Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Supreme Court Passes on Case on Tuition Break for Illegals

A California law that gives illegal aliens a break on college tuition and resembles a controversial proposal before Congress will not get closer scrutiny by the Supreme Court.
The justices announced Monday they will not hear arguments in a case brought by thousands of California college students who pay out-of-state tuition rates. The students object to a state law allowing their classmates, who are illegal aliens, the conditional ability to pay in-state or "resident" rates.
The dispute comes as some lawmakers on Capitol Hill continue to press for passage of the DREAM Act. The legislation allows illegal aliens to earn citizenship by attending college or enlisting in the military.
While the case centers on a California law designed to benefit illegal immigrants, the state's legal case is very similar to the arguments used by other states, namely Arizona, which have pursued legislation to crack down on illegal aliens. In each instance, the states claim that its law is not preempted by Congress.
The student opponents of California's 2001 measure contend the tuition break directly conflicts with the main federal immigration law passed five years earlier. 
"In the absence of guidance from this court, numerous states have circumvented federal law in this area with impunity," lawyer Kris Kobach wrote in February, asking the justices to take the case. "They have done so by urging a reading of federal law that reduces it to a dead letter and is contrary to every expression of congressional intent on the matter."
Kobach contends that federal immigration law prohibits the special kind of residency tuition break California passed unless the benefit is also available to all Americans. In other words, the California measure can only be allowed if all U.S. residents equally qualify for the in-state tuition rate specifically extended to illegal aliens.
In November, the California Supreme Court upheld the state law concluding "the exemption is not based on residence in California. Rather, it is based on other criteria." It pointed to situations where non-resident students could nonetheless qualify for the "resident" tuition status.
For example, any student with three years' attendance at a California high school qualifies for the break regardless of his or her home address. This would cover students who crossed the state line to attend a California school, boarding students whose parents live in a different state or students who moved away but wanted to return for college. 
"If Congress had intended to prohibit states entirely from making aliens eligible for in-state tuition, it could have easily done so," Justice Ming Chin wrote for a unanimous court.
Late last year, the House of Representatives passed the DREAM Act that would among other things repeal the in-state tuition ban found in the 1996 immigration law. Senate backers have been unsuccessful in getting the bill to President Obama who fully backs the measure. Opponents have blasted the measure as an amnesty for people who've illegally entered the country.
Kobach says the inability of federal lawmakers to pass the DREAM Act "has not dissuaded some state legislatures from taking an alternative path: simply circumventing federal law."
Nebraska, New Mexico, New York, Texas, Utah and Washington are some of the other states that have passed similar laws. The difference between "resident" and "nonresident" tuition for four years of undergraduate studies at Cal-Berkeley, for example, is $91,512.
The justices offered did not explain why they decided against taking the case.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/06/06/supreme-court-passes-on-case-on-tuition-break-for-illegals/#ixzz1Oa1guh1G

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Wisconsin Reopens Fight Over Collective Bargaining

MADISON, Wis. -- The Legislature's budget committee reopened the fight over collective bargaining rights shortly after midnight on Friday, proposing that newly hired police and firefighters be forced to pay more for their health insurance and pension benefits.
The change, approved by the Republican-controlled committee on an 11-4 party line vote, would force police and firefighters to make the same level of contributions of other public workers as required under a bill pushed by Gov. Scott Walker and passed by the Legislature in March.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/06/03/wisconsin-reopens-fight-over-collective-bargaining/#ixzz1OIjEBDgT

Friday, June 3, 2011

U.S. Offers Foreign Aid to Countries Holding Billions in Treasury Securities

The United States is providing hundreds of millions of dollars of foreign aid to countries that it borrows billions from, according to a report by Congress's research arm.
The Congressional Research Services released a report last month, a copy of which Fox News exclusively obtained, showing that in fiscal year 2010, the latest year that data was available, the U.S. handed out a total of $1.4 billion to 16 foreign countries that held at least $10 billion in Treasury securities, including China ($27.2 million), Brazil ($25 million), Russia ($71.5 million), India ($126.6 million), Mexico ($316.7 million) and Egypt ($255.7 million).
China is the largest holder of U.S. Treasury bonds with $1.1 trillion as of March, according to the Treasury Department. Brazil held $193.5 billion, Russia had $127.8 billion, India owned $39.8 billion, Mexico held $28.1 billion and Egypt had $15.3 billion.
Bailey Comment: Talk about one hand not knowing what the other hand is doing! Stuff like this happens when the government gets to big and out of control.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/06/02/us-offers-foreign-aid-to-countries-holding-billions-in-treasury-securities/#ixzz1OCa0ZFBO

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Limousine Liberals

Obama administration officials are riding in style. 
A new report from a watchdog group shows that the number of limousines owned by the federal government rose by 73 percent during the first two years of President Obama's administration. The State Department was the recipient of most the new luxury vehicles. 
The "Limousine Liberals?" report from iWatch News, part of the nonprofit Center for Public Integrity, showed that government data pegged the number of limos in the federal fleet at 412 in fiscal 2010, up from 238 in fiscal 2008. President Obama's motorcade travels along the Mall as it leaves Buckingham Palace to go to Downing Street in central London May 25.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/05/31/limousine-liberals-report-shows-government-limo-fleet-swelling/#ixzz1O0wYjYuu
