Saturday, September 28, 2024



Jim Jordan Sends Final Warning to Merchan-Linked CEO

Mike Nellis of Quiller: 5 Things I Wish Someone Told Me Before I Became A  Founder | by Doug Noll | Authority Magazine | Medium
Authentic Campaign CEO Mike Nellis

House Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, sent a final warning to the attorney for Authentic Campaign CEO Mike Nellis on Friday, the Daily Caller reported.

Daughter of judge presiding over Trump's hush money case worked for Kamala  and Joe Biden | Daily Mail Online
Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan and daughter Loren  

In August, Nellis had refused to comply with a congressional subpoena from Jordan over allegations of collusion with his firm and Manhattan Judge Juan Merchan.

 The issue at hand is the alleged conflict of interest stemming from work Loren Merchan did as president of Authentic Campaigns, a top Democrat digital marketing firm.

Loren Merchan is the daughter of Judge Merchan, who presided over former President Donald Trump’s trial in New York over the improper filing of business documents. 

“The objections to the subpoena are unfounded and unpersuasive, and do not excuse your client’s noncompliance with the subpoena. The Committee writes to overrule your objections and to provide Mr. Nellis a final opportunity to comply with the subpoena,” Jordan wrote in Friday’s letter.  

Last month Jordan requested that Nellis sit for a deposition with the company as well as sign a sworn affidavit that Authentic Campaigns never had any contact with Judge Merchan. The younger Merchan also refused to provide documents Jordan had requested regarding to Authentic Campaign’s work with the Biden-Harris reelection campaign.

Jordan’s most recent letter noted that Nellis previous responses “may contain false and/or misleading information” and attached to the memo a receipt from the Harris for President campaign made in July for “web hosting services” and named Authentic Campaigns as the vendor.  

“The new information therefore appears to contradict Mr. Nellis’s prior representations to the Committee.”

“In any case, your blanket and cursory assertion of some sort of First Amendment protection for the materials requested by the subpoena is plainly insufficient,” Jordan added.

Jordan has requested a response no later than Oct. 11.

James Morley III

James Morley III is a writer with more than two decades of experience in entertainment, travel, technology, and science and nature. 

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

BURN NOTICE: Leaker of JD Vance Private Communications Revealed
Kevin Gallagher

In an exclusive story published Friday, Breitbart's Matthew Boyle has revealed the name of the person who leaked private communications between the private citizen and now Senator and Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance and an until-now unnamed person, which included uncomplimentary comments Vance made in 2020 about then-President Donald Trump. The leaker, named Kevin Gallagher, is a consultant for Deloitte, a financial services firm. The Washington Post originally broke the story about the leaked messages but did not release the name of the person with whom JD Vance was messaging. Boyle wrote:

But what the Post did not do is tell its audience who Vance was communicating with in these messages, or provide the full context of the conversation, since it only reported part of one side of it. The Post argued it granted the source who provided these messages anonymity “because of concerns about retaliation,” but Breitbart News can reveal the person’s identity here for the first time as a well-connected Deloitte consultant.

Here's where Breitbart News spills the goods on the leaker:

The Deloitte consultant, whose identity the Washington Post’s Peter Jamison hid from the newspaper’s readers, is named Kevin Gallagher. Deloitte’s website lists Gallagher as a “principal” with the firm, based in Connecticut. Breitbart News has seen a screenshot of messages that Vance sent to Gallagher—the other side of the conversation is not available, because Gallagher had deleted his account, thereby deleting the messages—confirming that Gallagher is in fact the recipient of these.

The Washington Post, interestingly, despite being a newspaper that claims to support transparency, did not provide either to Vance’s team earlier in the week when they were trying to respond to the newspaper’s inquiries or to its readers the full context of the conversations, including comments and questions that Gallagher made to Vance to prompt Vance’s comments in response that the Post deemed newsworthy. Vance’s team did not deny the authenticity of the messages – the senator’s advisers just asked the Post to be transparent about the full context of the conversations and with whom the messages were exchanged. The Post made clear in its story that it refused to do so.

A "principal" generally means a person highly placed in the firm. Deloitte, among other areas, provides services to various levels of government. For now, anyway. Should the Trump/Vance ticket win the election in November, this debacle may well end up costing Deloitte some significant government contracts. A company, after all, that does business with the United States government should be expected to maintain some degree of control over the unauthorized release of information; in this, Deloitte is not doing so well, a source told the publication:

A source close to Trump’s family told Breitbart News that the Trumps are watching this episode with horror. “The entire government affairs team at Deloitte should be fired,” the source close to Trump’s family said. “If they’re too dumb to understand how this is going to affect Deloitte’s access to a Trump administration then they have no business working in government affairs.”

Leaking of personal information by the employee of a service organization like this is surely grounds for dismissal. It's hard to imagine not firing, at a minimum, Kevin Gallagher, who actually leaked the confidential messages.

