Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Kamala's Pittsburgh Remarks Show She Can't Unburden Herself From What Has Been - No Matter the Accent

On Monday afternoon, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris attended a campaign event in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. That followed the bungled remarks Biden made about the situation in Gaza earlier in the day after finally returning from vacation, in which he claimed that he spoke to the murdered American hostage, Hersh Goldberg-Polin, and also attacked Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, saying he hadn't done enough. Biden didn't offer even one word of criticism of Hamas in his remarks to reporters. 

Biden's remarks in Pittsburgh were full-on incoherent, and in addition to a bunch of other lies, he made an incredible claim about Kamala Harris having the "moral compass of a saint." That almost made me spit out my coffee when I saw that. I'm pretty sure if you consider her rise to power and the lies that she's told in office, that doesn't quite fit the image of a saint. 

Biden Goes Full-On Incoherent in Pittsburgh, What He Says About Kamala Is Incredible

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Then, the "saint" spoke in Pittsburgh after Biden and she immediately threw away any credibility she may have had left with her remarks calling Biden "transformative." 

If transformative means making Americans pay more for everything, driving interest rates up so homes are unaffordable, opening the border to illegal aliens, and throwing the world into chaos, then yes, he and she have been very transformative. Just all to the bad. 

She went immediately into her "see what is possible, unburdened by what has been" line. 

Kamala gets flustered, defaults to her favorite cringe, recycled line: "We can see what is possible, unburdened by what has been!" pic.twitter.com/uvoM9Iftc0

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 2, 2024

Except she's still burdened by the record she and Joe Biden have established. She's still burdened by Biden's incoherence even there in Pittsburgh, and she can't separate herself from it. 

"ARE YOU READY TO GO NOW?" pic.twitter.com/zUxlorIMBt

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 2, 2024

She spoke about an opportunity economy.  

Comrade Kamala: "We see, and know, and fight for a future where every person has the opportunity not just to get by, but get ahead."

Under Kamala's leadership, American families have less purchasing power, are downing in record credit card debt, and are paying 3x for a mortgage. pic.twitter.com/XLVAfSJCc4

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 2, 2024

Yet it's Harris and Biden who have taken away that opportunity for so many, who have cost people so much money and driven mortgage interest rates up. She just can't pretend she had nothing to do with it. 

Harris went into cackling overload over a comment from the audience that former President Donald Trump should to jail. 

Comrade Kamala laughs as one of her supporters shouts about President Trump "going to jail."

Kamala thinks the unprecedented effort to put her political opponent in jail is funny.

Remember this when you vote. pic.twitter.com/EZBO6ocSqk

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 2, 2024

That's how she feels about the prosecution of her political opponent; she thinks it's funny. Yet they want to talk about "norms" and "democracy." 

But Harris seems to have no compunction about plagiarizing Trump's positions, and she seemed to do it again during her remarks in Pittsburgh, saying she was against the takeover of US Steel by a non-American owned company. 

Kamala claims she opposes the US Steel takeover (which President Trump said he opposed in JANUARY).

Kamala, who also opposed President Trump's USMCA & Chinese tariffs to help steelworkers, has had 3.5 years to have steelworkers' backs — and she hasn't.

No one believes her now. pic.twitter.com/Im1oD18hqR

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 2, 2024

She was likely tailoring her remarks to appeal to the union audience. 

One of the funniest things about her appearance in Pittsburgh was how her accent changed again from her remarks earlier in the day in Detroit. 

Kamala Pulls Out a New Southern Accent That Tops All Other Pander Attempts

Let's listen to the difference as she delivers the same line between what she said in Detroit and what she said in Pittsburgh.

WATCH: Kamala Harris delivers the same exact line in a speech earlier today in Detroit and again in Pittsburgh a few hours later.

Let’s see if you can spot the difference… pic.twitter.com/FCRqCBqcBZ

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 2, 2024

Does she have a different accent depending on where she goes and what city she's in? How weird and crazy is that? Between Biden's tall tales and Harris' accents that change depending on the audience, this duo has a serious authenticity problem. 


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