Thursday, October 17, 2024



Sage Steele to Newsmax: Harris Gave Voters 'Zero Reason' to Support Her

Sage Steele - Trust Edge

On Wednesday, Vice President Kamala Harris 

Kamala Harris in Philadelphia suburbs: Schedule today, time, location, road  closures

said down for an interview with Fox News' Bret Baier to present her case to a more conservative audience. Former ESPN host Sage Steele told Newsmax that Harris gave voters "zero reasons to support her because she refused to be honest and accountable about anything."

Steele said Americans will generally forgive a politician when they admit to wrongdoing, adding that such an admission "goes a long way because we all screw up."

"And so, when she continuously refuses to take opportunities to own something and say, I wish we had done this in hindsight, and going forward, here's how I would do it differently — I would support her in many ways, but right now she's giving us zero reasons to support her because she refuses to be honest and accountable about anything," Steele said during an appearance on "Finnerty."

The host of "The Sage Steele Show" said Harris "refused to directly answer questions" and missed an opportunity to "clarify her positions."

"Whether it was about paying extra money, continuing to have taxpayers fund transgender surgeries of inmates or illegal aliens, or refusing to talk about potential mistakes on the border, would you change anything? So many things that she refused to answer," Steele added.

James Morley III

James Morley III is a writer with more than two decades of experience in entertainment, travel, technology, and science and nature. 


Ted Cruz Leaves Colin Allred's Campaign in Shambles With Masterful Debate Performance

In a race too close for comfort, with everything on the line, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) delivered a masterful debate performance on Wednesday night. Facing off against Rep. Colin Allred (D-TX), the current senator pummelled his opponent on issue after issue. Allred wasn't ready for primetime, contradicting himself at multiple points and walking right into numerous receipt-laden traps set by Cruz. 

Cruz came into the debate planning to expose Allred for the radical he is, not the moderate he claims to be. I think it's safe to say he succeeded.

CRUZ: He's said not a word about his own record. I have to admit that at the beginning of it, it reminded me of Kamala Harris in the debates answering everything, "Look, I was born in the middle class." It's some lines that sound nice that ignore his record. Let's just talk about his voting record. Again, you can go to, you can see the actual votes. Four times, he has come out for men playing in women's sports and boys playing in girl's sports. He is a co-sponsor and he voted for a law called the Equality Act. The Equality Act mandated that boys be able to go into girl's bathrooms, locker rooms, and their changing rooms. 

ALLRED: (mumbling) That's not true, that's not true

CRUZ: He voted for it. That is his record. Number two, there was a bill, it was a very simple bill, it was narrowly defined. It was protecting women and girl's sports. He voted no. The only issue on that bill was whether biological boys should compete against our daughters. Congressman Allred was an NFL linebacker. It is not fair for a man to compete against women.

The third time, he signed onto something called the Transgender Bill of Rights. The Transgender Bill of Rights explicitly, and he cosponsored it, mandated that boys compete against girls in sports. And just two weeks ago, Congressman Allred joined a hundred radical Democrats in demanding that our military allow drag shows on military bases, pay for soldiers to have sex changes using taxpayer money, and pay for children to be sterilized and have sex changes on military bases. Again, that's extreme. That's not Texas, but that's his voting record. 

While Allred has been bombarding the airwaves with ads claiming he's tough on the border and a social moderate, the truth is far different. As Cruz laid out with such precision, the congressman went to Washington and did what Democrats in Washington always do. He sponsored and voted for a variety of radical, far-left policies that make most people in Texas wince. 

Over and over, on the issue of transgenderism, Allred enthusiastically voted with his party and against protecting children. Far from the rebel he claims to be, the congressman has been a rubber stamp for the most extreme facets of the left-wing agenda. He can try to run from that record, but he can't hide from it. 

The pummelling just continued from there. On abortion, Cruz drew a sharp contrast, pointing out that Allred voted for federal legislation that would have legalized abortion until birth in every state. 

