Saturday, January 28, 2023

Ted Cruz Decries DirecTV Censorship of Newsmax (Remember they also did the same to One America News Network)

Ted Cruz Decries DirecTV Censorship of Newsmax

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, came out in strong support of Newsmax Friday, decrying the deplatforming of conservative media by AT&T's DirecTV.

In a pointed post Cruz tweeted: "Conservative voices must not be silenced! Important editorial in @WashTimes: 'Censorship of conservative media needs to end' @NEWSMAX @DIRECTV @ATT @TPG"

The Washington Times lead editorial published Thursday harshly criticized Newsmax's removal from some 13.5 million homes earlier this week, and said it represents "the latest attempt" from the left to censor conservative voices.

The Texas senator's tweet included the handles of AT@T, DirecTV, and TPG, a financial firm with strong ties to the Democratic Party. TPG, which owns 30% of DirecTV, is coming under increasing scrutiny by House Republicans looking into the matter.

Earlier this month, before DirecTV removed Newsmax, Breitbart reported that congressional Republicans were scrutinizing AT&T's and TPG's role in the deplatforming of OAN from their systems.

Cruz's involvement as the ranking Republican on the Senate Commerce Committee could add another wrinkle to investigative actions Congress undertakes against the companies.

The former presidential candidate also joins a growing list of senior officials — including Senators Mike Lee, R-Utah; Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; Rick Scott, R-Fla., Rand Paul, R-Ky.; and Ron Johnson, R-Wis. — who have criticized DirecTV and AT&T (which owns 75% of the company) for deplatforming Newsmax, the nation's fourth highest rated cable news channel watched by more than 25 million Americans.

Conservatives have noted that after stripping its systems of two the three conservative news channels, DirecTV continues to carry 22 liberal news channels, many with low ratings and all getting hefty license fees.

Former President Donald Trump added to the rumble earlier this week calling AT&T/DirecTV's canceling of Newsmax "disgusting."

He urged supporters to cancel both DirecTV and other AT&T products, including their wireless and cellular services.

DirecTV said it was taking the step as a cost-cutting measure — a similar claim made after it deplatformed OAN last year.

Newsmax was seeking a small fee, as the nation's fourth highest-rated cable news channel.

Actions to Take Now

1. DirecTV customers: Call them toll free at 877-763-9762 and demand they bring NEWSMAX back on air. President Trump urges you CANCEL!

  • Important: If DirecTV tells you we're still negotiating, that is a lie! They have told NEWSMAX we will never be on a regular cable channel. DirecTV also replaced NEWSMAX with a channel that has no news and no ratings. Also, NEWSMAX's livestream is ending soon on other platforms, so unless you get it on DirecTV you will have to cancel their service.

2. AT&T customers: Call toll free at 888-855-2338, for any of their cellphones, wireless products, or services, and demand they end their censorship of NEWSMAX. President Trump has urged you to cancel their services.

3. Call your congressman or senator at 202-224-3121 and demand they stop AT&T/DirecTV's censorship of NEWSMAX — ask them to give you a date on the hearings!

4. Go to our online petition and get more info at:

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