Sunday, September 10, 2017

Al Sharpton Hypocrite Cartoons

Omarosa put on White House 'no-fly list' to keep her away from Trump: report

Omarosa Manigault Director of communications for the White House Office of Public Liaison

Omarosa Manigault appears to have run afoul of new White House Chief of Staff John Kelly, who has taken steps to limit her access to President Trump as he tries to bring discipline to a chaotic West Wing, according to a news report.
She has been put on a so-called “no-fly list” that Kelly is keeping of White House aides he deems unfit to attend serious meetings, The New York Times reported.
A senior White House official adamantly denied the report, calling it "completely false."
Hers is the most prominent name on the list according to The Times report which describes her as a former “Apprentice” star with an ill-defined job in the White House.
The paper reported late Friday that Manigault's penchant for dropping into meetings to which she was not invited is what landed her on the no-fly list.
The person given the responsibility of enforcing it is Kirstjen Nielsen, Kelly’s brusque, no-nonsense long-time aide who is willing to be hated, the paper reported.
Her appointment was announced at a staff meeting Wednesday as part of Kelly's effort to foster a more disciplined environment inside a leaky White House.
But, the paper reported, the move has also left Kelly’s White House enemies seething, as well as plotting and griping to sympathetic members of the press.
It is Nielsen who sends out emails announcing internal policy and planning meetings that now contain a clipped addendum—“principals only” with a stern warning that any subordinates who wander in will be immediately ejected, The Times reported.
Manigault could not be reached for comment. A White House operator told Fox News that the office was closed and to call back Monday.
Last month, Manigault, who is the director of communications for the White House Office of Public Liaison, clashed with a veteran news anchor during a panel discussion on policing in black communities held at the National Association of Black Journalists convention in New Orleans.
Her conversation with anchor Ed Gordon became testy when he attempted to question her on President Donald Trump's policies around policing in communities of color. Trump had recently said some police officers were too courteous to suspects when arresting them.
The conversation quickly escalated into a tense exchange before Manigault left the stage. Several people in the audience, which included non-journalists, turned their backs in protest during the discussion.
“If you want to ask about the loss of my father and my brother and the issues I do, ask about my story,” she told Gordon. “I’m not going to stand here and defend every single word and statement. Ask questions about me or my father and brother.”

NFL Hall of Famer Cris Carter: I Wouldn't Use the National Anthem to Protest

National Football League Season kicked off Thursday night, with Kansas City Chiefs player Marcus Peters taking a seat for the national anthem.
NFL Hall of Famer Cris Carter said he would not use the national anthem to protest, although he supports the players' right to protest.
"I'm not going to disrespect the flag," Carter told host Stuart Varney. "But I would take that opportunity to try to be able to do it in some form or fashion, and I do believe in supporting my teammates."
Former 49ers player Colin Kaepernick began taking a knee last year as "The Star-Spangled Banner" was sung before games as a sign of protest against what he saw as an epidemic of police brutality towards black men. Since then some of his teammates and other players have followed his example, some sitting, one even eating a banana as others stood for the anthem.
A poll by J.D. Power suggested that the national anthem protests were the main reason fans tuned out of the games, with 26 percent reporting this as their reason.
"They don't have a problem with the military," Carter assured, saying the players are simply trying to bring awareness to a cause.
"I think taking the knee during the national anthem hurts the game, it hurts NFL," Varney commented. Bailey Comment: They're not taking a knee to their million dollar paychecks.

Sharpton's daughter arrested after cops say she attacked NYC cabbie

The Rev. Al Sharpton’s daughter got an unexpected gift early Saturday at her birthday celebration -- handcuffs for allegedly attacking a cab driver in New York City, according to reports.
Ashley Sharpton, 30, is accused of shoving and punching the cabbie after snatching his keys in midtown Manhattan just before 1 a.m., it was reported.
“She told me it didn't happen the way they said it happened but I can't speak for a 30-year-old woman,” the activist preacher told the New York Daily News. His daughter couldn’t be immediately reached for comment.
The trouble started when Sharpton and three pals hailed the cab.
All jumped in and gave different destinations, confusing the cabbie who became annoyed and stopped the vehicle.
He told his passengers he wasn't going anywhere until they figured out where they wanted to go, the paper reported.
Cops said Sharpton, who was sitting next to the cabbie, then snatched the keys from the ignition and jumped out of the cab.
Things got physical when the cabbie got out and tried to grab the keys from Sharpton, telling her, “Give me my keys back,” cops told the New York Post.
“I don’t have your keys,” she allegedly spat before later admitting she tossed them, the paper reported.
One of her pals might have given her an awful birthday present by filming the encounter, according to the paper. Cops said the footage shows Ashley Sharpton punching the driver in the chest.
By the time cops arrived she had vanished. Cops found her two hours later on a nearby street.
She was issued a summons to appear in court at a later date, the Post reported. She was charged with petty larceny and criminal possession of stolen property.
“Happy Birthday to my youngest, Ashley,” Sharpton tweeted Friday referring to his daughter. “A strong black woman and committed activist. So proud to be your Dad.”
Ashley Sharpton was one of 16 protesters arrested in January for blocking traffic outside Trump Tower to protest President Trump’s Supreme Court justice nominee Neil Gorsuch.
Prosecutors agreed in March to dismiss the arrest if she stayed out of trouble until Sept. 20, the New York Post reported at the time.

