Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Trump Seeks to Set Aside N.Y. Criminal Verdict Hours After Supreme Court Immunity Ruling

Trump and his allies double down on election lies after indictments for  trying to undo 2020 results - WHYY
The Real President.


Donald Trump's lawyers on Monday asked the New York judge who presided over his criminal trial to set aside his conviction and delay his sentencing, scheduled for next week.

The letter to Judge Juan M. Merchan cited the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling earlier Monday and asked the judge to delay Trump's sentencing while he weighs the high court's decision and how it could influence the New York case, according to the letter obtained by The Associated Press.

The lawyers argue that the Supreme Court's decision confirmed a position the defense raised earlier in the case that prosecutors should have been precluded from introducing some evidence they said constituted official presidential acts, according to the letter.

In prior court filings, Trump contended he is immune from prosecution for conduct alleged to involve official acts during his tenure in office. His lawyers did not raise that as a defense in the New York case, but they argued that some evidence — including Trump's social media posts about former lawyer Michael Cohen — comes from his time as president and should have been excluded from the trial because of immunity protections.

The Manhattan district attorney's office declined comment Monday night.

The Supreme Court on Monday ruled for the first time that former presidents have broad immunity from prosecution, extending the delay in the Washington criminal case against Trump on charges he plotted to overturn his 2020 presidential election loss.

Trump was convicted in New York of 34 counts of falsifying business records, arising from what prosecutors said was an attempt to cover up a hush money payment just before the 2016 presidential election. He is scheduled to be sentenced in the hush money case on July 11.

Merchan instituted a policy in the run-up to the trial requiring both sides to send him a one-page letter summarizing their arguments before making longer court filings. He said he did that to better manage the docket, so he was not inundated with voluminous paperwork.

In denying Trump's bid to move the trial from New York state court to federal court last year, a federal judge found that the allegations at the center of the case pertained to Trump's personal life, and do not "reflect in any way the color of the President's official duties."

"The evidence overwhelmingly suggests that the matter was a purely a personal item of the President — a cover-up of an embarrassing event," U.S. District Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein wrote in the ruling.

Musk Scorches Kamala Harris Over False Tweet: 'Lying on This Platform Doesn't Work Anymore'

Most conservatives know that since billionaire Elon Musk bought Twitter in 2022, he chucked the censorious regime to the roadside, and since then, it's become an entirely different place. No longer are liberals allowed to fabricate freely while conservatives get suspended for relaying accurate information. 

There's a new sheriff in town, and although he's not that new, Vice President Kamala Harris doesn't appear to have received the memo. Dems and leftists are so used to being able to lie and misinform with impunity that they can't even fathom anyone will call them out for it. But the world is changing, my friends.

She thought she could just post some falsehood, as she's done for years, knowing that our lapdog media will never call her on it and Big Tech will celebrate her for her words of wisdom. 

But not anymore on X, formerly known as Twitter, Ms. Harris:

Oof. The image that comes to mind is of roadkill; she just got run over by a Truth Bus. 

Events haven't been kind to the president-in-waiting as her boss' faceplant in Thursday night's presidential debate has exposed her political future as very... dim.

Danger, Will Robinson

Kamala Harris' Shot at the Presidency Just Got Worse With Cringe Pandering Video at BET Awards

WATCH: Trump Campaign Releases Brutal Ads on Kamala Harris As the Heir Apparent to Biden

More Biden Debate Disaster Fallout: Kamala Harris Hardest Hit

"Donald Trump would ban abortion nationwide," the vice president said simply. As if saying it so matter-of-factly made it true. Problem is, it's total BS, and she just made it up out of whole cloth because abortion is one of the few issues they've got left. Trump crushes them on the economy, the border, and pretty much everything else—so why not just throw out a lie or two and hope it sticks with low-information Democrat voters? 

It's not going to work anymore.

It's not hard to find out Trump's position on abortion—and whether you agree with it or not, it's certainly nothing like what Harris described:

During CNN’s Presidential Debate last week, Trump was asked about his stance on abortion, and whether he would block abortion medication for women. 

"First of all, the Supreme Court just approved the abortion pill and I agree with their decision to have done that, and I will not block it," Trump said, referring to mifepristone. 

Trump applauded the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022 and return the decision on abortion access to the states. The landmark Dobbs decision did not make abortion illegal nationally but rather found that abortion was not a right guaranteed by the Constitution.

