Monday, August 19, 2024

Things Get Crazy Even Before the DNC Officially Opens As Protesters Threaten to 'Bring the War Home'

You knew that the DNC in Chicago was going to be a mess. I'm not sure who decided on Chicago as the location, but that was an especially dumb choice. You were always going to have radical protesters there, but that makes it especially easy for all the local radicals to come out. And they were out in full force, even with the Democrats building walls to keep them out and even before the official opening of the convention. Funny how this didn't happen at the RNC. 

The DNC is building a wall to keep hostiles out before they tell you that walls don’t work to keep hostiles out.

— BLAIRE WHITE (@MsBlaireWhite) August 18, 2024

Matt Vespa at our sister site Townhall picked up on some of the crazy. They call JD Vance weird? This was what leftists had marching down the street. That was on top of the convention's free abortions and vasectomies offer. 

Fun people: 


DNC Premiering Their 'Molech Mobile' Shows How Much
They Hate Life and Despise Black Voters

Democrats Show What Massive Hypocrites They Are With How They're Securing the DNC

How many Democrats pushed for defunding the police? Yet in addition to the walls they were building to keep their fellow leftists out, they also had long lines of cops out. 

They were chanting for the cops and the DNC to go or they would "bring the war home." That sounded like a threat. 

Masks were in abundance as they marched outside. 

There was also a fun-looking guy walking around with a bat that some of the other protesters told him to put away. 

They've also moved on from "Genocide Joe" to "Killer Kamala."  Welcome to hell week, they promised. 

They have said that they will have folks that can get into the convention.

Delegates Against Genocide said it would exercise its freedom of speech rights during main events at the four-day convention. Its organisers declined to give details, but said they would offer amendments to the party platform and use their rights as delegates to speak on the convention floor. [....]

There are at least six major protests planned on the streets of Chicago during the Democratic National Convention. The biggest is planned for the first day, Monday, when “tens of thousands” are expected to march just blocks from the United Center, where Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, will give their acceptance speeches.

They proved that when one of the people rushed the stage — in full mask, of course — during a pre-party for delegates at the Navy Pier. 

NOW: disruption inside the DNC delegate welcome party on the stage at Navy Pier!!

— Angela Van Der Pluym (@anjewla90) August 19, 2024

The protesters screamed about "genocide" and “The Harris-Biden administration keeps sending money to Israel,” along with "Free Palestine!" as she was dragged away. What was funny was that was apparently more lively than the delegates, as the organizer had to say to them, "You can do better than that!" because he thought they weren't loud enough. 

They also camped outside the Hilton Hotel, where some of the delegates supposedly were.

Buckle up, it's going to be an interesting week.  


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