Progressives' frustrations with Feinstein spark talk of 2018 Senate challenge, report

Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s solid stature on Capitol Hill and in California Democratic politics may be in peril, with progressives purportedly frustrated enough about her views on President Trump, DACA and single-payer health care to possibly mount a 2018 challenge for her Senate seat.
A strong potential primary challenger is state Sen. Kevin de Léon, a Los Angeles Democrat, according to Politico.
Feinstein most recently upset progressives on Tuesday, the day the Trump administration announced the dismantling of DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the Obama-era executive order that protects young illegal immigrants from deportation.
The 84-year-old senator said she supports DACA but acknowledged the administration’s argument that the order is on shaky legal ground, amid legal threats from Republican states' attorneys general, and should be codified by Congress.
“We need to pass a law, and we should do it," Feinstein told MSNBC.
Her analysis came several days after being criticized at a town hall meeting in San Francisco for expressing optimism about Trump becoming "a good president.” The remark resulted in so much Democratic backlash that she issued a clarification about being “under no illusion” about Trump.
Feinstein, the top Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee, was elected to the Senate in 1992.
“Assuming she runs, she’ll be tough to beat,” Ben Tulchin, a California Democratic strategist, said Saturday.
Tulchin, president of San Francisco-based Tulchin Research, also said Feinstein’s solid backing among California Democrats, especially with Bay Area and women voters, make it “tough to outflank her in that capacity.”
California Democrats until recently appeared on a nearly endless wait to rise in political circles -- with Feinstein and fellow Democrat Barbara Boxer as the state’s long-standing U.S. senators and fellow party member Jerry Brown serving four straight terms as governor.
However, Boxer’s retirement allowed former state Attorney General Kamal Harris last year to win that Senate seat. Brown leaves in January after a fourth-and-final term. And Feinstein has yet to say whether she’ll seek re-election next year.
If victorious, Feinstein would be 91 at the end of that six-year term.
Feinstein has continuously expressed reservations about the so-called single-payer health care plan championed by many progressives, including Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders, a 2016 Democratic presidential candidate and a potential 2020 challenger.
California state Democratic lawmakers this summer split on such a plan, which would create a universal health care system for residents.
House Speaker Anthony Rendon shelved the Senate-approved $400 billion proposal, arguing it had no funding plan.
Politico also reports 38-year-old businessman Joseph Sanberg is being encouraged to run against Feinstein.
Courtni Pugh, de León’s political director, has tried to tamp down speculation about him possibly making a run for Feinstein's seat amid a purported groundswell of grassroots
“Senator de León has his head down and is focused on California’s Legislative business,’’ she told Politico.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

Pro Football Political Cartoons

Pakistan’s Largest Bank Fined, Ordered to Shut Down Operations in U.S.

OAN Newsroom
Pakistan’s largest bank is ordered to shut down its only branch in the U.S.
The New York Department of Financial Services ordered Habib to surrender its license to operate in the state after discovering it failed to comply with a number of laws.
A recent investigation found the Pakistani bank facilitated billions of dollars in transactions with a Saudi bank that has alleged ties to Al-Qaeda.
The bank also permitted transactions by the leader of a Pakistani terror group, and a sanctioned Chinese arms dealer.
Habib was fined $225 million, and has agreed to surrender its license.

Another spoiled NFL player makes fans furious after he disrespects the USA

What in the hell is wrong with the owners of these football teams letting their employees get away with crap like this. If it was you or I we would lose our jobs over it.
I don't see any attitude and my s**t don't stink, on this face do you?


Anyone remember the black panther salute?

America love it or leave it.
You can now add Kansas City Chiefs cornerback Marcus Peters to your list of no-account, unpatriotic pinheads who hate the red, white and blue. 
Peters brought shame upon himself and his family Thursday night when he refused to stand for the national anthem. It happened during the NFL's season opener between the Chiefs and the New England Patriots.
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Instead of honoring our nation and our military, Peters plopped down on a bench and sulked -- like an overgrown, spoiled brat.
"I think it was disrespectful to our country. He should have stood up," football fan Sandra Lowman told
Fan Steven King was so angered that he took off his Number 22 jersey and tossed it aside.
"I had so much respect for him before he did that. He's a good player and all that, but now you can have that jersey. I don't care what you do with it. I don't want it!" he told our Fox television affiliate.
Last season, Peters thrust his fist into the air during a game -- in defiance of Lord-knows-what.
“I was just stating how I’m black, and I love being black, (and) I’m supporting Colin (Kaepernick) in what he’s doing as far as raising awareness with the justice system,” Peters told the Kansas City Star at the time.
I'm a huge football fan, but I've decided to boycott the NFL this season.
I might reconsider, if the NFL can muster the courage to tell players that if they ride the bench during the national anthem, they'll be riding the bench during the game.
Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary. His latest book is “The Deplorables’ Guide to Making America Great Again.” Follow him on Twitter @ToddStarnes and find him on Facebook.