"I put three great Supreme Court justices on the court and they happened to vote in favor of killing Roe v. Wade and moving it back to the states. This is something that everybody wanted," Trump said. "Now the states are working it out." 

One reason I love Elon Musk's tweets is because he's got a huge platform to call out the lies and misinformation from the left that the mainstream corporate media just refuses to acknowledge. He has 188.5 million followers, so his reach is stunning. I don't have to agree with every personal choice he makes or every stance he takes, but these days he's acting as one of the most effective counters to leftist lies that we have going. 

As the saying goes, put that in your pipe and smoke it, Kamala.


Unsealed Affidavit In Criminal Case Against George Gascon's 'Ethics' Deputy Reveals Depths of Corruption

A recently-unsealed affidavit in the criminal case pending against Los Angeles County DA George Gascón's Ethics and Integrity Assistant shows how Gascón’s management team believes they are above accountability and gives a stunning behind-the-scenes look of how Soros DA lieutenants operate on behalf of their elected bosses.

That Assistant District Attorney, Diana Teran, was arrested in late April and charged with 11 felonies related to the "unauthorized use of data from confidential, statutorily-protected peace officer files." According to a press release from California Attorney General Rob Bonta, Teran "accessed computer data including numerous confidential peace officer files in 2018, while working as a Constitutional Policing Advisor at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department (LASD), and, after joining the LADA in January 2021, impermissibly used that data at the LADA."

And, according to a report by RedState's Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar, there are claims by former LASD deputies that Teran engaged in unethical conduct related to Internal Affairs Bureau investigations during her time at that agency.

READ MORE: A Massive Scandal Is Brewing in Los Angeles After DA George Gascon's Number 3 Is Charged With 11 Felonies

Among the many eye-opening revelations from the affidavit of California DOJ Special Agent Tony Baca, a computer crime investigator with 21 years of experience:

  • The investigation began after Teran's boss, Joseph Iniguez, threatened to use his position to put police officers who arrested his fiancé for DUI in December 2021 on the Brady list.
  • Though Teran is charged with 11 felony counts, her conduct could have been charged much more aggressively.  
  • An investigative criminal grand jury was used in this case, and the investigator states, “I have not included each and every fact known to me concerning this investigation.” It is possible the unethical conduct runs much deeper than just an 11-count felony filing against one executive.
  • Because the case was filed so conservatively, the prosecutors have limited their case to the incidents in which they have overwhelming evidence.  

Who is Diana Teran?

Teran has been working in Los Angeles criminal law and police oversight for decades, starting as a Deputy DA in Los Angeles in 1988. After working as a criminal appellate defense attorney for 10 years, she took various police oversight positions with the County of Los Angeles, LASD, and the Los Angeles Public Defender before returning to the District Attorney's office in January of 2021, one month after George Gascón took office.

In short, police “oversight” has been her life’s work going on decades now.  A logical hire for George Gascón, who ran on such rhetoric as:

  • “[… W]e have a national crisis of overmilitarized, unaccountable police forces.”
  • “I am deeply troubled by the current state of law enforcement […]”
  • Promising to “[e]stablish […] a registry of disreputable law enforcement officers.”
  • Promising to “creat[e] a standardized process that facilitates the transfer of officers’ misconduct histories […].” 

What is she accused of doing?

In short, rather than “creating a standardized process” to build a “registry of disreputable law enforcement officers,” Ms. Teran is accused of using computer access she had while working at the LASD to further Gascón's political goals of building that “registry of disreputable law enforcement officers.” When it comes to confidential personnel records at any employer, that is a big no-no. And when it comes to police confidential personnel records, which are strictly governed under special state laws for safety reasons, that is an extra big no-no.

What did we know already?

Ms. Teran was accused of 11 felony counts of Penal Code 502(c)(2), Accessing and Using Computer Data Without Permission. The 11 counts, in total, carry a maximum sentence of just under 10 years in prison. However, that is reduced greatly under California prison release rules, not to mention how a judge would actually sentence if she were convicted at trial. Absolute worst-case scenario, she is probably looking at about a year in custody in county jail, but it's more likely that she would receive a probationary sentence with very little - or no - time in custody.

We knew very little about the facts because, unlike in federal court, California state prosecutors rarely spell out actual facts and evidence in their filings. More typically, only the name of the crime with a date of offense is stated, as is the case here.

