Friday, August 2, 2024

White House Gets Decimated Over Disgusting Comment on 9/11 Deal

We reported on the plea deal that was announced by the Biden Defense Department with some of the terrorists allegedly involved in the horrific attack on 9/11.

The prosecution reached a plea agreement with Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Walid Muhammad Salih Mubarak Bin 'Attash, and Mustafa Ahmed Adam al Hawsawi. But the Pentagon did not release any details of the deal, showing that typical Biden team "transparency." 

As we noted, a "person familiar with the deal" said it involved a life sentence rather than the death penalty in exchange for guilty pleas. Family members of the 9/11 victims also confirmed they were told this by the Office of Military Commissions. 

READ MORE:  Biden's Pentagon Approves Plea Deal for 9/11 Conspirators but Won't Tell the Terms of the Agreement

Now, this case has been messed up for a long time, but needless to say, the family members and Americans in general are very upset that the Biden-Harris administration struck such a deal concerning the 9/11 attack. 

But guess what the White House did? They released a statement saying they had "no role" in the process. Then White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was grilled over the deal as she was asked what was the White House response to the families? She kept looking down and could barely even pick her head up to look the reporters in the eye, her answer was so disgraceful: 

KJP claimed the White House had "no involvement" in the decision. "The White House played no role in this process," she claimed. She said they directed their team to consult "with officials and lawyers in the Department of Defense" as appropriate. She declared that their hearts went out to the families, and Biden recognized 9/11 each year. Does she get how cold and lacking in care for Americans this is? 

People were understandably upset that she was trying to run away from any responsibility for actions by their own administration. 

The NY Post said it for a lot of people. 

We used to have a policy of not negotiating with terrorists, but we've apparently thrown all that under the bus. It's why we're going to have more Americans wrongfully detained by hostile governments and bad actors. Kamala Harris and Joe Biden own this, they can't wiggle out of responsibility. 

As far as Biden always recognizing 9/11, we reported last year how he blew off going to any of the attack sites on that day. He didn't want to do anything to amend his schedule to meet the moment, apparently. 

READ MORE: White House Raises Eyebrows in Explaining Why Biden Isn’t in NYC on 9/11

Biden Thinks He Delivered Mic Drop Response on Russian Prisoner Deal. Instead, He Trips Over the Facts.

Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Bars pointed that out. 

"The analogy that I was given," Doocy reported, "is that 22 years after Pearl Harbor, U.S. Presidents were not still going to visit Hawaii." Yikes. 

But hey, Biden always remembers, right, Karine? 


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