Friday, July 5, 2024

Joy Reid Reaches New Heights in Not Only Trump Derangement Syndrome—but Derangement Period

Joy Reid's Cartoon No No Hair - 2022 - Helen Oppenheim
Want a be White?

 Elisa Doucette on X: "@TheMattDWilson @colinismyname Except wrong pic for  Trump. He looks almost lost in thought. Need smug blank smirk." / X

In these troubled times, knowing that at least some certainties remain intact is reassuring. The sun will rise in the east and set in the west. The weather will be hotter in summer than in winter. And Joy Reid will say something so utterly separated from reason, logic, and fact that the question arises whether this is reality or a superbly executed LARPing of a lunatic liberal. You decide.

The latest episode comes to us courtesy of Jason Whitlock on X:

As a public service, I have spared you the 3:26 minutes of listening to this and provided a transcript. With commentary, of course.

Y’all just tell me who the nominee is going to be. Let me know when you guys are finished fighting amongst yourselves who I got to vote for in November to keep Hitler out of the White House. That’s all I wanna know — who I got vote for to keep Hitler out of the White House.

Hmm. I didn’t know Hitler was on the ballot and ... oh, you mean Trump! Darned if I’ve missed where Trump started a world war and exterminated six million people because of their religion. It must have happened during hockey season.

Y’all do your thing; play in traffic all you want in front of these Republicans, acting a fool in front of these people instead of privately declaring your stuff, but don’t text me no more ‘cause I’m not taking no more of these texts.

Like anyone who matters texts you, Joy.

Just let me know when you guys are finished figuring it out, Democrats, ‘cause I know y’all the freak-out people.

As opposed to your calm, level-headed, rational discussion of current events. Like laughing off a rape victim.

MOREWATCH: Pramila Jayapal and Joy Reid Laugh It Up Over Illegal Immigrant Rape, Make Sick Claim

Go ahead and freak out, have your conversation, and then let me know who I gotta vote for to keep Hitler out of the White House. That’s it. I’m done.

Ah, but she’s not.

Oh, and by the way, if it’s Biden in a coma, I’m-a vote for Biden in a coma.

<span class="fr-mk" style="display: none;"> </span>

I don’t even really particularly like the guy. Lot of his policies? Don’t like ‘em. He’s not Donald Trump, right? Yeah. Hitler. White House. We keepin’ him out. Keeping Project 2025 out.

Then you're going to have to outlaw the Heritage Foundation, as Project 2025 is their baby.

That’s all I care about up and down the ballot from the rooter to the tooter; school board all the way up to the White House and everything in between — governors, members of Congress. I’m just gonna vote all the way down to keep these people out.

I'm sure they're terrified.

The Project 2025 thing is the whole Republican party. 

Joy ... we've discussed this already.

At this point, It’s not about Biden. It is not about him. It’s above me now. There’s a Best Western next door. 

In case you missed the reference.

It is about keeping Donald Trump and his Project 2025 friends out of power. That’s it for me, y’all. Y’all let me know what you think.

I would, Joy, but I have neither the time nor the crayons required.

And another thing. (Laughs) I’ve always got another thing. You guys do know that in 2020, y’all Democrats had choices of young people? You had a young LGBTQ guy, Mayor Pete. You had a Latino. You had, uh, Kamala Harris. You had Liz Warren. You had all these choices that were all younger than Biden; fresher, and newer, than Biden. And you know who y’all picked to be the president and the nominee? Joe Biden. (Laughs) He beat all the young people. 

Shows you how bad the young people were.

So, yes, we have a gerontocracy problem on the Democratic side; way too many of these oldie goldies who don’t seem to want to sit down and retire. But when given the choice between the young and fresh and Joe Biden, y’all picked Joe Biden. (Laughs) That was who you picked. So he’s in there, because Democrats actually picked him in the first place. So just keep that in mind; that you’ve been given options in the past, and this is what you picked.

Yes, they did. Egged on by a media that labeled Hunter Biden's laptop Russian disinformation.

And nobody stepped up to choose to run against him in the primaries. 

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would like a word.

So, once again, Democrats went out and voted and picked. If you try to undo that choice — like, 57 million some-odd Democrats voted in these primaries — so what are you going to do? You gonna just tell them eff off; we’re gonna pick somebody different that’s not him or Kamala Harris who was on that ticket too; on those ballots? That’s not democracy. (Laughs) This choice has been made! 

