Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Radio Host Got Brutally Honest on Why Black Voters Never Really Liked Kamala Harris

 The unknown factor is Kamala Harris's primary advantage for now. It doesn’t gloss over that the 2024 Democratic Party ticket is a ratship in total disarray. The unity cited incessantly on MSNBC is a manufactured media narrative where little is grounded in reality. If there is a coalescing around the vice president, these loyal soldiers have no choice but to back her because who else is there?

Harris dropped out before the 2020 Iowa Caucuses. No Democratic primary voter has ever voted for her. Again, the lion's share of the party backs her because there is no other choice. Democrats don’t like her. It’s the primary reason she dropped out of the 2020 race—a precipitous fall that was dogged by rumors of a toxic work environment and a woman who wasn’t ready for primetime. Also, there’s inner-Democratic Party base politics here, where a black radio host, Karen Hunter, 

 Karen Hunter Discusses Impact of Donald Trump's Presidency

got blunt regarding why Harris 2020 fizzled: she’s married to a white guy.

It shouldn’t matter, but with the unhinged and race-obsessed woke Left being a vocal faction of the base, these factors play a role:

Yet, that’s one of 99 problems Harris has heading into her duel with Donald Trump. Right now, there’s a gaslighting operation, unlike anything we've seen, where the establishment media is re-writing history, like how she was never put in charge of the border.

Attack her record, her remarks, and her inexperience. Let her time in the spotlight do the rest because it undid her before, and times haven’t changed.

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