When the topic of antisemitism came up, Cruz again brought the receipts, pointing out that Allred has toed the Democrat line on Gaza and Hamas. The congressman, much like vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, also has a history of befriending and working with radical Islamists.

SEE: Tim Walz Caught in Scandal Involving a Muslim Cleric and Adolf Hitler

CRUZ: Congressman Allred invited a radical Imam in Dallas who called Zionists monsters and has compared them to Nazis. Congressman Allred calls them the best of North Texas. I don't support those who engage in antisemitic actions, and I will tell you, the funders of the antisemitic protests on college campuses are among Congressman Allred's biggest supporters. We need clarity, we need to draw a line, and as for me and my home, we will stand with Israel.

CRUZ: Right now, Kamala Harris & Colin Allred both want the votes of the anti-Semites on college campuses. I don't want their votes, and if they threaten Jewish students, they should be arrested, they should be prosecuted, they should be expelled, and if they are from another country, they should be deported.

Of course, the biggest liability for Allred is his opposition to Donald Trump's border policies. While the congressman has repeatedly claimed to be tough on the border, his comments and voting record when he wasn't running for the U.S. Senate paint a very different picture. 

CRUZ: In his entire answer, Congressman Allred makes zero reference to anything he's actually done in office. As Gromer Jeffers rightly noted in his question, Congressman Allred has said publicly that if you believe border security matters, he thinks you're a racist. He calls the border wall quote, "That racist border wall," and he has pledged to tear down that "racist border wall" personally, and he said quote, "We will not have that wall in this country." 

And by the way, that's been his consistent voting record. He's voted against that wall not once, not twice, but three times. Every single time there's a serious measure to secure the border, Colin Allred votes no. Look, it's a pattern we've seen at the presidential level because it's what Kamala Harris does as well, and understand at home, Colin Allred is Kamala Harris. Their records are the same. I've served with both of them. They've voted in favor of open borders over and over and over again, and now they are desperately trying to hide that from the voters. 

Now at the end, Congressman Allred said, "Well gosh, Cruz hasn't done anything on that," but let's talk about my record. When Donald Trump was president, I worked hand-in-hand with President Trump to secure the border and we achieved incredible success. We produced the lowest rate of illegal immigration in 40 years. That's what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris inherited. It's what Colin Allred inherited, and they deliberately broke it and opened the border, and Texas is paying the price.

Allred didn't go to Washington and buck his party to help solve the border crisis. Instead, all he mustered was a vote for a meaningless resolution. When it came to actual policy, the congressman was a rubber stamp for the Biden administration, whether that be his voting record or his rhetoric. 

In the end, Cruz took his opponent apart. Anyone who watched that debate should no longer be confused about who would be heading to the Senate if Allred were to win. At best, he'd become just another "yes man" for Chuck Schumer. At worst, if Kamala Harris were to win the presidency, he'd likely represent the decisive vote to enact her agenda. Texans need to choose wisely. This isn't the time to play around with yet another faux "moderate" Democrat who will be anything but once on the job.


Pro-Life Activist Bevelyn Beatty Williams Votes for Trump Before Turning Herself in to Federal Prison

On Wednesday, a Tennessee wife, mother, and activist who gained popularity for speaking out against the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement cast her ballot before reporting to a federal prison. 

In August, Bevelyn Beatty Williams, 33, was convicted in a federal court of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act) and was sentenced to 41 months in prison. Williams cites her Christian faith as what led her to demonstrate at an abortion clinic in June 2020, in the wake of then-New York Governor Andrew Cuomo (D) signing abortion reforms into law the previous year. 


EXCLUSIVE: Pro-Life Activist Bevelyn Beatty Williams Speaks Out
After Shocking Verdict and Sentencing

On Tuesday, Williams shared that her stay of appeal was denied:

My legal team worked tirelessly to submit a stay of appeal so I could be home on bail while appealing this case for the sake of my daughter and husband. Unfortunately, the judge, who also sentenced me, denied the appeal. I have now been assigned a federal facility to report to and must surrender tomorrow at FCI Aliceville.