Too bad we live in a constitutional republic, Joy. Also, the Democrats can nominate whoever they want.

MOREVan Jones Says Democrats Are Not Discussing 'Whether' but Rather ‘How’ to Replace Biden

And so again, unless he decides to walk away, this is your choice. It’s like when you go to a wedding. You got chicken or fish. You can eat chicken or fish or just be hungry. Or, like when I was growing up, in my house it’s what Mom made for dinner or go to bed. (Indecipherable) You don’t always get choices you love. You get what Mom made for dinner or take your ass to bed. And in this case, it’s either what Mom made for dinner or Hitler. (Laughs) I’m voting for whoever ain’t Hitler. And it ain’t him. And I’m going all the way down that ballot rooter tooter from school board to the White House. This is about power and about picking not Hitler.

Please leave humor for the comedians, Joy. Even if you are a joke.

While such moments provide high hilarity, they also highlight how utterly desperate the left has become. The mouthpiece for a network that spent the entirety of Joe Biden's campaign and term in office covering for him is now trying to shift blame to the Democrats for not pushing their dumbest ... pardon me, youngest candidates into general elections, which would see them slaughtered. Apparently, Joy Reid is hoping that our memories are even shorter than Joe Biden’s. They're not, and we are happy to supply the receipts.


Friday Morning Minute

Good morning, and welcome to RedState's "Morning Minute" — a brief glimpse at which stories are trending at the moment and a look ahead at what the day may bring. Consider this your one-stop shop for news to kickstart your day. 


Biden Hilariously Does Holiday Meme of Himself While Hunter and Ashley Get Into the Fireworks

At this point, Biden is just trying to keep his head above water as the pressure on him just continues to mount as more and more calls keep being raised against his candidacy.

Nigel Farage Redux: Reform UK Party Ascendant As British Voters End Conservative Party's 14-Year Reign

Farage had said he was through with politics but could not stay on the sidelines as the kingdom falters.

BOMBSHELL: Report Reveals Extent of Biden's Mental Collapse, Including Terrifying Quotes From Friends

The country does not have a president right now. 


Today on Capitol Hill...

Quiet still, other than vulnerable House Dems fleeing the sinking SS Biden. 

White House What's Up

Fresh off his Fourth of July Follies, President Joe Biden will head to Madison, Wisconsin, Friday afternoon for a campaign event. Then he'll return to Wilmington, Delaware, presumably for a quiet weekend. His interview with George Stephanopoulos is set to air Friday evening at 8:00 pm Eastern. 

Full Court Press...

In theory, it should be a relatively quiet day in the courts, although the Wisconsin Supreme Court is set to release a couple of highly anticipated decisions Friday regarding the legality of ballot drop boxes and legislative powers. 

Over in the Southern District of New York, Sen. Bob Menendez's (D-NJ) trial continues. His legal team rested Wednesday without him testifying. His co-defendant, Wael Hana, is expected to call another witness Monday and it remains unclear if the prosecution will be presenting a rebuttal case. Either way, it's likely the case will go to the jury sometime next week. 


What day is it? I don't know if it's a function of getting older or what, but this holiday in the middle of the week stuff really throws me off anymore. It's Friday...but it feels pretty much like a Monday. Except that a lot of people (yours truly excluded) have the day off and will treat it like a Saturday or Sunday. Me? I'll be keeping an eye on things here — oh, and filling in for Tony Katz Today over at WIBC from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm Eastern if you're looking for some afternoon radio. 


Alright, I know it's the Fifth, but this one was too on point not to share...


They Lied to You

Fake News' Threat to Media; Editorial Decisions, Outside Actors at Fault |  Monmouth University Polling Institute | Monmouth University

Lying is certainly nothing new in politics. It is said that prostitution is the world's oldest profession, but politics is assuredly the dirtiest -- filthier even than garbageman, mortician or, well, the world's oldest profession itself.

Former President Bill Clinton (while we're on the topic of sexual promiscuity) perjured himself, leading to his impeachment. Former President Barack Obama, in what PolitiFact called its 2013 "Lie of the Year," promised that "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it." And on and on it goes.

The corporate media, whose 21st-century raison d'etre is propping up the Regime Party (Democrats) and punishing the Deplorable Party (Republicans), often joins the fray. The Russia-collusion delusion disinformation operation was laundered by Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign to seedy "intelligence" firm Fusion GPS and law firm Perkins Coie LLP. For years, the corporate media then dutifully pushed the false narrative. Indeed, it is unclear to this day whether MSNBC has ever read the Mueller report.

