Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Rachel Dolezal, also known as Nkechi Diallo, booked and released on welfare fraud, other charges

Rachel Dolezal is pictured in March 2017, six months after she changed her name to Nkechi Diallo.  (AP Photo/Nicholas K. Geranios, File)

Former Spokane NAACP President Nkechi Diallo -- who became infamous as Rachel Dolezal, a white woman identifying as black -- was booked and fingerprinted at a Washington state jail Monday as she awaits trial on multiple charges, including welfare fraud.
Diallo pleaded not guilty to state charges of first-degree theft by welfare fraud, making false verification and second-degree perjury last month. A judge ordered her freed on her own recognizance and gave her a deadline of Monday evening to report to the Spokane County jail for booking and fingerprinting.
Diallo, who changed her name from Rachel Dolezal in October 2016, is accused of receiving more than $8,800 in food and childcare assistance illegally between August 2015 and November 2017.
The welfare fraud case started in March 2017 after a state investigator received information that Diallo had written a book --her autobiography, "In Full Color." The investigator reviewed Diallo's records and found that she had been reporting her income as usually less than $500 per month, court documents said.
However, a subpoena of her bank statements and other records showed Diallo had deposited nearly $84,000 into her account from 2015-17, without reporting most of it to the state Department of Social and Health Services.
The money came from book sales, speaking engagements, soap making, doll making and the sale of her art, according to the case file.
Diallo did report a change of circumstance to the state agency, saying she did a one-time job in October 2017 worth $20,000, court documents show.
Rachel Dolezal, as she was known then, achieved international infamy in June 2015 after her parents, with whom she has long feuded, told reporters their daughter was white but was presenting herself as a black activist.
She has said that she grew up near Troy, Mont., and started to change her perspective as a teenager, after her religious parents adopted four black children. She decided some years later that she would identify publicly as black.
In addition to resigning as Spokane NAACP president, she was kicked off a police oversight commission, lost a position as a freelance columnist for a weekly newspaper in Spokane and was fired from her job teaching African studies at nearby Eastern Washington University.

Alan Dershowitz slams Martha's Vineyard liberals for 'shunning' him over Trump defense

Apparently Martha’s Vineyard is a safe space.
Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz said last week that his defense of President Donald Trump’s constitutional rights led to him being “shunned” by his own friends at a high-end seasonal destination.
The famed lawyer lamented the efforts to eject him from his social life at Martha’s Vineyard amid his outspoken criticism of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into the alleged collusion with Russia.
"So they are shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life on Martha’s Vineyard.”
- Alan Dershowitz
In an op-ed for The Hill, Dershowitz, a frequent guest on Fox News, said that though he’s politically a liberal Democrat who voted for Hillary Clinton in addition to contributing “handsomely” to her campaign, his defense of civil liberties that could benefit Trump is too much to swallow for his social circle.
“But that is not good enough for some of my old friends on Martha’s Vineyard. For them, it is enough that what I have said about the Constitution might help Trump. So they are shunning me and trying to ban me from their social life on Martha’s Vineyard."
“One of them, an academic at a distinguished university, has told people that he would not attend any dinner or party to which I was invited. He and others have demanded ‘trigger warnings’ so that they can be assured of having “safe spaces” in which they will not encounter me or my ideas. Others have said they will discontinue contributions to organizations that sponsor my talks,” he added.
Dershowitz went on to compare his situation with McCarthyism in the 1950s, when many innocent people were perceived as being sympathetic to communist ideas and were subjected to job firings and blacklists.
 “I never thought I would see McCarthyism come to Martha’s Vineyard, but I have. I wonder if the professor who refuses to listen to anything I have to say also treats his students similarly,” he continued. “Would he listen to a student who actively supported Trump? What about one who simply supported his civil liberties?”
“I never thought I would see McCarthyism come to Martha’s Vineyard, but I have. I wonder if the professor who refuses to listen to anything I have to say also treats his students similarly."
- Alan Dershowitz
Yet, Dershowitz remains defiant amid the efforts to ostracize him from public life. “I will not change my views as a result of these attempts to ostracize me, but there are some who may remain silent for fear of being shunned,” he wrote.
“Silence is not my style. Cowardice is not my philosophy. I intend to speak up when I disagree with Republicans, and I intend to speak up when I disagree with Democrats. Right now I am speaking up in disagreement with Maxine Waters. She — like those who shun me on Martha’s Vineyard — is part of the problem rather than the solution,” he added.

