Thursday, August 29, 2024

The Morning Briefing: Revisiting the 'Kamala Harris As Sacrificial Lamb' Theory

Top O' the Briefing

Poll Perspective. On August 29, 2016, Hillary Clinton led Donald Trump by 5.9 points in the RealClearPolitics Poll Average

Happy Thursday, dear Kruiser Morning Briefing friends. Bensallel felt that he could best put his skills to use in a confectionery that appreciated his ability to dazzle all ages with Billy Ray Cyrus chic. 

There is just so much to process every day in the substance-free, media driven faux presidential campaign of Kamala Harris. It's like "The Monkees," "The Manchurian Candidate," and "Being There" all rolled into one. 

And you're watching it while you have a concussion. 

We've spent a lot of time examining the mainstream media hacks' newfound fascination and affection for Harris, a woman they previously treated like a french fry that had found its way underneath a car seat and was forgotten. The prevailing opinion has been that the combination of Trump Derangement Syndrome and relief from Biden Senility Fatigue has made the press minions and some Beltway Dems decide that they might be able to love Harris enough to make her their first ex-wife. 

As I've written many times, Democrats are the "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" party, so it's entirely possible that they've forgotten that they never really liked Kamala Harris that much. 

Another possibility is that the Dem hierarchy want Harris to lose, but they've got to put on a big show just because they loathe Trump so much. A little plausible deniability never hurts either.

The powers that be in the Democratic party could be thinking that, if Harris wins, they will need another bus under which to throw the head of the party. They can triple the amount of handlers that Biden had and she'll still find a way to muck up the works. 

Maybe they are just making room under the bus where President LOLEightyonemillion has been napping and hoping to throw her there in November. 

That could be the reason that she isn't getting any pushback from the Democratic National Committee for almost becoming Trump Lite now that she's getting around to pretending to have policy positions. This is from something that my friend and partner in thought crime Stephen Green wrote yesterday

And that brings us to today's flip-flop, coming close on the heels of Harris doing the Triple Lindy on banning fracking, gun confiscation, decriminalizing illegal border crossings, decreasing funding for the Border Patrol, eliminating private health insurance, Medicare for All, court-packing SCOTUS, defunding police, Green New Deal, EV mandates, and (I'm running out of breath here) a federal jobs guarantee.

Harris wants to build the wall.

Somebody get her a red MAGA hat, won't you?

The real test of my theory will be if she says something bad about Hamas and the Dem leaders let her slide. 

As Mr. Green and I have been saying all year, the Democrats didn't have any choice but to stick with Harris for this election if they wanted to get rid of Joe Biden. That doesn't mean that they want her to hang around for a long time. For most of my many years as a political activist, the Democrats have been brilliant at playing the long game. Their frothing anger over the mere existence of Donald Trump has made them a little shortsighted. 

If they are putting on a show right now and hoping to usher Ms. Harris off the stage quickly, it would indicate that they're back on their game. 

It's no secret to even casual observers that the Democratic upper crust types have had their eyes on Govs. Gavin Newsom and Gretchen Whitmer for their future plans. One has to wonder if they quickly bowed out of the Kamala Harris veepstakes on their own or if the Democratic power brokers strongly urged them to do so. 

The Democratic party elite may just be willing to "endure" four years of peace and prosperity under Trump 47 so they can retool and get back to their assault on the Constitution with players who aren't liabilities every time a camera is on. 

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