But after last Thursday's CNN presidential debate in Atlanta, in which President Joe Biden delivered a catastrophic performance for the ages, there is only one conclusion: The yearslong effort by Biden administration flunkies, Democratic Party poohbahs and pro-Regime media stenographers to forcefully deny Biden's obvious physical and mental decline will go down as the single greatest lie in American history.

And what an assiduous effort it was. For years, Democrats and the corporate media lied through their teeth about the blatant decline of the president's physical and mental faculties.

When Biden fell off a stationary bicycle in 2022, handlers brushed it off as no big deal. When Biden started wearing funny-looking tennis sneakers instead of dress shoes, presumably in order to stabilize his gait and prevent debilitating falls, aides informed us that Biden was just embracing a certain sartorial savviness.

When former Special Counsel Robert Hur declined to pursue charges against Biden due to the fact he "would likely present himself to a jury ... as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory," media apparatchiks denounced Hur as a "Trump plant" in the Justice Department. (Where is Hur's apology?)

After multiple videos emerged of Biden freezing, staring and wandering off, The New York Times called them "misleading"; the Biden White House dismissed them as "cheap fakes." The Wall Street Journal's recent story in which reporters interviewed 45 officials who expressed concern about Biden's senescence was excoriated as a "hit job."

All along the way, costly "gaffes" -- such as Biden inadvertently calling for regime change in Moscow during a March 2022 visit to Warsaw -- were simply chalked up to Uncle Joe being Uncle Joe. How dare you question hardscrabble Joe from Scranton: nothing to see here!

Anything -- anything -- to prevent the American people from learning the truth. Axios reported last Friday how "close aides have carefully shielded (Biden) from people inside and outside the White House since the beginning of his presidency." For Democrats and their media enablers, there can be no stone left unturned to protect their precious. The ends always justify the means, after all, just as Saul Alinsky taught.

The media's hubris in thinking it could get away with this is astounding. Biden is the president of the United States. His decline wasn't exactly a state secret, at least for anyone with functioning eyes and ears. This column two years ago, in lamenting Biden's "indications of a palpable senility," concluded that "[t]here is something very, very clearly wrong with the president of the United States."

Really, just how stupid do Democrats and the corporate media think we are? How long did they think they could get away with this gaslighting operation?

A Gallup poll last October revealed that 32% of Americans trust the corporate media either "a great deal" or "a fair amount." That seems far too high. These hacks deserve nothing but disgust and contempt.

Nor has the persistent media gaslighting for the past two to three years been a victimless crime. The collective victim is us: all of us. America is wildly insecure under the "leadership" of Biden. Xi Jinping is sure to move on Taiwan before year's end. Who knows what Xi's friends, from Pyongyang to Moscow to Tehran, might do. Who will stop them, after all?

The ultimate irony of it all? The massive lie and disinformation operation to obfuscate the president's decline has been perpetrated in the name of -- you guessed it -- "our democracy." The chutzpah!

"Democracy Dies in Darkness," reads The Washington Post's masthead slogan, conveniently adopted mere weeks after former President Donald Trump took office in 2017. Come again? We don't actually know who is running the country right now. It certainly isn't Uncle Joe. Now that is some serious "darkness."

Never forgive, and never forget, what these lying miscreants have done to us -- and to the republic.


NYMag: Biden Has Reportedly Forgotten the Names of Longtime Friends at Gatherings

Unless Joe Biden de-ages 20 years and shakes the mental issues that have latched onto him like barnacles, we’re bound to read more stories about his rapid decrepitude. We’ve known for years that Joe Biden is cooked. The liberal media finally can’t defend him anymore, lest they look like reporters from North Korea. Olivia Nuzzi at New York Magazine penned a damning and brutal piece about Joe Biden’s state of decline, which includes the president forgetting the names of longtime friends. Others who get access to these swanky events told Nuzzi that they might be unable to vote for Biden in 2024 because they don’t know if he’s in charge. 