Democrats risk a backlash with hardball tactics on immigration and high court

The Democratic Party is suddenly lurching left in ways that may be self-destructive.
And it's driven in large part by 2020 politics.
Two or three weeks ago, the Democrats were riding a wave of moral outrage and favorable media coverage. Most of the country agreed that President Trump's policy of separating families at the border was wrong and rather heartless. The White House was awash in contradictory messages and some leading conservative voices were demanding that the president stop a policy that he insisted he had no power to halt. When Trump reversed himself, it was a rare win for the Democrats, who control nothing in Washington, and for journalists and commentators who were emotionally invested in the border issue.
But then the Democrats overreached. Several senators who are all but campaigning for president started calling for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency to be abolished, or replaced with something else.
We heard this from Elizabeth Warren and Kirsten Gillibrand and Kamala Harris. Their calculation, undoubtedly, is that the Democrats who will turn out to vote in the 2020 primaries detest not only the president but his immigration policies. This view may have been reinforced by 28-year-old Latino newcomer Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a self-proclaimed socialist who knocked off House Democratic leader Joe Crowley.
But the problem is that "abolish ICE" is exactly the kind of stance that drives away moderates and independents who want some border enforcement. It is easily caricatured as a call for open borders, and Trump hasn’t hesitated to make that argument. "You get rid of ICE, you're going to have a country that you're going to be afraid to walk out of your house," the president told Fox’s Maria Bartiromo.
The rhetoric by these Democrats reminds me of when Ron Paul, in his crusade against oppressive taxes, would call for the elimination of the IRS.
And it takes time for politicians to explain that, well, we really just mean reform the agency into a more humane bureaucracy.
So rather than making a case against young children being separated from their parents, the Democrats have moved the debate to the existence of a border patrol agency, basically because that animates their most liberal voters.
Two other developments have put the Dems on the defensive.
Many liberal voices have defended the hounding of Trump administration officials, from Sarah Huckabee Sanders to Kirstjen Nielsen to Stephen Miller. When Maxine Waters called for continued "harassment" of Trump Cabinet officials, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi had to distance themselves from her rhetoric. While the Democrats can fairly retort that Trump uses rough language and tactics, do they really want to position their party as favoring personal harassment of government officials?
And the retirement of Anthony Kennedy has sparked a media debate in which liberal commentators are demanding that Democrats block any vote on any Trump nominee this year. Obviously, the Democrats say this is payback for what Mitch McConnell did in stiffing Merrick Garland in 2016. But just as obviously, by taking this stance even before Trump’s pick next week, they leave themselves open to charges of obstruction.
The Washington Post recognized these problems in a front-page story yesterday:
"Growing liberal agitation over a pivotal Supreme Court retirement and a simmering crisis about immigrant child separation have left Democratic leaders scrambling to keep the political outrage they'd counted on to fuel midterm election wins from becoming a liability for the party."
The paper also noted that Bernie Sanders-style rhetoric, including "costly guarantees of government jobs, free health care and free college could backfire in parts of the country where Trump won in 2016, and where Democrats will have to win in November to reclaim control of Congress."
And that's the problem. What plays in the Bronx may be politically toxic in West Virginia and North Dakota, which are among the states where moderate Senate Democrats are trying to hang onto their seats.
A handful of presidential aspirants don't speak for the whole party. But they get outsized media attention when they embrace positions like getting rid of ICE, especially in a party that for now is shut out of power and has no natural leader.
Howard Kurtz is a Fox News analyst and the host of "MediaBuzz" (Sundays 11 a.m.). He is the author "Media Madness: Donald Trump, The Press and the War Over the Truth." Follow him at @HowardKurtz. Click here for more information on Howard Kurtz.

