Sunday, May 4, 2014

Obama mocks health care website's flawed launch at correspondents' dinner

Little was sacred when President Barack Obama tossed out playful but pointed jokes Saturday night -- not even his own health care plan.
"We rolled out That could have gone better," Obama said in remarks at the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner. "In 2008 my slogan was `Yes we can.' In 2013 my slogan was `Control-alt-delete."'
One the plus side, the president said, "they did turn the launch of into one of the year's biggest movies." On a screen flashed the poster for "Frozen."
When a video Obama introduced failed to play properly, he asked, "Does anybody know how to fix this?" To laughter, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius stepped up and said: "I got this. I see it all the time." In the wake of the problems with the website, Sebelius has announced she is stepping down.
The annual dinner has become a tradition in the nation's capital, promising a black-tie evening of humor and celebrity gazing. The event once again attracted an array of journalists, government officials, politicians and media personalities as the association raised money for college scholarships. The featured entertainer was comic actor Joel McHale, the star of the NBC series "Community."
In his own stand-up routine, Obama didn't waste any time turning his barbed jokes toward the news media.
"MSNBC is here," he said. "They're a little overwhelmed. They've never seen an audience this big before."
Noting that he had traveled to Asia recently, Obama said: "The lengths we have to go to to get CNN coverage these days. I think they're still searching for their table."
The president saved his sharpest jabs for another cable news network. "The Koch brothers bought a table here tonight, but as usual they used a shadowy right-wing organization as a front. Hello, Fox News!"
He added: "Let's face it, Fox. You'll miss me when I'm gone. It will be harder to convince the American people that Hillary was born in Kenya."
Republicans didn't escape untouched. "Washington seems more dysfunctional than ever," Obama said. "Gridlock has gotten so bad in this town you have to wonder: What'd we do to piss off Chris Christie so bad?"
The correspondents' association, which represents the White House press corps, celebrated its 100th anniversary.
Journalists were honored for their coverage of the presidency and national issues:
--Glenn Thrush of Politico and Brianna Keilar of CNN won the Aldo Beckman Award, which recognizes excellence in the coverage of the presidency.
--Peter Baker of The New York Times and Peter Maer of CBS News won the Merriman Smith Award for deadline coverage.
--Megan Twohey of Reuters and a partnership between The Center for Public Integrity's Chris Hamby and ABC News' Matthew Mosk and Brian Ross won the Edgar A. Poe Award for coverage of issues of national significance.
--George E. Condon Jr. of National Journal received the first President's Award for exceptional service to the organization.
The organization also honored the late Harry McAlpin, the first black reporter to attend a presidential news conference, by establishing a scholarship in his name. McAlpin had been denied membership to the WHCA while covering the Roosevelt and Truman administrations because of his race.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Lewinsky scandal

Rutgers Students Stage Sit-In To Protest Condoleezza Rice Commencement Speech

This is what's destroying America. Soon only view will be the leftist view.

