Monday, July 2, 2018

Mexico backs left-wing 'messiah' Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in historic presidential election

MEXICO CITY –  In an election many Mexicans hope will be a turning point for a country beset by decades of corruption, violence and enduring poverty, voters turned to a left-wing populist some supporters refer to as a “messiah.” A savior from the two major parties that have failed to deliver on promises of reform, in the eyes of many voters.
For months, polls predicted Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, a 64-year-old two-time presidential runner up, would win the election by a landslide. When the National Elections Institute announced preliminary results Sunday, authorities predicted he would win with between 53 percent and 53.8 percent of the vote, a remarkable margin not seen in the country for many years.
“My presidential vote went to AMLO,” said voter Laura Rodriguez-Verdin outside a polling location in Mexico City. “The reason I voted for him is because I believe he is the only person who has the interest at heart of people who most need help in this country. People with poor education and poor health services.”
Early in his career, Obrador lived in a dirt-floor shack, built houses for the poor and marched for environmental protections against the giant state-owned, state-run oil company, PEMEX. As Mexico City's mayor in 2005, he drove an old Nissan Sentra. Today, he claims not to own a credit card or checking account and says he will sell the presidential plane, turn the presidential palace into a park and live in his tiny townhouse in Mexico City.
“I voted for Andres Manuel for president because I like his proposals,” said Mexico City resident Diana Ortiz. “He’s not promoting the a rich government, the powerful guys. Instead he wants to be empower as much to the people here. He wants a more democratic vote.”
Why does the president of Mexico matter? The U.S. shares a 2,000-mile border. Mexico has the second-largest economy in Latin America, it's the third-largest trading partner of the U.S. and a major oil exporter, and it plays a key role in two of America’s most intractable problems, immigration and drugs. Militarily, the two countries share intelligence on terrorism and security and historically Mexico played a mediating influence and bulwark against Latin America’s more radical regimes. Its 6 million illegal workers and millions more immigrants provide the backbone of America’s agricultural and service industries, from the kitchens of New York City to hotel rooms in Chicago.
“Out of all the candidates, Andres Manuel is probably the least enthusiastic about the bilateral relationship with the U.S., but he recognizes that the relationship with the U.S. is fundamentally important,” said Duncan Wood with the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center. “His election is going to make life more complicated for the United States, let's put it like that.”
Roughly 88 million Mexicans are entitled to vote; officials predicted a 90 percent turnout. One reason is Obrador. The other is Congress. Between the lower House of Deputies and Mexican Senate, 630 seats are up for grabs and nine out of 32 governorships are being voted on.
If Obrador and his party, Morena, perform as expected, some conservatives worry he will have a majority and a Congressional mandate to enact sweeping reforms, including free access to the Internet, a doubling of pensions for the elderly, educational grants for students, an increase in the minimum wage and subsidies for small farmers and single mothers.
“The only candidate who was truly successful positioning himself as an agent of change was AMLO,” said former PAN party foreign minister Jorge Castaneda, who believes Obrador won the election based on three issues: violence, corruption and the economy.
“In the last twenty-odd years, this includes the government I served in, the economy has not grown more than two and a half percent per year,” Castaneda said. “Mexicans are not finding deep well-paying jobs, not seeing their living standards improved, not extracting people from poverty, we’re not reducing levels of inequality which are among the highest levels in the world.”
Almost 44 percent of Mexicans live below the national poverty line, earning less than $5 per day, according to the World Bank. Poverty is most extreme in the rural south, where unemployment and violence remain highest. Because of those factors, many Mexicans continue to migrate to the U.S. in hopes of a better life. Last year, the border patrol apprehended about 110,000 Mexicans at the border. Obrador has no plans to curb or interfere with those heading to the U.S. illegally, but hopes U.S. aid and a new NAFTA treaty will improve the economy and alleviate poverty so Mexicans won’t have to migrate.
“The best way to cooperate, one country with another one, is to help redevelop the areas that are sending [citizens who want to migrate] out of Mexico because we are not having economic growth here and we are not having jobs here,” said Obrador’s campaign manager, Tatiana Clouthier. “In that way you will not be having a lot of people wanting to cross because we are able to give them an opportunity in our country.”
To reduce immigration pressures, Obrador plans to offer amnesty to farmers who turned to opium and marijuana because they could not compete with industrial farms in northern Mexico and the U.S. under NAFTA, which Obrador hopes to renegotiate. Castaneda, who also teaches at New York University, says Mexico, as America’s third largest trading partner, doesn’t have much financial leverage -- but the country has other options.
“Trade over here, immigration here, drugs here, security and intelligence here - which is a big deal,” he says. “Mexico has few bargaining chips over trade, but a lot of bargaining chips on immigration, on drugs, and security. But we’re not using them. Trump is. For once in my life, I completely agree with him.”
President Trump was not a factor in the election, as each candidate seemed to resent him equally, as does much of the public. Instead, anger was directed at Mexico’s ruling elite, whom voters blamed for rising inequality, corruption and the never-ending drug war.
“This war on drugs is not working,” said voter Hugo Stewart, an Obrador supporter. “It’s causing a lot of deaths and needs to be looked at in a different way.”
Violence remains an acute problem in Mexico, with some 25,000 homicides this year, including 133 politicians and 48 candidates since campaigning began last September, according to one of Mexico’s leading political consulting agencies, Etellekt.
To reduce the violence, Obrador proposes a softening the military’s confrontational approach, saying Mexico will no longer fight America’s drug war since Mexico doesn’t have a consumption problem.

Presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, of the MORENA party, during general election in Mexico City, Mexico, Sunday, July 1, 2018. (AP Photo/Marco Ugarte)
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador promised a "transformation" for Mexico amid violence and political scandal.  (AP, File)

“The last 12 years, President [Felipe] Calderon and President Enrique Pena Nieto started a war towards smugglers or drug traffic and we’re not having good results,” said Clouthier. “We have to go from war to peace. And that means going to the root of the problem. We need development in areas where there is no work.”
Fighting the drug war is just one point of contention in U.S.-Mexican relations. Another likely is the personality clash of President Trump and Obrador. Would they get along?
Here are two points of view. Obrador is considered warm, personable, and smart. He’s written more than 10 books on Mexican political history. On the other, he is a prominent nationalist, critics compare him to Venezuelan dictators Hugo Chavez and Nicholas Maduro, and the fear his moral superiority could turn Mexico into a leftist autocracy. Obrador wrote a book critical of President Trump, who often seems to base foreign relations on the personal likability or trust of a country’s leader.  They could be friends or explosive enemies.
“I put the odds on the two abrasive personalities not getting along,” argues David Shirk, an expert on Mexican affairs at the University of San Diego. “What you will see is two men speaking their minds. There will be no bars between them.”
“I completely think they are going to get along,” counters Ana Quintana, at the Heritage Foundation's Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies. “I think AMLO is tapping into something in Mexico just like Trump tapped into the U.S. - that large pool of the population that has been disenfranchised by the political and economic elite.”
Trump, unlike previous U.S. presidents, did not visit Mexico in his first year in office. National Security Advisor John Bolton raised that possibility on “Fox News Sunday,” saying, “I think in this kind of context, having the two leaders get together, may produce some surprising results.”
And while it could happen, prominent columnist Pancho Garfias with the newspaper Excelsior said it may not end well.
“Lopez Obrador is not stupid, so he will try to get along with Mr. Trump,” he said. “I think Mr. Trump knows that Mexico is better as a friend than hostile, but I don’t think Mr. Lopez Obrador will shake hands with Trump. I think he will never be together in the same picture.”

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Mad Maxine Waters Cartoons

Obama still backing Pelosi while other Democrats move on

“I think everybody knows how much I love Nancy Pelosi,” former President Barack Obama said Friday at a Democratic Party fundraiser in California.

