as the finger-pointing has moved toward Biden's advisers, it has allowed the family to overlook Biden's own failings in the debate.

The Biden family also expected to talk about the best way to reassure the Democrats that staying in the race is the correct decision. Biden's campaign staff also grew angrier at CNN for how the debate was run, including not fact-checking Trump enough, Biden's pale appearance on camera, and his not knowing which camera he'd be on when not speaking.

Biden's raspy voice, trailing answers, and deflated stage presence during the debate panicked Democrats about whether the president's campaign is viable and whether he should potentially be replaced.

The concern among voters about Biden's age likely will only grow from the debate.

A CBS News/YouGov poll published Sunday showed an increase in registered voters who do not believe that he has the mental and cognitive health to serve as president, from 65% earlier this month to 72% currently. Democrats are also split as to whether he should run for president, with 46% of registered Democrats saying he should not, while 54% say he should.

People close to Biden say that the only way Biden would drop out of the race is if his family encouraged him to do so.

Jeremy Frankel

Jeremy Frankel is a Newsmax writer reporting on news and politics. 

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Former WH Photographer Spills the Beans, Details How Biden Aides Hide His Decline From the Public

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The dam is crumbling. On Saturday, we brought you the story about how some officials admitted anonymously that Joe Biden is “dependably engaged” during the hours of 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.—before or after that, not so much. It’s called “sundowning,” and it’s not what you look for in a commander-in-chief.

Now a new report Sunday describes more tactics used by the Biden inner circle to shield the declining president from the scrutiny of the press or even the White House staff.

The most damning of the allegations comes this time not from secret sources but from former White House deputy director of photography Chandler West, who posted a post-debate Instagram story that was sharply critical of his former boss. Axios reporter Alex Thompson writes that the outlet has obtained the screenshots:

West argued that it was time for the president to walk away:

"It's time for Joe to go." That's what Chandler West, the White House's deputy director of photography from January 2021 to May 2022, wrote in an Instagram story after the debate.

"I know many of these people and how the White House operates. They will say he has a 'cold' or just experienced a 'bad night,' but for weeks and months, in private, they have all said what we saw last night — Joe is not as strong as he was just a couple of years ago," West wrote, according to screenshots obtained by Axios.

Reached by phone, West said he wrote the post because "the debate was not the first bad day, and it's not gonna be the last." He declined to comment further.

It’s been a rough week for the president

Insider: Biden's Disaster Debate Was a Setup—a 'Soft Coup'

Devastating: Latest CBS Post-Debate Poll Numbers Paint Grim Picture for Biden

Report: Biden Family Decision About Campaign After Camp David Huddle, With Bonus Campaign Infighting

Meanwhile, West doesn’t look like a scary mega MAGA white supremacist fascist to me:

The report goes on to list how First Lady Jill and her closest advisers keep the president protected:

Biden's behavior stunned many in the White House in part because Biden's closest aides — often led by Jill Biden's top aide, Anthony Bernal, and deputy chief of staff Annie Tomasini — took steps early in his term to essentially rope off the president.

Even the White House's residence staff, which serves the first family in the mansion's living quarters, has been kept at arm's length.

A former residence official told Axios that Jill Biden was "so protective of the president, and then Anthony just protects her, and they often wouldn't let us do anything for them."

"The separation between the family and the residence staff was so big, so divided," the former official said. "It's not supposed to be and usually isn't, even in the Trump White House."

Related: Jill Biden's Ex-Husband Goes There: 'She's the One Who Wants to Be President Now'

In one troubling incident, Biden appeared to feel overheated, although the White House denies there was anything sinister about this episode:

On July 4, 2021, Biden hosted a party on the South Lawn in which he declared "independence" from the coronavirus pandemic.

It was a hot day and after hours outside, Biden went back into the White House through the Diplomatic Room, and then into the nearby Map Room.

Biden sat down and the door was abruptly shut as Biden's aides blocked the White House butlers and residence staff from aiding the president.

