Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Why Ocasio-Cortez's Insanity at Jamaal Bowman's Rally Over the Weekend Is Even Funnier Now


Rep. Jamaal Bowman’s (D-NY) political career is on the line. The unabashed progressive who is proudly anti-Israel and pulled a fire alarm in Congress to disrupt voting on a spending bill could be looking for a new line of work after tomorrow. 

Over the weekend, Bowman held a rally in the Bronx, which included Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). It was an unhinged spectacle, with Ocasio-Cortez losing her mind on stage, which led to some funny captions regarding the footage. The videos were cringeworthy, but new images have made this event even funnier: it looks like a good chunk of the attendees appear to be media members.

Also, in between the profanity-laced tirades from Bowman, AOC and Sanders were heckled by pro-Hamas activists in the crowd. Sanders was booed for saying that Israel has the right to defend itself from a terrorist attack (via NY Post):

 Socialists were eating their own at a rally for Rep. Jamaal Bowman in the Bronx Saturday as even more extreme leftists held a counter-event to rip “sellouts” Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for not backing Palestine enough to their liking. 

Sanders and Ocasio-Cortez joined 300 comrades at St. Mary’s Park for a “get out and vote” rally in to support “Squad” member Bowman, who is badly behind in polls in his June 25 primary against Westchester County Executive George Latimer, a moderate Democrat. 


However, outside the park, the anti-Israel group Within Our Lifetime, run by radicals Nerdeen Kiswani and Fatima Mousa, hosted their “Flood the Bronx for Gaza” to counter the rally, which about 150 attended.

Some banged drums while others held signs with slogans like “For class war to free Palestine! Dump Genocide Joe and the Squad.” 

“If Bowman and the rest of them claim to be allies of the Palestinian people, the bare minimum is not endorsing the person we have been protesting against the last nine months and who has enabled the genocide of the people in Gaza,” said Kiswani, parroting a debunked Hamas talking point. 

These people are a mess, and it’s no wonder why this movement is heavy on theatrics and light on accomplishments.  


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