We did know, however, that Ms. Teran has already been accused of taking ethically questionable actions in support of her boss. In the lead-up to the 2022 midterms, Ms. Teran delayed making public a finding that an officer would not be charged with a crime because it would help Mr. Gascón’s longtime political opponent Alex Villanueva in his soon-to-be-held re-election bid, according to the accusation. (Villanueva lost.)

Revelations about Ms. Teran’s Conduct

Given the explosive revelations in the affidavit, Teran being charged with several felonies is just the tip of the iceberg. Those eleven counts only refer to the deputies whose personnel file was illegally used in the following manner:

  • There is a saved record in Sheriff Department auditing software of Ms. Teran accessing that deputy’s file.
  • That deputy’s record is one of the 33 names and records Ms. Teran sent to a subordinate prosecutor (Deputy District Attorney Pamela Revel) in an April 26, 2021 email serving as “tips for inclusion” in the “disreputable” officer database.
  • There was no findable public release or record of any kind in regards to that deputy as of April 26, 2021.

However, Ms. Teran’s conduct was allegedly far broader than that. For example, just because a public record existed somewhere in the public sphere in regards to a particular deputy doesn't mean that's the record Ms. Teran relied on in making her “tips” to subordinate prosecutors. In fact, that's quite unlikely given that the affidavit states that of those 33 names “tipped” via email, “[m]ost of the documents were unsigned tentative Superior Court decisions regarding civil service proceedings.” This is notable because unsigned Superior Court decisions are never public. Indeed, this is probably an unspoken message by the investigator to the reviewing judge, who will be well aware that these are not publicly available documents. Teran was not sending news articles; she was sending court rulings in draft form that only she and a few others had access to. In fact, the affidavit states that 10 of the documents “appeared to have been scanned, copied, or directly taken from [Los Angeles Sheriff Department] files.” 

Second, the Attorney General is proceeding only on those names that were sent in this one email to one subordinate prosecutor (Revel) who was “incredulous and concerned” over some of the contents in the email. But the affidavit makes clear Ms. Teran was pushing many more names on her subordinates based on knowledge she had gained through access to personnel files. Four other Deputy DA's were interviewed in total, and none could account for how Ms. Teran was getting the information she was giving them. 

“[S]he would serially provide names of a deputy sheriff along with a reason, i.e. conduct, and date for possible inclusion in the [impeachment] databases (one or two at a time). [Head Deputy District Attorney Brian] Shirn said that this was the first time that a source for potential [impeachment] information was individual names provided by a supervisor.” 

Given that Teran had only been in her position for several months at this time, but would go on to serve for many more, the additional potential victims may number in the dozens or hundreds.

This is all to say nothing of the arguable interpretation of Penal Code section 502(c) that Ms. Teran, on these facts, did not even have to attempt to place it in the database to complete the crime. All the crime requires is taking or copying the data without permission. Obviously in her oversight role with LA Sheriff, she has permission to access data in the scope of her work. But taking legally-protected personnel files with her to a new job is enough illegality on its own to bring it outside of the permission she was initially granted. Taking this expansive theory, her number of felony counts could number in the hundreds if not thousands. 

Granted, if she gives a reasonable theory for why she took some of those files, then that would be reasonable doubt right there. And that gets to what was done here; this case was filed in way that prosecutors might term “tight” or “conservative.” That is not a derogatory term; many or most prosecutors consider that synonym for “responsible.” That prosecutors used their discretion to charge the counts they can most easily secure the end result they desire is nothing new.  That often means charging the easiest counts to prove, as is the case here. George Gascón’s political opponent, Nathan Hochman, proved prescient when he tweeted back in April:

“AG Rob Bonta, a huge Gascón supporter in 2020, would not have charged Gascón’s No 3 in charge (Diana Teran) unless the evidence against her was rock solid.” 

Revelations About the Origins of the Investigation

The affidavit also provides incredible details as to how the investigation began.  In short, Rob Bonta’s California Department of Justice was forced to investigate the management of LADA’s law enforcement witness database because one of George Gascón’s other lieutenants made it an issue during an unrelated arrest of his own.

The chain of events here is complicated. First, in December 2021, Gascón lieutenant Joseph Iniguez (formal title Chief of Staff) was riding shotgun home from a wedding in a car driven by his fiancé. His fiancé was pulled over, and investigated for being DUI. Mr. Iniguez was so disruptive during the investigation that he was also arrested. He threatened to use his position to add the arresting officer to the database of “disreputable” law enforcement officers. That threat triggered an investigation by the California Department of Justice, which oversees such databases, into whether Iniguez committed wrongdoing in regards to the database. Video of the incident was also released last week:

That investigation, according to the affidavit, “led to the conduct” of Ms. Teran. In other words, one Gascón lieutenant’s alleged misuse of their position of authority to undermine police was discovered because anothe Gascón lieutenant allegedly used another position of authority to undermine a police investigation into himself.  