They suggested to the staffers that the president was just a little overheated. But the episode left residence staff feeling like his close aides were creating a barrier around anything possibly related to the president's health, the former official said.

The thing about a dam is, once it breaks there's not a whole lot you can do about it but get out of the way and wait for everything to come out. What was once a White House wall of secrecy surrounding Joe Biden's mental health is starting to crumble, and I expect many other revelations to soon pour out.


Andrew Yang Is Either Smoking Something or Working to Get Back Into the Dem Party's Good Graces

Remember Andrew Yang? We barely do. Yang made a big splash in the 2020 Democrat primary as a fresh-faced Millennial who could unify the two factions of the Democrat Party and maybe even the nation. Once the Democrat Party divested themselves of such nonsense and anointed former VP Joe Biden as the nominee, Yang tried to parlay his unity politics into a run for New York Mayor but was once again rejected. In 2021, he left the Democrat Party, wrote a "Dear John" letter, and registered as an Independent. 

My goal is to do as much as I can to advance our society. There are phenomenal public servants doing great work every day – but our system is stuck. It is stuck in part because polarization is getting worse than ever. Many of the people I know are doing all of the good they can – but their impact is constrained. Now that I’m not a member of one party or another, I feel like I can be even more honest about both the system and the people in it.

In 2022, Yang attempted to translate these noble aims and outsider momentum into "The Forward Party." Yang was convinced that a combination of Open Primaries and Ranked Choice Voting was the key to reforming the two-party system. His third-party efforts made a big splash but ultimately went nowhere. With the demand for a greater focus on election integrity and the horrible results from Ranked Choice Voting in places like Alaska, Maine, and New York, that concept, as well as open primaries, has been receiving greater pushback and has fallen out of favor. To put a finer point on it, so has Yang. Just like the "No Labels" party, Yang's unified goals, common ground schtick is of little interest to the American people. They want leaders who will actually uphold the Constitution and civil liberties, who will focus on all Americans and not just special interest groups, and they want their leaders to actually lead, not seek consensus.

But like every wannabe, also-ran, and hanger-on who has been surrounding Democrat Party politics, it has not stopped him from weighing in on whether Joe Biden should step down, as my colleague Levon Satamian wrote about on Thursday. Satamian included an X post from Yang that read, "You know if there had been Democratic primary debates we might have figured this out 6 months ago. #swapJoeout" Kind of an odd take, since a Democrat primary did nothing to keep them from anointing Biden as the nominee in 2020. His post received the appropriate ratio, this one doing a good job of unmasking Yang's real motives.

Bingo. But not just struggling for relevance, struggling to get back on the inside track of the Democrat Party. If that post didn't confirm his obsequiousness, another post Yang made hours later confirmed the dark stain on his nose.

If Joe Biden does step aside he would immediately go down as one of the greatest Presidents of all time - and his legacy would be one of personal triumph and nobility. #swapJoeout

First thought: What is he smoking and where can it be purchased? The Wall Street Silver account beat us to it.

Other commenters were far less vague. WARNING: The imagery is a tad graphic.

Yang trying to play both ends against the middle was also not lost on the X-verse. If the Democrat Party Yang left is so broken, then how can the head of the party, who is too incapacitated to get through a debate, ever be considered a great leader? Make it make sense.

And then there are the shattered illusions. Their populist idol has been found to have feet of clay.

If it means that Yang can get a seat at the table under the new Democrat regime, with or without Biden, then he'll say whatever he needs to. It's clear he was promised something and is just one of the many barbarians at the gate in this bloodless coup. Unsurprising, but sad nonetheless.


We Need to Talk About Jill Biden's Insane Post-Debate Gathering

What is this woman doing? Sorry for being a little late on this, as the wider liberal meltdown has been substantial and ongoing. I’m sure you all saw the Biden post-debate gathering, which looked like something from North Korean state media. Its undertones, the ethos—all of it was bizarre, offensive, and, frankly, abusive.