See Related: Multiple Indictments Returned in Iranian Hacking Plot Against Trump Campaign

Leftists Make Ridiculous Argument About X Suspending Journo Klippenstein, Who Doxxed JD Vance 

What's unclear is Gallagher's motivation for releasing these messages, although it is very likely for political reasons. It's common knowledge that JD Vance was not always enamored of Donald Trump, although the vice presidential candidate maintains now that Trump's record of accomplishments during his first term converted Vance to a Trump supporter. 

Gallagher and Vance evidently knew one another, possibly while both were attending Yale, although Vance graduated from Yale Law School two years after Gallagher graduated with his undergraduate degree.

In the Breitbart story linked above, a spokesman for JD Vance, William Martin, stated:

Martin, Vance’s spokesman, told Breitbart News that this whole charade from the Post and from Gallagher on Deloitte’s behalf reeks of dishonesty.

“The Washington Post has unethically and disgracefully covered this story, refusing to provide the full context of this exchange and intentionally leaving out proof that Senator Vance had made similar remarks publicly around this time,” Martin said. “It comes as no surprise that the propaganda arm of the Kamala Harris administration would behave this way, but the fact that senior officials at Deloitte Consulting are now actively working to interfere in the presidential election on behalf of the Democratic ticket is appalling. The counterparty to this conversation, Mr. Kevin Gallagher, has taken it upon himself as a principal at Deloitte to wade his employer in the fray of a presidential election by leaking private conversations to the press in order to boost the failing Kamala Harris campaign.”

As of this writing, neither Deloitte nor the Washington Post has made any further statements on the matter.


Will Biden Implement Socialized Medicine Through the Backdoor?

This week, The Wall Street Journal Editorial Board provided a megaphone to what I’ve been asking for months: Is the Biden administration making excuses to regulate (or outright eliminate) pro-consumer healthcare groups just to bring us a step closer to socialized medicine?

On Sept. 20, Lina Khan and the Biden Federal Trade Commission did Big Pharma a solid by bringing a complaint against pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), groups that plenty of government agencies and private sector employers hire to challenge the drug companies into lowering their prices.

PBMs are specialists in managing health plans and pulling every trick in the book to strong-arm Big Pharma into lowering drug costs. They are so effective that every business wants to use them. Over 275 million Americans are now part of health plans that PBMs administer.

It’s no coincidence that the money-hungry companies under the Big Pharma umbrella have been spending billions of dollars in a push to have Washington lawmakers weaponize the regulatory state against these companies. Like The Wall Street Journal wrote this week, “You have to smile at Ms. Khan portraying big drug makers as victims in her suit.”

The crux of the Biden FTC’s suit is that PBMs have been “artificially inflating insulin prices” by bullying insulin companies into giving them rebates in exchange for ensuring their drugs get used more frequently.

But facts are stubborn things — and the facts show the exact opposite of what the FTC is contending.

The Wall Street Journal found that. “… average insulin out-of-pocket costs fell to $21.19 from $31.52 between 2018 and 2022,” and “nearly 80% of insulin prescriptions cost less than $35 a month out of pocket in 2022.” So, in no way are PBMs inflating consumer costs. 

If PBMs aren’t actually increasing healthcare prices, then why is the Biden administration going after them so aggressively?

I argue because the administration knows that the next step to socialized medicine is having the government set drug prices. That can’t happen if private sector companies are driving market pricing in the industry. 

That would explain why the Biden FTC is trying to sue them and radical socialists like Sen. Bernie Sanders are also trying to stop PBMs through legislation.

What’s puzzling, however, is to see Kentucky Republican James Comer of all people using the time and resources of the House Oversight Committee to stab at PBMs, too.

Comer believes that Chair Lina Khan and the Biden-Harris FTC’s findings have helped to prove that these PBMs are bad actors. But the FTC’s sole Republican commissioner, Melissa Holyoak, opposed the release of the FTC’s interim staff report on this matter, arguing that it was not fact-based. In fact, before the Biden-Harris administration took over, the FTC advocated on behalf of PBMs, only to rescind the guidance for reasons that are unclear. 

Rep. James Comer is a good man. I don’t question his motives or intentions, but I do question why he’s putting so much stock in the political talking points of a few Democratic politicians. Very rarely does that present good news for American consumers, and now is not one of the few exceptions.

The American people don’t want socialized medicine. They see the destruction that it’s caused in every country where it’s been tried. That is why every bill that would bring it to the United States never gets anywhere in Congress. 

It would be a shame if the Biden administration succeeds in using the court system to force this dangerous dose of socialism down all our throats. Hopefully, the leaders within our judicial system and Republicans in Congress do everything they can to stop them.