The list of Democrats expressing frustration with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi has been growing longer in recent weeks, but don’t expect to see former President Barack Obama’s name on it.
At a party fundraising event Friday afternoon in Northern California, Obama spoke highly of Pelosi – and even predicted that she will return to the job of House speaker after November’s midterm elections.
“I think everybody knows how much I love Nancy Pelosi,” Obama told the gathering at a home in affluent Atherton, Politico reported.
"Nancy, I believe, is one of the greatest speakers we ever had, and will once again be one of the greatest speakers we ever have after we get through this cycle," he continued. “And there's not much I could have gotten done without having Nancy there alongside of me every step of the way.”
"Nancy, I believe, is one of the greatest speakers we ever had, and will once again be one of the greatest speakers we ever have after we get through this cycle."
- Former President Barack Obama
But less than two weeks ago, Politico reported that at least 20 challengers running in Democratic primaries have been openly dismissive of Pelosi’s leadership.
In addition, a group of incumbent Democrats – including U.S. Rep. Brian Higgins of New York and Conor Lamb of Pennsylvania – say they won’t back Pelosi for another term as party leader.
"Our leadership is out of touch with what is going on, not only in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan but in Cheektowaga, West Seneca, Hamburg, Orchard Park and Lancaster," Higgins told the Buffalo News, referring to swing states that voted for Donald Trump in 2016, as well as municipalities near Buffalo.
"Our leadership is out of touch with what is going on ... in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan ... "
- U.S. Rep. Brian Higgins, D-N.Y.
Perhaps the biggest blow to Pelosi’s future prospects occurred last Tuesday in New York City, when 28-year-old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez defeated longtime U.S. Rep. Joseph Crowley, 56, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus.
To many political watchers, it suggested that Democratic voters have grown tired of the party’s old guard and want a new generation of leaders.
But Pelosi quickly dismissed Ocasio-Cortez’s upset victory as a “one district” fluke – a comment that may serve only to further inspire the younger, more far-left candidates seeking to move on Pelosi and her contemporaries.
The event where Obama spoke was co-hosted by Pelosi and U.S. Rep. Anna Eshoo, D-Calif., and held at the home of Liz Simons and Mark Heising, who head the philanthropic Heising-Simons Foundation.
It was part of a three-stop Obama fundraising tour in California, which included an event in Beverly Hills on Thursday night.

Student Highlights 'Shocking' Backlash After Classmate's Pro-Trump Comment During Debate

A California high school student said that a pro-Trump classmate received backlash after he voiced his support for a border wall during a class debate.
Shaina Chen, 17, said Saturday on "Fox & Friends" that during a debate about race in politics, the classmate stated: "We should build the wall."
Chen said the suggestion was met with "awkward silence" from the rest of her class.
She also detailed what happened in a New York Post opinion piece, in which she said students insulted the classmate and called him names.
Chen said Saturday that she didn't expect the reaction from her classmates, being that they attend a "diverse" school near liberal San Francisco.
"Just to have that happen, I was so surprised," Chen said.
There was discomfort in the hallway, but I noticed it was also the first time people continued a debate after class was over. In fact, this single statement led to weeks of discussion on race and the right degree of government involvement in race-related issues.
She said the reaction was "shocking" because she hadn't seen that type of opposition to free speech before in her school.
She also said that many teachers don't debate politics in their classes because it's a "sensitive" topic.
Chen wrote in her op-ed that as so many students today are opinionated, they've forgotten the value of a diversity of opinion.
"In a school that practices diversity in almost anything, we were really missing a huge chunk of diversity," Chen said.
Free speech is important, even — or, perhaps, especially — in high school, because it makes people uncomfortable. Discomfort sparks discussion and promotes an acceptance of the existence of different opinions.
She said that a diversity of opinion should be respected by everyone, and that those who can't are not open-minded or free-thinking.

