Friday, August 2, 2024

Kamala Harris Slips Up During Speech, Nearly Refers To Herself As 'President'

US Vice President and 2024 Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris delivers the eulogy for US Representative Sheila Jackson Lee at Fallbrook Church in Houston, Texas, on August 1, 2024.

In Houston, Texas, 

 Vice President Kamala Harris accidentally misspoke during a Thursday speech, referring to herself as the “president” while delivering a eulogy for Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas).

During the slip up, Harris had been recounting Lee’s past legislation related to including “Juneteenth” to the list of federal holidays.

“Which as a U.S. Senator, I was proud to co-sponsor and then as presi–” Harris stumbled, before correcting herself.

“As vice president it was my honor – with the president! With the president!” she exclaimed. “It was my honor – it was my honor with our president Joe Biden to stand beside Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee as our president signed her bill into law.”

Harris and other Democrat leaders continued to reminisce on their own personal memories of the congresswoman during the service.

“I knew, whatever else might be on my mind, Sheila Jackson Lee would require a very serious and specific conversation with you about what she had on her mind. And then she would tell you exactly what she needed you to do to help her get it done,” said Harris in front of a crowd of loved ones and former colleagues.

“Sheila Jackson Lee was relentless and righteous, courageous and caring, fearless and forward-thinking,” said Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.). “She used that platform to speak with deep moral clarity at every opportunity, despite rampant racism, sexism and discrimination.”

Biden also made time to pay his respects after a speech in Texas on Monday. Although he did not speak to reporters, in a statement after her death, Biden called her a “great American” who was “unrelenting in her leadership.”

Harris concluded, stating, “She was a force. But she never allowed anything to be mediocre. She always expected in all of us that we would rise to a point of excellence, knowing life is too short and there was too much to be done.”

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