In her post, which included a 17-minute video, Williams continued to lean on her faith and encouraged her followers and supporters to vote and continue praying for her, writing:

My family and I remain hopeful and are trusting God through this challenging time. The Bible is clear that persecution will happen, but ministry continues, even in prison. Our job as Christians is to be a light, especially in dark places. My legal team is still working on several things, but for now, this is where I need to be. Please don't forget to vote and do all you can to elect leaders who stand for justice. Keep praying for me. I love you all and appreciate your continued support.

On Wednesday, before surrendering at a federal detention facility in Alabama, Williams and her husband, Rickey, took to social media to share that they cast their ballots for former President Donald Trump. 

Williams wrote on X:

Early voting started today before my surrender did I vote? hell yeah I did..  #Trump2024

In a two-minute video, Rickey speaks on the traumatic experience of separation their two-year-old daughter faces, pointing to the politics of the Biden-Harris administration. He condemns former President Barack Obama's rhetoric on black Americans as the Williams family is pulled apart.

Williams previously told RedState that she anticipated Trump would pardon her if he wins the November election, saying:

Trump said that there is a persecution of Christians and that the first thing is he going to do is be there for Christians. So, yeah, I expect him to be there for Christians.


Obama and Biden Caught Having an Intense Conversation at Ethel Kennedy's Funeral

The Three Stooges (Photo Above) 😂

Ethel Kennedy was put to rest yesterday. She passed away on October 10. She was 96 years old. Former presidents, government officials, family, and friends all gathered to pay their respects in Washington, D.C. (via CBS News):

The human rights advocate, mother and grandmother died in her sleep earlier this month after a stroke. She was 96.  

Mr. Biden said Kennedy played an "essential role in my life," offering glimpses of their personal relationship. When his first wife and daughter were killed in a car crash in 1972, "she was there," the president said. And when Mr. Biden was elected president in 2020, he received a letter from her that said it gave her great "comfort" to know the country was in his hands. And she always sent a Valentine's Day card. 

"I'm not bidin' my time waiting for you, valentine," one such card from her said, Mr. Biden recalled. 

The president said Kennedy was full of integrity, empathy, joy and light. And she and Ted Kennedy encouraged him when he was fed up with Congress and wanted to leave the Senate, he said. 


Obama called Kennedy a "big dose in a small package," and a "spitfire from a young age." She was passionate about everything, Obama said, from juvenile justice reform to civil rights. 

"As serious as Ethel was about righting wrongs, she never seemed to take herself too seriously," Obama said.

Clinton called her an "amazing fireball with continuous energy." 

"I thought your mother was the cat's meow," Clinton told her assembled family. 

Okay, please take it easy there, Bill. 

Yet, even at this somber event, the politics of the election cycle seeped through with this purported heated exchange between Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They were not talking about the stock market. It was likely about the state of the 2024 race, where Obama, looking despondent and angry, appears to be giving Joe a piece of his mind about Kamala Harris. Any lip readers are welcome, but it’s not something positive. As some noted, the death organ in the background makes the clip:

Given Kamala’s deficits with core Democratic voter groups, a reported disastrous campaign operation in Pennsylvania, and a devastating Fox News interview, I’d be just as depressed as Obama if I were a Democrat.


UPDATE: THIS ISN'T REAL, but it's pretty damn funny:

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Kamala's Pennsylvania Operation Is a Total Disaster

Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign is unraveling. No, I am not popping champagne yet, but the latest developments emanating from her camp aren’t the stories you want dropping as we approach the two-week mark of the election. Kamala doesn’t have an economic message that’s resonating; she has an appalling deficit among core Democratic voter groups and has a male voter problem, especially with black men. It’s too late to try and make up ground here—almost everything should be devoted to last-minute media blitzes and organizing all operatives on the ground to initiate their get-out-the-vote plans. In Pennsylvania, there could be trouble ahead. 