Where does it go from here?

Ms. Teran’s arraignment was scheduled for July 1 but has been postponed until July 17. Progress is likely to be very slow in this type of case. Digital forensic discovery in a case such as this will be voluminous and difficult to navigate for a defense attorney. There will likely be motions Teran's defense team will want to bring at multiple stages of the prosecution. Furthermore, there is looming election of her boss, George Gascón. He faces his first re-election fight in November, and would presumably prefer this stays out of the headlines as much as possible. A continuance beyond the November election would not be abnormal for a case of this type even if it was not politically convenient.

The only reasonably likely scenario I see where this gets resolved before the election is if California Attorney General Rob Bonta’s office works out an early sweetheart deal with Ms. Teran. There are some reasons to believe this could happen:

  • She presumably has no criminal record.
  • The crimes charged are not violent.
  • She will likely be lionized by the far left anyway for making mistakes in the politically correct direction (anti-law enforcement). This is already evidenced by the LA Times running their piece analyzing the affidavit with the headline, 'kind of bunk.' A cushy professor gig at some local law school would seem a likely landing spot, and indeed already has been for one of George Gascón’s departed defense attorney-turned advisors.
  • George Gascón’s policies of generously handing out diversion (i.e., keep your nose clean for some length of time and we dismiss the case) work in her favor. She has an argument: why should I be treated differently in LA than other people just because the AG and not the DA is prosecuting me?  A diversion agreement could be a good way to get the bad headline out of the way once and move on without opening up a can of worms. (See next section.)

Is anyone else implicated?

What is still unclear is whether the investigation is complete, or there are more revelations to drop. Ms. Teran was alleged to have rather blatantly and persistently, in front of multiple lawyers, ignore the rules for handling sensitive police personnel records. How likely is it that nobody else in power knew what she was doing? If they knew, did they encourage it? Facilitate it? Did George Gascón hire her because he knew she would do it? These are questions an investigator might be motivated to get answers to, especially if evidence not spelled out in this affidavit supports it.

Special Agent Tony Baca does write in the affidavit: “I have not included each and every fact known to me concerning this investigation.” While that is the case in any arrest warrant, what is rare is that a reference to an “investigative criminal grand jury” was dropped on Page 10. A very small percentage of cases (well less than 1 percent) in Los Angeles come via grand jury. This would be a case that is suitable for a grand jury, but the descriptor of “investigative” may be a hint that the investigation is casting a wider net than just Ms. Teran’s conduct. As a former Los Angeles County Deputy District Attorney myself, I find that less likely than not, overall, but not impossible.


Biden Shuffled Out to Attack the Supreme Court and Everyone Couldn't Ignore His New Appearance

According to White House aides, President Joe Biden only has a six-hour window of optimal functionality. From 10 am to 4 pm, that’s peak mental activity time for the president. After that, things go downhill fast, so I was shocked that Biden would deliver remarks at 7:45 pm tonight on the Supreme Court ruling on the immunity case. 

Happening Now: President Biden delivers remarks on the Supreme Court's immunity ruling. https://t.co/fRmKLnFgN5

— The White House (@WhiteHouse) July 1, 2024

Biden threw a tantrum, visibly frustrated that the Supreme Court stopped his politically motivated legal crusade against his political rival. It was one of the most pathetic attempts at deflection in recent memory. We all still think you’re too old and slow, Joe. It also did nothing to repair the damage done during the first debate last Thursday night. 

A four minute speech read off a teleprompter isn’t going to quiet the worries about Biden…

— Chris Cillizza (@ChrisCillizza) July 1, 2024

the idea that Biden couldn't speak tonight for at least 15 minutes -- forget taking any questions -- after countless members of the Democratic Party are on record sharing concerns about his mental fitness makes me think things are even worse than I imagined

— Joe Gabriel Simonson (@SaysSimonson) July 2, 2024

Layering disaster upon disaster.

No media questions.

Difficult to understand.

Don't understand the point.

— Brian Sullivan (@SullyCNBC) July 1, 2024

BIDEN: "I know I will respect the limits of the presidential power, as I have for 3.5 years!"

