Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Do the Democrat Elites WANT Kamala to Lose?

It sounds crazy, and perhaps it is. But there is a lot of suspicion that Democrats are either throwing in the towel on the presidential race or that members of their elite are so unenthusiastic that they want her to lose. 

There could be many reasons why that might be so, and many more why that seems crazy to me. But I am not a mind-reader, so all I can do is look at the facts as they present themselves and then try to figure out what is going on. 

Joe Biden threw Kamala under the bus when he put on a MAGA hat and praised DeSantis for his Hurricane response

Bill Clinton threw Kamala under the bus when he blamed her for Laken Riley’s death

Barack Obama threw Kamala under the bus when he admitted she is underperforming with…

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) October 14, 2024

The case for Joe Biden wanting Kamala to lose is most compelling. Harris, after all, helped push him out of the campaign, sidelined him, and made him look like a weak fool. It was obvious that Biden didn't want to budge--he said so often and loudly enough--and it was similarly obvious that he resented being pushed out. 

Many people speculated at the time that Biden's endorsement of Harris hours after the obviously written-for-him letter bowing out of the race was a big screw-you to the Democratic Party. Harris was thought to be a terrible candidate without a chance of winning, and Biden put our his endorsement separate from the statement pulling out of the race, and was likely not filtered by an establishment which had been pushing for an open process. 

Part of the deal in getting Biden out of the race was that there would be no criticism of Biden--at all--and that he would be presented as a George Washington figure putting country above ambition. And Biden is enforcing the deal--every time anybody mentions Harris separating herself from Biden, out he pops with a bear hug to draw her back in. And when he is unhappy with her he goes further--dons a MAGA hat or steps on her messaging. 

Rumors have swirled for years that Jill Biden hates Harris, and they are credible. Kamala attacked Joe as a racist in 2019, and Jill never forgave that slur. 

As for Obama, the case is a bit harder. During the switcheroo, it was obvious that Barack Obama thought Harris was a horrible choice, and he was among the last to give his blessing to her coronation. Obama is smart and politically savvy, and he views Harris with well-deserved contempt. She is a vapid product of a pathetically uncompetitive California Democratic Party, and despite being portrayed as a female Obama, Harris is almost the opposite. She is female but doesn't have the political skills that Barack Obama has in his toenails. 

Obama has been sent out on a mission to save Harris' campaign, at least with the black men who have been leaving her corner at an increasing pace. A good soldier (or general), he has accepted the mission but so far has done more to hurt her campaign than help. He has insulted black men as misogynists, and that didn't go over well at all. 

Did Barack Obama blurt this out to hurt Harris? I doubt it. As pleasant as it would be to think that Barack Obama was stabbing Kamala Harris in the back, I suspect that this anti-persuasive speech was an artifact of Obama spending all his time around the Democratic elite who believe that misogyny drives all opposition to Harris in the black community. They think in terms of identity and only identity, so they assume that the only reason black men wouldn't vote for Kamala is her gender. 

Obama loves power, and Kamala Harris is even more brain-dead than Joe Biden. Her being in office would extend his reign for another four years. He has deeply infiltrated the Biden administration (look at the ranks of administration officials), and his people are running Kamala's campaign in an uneasy alliance with Kamala's team. 

I think this was pure elitist arrogance, not sabotage. Obama has always aspired to be at the top of the elite and achieved that goal in 2004 when he burst onto the scene at the DNC. He has never looked back. 

Bill Clinton's gaffe (?) is the most mysterious. Biden hates Harris, Obama is now in an elite bubble and can't understand ordinary black men, but what is Clinton going on about? He basically blamed Kamala Harris for Laken Riley's death and called for the Great Replacement to become a reality. 

Did he think this would help Harris? Did he drop this to harm her? 

Beats me. It was so bizarre that there was no rational explanation for what he said. It was all true, at least according to Clinton's point of view. The elite really does want to replace us all with poorer and more pliant citizens who can be counted on to do what they are told for a low, low price of minimum wage jobs. But you don't say that ALOUD if you want to win back white working-class men, and that is the demographic Clinton is trying to reach. Supposedly. 

I wish I had a good explanation for why Clinton said this. The Clintons came out in favor of Harris early, so it seems ridiculous to think that they want Harris to lose. By 2028, they will be too old to be relevant, so hoping for a fresher face in 2028 makes little sense. Even in an era where 82-year-olds can have political power still (look at Biden and Trump!), it beggars the imagination to think that Clinton is banking on more influence starting in 2029. 

Was it a Kinsley Gaffe--accidentally saying out loud what you really think? I suspect so. Bill had a brain fart, and the hot gas that came out was his version of the truth. Perhaps he thought that was persuasive to people? He did try to blame Trump for the failure to vet Riley's killer, but that is a stretch beyond belief. 

The Clintons, like the Obamas, do hang out with the Davos crowd. So perhaps he believes that this offensive drivel is persuasive. But the whole point of dragging the 78-year-old Clinton onto the campaign trail is that he understands white working-class people, right? 

I doubt the Democrat establishment wants Harris to lose. They may expect it now, but with a billion dollars invested, control over trillions of dollars in the federal budget, and the regulatory state apparatus at stake, they want the presidency. Biden might smile at a Harris loss, but nobody else at the top. 

Except Whitmer, Newsom, Shapiro, and a whole lot of other contenders for 2028. 


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