Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Tucker on coronavirus relief standoff: 'Democrats remain intent on splitting the country into warring tribes'

Tucker Carlson called on Democrats in Congress Monday to put aside their "stupid partisan points" and stop "indulging their creepy ideological obsessions" to focus on getting a coronavirus relief bill passed.
"Americans worry they can die of this disease and someone they love could die if they lose their jobs and could be crippled permanently in the wake of this disaster. It's a terrifying moment," Carlson said. "In that moment, we need wisdom and steady guidance from our leaders. We need altruism, [they] need to care more about you than they care about themselves ... but in Congress, they don't."
"The foremost concern of some members is saving their own investment portfolios or making stupid partisan points or indulging their creepy ideological obsessions," Carlson went on. "Wonder why Congress hasn't yet passed a bill to help the country survive this? That's why."
Lawmakers clashed on the Senate floor Monday over phase three of a coronavirus response package, with Democrats blocking Republican efforts to advance the massive stimulus bill for the second day in a row.
"At a time when America so desperately needs to come together, Democrats remain intent on splitting this country into warring tribes."
— Tucker Carlson
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., introduced her own emergency coronavirus stimulus bill on Monday, leading furious Republicans to argue that much of the proposal contained a progressive wishlist seemingly unrelated to the crisis.
"Read it and you will find disgusting little handouts added by lobbyists," Carlson said. "Worse, it is suffused with the cruel bigotry of identity politics. At a time when America so desperately needs to come together, Democrats remain intent on splitting this country into warring tribes. It’s shocking."
The bill proposed by Pelosi includes provisions to eliminate debt held by the U.S. Postal Service, require same-day voter registration, pay off $10,000 in student debt per person, mandate that airlines reduce their overall carbon emissions by 50 percent by 2050, and force federal agencies to explain to Congress how they are increasing their usage of "minority banks."
And, Carlson noted, the legislation is filled with "totally unrelated political priorities" would provide for the automatic extension of nonimmigrant visas and restrict colleges from providing authorities information about citizenship status.
"So we are staring down the barrel of the most profound employment crisis of our lifetime -- that’s not an exaggeration -- and what are Democrats doing?" asked Carlson. "Trying to automatically renew visas and work permits for all immigrants because their jobs are very important, way more important than yours. Democrats want to make certain that people who are replacing you are secure and happy,
"The whole thing defies belief and that's not a partisan observation."
Carlson further criticized a provision in Pelosi's bill that would require every corporation that received coronavirus aid to have officers and a budget dedicated to diversity and inclusion initiatives for a minimum of five years.
"Because that's going to keep America healthy and prosperous," he mocked.
"In all, this [House] bill uses the word 'diverse' or 'diversity' more than 60 times," Carlson went on. "What does that have to do with the pandemic that might kill you? Not one thing. Just more ugly race politics, the kind they specialize in. Democrats think that's much more important right now."
Pelosi's bill also allocates $300 million for the hiring of experts to manage coronavirus preparation and response, but "instead of looking for the most qualified people at a time of national emergency, the only criteria right now orders employees be chosen on the basis of their race and disability status," Carlson explained.
"Who cares what color your scientists are?" Carlson concluded. "This is dangerous insanity."
Fox News' Gregg Re contributed to this report.

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