Rice declines Rutgers commencement invite; says it has become a distraction

Condoleezza Rice announced Saturday that she will not be delivering the commencement address at Rutgers University’s graduation ceremony this month, saying the invitation has become a "distraction."
Commencement should be a time of joyous celebration for the graduates and their families. Rutgers' invitation to me to speak has become a distraction for the university community at this very special time,” the former secretary of state under President George W. Bush said in the statement.
"I understand and embrace the purpose of the commencement ceremony and I am simply unwilling to detract from it in any way."- Condoleezza Rice
"I am honored to have served my country. I have defended America's belief in free speech and the exchange of ideas. These values are essential to the health of our democracy. But that is not what is at issue here. As a professor for thirty years at Stanford University and as (its) former Provost and Chief academic officer, I understand and embrace the purpose of the commencement ceremony and I am simply unwilling to detract from it in any way."
On Monday, roughly 50 Rutgers University students staged a sit-in at a school administration building in New Brunswick to protest the school's invitation to  Rice to appear at the university's commencement.
The school's Board of Governors voted to pay $35,000 for her appearance at the May 18 ceremony. She was going to be awarded an honorary degree.
But several faculty members and students wanted the invitation rescinded because of Rice's role in the Iraq War. Rutgers' New Brunswick Faculty Council passed a resolution in March calling on the university's board of governors to rescind the invitation.
Photos and videos of Monday's protest posted to Twitter showed students lining a staircase leading to University President Robert Barchi's office, The Star-Ledger reported.
Some students held up signs reading, "No honors for war criminals," "War criminals out" and "RU 4 Humanity?" the report said.
The sit-in was one of the largest in Rutgers' history, according to The Daily Targum, a student newspaper. Police reportedly responded to the site of the protest after a glass door was broken and a student cut their hand.
Barchi and other school leaders had resisted the calls to "disinvite" Rice, saying the university welcomes open discourse on controversial topics.
"We cannot protect free speech or academic freedom by denying others the right to an opposing view, or by excluding those with whom we may disagree. Free speech and academic freedom cannot be determined by any group. They cannot insist on consensus or popularity," Barchi said in a letter to campus last month.
The Associated Press contributed to this report


Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Why is school teaching kids ethnic slurs?

What’s worse?
  1. Teaching a kindergarten student an ethnic slur.
  2. Teaching a kindergarten student a pejorative for a part of the female anatomy.
  3. Teaching a kindergarten student fake words.
  4. All of the above.
Ashley Zola selected “D”. Her daughter is a kindergarten student at Lakeside Park Elementary School in Hendersonville, Tenn. She was upset after she discovered that her daughter’s homework assignment included an ethnic slur for Italians and a pejorative for a part of the female anatomy.
But she was even more disturbed to learn that her child and all the other kids in the class were being taught “imaginary words.”
“You wouldn’t put ‘Polack’ in a reading list for a child,” Zola said. “That’s offensive to Polish people. So why are you teaching them ‘wop’?”
“I’m very offended and upset about this,” Zola told me in a telephone interview from her home in Hendersonville, Tenn.
The first homework assignment included a list of words that Zola’s daughter was supposed to practice at home. Among the words were “nist,” and “plad.”
“Her grandfather was going over the words along with their definitions so she could understand what she was reading,” Zola told me. “But there were two words that had no meaning.”
So she wrote a note to the teacher asking for an explanation.
The teacher replied, “They are make-believe words. It is part of our curriculum.”
A few days later, her daughter returned home with another assignment.
“Please practice these words at home tonight,” the instructions read. “Remember not all of these words are real words. Some are made up words.”
Among the made-up words were “tid,” “rok,” “rix” and “hep.”
Zola sent back the homework assignment with a note written to her daughter’s teacher.
“We do not teach our child anything fake,” she wrote.
But the assignment also included two other words that made Zola furious – “wop” and “mut.”
“If you were to look up either of those words, they would not be something you would discuss with a five year old,” she told me.
“WOP” is an ethnic slur used against Italians. You’ll just need to Google the other word.
“You wouldn’t put ‘Polack’ in a reading list for a child,” she said. “That’s offensive to Polish people. So why are you teaching them ‘wop’?”
I spoke to the principal of the school – a very nice lady – who assured me the assignments had nothing to do with Common Core.
And while she was unfamiliar with the specifics of the classroom assignment, she said it’s not unusual for teachers to use fake words to teach children about phonetics.
Really? Why not just use real words?
The principal never answered that question. She never returned my subsequent telephone calls. And neither did the Sumner County Schools spokesperson. (I called him three times -- it’s really impolite not to return phone messages)
So here’s the bottom line from Zola.
“I want my daughter to be able to know what she’s reading,” she said. “There’s a difference between reading a word and knowing what that word is – and comprehending it. I have a hard time doing it when the definitions of those words are inappropriate for someone her age.”
That seems like a pretty reasonable request to me.
Todd Starnes is host of Fox News & Commentary, heard on hundreds of radio stations. Sign up for his American Dispatch newsletter, be sure to join his Facebook page, and follow him on Twitter. His latest book is "God Less America”.