Schumer forced to call in after canceling town hall due to plane issues: report

Sen. Chuck Schumer has vowed to "fight Donald Trump all the way, in every way.”  (AP)

Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on Monday—citing an equipment issue that grounded his small plane—was forced to cancel a town hall in Brooklyn, annoying some in attendance who waited hours for his arrival in a hot synagogue.
Schumer, instead, reportedly conducted a teletownhall, and took calls from attendees.
The topics varied.
One person asked why he cooled down Rep. Maxine Water’s rhetoric on harassing President Trump’s administration officials in public. Another called on the senator to use his leadership position to unite the party and oppose any extreme Supreme Court pick to replace Anthony Kennedy.
“Whip the vote,” members at the meeting chanted, which means to galvanize the party, according to Politico. “Whip the vote.”
Liberal attendees also reportedly chanted, "Don't phone it in."
Schumer, the Senate Democratic leader, has been reportedly feeling pressure from Democrats on the left and some moderates on how to effectively approach Trump’s future Kennedy replacement.
The long-time champion of the left, appears to be facing a similar wave confronting his colleague in Congress, Nancy Pelosi. The party's left is emboldened and intent on making sure their leaders know it.
“There are thousands and thousands of people in this city who want to support him, so that he can win battles,” Liat Olenick, 32, a member of a liberal group in Brooklyn, told Politico. “But he’s not speaking to those people, and we want him to do that.”
Another person at the meeting told the senator, “We are in a gunfight, but we have a butter knife.”
Schumer, who said he was stuck in Utica, reminded attendees that “Brooklyn, New York is not the center of the country,” according to a New York Times reporter who was tweeting about the event.
Schumer has been crystal clear on who he expects Trump to nominate. In an op-ed in The New York Times on Monday he called on a “bipartisan majority” that believes in upholding established law on abortion.
Schumer said that while Democrats don’t control the Senate — Republicans have a 51-49 edge — most senators back abortion rights. In an unusually direct appeal to voters, he said that to block “an ideological nominee,” people should “tell your senators” to oppose anyone from Trump’s list.
The Hill reported that Schumer hopes to stop the president from swaying the high court to the right for decades. But he has to work with Democrats in states that Trump carried, including Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., Sen. Heidi Heitkamp, D-N.D., and Sen. Joe Donnelly, D-Ind., who all voted for Trump’s earlier pick, Neil Gorsuch.
Trump is expected to begin his search in earnest this week at the White House and said the process could include interviews at his golf club before he reaches a final decision following the Fourth of July holiday.
“We need to fight Donald Trump all the way, in every way,” Schumer reportedly said.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Lopez Obrador Cartoons

Maxine Waters 'surprised' by fellow Democrats' rebukes, says Trump won't intimidate her


Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., said Sunday that she was "surprised" by criticism from Democratic leaders over her statement that people should "push back" against members of the Trump administration over its immigration policy.
"One of the things I recognize, being an elected official, is in the final analysis, leadership ... will do anything that they think is necessary to protect their leadership and so what I have to do is not focus on them," Waters told MSNBC.
Waters attracted criticism from Republicans last weekend after she told rally-goers in her Los Angeles congressional district that members of the public should confront members of the Trump administration and "tell them they're not welcome." Waters made the remarks after White House press secretary Sarah Sanders was asked to leave a Virginia restaurant and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen left a different restaurant after protesters began shouting at her.
House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi distanced herself from Waters' remarks after they were made public, while Senate Democratic Leader took to the Senate floor to say that harassment of political opponents was "not right" and "not American."
Waters claimed she was "surprised" that Schumer had criticized a member of the House of Representatives, saying that she had "not quite seen that done before."
The comments did not go unnoticed by President Trump, who tweeted last week that Waters should "be careful what you wish for." On Tuesday, House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said Waters should apologize.
Waters told MSNBC that she had received "several" death threats and that one person had been arrested in connection with those threats.
"I was blessed with courage. And I was blessed with the kind of strength that does not allow me to be intimidated by the likes of Donald Trump," Waters said. "Let him call me whatever he wants to call me. Let him say whatever he wants to say. He will not stop me."

