Thursday, August 1, 2024

The Morning Briefing: Dems Don't Know It, but Trump Is Steamrolling Kamala's Honeymoon

Top O' the Briefing

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Cortash felt he was at his most poetic when wearing his Sunday dungarees and casually nibbling a ren faire turkey leg. 

My frequent, work-related trips down the mainstream media rabbit hole have been weirder than ever before since July 21. When Joe Biden anointed Kamala Harris as his babbling heir apparent, the Dem media lapdogs snapped out of their post-debate funk and immediately got back to being the full-time chroniclers of the doings in Bizarroworld. 

Okay, they're the creators of Bizarroworld as well. 

They've been in full "SLAY QUEEN" mode, proclaiming Madame Veep to be an unassailable juggernaut who is running roughshod over whatever momentum Donald Trump had coming out of the Republican National Convention. It's a story that's playing well with the faithful, but there is precious little evidence that the Kamala show is wowing the undecided flyover country voters. 

The flying monkeys in the mainstream media have been coddling Harris. As our sister site Twitchy notes, Harris has yet to face an interview. That's right, tough girl Kamala doesn't have the guts to field a bunch of softballs from the likes of George Stephanopoulos or even Rachel Maddow. 

So brave!

Harris has also been appearing in fairly safe, mostly blue parts of the country. The Kamala Harris honeymoon momentum has been nothing more than timid, well-choreographed political theater. It's the 2020 basement campaign but with more trips outside. 

The reality-free media fan-fest is only going to get worse, as my friend Stephen Green reminded us yesterday:

But everything you've had to read and hear since Harris was crowned the defacto presidential nominee is mere prologue to what's to come in August.

While the Democrats' saccharine circus has been playing to friendly audiences, Donald Trump and JD Vance have been conducting a real presidential campaign.  

As we've discussed before, Trump is willing to go places and do things that Republican candidates of yesteryear wouldn't. My HotAir colleague Beege Welborn covered Trump's latest foray outside of the traditional GOP candidate comfort zone:

So former President Trump did what only he does best today and walked into the proverbial "lion's den" at the National Association of Black Journalists conference. It was by invitation - they also issued one to his opponent, whoever it was at the time and now isn't - but Trump is the only one who showed up.

That in itself is hysterical. The guy, God bless him, is fearless.

Rachel Scott was "hosting," but judging by the immediate hostile tone and rude interrogatories, she was loaded for bear and wanted to earn her bad-a** badge.

I don't think she did, even as hard as she pushed. 

Rachel Scott is the Senior Congressional Correspondent for ABC News, and yet another in a long line of mainstream media embarrassments to what used to be journalism. Her treatment of Trump was petulant and pathetic. Here was my quick response after watching Scott's flailing "Gotcha!" attempt with Trump and his masterful response:

.@rachelvscott led off like a foot-stompy high school mean girl who's mad that the guy she likes won't even notice her. It is impossible to loathe the MSM too much these days.

— SFK (@stephenkruiser) July 31, 2024

Trump, of course, doesn't have the luxury of being surrounded by fawning fake journalists who blow smoke up his backside. That doesn't mean, however, that he has to subject himself to situations like this. He could just stick to huge rallies in deep red parts of the country to soak up the adulation. He's trying to win an election though.

He's also exposing the leftists in the media, which is something that happens far too infrequently in the Republican Party. Trump leans into their awful treatment of him, makes them even more frustrated and miserable, and then draws energy from the conflict. It's a lot of fun to watch, especially when he triggers the lefties like he did yesterday when he told Scott that Kamala Harris was "always of Indian heritage" until "she happened to turn black."

They'll be too busy heading to the fainting couches over that for a few days to focus on crafting a real defense of Kamala Harris's policy baggage. 

As Stephen said in his column, we have to "hang tough" while this nauseating honeymoon phase continues. It helps to remember that little has changed except the name at the top of the Democratic ticket. Trump is still pressing his advantage and isn't sweating the media hoopla surrounding Harris. 

He's more focused than ever, which the Dems are almost certainly sweating. 

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Everything Isn't Awful

I will never fall out of love with the internet. VOLUME UP.

This is my favorite video on the internet

— Nature is Amazing ☘️ (@AMAZlNGNATURE) July 31, 2024

SFK of the Day

Word of the Day: 'Harrissplaining'

"What's particularly rich here is the very notion that a little media touch-up here and there will somehow cast a soft glow over the harsh reality of the nightmare that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have created on our southern border. That's a pig that won't even let you get within a mile of putting lipstick on it."


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