House Democrat Tulsi Gabbard dodges debates in home state -- despite demanding them in 2016: report

U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, D-Hawaii, delivers a nomination speech for Sen. Bernie Sanders at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, July 26, 2016.  (Reuters)

A House Democrat is drawing heat in her home state for her history of refusing to participate in debates prior to primary elections.
But ironically, U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii resigned from her position with the Democratic National Committee in 2016 because she believed the party hadn't scheduled enough debates among its presidential candidates that year.
Gabbard has declined to debate her opponent ahead of the Aug. 11 primary in Hawaii's 2nd Congressional District, continiung a pattern of snubbing her primary opponents every time since being elected to Congress six years ago, the Honolulu Star-Advertiser reported.
“Blocking debates from happening through non-participation is the opposite of democracy,” said Sherry Campagna, Gabbard's chief primary challenger for Hawaii’s 2nd Congressional District. “I’ve asked for a debate. I have received silence for merely presenting a choice.”
The debate dodge is not an unusual tactic for incumbents. But the backlash against Gabbard is fueled by her past remarks urging former Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz to increase the number of debates during the 2016 Democratic presidential primary campaign, calling it an issue of “democracy,” the Star-Advertiser reported.
At the time, Gabbard said additional debates would “give the American people the opportunity to hear from these presidential candidates, to listen to what they’ve got to say, to hold them accountable for their views and their positions,” the paper reported, citing CNN.
“Blocking debates from happening through non-participation is the opposite of democracy."
- Sherry Alu Campagna, Democratic primary challenger
Gabbard even stepped down from her position as DNC vice chairwoman to endorse then-candidate Bernie Sanders after reaching an impasse over the debate schedule, the Daily Beast reported.
That same year, Gabbard also refused multiple debate requests from her then-primary challenger Shay Chan Hodges, the Star-Advertiser reported. Hodges had privately asked her to meet for debates across the state, but the only debate to occur that season was when Gabbard publicly stated she never received such a request.
“(I)t is the right thing to do for the voters."
- Scott Humber, news director, Hawaii News Now
As this year’s primary approaches, television station Hawaii News Now has tried for more than a month to schedule a debate between Gabbard and Campagna, but Gabbard once again declined to participate, news director Scott Humber told the Star-Advertiser.
“(I)t is the right thing to do for the voters,” Humber, who said he’d keep the invitation open, wrote in an email.
Meanwhile, Erika Tsuji, a spokeswoman for Gabbard, told the paper that Gabbard has more important priorities in her home state when she returns from her duties in Washington.
The congresswoman “is spending the limited precious time she’s able to be home with her constituents, discussing issues of importance with them," Tsuji wrote in an email, "including difficulties they are having due to the recent natural disasters on Kauai, Oahu, and Hawaiii island, especially the victims of the Puna lava flow, as well as fulfilling her National Guard service requirements."

Maxine Waters brushes off alleged threats, vows to 'Impeach 45'

During a speech Saturday at an immigration rally in California, U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters reacted defiantly to alleged threats reportedly directed at her following her previous remarks about the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy.
Waters took the podium at the Families Belong Together rally in downtown Los Angeles, one of the many rallies staged across the country urging for the reunification of families who were separated at the U.S.-Mexico border.
She told the crowd that she has “no fear” and is “in this fight” after saying some congressional lawmakers felt “intimidated.”
“And I know that there are those who are talking about censuring me, talking about kicking me out of Congress, talking about shooting me, talking about hanging me,” she told the disapproving crowd. “All I have to say is this: If you shoot me, you better shoot straight. There's nothing like a wounded animal.”
“And I know that there are those who are talking about censuring me, talking about kicking me out of Congress, talking about shooting me, talking about hanging me. All I have to say is this: If you shoot me, you better shoot straight. There's nothing like a wounded animal.”
- U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.
Waters went on to say that she was willing “to make whatever sacrifices” were necessary, adding: “I am not about to let this country go by the way of Donald Trump.”
“We are sick and tired of him. He's been there too long,” she said. “They dare me to say 'Impeach him.' Today I say, 'Impeach 45.'”
“I am not about to let this country go by the way of Donald Trump. ... We are sick and tired of him. He's been there too long. They dare me to say 'Impeach him.' Today I say, 'Impeach 45.'”
- U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif.
Her remarks came after she encouraged her supporters earlier this month to fight back against the White House amid a controversial immigration policy that ultimately led to the separation of migrant children from their parents after crossing the border.
Those earlier remarks prompted a reaction from President Donald Trump, in a Twitter message Wednesday:
"Congratulations to Maxine Waters, whose crazy rants have made her, together with Nancy Pelosi, the unhinged FACE of the Democrat Party," the president wrote. "Together, they will Make America Weak Again! But have no fear, America is now stronger than ever before, and I’m not going anywhere!"
Waters was also featured prominently in a campaign ad posted online by the Republican National Committee that criticized the political left as being "unhinged."
Speaking previously on MSNBC, Waters said that current administration officials who defend Trump “know what they’re doing is wrong,” and said they soon won’t be able to peacefully appear in public without being harassed.
“They’re not going to be able to go to a restaurant, they’re not going to be able to stop at a gas station, they’re not going to be able to shop at a department store,” she went on to say. “The people are going to turn on them, they’re going to protest, they’re going to absolutely harass them.”
She made similar comments at a Los Angeles rally, telling supporters that she wanted “history to record that we stood up that we pushed back that we fought that we did not consider ourselves victims of this president.”
Following the remarks, Waters had to call off scheduled appearances in Texas and Alabama after various threats were allegedly made at her, according to the Los Angeles Times. Waters reportedly told radio station KPFK-FM on Saturday that organizers of the events “didn’t have all of our security in order and organized for those two trips, but we’ve got it together now.”
“We're going on with our schedule, and we're going to keep talking about this president and his policies, and we're going to keep fighting for these children and their parents and these families,” she told the station, the Times reported.