CNN's Scott Jennings Has the Perfect Line for Kamala's Disastrous Border Visit

Scott Jennings: Pres. Trump Is "On Thin Ice Politically"
CNN’s Scott Jennings
Vice President Kamala Harris’ photo opportunity at the southern border was a classic example of bad timing: a new report from ICE revealed the criminal scum she and Joe Biden have allowed to pour into the country. Hundreds of thousands of criminals, along with tens of thousands of rapists and murderers, are roaming our streets. Harris wrecked the border, failed to address the migrant crisis, and now thinks she can pull a con over us by suggesting she’d crackdown on illegals (via Associated Press):

Vice President Kamala Harris walked a scrubby stretch along the U.S.-Mexico border on Friday and called for further tightening of asylum restrictions as she sought to project a tougher stance on illegal migration and address one of her biggest vulnerabilities in the November election. 

Harris’ push to further restrict asylum claims moves beyond President Joe Biden’s policy on an issue where her rival, former President Donald Trump, has an edge with voters. She balanced tough talk on policing the border with calls for a better way to welcome immigrants legally. 

“I reject the false choice that suggests we must choose either between securing our border and creating a system that is orderly, safe and humane,” Harris said. “We can and we must do both.” 

As CNN’s Scott Jennings aptly noted, the title for this border trip should read “Arsonist returns to the scene of the crime.” All this did was highlight the four years of intentional sabotage done by Democrats on border security: 

This trip should be an albatross around her neck for this shamefully transparent media event. We all know she won’t be tougher on the border since Democrats would never be able to expand their political power base without illegal aliens who are critical in creating new congressional seats in deep blue states via census data.

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Why Kamala's Border Visit Was a Total Disaster

Vice President Kamala Harris visited the border, another ‘check off item’ to make her seem like she cares about illegal immigration. Harris is an illegal immigrant’s best friend, and no zero-hour pivot is going to change that, especially since it was released that hordes of rapists and murderers were allowed to trot into the country. It’s insulting to everyone’s intelligence, but Harris claims she is going to be Ms. Tough Gal on the border (via Politico): 

BOMBSHELL: Bill Melugin Breaks Down ICE Non-Detained Data of Illegal Aliens encountered By DHS But No longer In Federal Custody |

- 425,431 convicted of a crime
- 13,099 convicted of homicide
- 15,811 convicted of sexual assault
- 1,845 pending homicide

— Overton (@overton_news) September 27, 2024

The Border Patrol Union (NBPC) has been lambasting Kamala for her border stunt Friday where she spent 20 minutes for a photo op trying to make everyone forget that over the past 3 1/2 years she let in 20 million illegals

— Paul A. Szypula 🇺🇸 (@Bubblebathgirl) September 28, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris plans to announce Friday that not only would she keep in place President Joe Biden’s sweeping asylum crackdown if she wins the White House, but that she would take it even further. 

During her border visit in Douglas, Arizona, the vice president will propose toughening the president’s policy that suspends asylum claims in between ports of entry when border crossings reach a certain threshold, per a senior campaign official, who was granted anonymity to not get ahead of the vice president’s speech. The senior campaign official did not provide further details of Harris’ proposal. 

It’s a striking and aggressive move from Harris in the final stretch of the campaign, as she doubles down on her efforts to cut into former President Donald Trump’s advantage with voters on immigration. The new proposal comes as the vice president makes her first trip to the southern border as the Democratic nominee, when she also plans to emphasize her opponent’s role in killing the bipartisan border deal. 

“The American people deserve a president who cares more about border security than playing political games,” Harris will say, according to her prepared remarks. 

So, why didn’t she do this three-and-a-half years ago? We’re at a point where it’s genuinely surreal that Democrats think she can play the role of an outsider when she’s the incumbent. Also, the trip couldn’t have come at a worse time as a new Immigration and Customs Enforcement report shed light on the Biden-Harris immigration policy, which allowed hundreds of thousands of criminals, including thousands of murderers and rapists, to enter freely. It’s what happens when you lose operational control of the border. The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway observed that this would be a disqualifying event for any campaign if this were a sane world. 

Kamala visits the border she wrecked and promises a crackdown on migrants. 

Sure, Jan.

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SCOTUS Rejects RFK Jr. Appeal, Declaring He Will Not Be On The N.Y. Ballot

Former presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks during a campaign event hosted by Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump at the Falk Productions manufacturing facility on September 27, 2024 in Walker, Michigan. The former president has two campaign events scheduled in Michigan today and another in Wisconsin tomorrow.

On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court denied Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s request to appear on New York’s presidential ballot.

Kennedy’s appeal was denied by the Supreme Court without a statement, and there were no notable dissents.

His name was removed from the ballot by state election officials due to “an incorrect address” he provided on his nomination form, according to the justices.

They argued that Kennedy’s position would “not only severely disrupt the state’s election processes and trigger substantial voter confusion, but also cause New York to miss federal deadlines for mailing overseas and military ballots.”