Politico wrote a lengthy piece about how Kamala’s operation in the crucial state of Pennsylvania was a total shamble. Top operatives are unfamiliar with the areas where they’re supposed to maximize party outreach, and there are allegations that surrogates have been left out in the cold. Other activists are unable to access the tools required to reach target voters. The Kamala campaign addressed some of these allegations, but all is now well with Democrats in the Keystone State: 

Top Democrats in Pennsylvania are worried Vice President Kamala Harris’ operation is being poorly run in the nation’s biggest battleground state. 


Some are even pointing fingers at Harris’ Pennsylvania campaign manager, Nikki Lu, who they say lacks deep knowledge of Philadelphia, where the vice president must drive up voter turnout in order to win.  

“I have concerns about Nikki Lu,” said Ryan Boyer, who, as the first Black head of the city’s influential building trades council, is one of the most powerful labor leaders in the state. “I don’t think she understands Philadelphia.” 


Latino and Black Democratic leaders met with Harris officials behind closed doors in separate meetings in Philadelphia late last month and pressed the campaign on their concerns, said five people who attended or were briefed on them. In the conversations, which included Lu and Harris deputy chief of staff Sergio Gonzales, the leaders asked for a greater presence at local events, an improved surrogate operation and a more sophisticated understanding of how to engage with diverse voting blocs. 


“I feel like we’re going to win here, but we’re going to win it in spite of the Harris state campaign,” said a Democratic elected official in the state, who, like others for this story, was granted anonymity to speak freely about a sensitive matter. “Pennsylvania is such a mess, and it’s incredibly frustrating.” 


Some of Democrats’ frustrations could be exacerbated by Pennsylvania’s size and long-standing regional differences: Lu hails from Pittsburgh, which is located on the other side of the state from Philadelphia and the major Black and Latino communities in southeastern Pennsylvania. 

And complaints about outreach to voters of color are common in Democratic politics in Pennsylvania. 

But this level of frustration and finger-pointing is not. 

A second Democratic elected official in the state described Lu as “AWOL.” A Pennsylvania Democratic strategist said that Lu “empowers a culture” in the campaign that has left elected officials feeling unengaged and disrespected. 


Harris’ coordinated campaign’s former Latino coalition manager in Pennsylvania, Mariel Joy Kornblith Martin, left after two weeks on the job and wrote a blistering memo to state party leaders in August saying that she was provided with “no access to necessary data on Latino demographics” and “no infrastructure to plan events or engage the Latino community.” 

“Please give us the tools to win,” wrote Martin in the memo, which was obtained by POLITICO, “for as we all know, you do not win PA without Latinos, and you do not win the presidency without PA.” 

Martin later said she wrote the memo because she wanted to suggest changes to help the campaign rather than “passively observe the status quo.”

The Harris campaign said that Martin’s allegation of not having access to the campaign’s tools was inaccurate while also saying that they feel their ground game was better than the Trump operation in the state. Granted, these were words from national campaign manager Julie Chávez Rodriguez—what else will she say? For days, this campaign has denied that they have a male voter problem despite every poll showing that chasm, along with Barack Obama being dragooned to shame black men into voting for Democrats. You can’t have a robust campaign operation when the alleged deficiencies run this deep.   

Again, let's not get comfortable, but a main criticism of Harris in 2020 was that her campaign was rudderless, disorganized, and had no plan. That seems to have reared its ugly head. These aren't stories you want to see this late in the cycle. 

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Robert Telles, Disgraced Democrat Official Sentenced To At Least 28 Years After Murdering Reporter

Robert Telles appears in court for an arraignment on an open murder charge in Las Vegas Justice Court at the Regional Justice Center on September 20, 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

What ever happened to "eye for an eye justice"?