ALSO BIDEN: "Supreme Court blocked me from relieving student debt — but they didn't stop me!" pic.twitter.com/1GLDZy6f7k

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 2, 2024
— Chuck Ross (@ChuckRossDC) July 2, 2024

As Chris Cillizza tweeted, Biden reading for four minutes off a teleprompter won’t dispel the concerns about his mental decline. The lack of answering questions, his brief and speedy remarks to avoid mental trip-ups—all were a gamble after last week’s disaster. Biden shuffling away like a little girl also did nothing other than show the nation again that he probably can’t take questions because he’s unable to answer them. Also, what was with Biden’s appearance. Even liberal reporters were noting the Trump-esque look. They bronzed the man:

Hahahahahahaha…They bronzed him pic.twitter.com/BHyI4FKw1O

— Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) July 1, 2024

Somebody at the White House finally applied bronzer to the president pic.twitter.com/PrmF4sTKAH

— Olivia Nuzzi (@Olivianuzzi) July 1, 2024

Orange man bad? pic.twitter.com/oANWauH9NH

— Saagar Enjeti (@esaagar) July 1, 2024

Another one of our @TheBabylonBee prophecies fulfilled pic.twitter.com/0CsXzsqJxj

— Kyle Mann (@The_Kyle_Mann) July 2, 2024

After debate: “Damn, Biden looked old and feeble. Pale and out of sorts.”

Biden’s next public appearance: pic.twitter.com/mxATe5Uohs

— RBe (@RBPundit) July 2, 2024


— Mostly Peaceful Memes (@MostlyPeacefull) July 2, 2024

Who wore it better? pic.twitter.com/PCnpV6qQnA

— THAT SOUTHERN DUDE (@TSDmemes) July 2, 2024
— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) July 2, 2024

Gonna tell my grandkids this was Joe Biden. pic.twitter.com/srDbPUHccC

— G (@stevensongs) July 2, 2024

So, Joe said some things—“end quote”—but we’ll all be discussing how he’s mentally slow, too old, and ineffective to be president, and how Democrats are powerless to remove him from the ticket.


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There Is One DOJ Official That's Feeling Pretty Good After Biden's Debate Implosion

 In February, Joe Biden escaped charges for mishandling classified information after a lengthy investigation conducted by Special Counsel Robert Hur. It was a James Comey 2.0 moment for Democrats: Biden was charged but the reasons offered were due to his advanced age and memory issues. That summary sent the Left into a tailspin, especially the White House which was aware that most voters viewed Biden as too old to be president. 

Hur was dragged through the mud since he was a Republican and partisan—two things that quickly faded when he was summoned to the Hill to testify about his report. Hur, like the IRS whistleblowers, was credible, unwavering, and unapologetic about following department policy which is to outline mitigating factors regarding potential trial scenarios. 

Democrats shrugged this off until the first debate last Thursday, where the president imploded. He looked his age, sounded his age, couldn’t string two coherent thoughts together, and got outright demolished by former President Donald Trump, who arguably didn’t need to do much. He let Biden hang himself. Mr. Hur’s assessment was right, and he deserves an apology (via Fox News): 

Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report described President Biden as "a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory" — and numerous political analysts said that was exactly the impression that the president left on viewers of the debate on Thursday. 

In the February report, which noted that Biden's "memory also appeared to have significant limitations," Hur said he would bring no criminal charges against the president after a months-long investigation into his improper retention of classified documents related to national security. 

"You know who’s looking really vindicated tonight? Special counsel Robert Hur," Jim Geraghty, National Review's senior political correspondent and a Washington Post contributing columnist, said amid Biden's performance. 

Echoing Geraghty, Charles C.W. Cooke, a British-born American journalist and a senior writer at National Review Online, wrote in a post to X, "Robert Hur deserves an apology." 


During the interview with Hur, Biden, according to the report, "did not remember when he was vice president, forgetting on the first day of the interview when his term ended ('if it was 2013 — when did I stop being Vice President?'), and forgetting on the second day of the interview when his term began ('in 2009, am I still Vice President?')" 

"He did not remember, even within several years, when his son Beau died. And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him. 

The materials Biden illegally took all centered on the 2009 Afghan surge, which Biden felt was a mistake. He wants history to know he had the better argument which is dubious coming from a man whose been incorrect on every major foreign policy initiative over the past 40 years. 