“State election officials countered that voters would be “severely harmed” by holding up the mailing of overseas ballots to accommodate Kennedy’s request. Kennedy’s position, they said, would ‘not only severely disrupt the state’s election processes and trigger substantial voter confusion, but also cause New York to miss federal deadlines for mailing overseas and military ballots,’” CNN reported.

Kennedy withdrew from the race in August and backed Donald Trump, promising to take his name off the ballot in a number of states.

In the weeks following his withdrawal from the race, Kennedy has withdrawn his name from certain states with a strong Republican majority and made more direct pleas to his followers to vote for Trump wherever they may live.

“My name is going to appear on Michigan’s ballot. I don’t want you to vote for me. I want you to vote for Donald J. Trump,” Kennedy stated. “That’s the only way I’m going to get to Washington, DC, and do all the things to help end the war, end the chronic disease epidemic, to end the censorship, to end the surveillance, and all the other things that I entered this race to do.”

Kennedy’s attempts to contest New York’s ruling had been turned down by lower courts, such as the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals.

The fact that this is the second challenge regarding presidential ballot access to reach the Supreme Court in as many weeks highlights the role independent and third-party candidates can play in close elections.

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New ICE Data: 13,099 Illegals Living In U.S. Have Been Convicted Of Murder, Over 20,000 Accused Or Convicted Of Rape

Migrants queue at the border wall to be received by Border Patrol agents after crossing the Rio Bravo river (or Rio Grande river, as it is called in the US) from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Mexico to El Paso, Texas, US on December 21, 2022. - Title 42, a President Donald Trump pandemic-era law that authorize United States border officials to expel migrants, is supposed to end on December 21. (Photo by Herika Martinez / AFP) (Photo by HERIKA MARTINEZ/AFP via Getty Images)
Migrants queue at the border wall to be received by Border Patrol agents after crossing the Rio Bravo river (or Rio Grande river, as it is called in the US) from Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, Mexico to El Paso, Texas, US on December 21, 2022.

Alarming Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) data revealed that tens of thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes and homicides are currently living within American society.

Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) published the findings after receiving the data, which showcased the national number of illegal immigrants holding serious criminal charges or convictions.

“As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket – 13,099 criminally convicted MURDERS!” Gonzales posted on social media. “Americans deserve to be SAFE in our own communities.”

As of July 21, 2024, there were 662,566 noncitizens with criminal histories on ICE’s national docket—13,099 criminally convicted MURDERS!

Americans deserve to be SAFE in our own communities.

— Rep. Tony Gonzales (@RepTonyGonzales) September 27, 2024

The Biden administration has seen millions of illegal aliens pouring into the country though the southern border. Biden officials say that they’re here to claim asylum, but it is extremely backlogged, meaning that their cases will most likely not be heard for years, allowing them to live in the country while they wait for their cases to be examined.

Former President Donald Trump previously had a much different policy for non citizens seeking asylum. His policy discouraged foreigners looking to migrate to the U.S. for better economic opportunities and free government kickbacks. However, the Biden administration relinquished Trump’s policy, resulting in tens of millions of Border Patrol encounters with foreigners illegally crossing the border.

Additionally, the data revealed that federal authorities were aware of 13,099 illegal immigrants freely presiding in the U.S. who have been convicted of homicide, as well as an additional 1,845 who have been accused of committing homicide.

Disturbingly, the data set also revealed that there are over 20,000 illegal immigrants living in the U.S. who have been convicted of or suspected of rape, as well as over 100,000 other illegals convicted of or accused of assault.

After the data release, ICE issued a statement where they expressed concerned in relation to the “policies” of “sanctuary” cities, which often end up becoming hotbeds for migrant criminals. Many of the convicted or accused migrant criminals living here left their own countries in the first place in order to avoid prison time.

The list of sanctuary states includes Kamala Harris’s home state of California, New York, and Illinois.

“ICE recognizes that some jurisdictions are concerned that cooperating with federal immigration officials will erode trust with immigrant communities and make it harder for local law enforcement to serve those populations,” stated ICE acting director Patrick Lechleitner. “However, ‘sanctuary’ policies can end up shielding dangerous criminals, who often victimize those same communities.”

The data also criticized Vice President Kamala Harris’ leadership, as Americans questioned why her and Biden’s policies have allowed a massive number of migrant criminals to enter into the country under their watch.

“The Biden/Harris administration has opened the border, closed ICE detention centers, slowed deportations, and released murderers back to the street instead of removing them,” former ICE field office director John Fabbricatore posted on social media.

Former President Donald Trump chimed in on social media following the data drop, stating “Nobody who has allowed this to happen to our Country is fit to be President of the United States! Bad timing for her to show up to the Border today, after not going for four years. Why didn’t she release these numbers earlier?”

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