For the murder of investigative journalist Jeff German, former Democrat elected official Robert Telles was sentenced on Wednesday to at least 28 years in Nevada state prison.

Robert Telles was a former Clark County Public Administrator. He assumed office in 2019 and left office in 2022.

Two years ago, the now-deceased writer, who worked for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, revealed an intimate relationship between Telles and a female coworker in addition to other articles of his criticizing Telles’ inappropriate behavior and corruption in the workplace.

After a jury found Telles guilty of murder in August, the court later added sentencing enhancements for factors like “lying in wait, using a deadly weapon, and the reporter’s age” to add eight more years to the minimum 20-year term.

“Lying in wait” refers to “holding oneself in a concealed position to watch and wait for a victim for the purpose of making an unexpected attack and murdering or inflicting bodily injury on the victim,” according to Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Telles spoke to German’s family during the sentencing and expressed his condolences, but he still tried to claim that he was innocent, according to CBS station KLAS-TV.

In his defense testimony, 47-year-old Telles denied killing German by stabbing him in September 2022. However, there was substantial evidence against him, including his DNA found under German’s fingernails.

Telles was the elected administrator of a county office that deals with probate property and unclaimed estate issues at the time. He has been in jail without the opportunity for bail since his arrest.

Nevertheless, Telles plans to appeal his conviction, according to Robert Draskovich, his defense lawyer.
The slain writer, German, was 69-years old. He was a well-respected journalist who covered corruption, justice, and crime in Las Vegas for 44 years.

After German’s articles were published in May and June 2022, which detailed chaos and harassment at the Clark County Public Administrator/Guardian office as well as a secret relationship between Telles and a female employee, Telles lost his primary for a second term in office. After his arrest, his legal license was also suspended.

“Police sought public help to identify a person captured on neighborhood security video driving a maroon SUV and walking while wearing a broad straw hat that hid his face and an oversized orange long-sleeve shirt. Prosecutor Pamela Weckerly showed footage of the person wearing orange slipping into the side yard where German was stabbed, slashed and left for dead,” CBS News reported.

Police discovered a maroon SUV at Telles’ residence, along with sliced fragments of a straw hat and a gray athletic shoe that appeared to be those worn by the individual captured on local CCTV.

When Telles took the stand to defend himself, he was still unable to explain his DNA being found on German or the components of the disguise that were discovered on his home.

For the first time in his lengthy testimony, Telles also acknowledged that the office romance was real, admitting that the reporter’s article was factual. However, he still denied killing German and claimed that a large-scale conspiracy, involving the police, a real estate corporation, DNA experts, former coworkers, and others had “framed” him.

“I am not the kind of person who would stab someone. I didn’t kill Mr. German,” Telles claimed. “And that’s my testimony.”

Telles maintained that German ruined his career, damaged his reputation, and endangering his marriage, according to prosecutor Christopher Hamner.

Additionally, Telles told the jury that at the time German was killed, he went to the gym and went for a walk. However, there was proof that Telles’ wife had texted him, asking, “Where are you?” about the same time he was killed. According to the prosecution, Telles was unable to be traced because he left his phone at home.

After three days and almost twelve hours of deliberation, the jury convicted Telles. Before determining that Telles would be eligible for parole, the tribunal heard testimony from German’s brother and two sisters regarding his punishment, as well as heartfelt requests for leniency from Telles’ mother, wife, and ex-wife.

Because German was older than 60, Judge Michelle Leavitt of the Clark County District Court was authorized to increase Telles’ sentence by up to eight years for both lying in wait prior to the attack and employing a lethal weapon in a willful, deliberate, premeditated death.

Steve Wolfson, the district attorney, expressed his “hopeful and confident” belief that the judge would sentence Telles to a life sentence in prison.

“This defendant has shown absolutely no remorse, no acceptance of responsibility,” said the elected regional prosecutor. “And in fact, his behavior is such that I believe he is an extreme danger to the community if he is ever released.”