Friday, May 2, 2014

leon jenkins naacp

Statement – Resignation of Los Angeles President Jenkins

(Baltimore, MD) – NAACP Interim President and CEO Lorraine C. Miller has accepted the resignation of Los Angeles NAACP President Leon Jenkins.
In his letter of resignation, Mr Jenkins stated, “Please be advised that the legacy, history and reputation of the NAACP is more important to me than the presidency.  In order to separate the Los Angeles NAACP and the NAACP from the negative exposure I have caused the NAACP, I respectfully resign my position as President of the Los Angeles NAACP.”
The national office of the NAACP is developing guidelines for its branches to help them in their award selection process.

Internal memos reveal EPA worked behind the scenes to kill Alaska mine project

The Environmental Protection Agency came under fire Thursday after new emails surfaced that allegedly show government officials worked in secret with tribal leaders and other environmental groups to preemptively oppose the controversial Pebble Mine project in Alaska before a review was even conducted.
The internal memos published by The Washington Times show EPA officials working behind the scenes as early as 2008 to kill the gold and copper mine project -- two years before any scientific study or survey was conducted looking into the environmental impact.
“As you know I feel that both of these projects (Chuitna and Pebble) merit consideration of a 404C veto,” EPA official Phillip North wrote, according to the emails.
North, according to the Times, pushed to have the mine’s veto added to the agenda of a 2009 agency retreat.
But the EPA announced in 2011there would be a neutral and scientific review of the mining project. At the time, they said that concerns raised by environmental groups and local tribes would be investigated, but that no decision had been made.
“Alaska is a long way from Washington, D.C.,” Rep. James Lankford, R-Okla., told Fox News. “There is no reason for Washington, D.C., to run affairs in Alaska.”
Lankford says the EPA pre-judged the case and didn’t wait for a full scientific review.
“They are to be neutral in this, and they are definitely not neutral in this,” he said.
In a statement Thursday, the EPA said the emails in question were "authored by a low level staffer stationed in Alaska who had no decision making authority for the Agency.
"Additionally, the focus should be on what the agency has actually done which is taking a deliberative approach based on the science. In fact, the agency leadership had not made a decision on whether to proceed to 404(c) action until the scientific analysis was complete," the EPA said.
The newly published emails are just the latest twist in the Pebble Mine saga which began years ago.
Mine opponents have been urging EPA to take steps to protect the region. They say the project would threaten the billion-dollar commercial fishing industry in Bristol Bay and the 14,000 jobs linked to it.
Supporters, including Pebble Limited Partnership, the investment group behind the proposed multi-billion dollar copper and gold mine, accuse the government of using “junk science” to sabotage the deal.
“Rather than allowing the filing of a mining permit application, the EPA employees secretly plotted with environmental activists to undermine the ability of land owners to objectively evaluate and develop the proposed mining of the Pebble deposit … and thereby establishing a precedent that will have long-term harmful impacts on investment and job creation in the United States,” Pebble Partnership wrote in an April 29-dated letter to the EPA.
The letter also accuses the EPA of misusing taxpayer money to “create a flawed, junk science laden report, called the Bristol Bay Assessment, designed to negatively influence government, financial markets, and public policy.”
Pebble Partnership has said the mine deposit is one of the largest of its kind in the world, with the potential of producing 80.6 billion pounds of copper and 107.4 million ounces of gold over decades.
In February, the EPA announced it was taking the first steps toward restricting the development of the mine, citing concern for a premier sockeye salmon fishery in southwest Alaska. The agency employed a rarely used veto process under the Clean Water Act that gives the government the ability to stop or slow the process.
EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy told reporters the EPA was working on how it can best use its authorities “to project Bristol Bay rivers, streams and lakes from the damage that will inevitably result from the construction, operation and long-term maintenance of a large-scale copper mine.”
Pebble Partnership CEO Tom Collier called the move an example of government overreach.
He told The Hill this week the project had “become the poster child for an expansion of EPA authority."
While the EPA process is underway, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is prohibited from approving a permit for the project.