 First Lady (or president?) Jill Biden tried to jack up supporters after Joe got blown out of the water by Donald Trump and looked and sounded absolutely insane. On stage, Joe looked like how most of the nation perceives him: too old and lost to serve as president of the United States. 

JUST IN: Joe stands awkwardly and looks completely lost behind his wife at a campaign rally in Raleigh, North Carolina after his disastrous debate performance.

Who is the real president here?

According to a new debate poll conducted by YouGov, 43% of people thought that…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) June 28, 2024

It's elder abuse. This man can’t do the job, but Jill is the new Lady Macbeth trying to keep Drool McCool in the Oval Office. The debate was a disaster, and Joe didn’t answer the questions, Jilly. He botched abortion, said his presidency beat Medicare, and mumbled and fumbled his way through this debate. It was a nightmare for the entire nation to watch. Your own party is either drinking heavily, smoking crack cocaine like your stepson, or dousing themselves in gasoline, ready for self-immolation because Trump is on track to win 45, maybe 49, states if nothing changes. And I don’t think anything will.

 One person could probably persuade Joe to drop out, and it's her; she won't do it.


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This Passage Describing the Meltdown at a Pro-Biden Debate Watch Party Is Priceless

Biden concedes debate fumbles but declares he will defend democracy | AP  News

Democrats are going to continue reeling from Joe Biden’s abysmal debate performance last Thursday night, where former President Donald Trump dog walked the aging Delaware liberal to the point where you did feel a little bit bad for him. But then you remember that feelings are irrelevant here, and we need to destroy this man politically to save the country. To quote James Carville, when your opponent is drowning, throw him an anvil, not a life jacket. Trump did that but there was no anvil. It wasn’t necessary. He simply let Biden drown on his own volition. 

Trump’s evisceration of Biden is hardly a secret for most, but liberal America is coping especially hard. There’s no excuse for it. We saw it numerous times. There are polls to that effect. Those surveys are likely worse now. The combination of arrogance and anti-Trump bias is a deadly political speedball that’s left progressives overdosing and in need of Narcan. In Los Angeles, CNN reported on what could be described as a total meltdown among attendees, which included elected Democrats and Hollywood elitists. Jane Fonda was reportedly brought to tears (via CNN): 

Multiple Democratic officials and operatives, some of whom are affiliated with alternatives and those who are not, rage that Biden has demonstrated too much of an ego to have bowed out before. The president’s argument that he was the Democrat best able to beat Trump, several said, has now been turned on its head and they are left feeling he’s the option least able to beat Trump. 

They say the president’s inner circle who have been running the campaign and prepared him for the debate – and who told some privately ahead of Thursday night that the prep had gone well – are either not being honest or are not capable of steering him either toward an exit or a recovery. At a LGBTQ fundraiser in New York City on Friday night, one attendee said some of the conversations even turned against Jill Biden, with the deep love for her as the quirky reluctant political spouse quickly curdling into exasperation that she is not willing to make the move that would lead to them leaving the White House. 

Even as minds turn to a list that includes Harris, Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, Whitmer, Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear, California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly, Georgia Sen. Raphael Warnock, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and even relatively new Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro and Maryland Gov. Wes Moore, none have gone public with anything but words of support for Biden. They worry about being called traitors. They worry that it might make Biden dig in more. 

A debate watch party in Los Angeles on Thursday night happened to feature Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff, Pritzker, Whitmer and Beshear. There were other high-profile attendees – by a few answers in, Rob Reiner was screaming about losing and Jane Fonda had tears in her eyes, according to people in the room. 

The lengthy piece also expounded upon a hypothetical of an open convention, where Vice President Kamala Harris pulls a Brutus. Yet, there’s messy identity politics that leech through this scenario, even if far-fetched. Donna Brazile was quoted wondering how all these white Democrats could be placed ahead of the VP regarding these candidate replacement talks [emphasis mine]: 

The vice president’s “I’m not going to spend all night with you talking about the last 90 minutes when I’ve been watching the last three-and-a-half years of performance,” which people in her orbit say she came up with on the fly herself, has since been picked up by campaign operatives in addition to the first lady. 