Telles’ conviction has sent “an important message that the killing of journalists will not be tolerated,” said Katherine Jacobsen, the U.S., Canada, and Caribbean program coordinator at the committee.

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Kamala Harris' Fox News Interview Prompts Mockery From Conservatives, Praise From Democrats

In a rare interview with Fox News on Wednesday, where she reportedly showed up very late, Vice President Kamala Harris engaged in a lengthy back-and-forth debate with host Bret Baier about illegal immigration.

Watch the video of the complete interview below to see how stupid this woman really is.


“How many immigrants crossed the southern border during the Biden administration?” Baier asked Harris towards the beginning of the conversation.

He also added that illegal immigration was “a topic of discussion that people want to rightly have,” as millions of foreigners who, according to U.S. Border Patrol agents, have been “barely vetted” and have illegally entered through the southern border into the U.S. since President Joe Biden and Harris took office.

Baier went on to question Harris about the Biden administration’s decision to reverse a Trump-era decision that required prospective asylum-seekers to remain in Mexico while they awaited the outcome of their case in the U.S. immigration court.

“We recognized from day one that—on the point of this being your first question—it is a priority for us as a nation and for the American people, and our focus has been on fixing a problem,” Harris responded.

Harris asserted that her GOP opponent would “prefer to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem, and in this election this is rightly a discussion the American people want to have,” she continued, criticizing former President Trump for rejecting a bipartisan deal earlier this year.

Baier then cited the tragic incidents of three young women—Rachel Nungaray, Laken Riley, and Rachel Morin—who were all reportedly murdered by illegal aliens who had entered the country during Biden and Harris’ administration.

Baier: “Do you owe those families an apology?”

Harris: “Those are tragic cases. There’s no question about that. There’s no question about that. And I can’t imagine the pain that the families of those victims have experienced for a loss that should not have occurred… So that is true. It is also true that if a border security [bill] had actually been passed nine months ago it would be nine months we would have had more border agents at the border, more support for the folks who are working around the clock trying to hold it all together to ensure that no future harm would occur.”

“This election in 20 days will determine whether we have a president of the United States who actually cares more about fixing a problem even if it is not to their political advantage in an election,” Harris added.

If re-elected in November, Trump has said that he will remove the protected status for groups of illegal immigrants from third world countries who commit crimes and cannot assimilate into American society, and he has promised to deport large numbers of illegals in general.

Harris’ Biden-appointed duty of discovering reasons behind migration from Central American countries as the border czar has been highlighted by Trump’s campaign as an example of how badly of a job she has done to combat illegal immigration into the U.S.

Additionally, Trump has frequently brought attention to incidents involving rape, murder, and pedophilia committed by illegal immigrants.

In a congressional resolution, Representative Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.) stated that “on March 24, 2021, President Biden tasked Vice President Kamala Harris with working to address illegal immigration into the United States, including ‘root causes,’ and came to be known colloquially as the Biden administration’s ‘border czar’… It took Vice President Kamala Harris 93 days as the border czar before finally visiting the southern border on June 25, 2021… When Vice President Kamala Harris traveled near the southern border for the first time on June 25, 2021, she decided to travel to El Paso, Texas, 800 miles away from the lower Rio Grande… Former United States Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz stated that during his two years in the position, ‘I’ve never had one conversation with the president [Biden] or the vice president [Harris], for that matter. I was the Chief of the Border Patrol, I commanded 21,000 people. That’s a problem.’”

52% of 2,100 registered voters in the seven battleground states that are likely to determine the outcome of the November election agreed that Trump is best suited to manage immigration and border security, while 36% said Harris was more qualified on the subject, according to a Wall Street Journal poll released Friday.

Meanwhile, Harris’ campaign X account praised the vice president, maintaining that she did a wonderful job and handled the questions with Commander-In-Chief-like responses.

However, conservatives on X pushed back and mocked Harris for dodging questions and seemingly not taking responsibility for the deaths of the Americans slain and raped by illegal foreigners.

