Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Gynecology Pioneer Statue Defaced in New York’s Central Park

Protesters in New York participated in graphic demonstrations in order to rally for the removal of a controversial monument to a doctor who experimented on enslaved women. (Bringing Down America)

Vandals defaced a statue in New York’s Central Park dedicated to Doctor Jay Marion Sims by spray-painting it with the word “racist.”
According to police, the vandals damaged the back of the statue, and covered its neck, mouth and eyes with red paint.
Doctor Sims is known as the “father of modern Gynecology.”
The academic community says he operated on women in catastrophic conditions that he was trying to fix.
However, Sims is said to have performed experimental surgeries on three enslaved women without the use of anesthesia.
Earlier this week, members of the Black Youth Project and Planned Parenthood staged protests demanding that statue be taken down.
The Democrat Mayor of New York Bill De Blasio said a possible removal of the statue is under consideration.

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