Thursday, June 27, 2024

AOC Posts Tribute to Jamaal Bowman After His Loss, but She Makes a Hilarious Mistake

Your Votes and Tax Dollars at Work 😆

As we reported, Squad member Jamaal Bowman got handed a brutal, well-deserved defeat in the primary for New York's 16th Congressional District by the more moderate Democrat, George Latimer. 

Latimer not only won, but he trounced Bowman by 17 points.

Maybe part of the problem was that Bowman didn't seem to understand what district he represented.  

“We are gonna show f**ing AIPAC the power of the motherf**king South Bronx,” Bowman shouted last weekend at a rally. 


NY16 Primary: Hamas Caucus Member Jamaal Bowman Goes Down in Defeat As Democrats Choose Latimer

Except he doesn't represent the South Bronx. He represents a very tiny bit of the North Bronx, with virtually all the rest of his district being southern Westchester -- a reasonably well-off area. He wasn't listening to the wishes of his constituents with his anti-Israel message, which would not appeal or would seem extreme to many in the area. 

Meanwhile, Latimer was a former Westchester County Executive, so he had a proven track record of being able to garner the votes of the people of the NY-16. 

It's probably not surprising, ultimately, that Bowman lost, and it wasn't because of AIPAC. 

The person who does represent the South Bronx, Rep. Ritchie Torres(D-NY) won his primary uncontested. He's pro-Israel, so it sounds like the South Bronx was sending a message. Just not one Bowman and the rest of the radical Squad likes.

The Republicans had a great time wishing him farewell. His concession speech seemed like more an attempt to blame AIPAC and Jewish people for "brainwashing" people against him. 


HOT TAKES: GOP Has Field Day Celebrating Jamaal Bowman's Loss

But perhaps one of the funniest reactions was from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). She tried to give him a tribute, now that he lost and is going to be out of Congress: 

.@JamaalBowman.Son of a single mother.
Grew up in public housing.
Dedicated his life to teaching.
Became a school principal.
Founded a prized school to serve Bronx youth.
Elected as the 1st Black Congressman for NY16.
Never took a dime in corporate money.
A true public servant.

First, I don't know if I've even seen a picture of her looking at her boyfriend like that. That's some look. 

Some also called her out on her claims about Bowman, including that she was wrong about him being the first black Congressman for NY-16. In fact, there were two black members before him--Adam Clayton Powell and Charles Rangel.

Others added more to the list. 

But the funny thing if she's trying to be so effusive about her "buddy" -- she doesn't even know what his proper X account is. She pinged the wrong one. This is who she referenced instead, and it's pretty funny: 

Somehow, I'm thinking that's not his account. Although, given that Democrats don't seem to know the definition of "woman," who am I to say that he's not "just an ordinary girl," as this account bio says? 


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