While anonymously sourced, Nuzzi spoke with scores of Democrats and friends of the family that painted a brutal picture of the president whom members of his party currently besiege to drop out following that June 27 debate performance where Trump obliterated him. The first part of her piece outlines the elaborate and, at times, over-the-top protocols the Biden team puts in place to prevent gaffes. Nuzzi added that there were fundraisers where staffers tasked with keeping Biden from humiliating himself were a significant proportion of the attendees (via NYMag) [emphasis mine]: 

When they discussed what they knew, what they had seen, what they had heard, they literally whispered. They were scared and horrified. But they were also burdened. They needed to talk about it (though not on the record). They needed to know that they were not alone and not crazy. Things were bad, and they knew things were bad, and they knew others must also know things were bad, and yet they would need to pretend, outwardly, that things were fine. The president was fine. The election would be fine. They would be fine. To admit otherwise would mean jeopardizing the future of the country and, well, nobody wanted to be responsible personally or socially for that. Their disclosures often followed innocent questions: Have you seen the president lately? How does he seem? Often, they would answer with only silence, their eyes widening cartoonishly, their heads shaking back and forth. Or with disapproving sounds. “Phhhhwwwaahhh.” “Uggghhhhhhhhh.” “Bbbwwhhheeuuw.” Or with a simple, “Not good! Not good!” Or with an accusatory question of their own: “Have you seen him?!” 

Those who encountered the president in social settings sometimes left their interactions disturbed. Longtime friends of the Biden family, who spoke to me on the condition of anonymity, were shocked to find that the president did not remember their names. At a White House event last year, a guest recalled, with horror, realizing that the president would not be able to stay for the reception because, it was clear, he would not be able to make it through the reception. The guest wasn’t sure they could vote for Biden, since the guest was now open to an idea that they had previously dismissed as right-wing propaganda: The president may not really be the acting president after all. 

Others told me the president was becoming increasingly hard to get ahold of, even as it related to official government business, the type of things any U.S. president would communicate about on a regular basis with high-level officials across the world. Biden instead was cocooned within mounting layers of bureaucracy, spoken for more than he was speaking or spoken to. 

Saying hello to one Democratic megadonor and family friend at the White House recently, the president stared blankly and nodded his head. The First Lady intervened to whisper in her husband’s ear, telling him to say “hello” to the donor by name and to thank them for their recent generosity. The president repeated the words his wife had fed him. “It hasn’t been good for a long time but it’s gotten so, so much worse,” a witness to the exchange told me. “So much worse!” 

Who was actually in charge? Nobody knew. But surely someone was in charge? And surely there must be a plan, since surely this situation could not endure? I heard these questions posed at cocktail parties on the coasts but also at MAGA rallies in Middle America. There emerged a comical overlap between the beliefs of the nation’s most elite liberal Biden supporters and the beliefs of the most rabid and conspiratorial supporters of former President Trump. Resistance or QAnon, they shared a grand theory of America in 2024: There has to be a secret group of high-level government leaders who control Biden and who will soon set into motion their plan to replace Biden as the Democratic presidential nominee. Nothing else made sense. They were in full agreement. 

The initial spin on that from Biden and his campaign was that Trump had a bad night, as evidenced by the national polling, which didn’t move. That changed within 36 hours of the debate. First, Biden was trailing Trump in key battleground states pre-debate. He was down almost four points in Michigan, a must-win state. OpenLabs, a progressive polling firm, painted an even worse picture, showing a massive drop across the board in these battleground states, with supposedly blue states becoming redder. Forty percent of Biden’s 2020 supporters felt he needed to drop out. 

Trump had a bad night, Joe? I think that’s your declining mental facilities showing again.


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Biden Informs Governors Of Post-Debate Medical Checkup

On Wednesday night, President Biden assured Democrat governors that he was in good health, citing a check-up he had after the debate the previous week.

However, according to a White House aide, the brief medical visit was “not physical” and was solely intended to evaluate what appeared to be a persistent cold.

He said that there was “not a range of tests” performed to evaluate the president’s general health.

“Several days [after the debate], the President was seen to check on his cold and was recovering well,” White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates said in a statement.

According to reports, Biden’s disclosure to the more than 20 governors was prompted when one of the state leaders asked him about his physical condition.

Biden replied that he was in good health and that he had just had a checkup, two sources told Politico.

Reporters had asked whether the president’s health had been examined by a professional after the debate, but White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre had declined to directly respond.

“The president has regular annual physicals that we release in a thorough report,” she said. “We’re going to continue to do that.”

The Democrat Party is becoming more concerned about the president’s age, cognitive abilities, and capacity to serve a second, four-year term, which is why the called meeting on Wednesday lasted for an hour.

Following the meeting, a number of governors, including those regarded as the top candidates to succeed Biden should he withdraw from the race, publicly endorsed the candidate. Many of them used phrasing varying from “in it to win it” to convey their support.

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