Michael Goodwin: The left needs to face reality -- Trump is winning

To understand the madness gripping American leftists, try to see the world through their eyes. Presto, you’re now part of the raging resistance.
Like the Palestinians who mark Israel’s birth as their nakba, or tragedy, you regard Donald Trump’s 2016 victory as a catastrophe. It’s the last thing you think of most nights, and the first thing most mornings.
You can’t shake it or escape it. Whatever you watch, listen to or read, there are reminders — Donald Trump really is president.
You actually believe The New York Times is too nice to him, so you understand why a Manhattan woman urged a reporter there to stop covering Trump to protest his presidency.
And where the hell is Robert Mueller? He was supposed to save us from this nightmare — that’s what Chuck Schumer banked on. Well?
You spend your tax cut even as you rail against the man who made it happen. And you are pleased that cousin Jimmy finally got a job, though you repeat the daily devotional that Barack Obama deserves credit for the roaring economy.
And now this — Justice Anthony Kennedy is retiring, and Trump gets another Supreme Court pick. The court might tilt right for the rest of your life. He’s winning.
In a nutshell, our visit to the tortured mind of a Trump hater explains everything from Saturday’s mass marches to why a Virginia restaurant owner declared No Soup for Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
Their loathing for Trump is bone-deep and all consuming. This is war and they take no prisoners.
For most marchers, border policies offer a chance to vent. They didn’t make a peep when Obama did the same thing.
If children are their main concern, they could help the 23,000 New York City kids living in shelters. Or they could have attended the funeral of Lesandro Guzman-Feliz, the innocent Bronx teen hacked to death by a Dominican gang.
Instead, they give in to Trump Derangement Syndrome, which causes them to immediately and absolutely adopt the opposite position of the president’s — facts and common sense be damned.
Alas, they may look back on the last few months as the good old days. For Trump, despite his stumbles and the Mueller shadow, is finding a political sweet spot.
He is reaching a high-water mark in his presidency, with his support growing and expanding. Events, including big Supreme Court rulings and Kennedy’s retirement, give him chances to pad his advantage.
It’s a swift reversal from just 11 days ago, when Trump was sucking wind. The media was — again — treating him like a piñata over the separation of families on the border, and the White House was ready to fight a war it couldn’t win.
Then the president suddenly called off the dogs to sign an executive order ending family separations. Much of the hot air instantly came out of the resistance balloon, though protests continue because the left is embracing little or no border control as its passion of the moment.
Whether it’s because of Trump’s quick reversal and/or the left’s overreaction, polls are capturing the president’s rising fortunes. One survey showed most Americans were not nearly as sympathetic to the illegal border crossers as the media.
“I think it’s terrible about the kids getting split up from their parents. But the parents shouldn’t have been here,” a Minnesota woman told the Times.
Another poll shows Trump with 90 percent support among Republicans, matching the backing of President George W. Bush after 9/11.
And his support is broadening. A Harvard CAPS/Harris poll showed his approval rating hitting 47 percent, a two-point gain in one month driven by a 10-point swing among Hispanic voters and a four-point gain among Democrats.
Pollsters attributed the rise to the strong economy and that a whopping 75 percent approved of the president’s decision to meet with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.
Finally, a Pew finding about Trump supporters upends stereotypes: Just 31 percent are white men without college degrees, while 66 percent are college graduates, women or nonwhites.
These signs of the Big Mo switching sides came before two Supreme Court rulings that favored Trump. The first upheld his revised travel ban for a handful of Muslim-majority nations, saying it was within his ­executive authority.
It rebuked lower-court judges who bought the partisan canard that it was a “Muslim ban.” Their invalid rulings stood in stark contrast to plain readings of the law and show them to be hacks blowing with the political wind.
The second ruling, which blocks municipal unions from forcing workers to pay dues, is a tax cut for workers who opt out and a blow to Dems in New York, New Jersey and other blue states. The nexus between unions and Democrats turned those states into one-party fiefdoms — and resulted in union contracts taxpayers can’t afford.
Both rulings were 5-4, with Kennedy supplying the swing votes in an otherwise evenly divided court. That Trump will soon nominate his successor and likely have that person confirmed before the midterm elections improves GOP chances to hold Congress and the president’s chance to cement his legacy as an agent of dramatic change.
Because Democrats set the agenda for most media, the immediate talking point was that abortion rights are threatened with another GOP pick. While that is unlikely, given the Supremes’ traditional respect for precedent, the larger fact is that there is much more at stake than any single issue.
Consider that the travel-ban case upheld broad presidential authority on national security, and the union ruling was among several supporting First Amendment rights of individuals against government infringement.
Rulings like these have long-term cultural and political impacts and explain why Supreme Court appointments can have an outsized influence on a president’s legacy.
Already Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s first pick, is enormously popular with those who believe a justice’s job is to make sure laws pass constitutional muster, not legislate from the bench. A second pick in the Gorsuch mold would secure a majority on the court for curbing government’s appetite for more domestic power, perhaps for decades.
And that could do something extraordinary for Trump’s legacy. All else being stable, putting the Supreme Court on an enduring constitutional footing would make his presidency one of the most consequential of any age.
Cue the wailing.