This interview has been the subject of congressional inquiry since the Biden White House refuses to release the audio tapes, citing executive privilege though there’s no legal standing for doing so as the transcript has already been released. Like Trump, Biden is trying to delay its release for obvious reasons. He probably sounds like he did on Thursday night, but Mr. Hur is probably the only Justice Department official that’s sitting pretty right now and totally vindicated.


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Steve Bannon Reports To Federal Prison To Serve 4-Month Sentence

Former White House Chief Strategist Steve Bannon arrives at a press conference outside the federal correctional institution, on July 1, 2024 in Danbury, Connecticut. Former top Donald Trump advisor Steve Bannon is expected to report to prison by July 1 to begin serving his four-month sentence for contempt of Congress. (Photo by Yuki IWAMURA / AFP) (Photo by YUKI IWAMURA/AFP via Getty Images)

Steve Bannon reported to federal prison in Danbury, Connecticut, on Monday to begin serving a four-month sentence for defying a subpoena from the House Committee that investigated the January 6th protest at the U.S. Capitol. 

Bannon arrived at the Federal Correctional Institution in Danbury and was then formally taken into custody. 

Before entering prison, in a speech, Bannon was vocally critical of Attorney General Merrick Garland, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and President Joe Biden. 


LISTEN: Steve Bannon gives a powerful speech outside of the Connecticut prison he will be held in followed by a beautiful moment of prayer:

"I am proud to go to prison. If this is what it takes to stand up to tyranny. If this is what it takes to stand up to the Garland… pic.twitter.com/aRZqvZn7lp

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) July 1, 2024

“I am proud to go to prison,” Bannon told supporters and protesters Monday before reporting to prison. “If this is what it takes to stand up to tyranny. If this is what it takes to stand up to the Garland corrupt, criminal DOJ, if this is what it takes to stand up to Nancy Pelosi, if this is what it takes to stand up to Joe Biden, to Joe Biden, I’m proud to do it.”

When asked what he expects over the next several months, Bannon said, “a Trump victory.”

This comes after Bannon made an emergency request to the Supreme Court last month after a federal appeals court rejected his request to stay out of prison for contempt of Congress. The U.S. Supreme Court also rejected his plea. 

Bannon was convicted two years ago on two counts of contempt of Congress, and he was sentenced to four months in prison in October 2022. Since then, Bannon seems to have exhausted all options with his legal team who had been adamantly searching for any possible delays and appeals. 

Bannon’s prison sentencing also reportedly stems from his refusal to comply with House Committee subpoenas, as Congressional investigators sought his communications with former President Donald Trump after the 2020 presidential election. 

Bannon is expected to be out of prison by November. 

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Palm Beach Judge Releases Previously Sealed Grand Jury Records In 2008 Jeffrey Epstein Case

The previously sealed grand jury materials in the 2008 criminal case of pedophile sex trafficker and financier Jeffrey Epstein have been made public by a Palm Beach County court.

In 2006, two years before the case was closed following a “non-prosecution agreement,” a 16-year-old girl testified in the records that, at the age of 14, she was persuaded and ultimately tricked into going to Epstein’s Palm Beach estate by an older acquaintance of his, where Epstein promised that she would be paid $200 for a forty-minute massage.

“The teenagers testified and told detectives they were also paid cash or rented cars if they found him more girls,” ABC News reported.

However, the massages quickly turned sexual, and the girl was not informed by Epstein nor his business affiliates that massage clients were expecting more than just a massage.

Rather than charging Epstein with felony assault, as police had anticipated, the grand jury ultimately indicted him on two lesser prostitution counts, despite the Palm Beach Police Department having presented a case with at least two dozen identical victims.

It was unclear at the time why the grand jury did not seem to take into account that the vast majority of these victims were clearly underage, making the case much more serious than a typical prostitution case. However, many have argued that Epstein only escaped incarceration and significant prison time for more than ten years due to his connections to the affluent and influential.

According to Florida law, grand jury documents are not allowed to be released, so it also remains unclear what prompted the minor charges that reportedly confused police officers who had been aware of his vile and shady business dealings at the time.

Before Florida GOP Governor Ron DeSantis signed an order to release the information by July 1st, the records were sealed for sixteen years. Transcripts and records were made available by Judge Luis Delgado.

“The details in the record will be outrageous to decent people,” Judge Delgado wrote. “The testimony taken by the Grand Jury concerns activity ranging from grossly unacceptable to rape — all of the conduct at issue is sexually deviant, disgusting, and criminal.”

Note: *OAN digital content writers will be reading over the transcripts and will report the key findings at a later date. 

This is a developing story. Check back for updates.

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