Friday, June 29, 2018

Mexican Illegal Cartoons

Central America battles corruption, violence despite billions in US aid

MEXICO CITY –  U.S. foreign policy in Central America has long been a considered a two-way street. America provides aid to promote stability, economic progress and reduce violence. In return, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador are supposed to reduce illegal immigration.
Last week, President Trump suggested that America isn't getting what it paid for: "When countries abuse us by sending their people up, not their best people, we are not going to give any more aid to those countries. Why the hell should we? Why should we?"
As a fresh wave of refugees from the so-called North Triangle reaches the U.S.-Mexico border, Trump isn't the only one asking if Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador are keeping their end of the bargain.
"The violence is bad, the conditions horrible, but at the same time it is not the responsibility of the U.S.A. to solve all the problems of other countries," says Ana Quintana, executive director of the Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies.
Over the past decade, U.S. taxpayers have provided $1.5 billion in aid to El Salvador, $1.4 billion to Guatemala and $1.1 billion to Honduras, according to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Yet according to the thousands of migrants seeking asylum in the U.S., all three countries remain mired in poverty and beset by gang and drug violence. Corruption, they say, has never been worse.
"In Honduras we just can't live anymore because of the gang," says Mirna Ruiz, who has fled her home nation and is currently in Tijuana. "We can't even go shopping because we are afraid."
Vice President Pence met with leaders of all three nations Thursday in Guatemala and told them the U.S. expects to see them do more to control their own borders. And while President Trump proposed cutting their aid in next year's budget, many Democrats think that’s a mistake.
"We are working on infrastructure in the Northern Triangle," Rep. Norma Torres, D-Calif., told reporters last week at an immigrant detention center outside of San Diego. "Let's continue that policy, let’s continue to help them in their own country."
Addressing the root causes of illegal immigration is a long-term proposition. Advocates say it would cost more in the long run to abandon Central America now.
Others argue it's time to demand more accountability. Historically foreign aid budgets have passed through Congress with little debate. Congressional committees rubber-stamped State Department requests, and the gravy train continued.
Immigration from El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala increased by 25 percent between 2007 and 2015, compared to just a six percent increase in arrivals from Mexico, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of U.S. Census data. In 2011, 42,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended from those three countries combined. Last year, the number of apprehensions had skyrocketed to 163,000 — 50,000 more than apprehensions of people from Mexico.
And while these immigrants tell Border Patrol agents and asylum officers they are being persecuted at home, surveys of recently deported immigrants from those countries admit 95 percent went to the U.S. for work, not because of violence.
"The United States is not and should not be in a position to be complacent and accept countries who are not fulfilling their obligations," says Quintana. "Until there is a serious focus by the administration, a serious focus by Congress to really delve into this we are not going to see the crisis at the border stop."