Harris would have other advantages too. A top outside political adviser, Minyon Moore, was months ago named the official in charge of convention proceedings, and others like her former chief of staff Tina Flournoy and Brazile have key committee roles too. Nor are her supporters shy about making their opinions known. 

In an interview, Brazile said that her reaction to the calls that she has been getting since the debate with people inquiring about other candidates is: “How the f**k are you going to put all these white people ahead of Kamala?”

Brazile coming in like a “hot sister” again on that one but taking communications cues and advice from Harris is another sign that this party got broadsided, and they don’t know what to do because, yeah; Joe Biden is mentally declining.


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Nikki Haley Predicts Democrats Will Switch For A ‘Younger’ Nominee After Biden Debate Performance

US-VOTE-POLITICS-HALEY Republican presidential hopeful and former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley speaks during a campaign event at Forest Fire BBQ in Hilton Head, South Carolina, on February 1, 2024. (Photo by Allison Joyce / AFP) (Photo by ALLISON JOYCE/AFP via Getty Images)

Former GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley has predicted that the Democrat Party will replace Joe Biden with a much “younger and vibrant” candidate. 

Haley had told The Wall Street Journal that the Democrat Party is likely to replace Biden after his performance during the presidential debate on Thursday night. 

“They are going to be smart about it. They’re going to bring someone younger. They’re going to make somebody vibrant. They’re going to bring somebody tested,” Haley said. “This is a time for Republicans to prepare and get ready for what’s to come because there is no way that there will be a surviving Democratic Party if they allow Joe Biden to continue to be the candidate.”

“Our enemies just saw that they have between now and Jan. 20 to do whatever it is they want to do,” she continued.

In May, the former candidate said that despite the disagreements and insults both she and Trump had thrown at each other, she plans to vote for Trump in November.

She added to the Journal that she had recently had a “good conversation” with the former president.

Earlier, Trump declared that he thought Haley would be “on our team in some form.”

Haley was Trump’s ambassador to the UN until recently. 

“America deserves the strongest leader possible,” Haley said on Saturday. “Thursday night was shocking. It’s exactly why I have been calling for mental competency tests for anyone running for office. Joe Biden owes the American people transparency about his cognitive abilities.”

She added that Washington, D.C., is “full of older people,” and voters need to know “who is up to the challenge and who is not.”

America deserves the strongest leader possible. Thursday night was shocking. It's exactly why I have been calling for mental competency tests for anyone running for office. Joe Biden owes the American people transparency about his cognitive abilities.

— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) June 29, 2024

Haley said that if Democrats plan to keep Biden as their nominee, they could suffer ballot losses.

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Sen. Tillis Calls For Cabinet To Invoke 25th Amendment, Remove Biden

WASHINGTON, DC - JULY 19: Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) speaks at a news conference on the Supreme Court at the U.S. Capitol Building on July 19, 2023 in Washington, DC. Senators with the Senate Judiciary Committee held the press conference to discuss Senate Judiciary Chairman Richard Durbin's (D-IL) upcoming ethics bill. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis has called upon Joe Biden’s cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment, saying that the 81-year old’s mental decline is “clearly more dire” than people realized.

Tillis (R-N.C.) wrote his criticism of Biden in a letter to his colleagues on Friday, saying that Biden should step aside for the good of the country following the president’s debate performance.

The North Carolina senator continued by stating that if Biden cannot communicate coherently, how will he respond to a real national security crisis should one occur?

“If Biden cannot speak coherently, articulate his policies, and is unfit to perform after weeks of preparation, how will he perform when America is truly tested by a national security crisis, the kind of historic, high-stakes test his predecessors have been confronted with?” Tillis wrote in the letter, which was sent to members Friday. 

Though Tillis said Biden is on track to lose anyway, “a lot could go wrong” between today and Inauguration Day 2025.

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