New Deb mini-me

New Schools Chancellor Richard Carranza is a great fit with Mayor de Blasio. Like his boss, Carranza is obsessed with counting racial beans and believes the answer to every problem is more money.
One of them was more than enough. Two may be more than even New York City can handle.

An easy ‘pass’

A friend writes with a question: “How is it that if you arrive at JFK Airport without a passport, you are sent back to your place of origin, whereas if you cross the Rio Grande River without a passport, you are not sent back?”

Michael Cohen promotes ‘Good Morning America’ interview, says ‘My silence is broken’

President Trump's former attorney on Sunday promoted an interview set to be aired on ABC's "Good Morning America."  (Michael Cohen/Twitter)

President Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen on Sunday tweeted that he sat down for an interview with ABC’s “Good Morning America,” and proclaimed: “My silence is broken!”
Cohen did not go into any details about the "not on camera" interview with George Stephanopoulos, but posted a black-and-white picture of the two sitting together. The interview is set to be revealed on Monday, the tweet read.
“Spent Saturday afternoon with @GStephanopoulos @abc (not on camera) interview for Monday’s @GMA” Cohen tweeted.“My silence is broken!”
Federal prosecutors in New York have publicly said they are investigating alleged fraud in Cohen’s business dealings, but haven’t disclosed details. He became a household name when it was revealed that he paid Stormy Daniels $130,000 to promise not to discuss an alleged sexual encounter with Trump before the election.
Cohen has been coy on Twitter in the past.
He cited Buddha, writing that “three things cannot be long hidden, the sun, the moon, and the TRUTH,” and has also asked for an apology for the extent of “misreports” and allegations made public. He tweeted on June 28, “I had nothing to do with Russian collusion or meddling!”
Rudy Giuliani, an attorney for Trump, earlier this month tried to put to rest claims that Cohen might cooperate with special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation.
“It’s not so. He’s not cooperating nor do we care because the president did nothing wrong," he said. "I am absolutely certain of that.”
When asked if the Trump team was worried that Cohen may have tape recordings that exist without their knowledge, Giuliani was firm that the president was and is “clean as a whistle.”
Michael Avenatti, the lawyer for Daniels, responded on Twitter, "If Mr. Cohen really gave an "off camera" interview to @GStephanopoulos (whom I respect) for @GMA, he is dumber than I thought. He is playing games & trying to play both sides. There is only one way he can have any legitimate shot at saving his reputation."
