Friday, September 27, 2024



North Carolina Removes 747K People From Voter Rolls

The man who helped purge thousands from voter rolls in North Carolina | CNN  Politics

You can bet that the majority were illegal aliens voting for the democrats.

The battleground state of North Carolina removed more than 747,000 people from the state's list of registered voters over the past 20 months, officials said in a press release on Thursday.

The North Carolina State Board of Elections said that of the 747,274 people removed, 89.2% were due to duplicates, an inactive status for not participating in the past two federal elections, or death.

Nine people were identified as possible noncitizens, a number that one state conservative said could be an undercount. While North Carolina requires all voters to be U.S. citizens, proof of citizenship isn't required to register.

The Republican National Committee and the North Carolina Republican Party filed two lawsuits last month asserting that the state processed more than 225,000 voter registration applications without collecting the requisite identification information.

"By failing to collect certain statutorily required information prior to registering these applicants to vote, Defendants placed the integrity of the state's elections into jeopardy," one lawsuit read.

"The best way to make sure there's no noncitizens is to actually require proof of citizenship when you sign up to vote," Jim Womack, who leads the North Carolina Election Integrity Network, told WRAL on Thursday. "Arizona does it. But North Carolina is one of the many states that do not."

North Carolina now has 7.7 million registered voters eligible to vote in November.

North Carolina is one of the seven battleground states that will determine who wins the White House: Republican Donald Trump or Democrat Kamala Harris, who owns a 2-point lead in the state, according to the RealClearPolitics polling average.

Mark Swanson

Mark Swanson, a Newsmax writer and editor, has nearly three decades of experience covering news, culture and politics.

© 2024 Newsmax. All rights reserved.


Unraveling: The Dam Breaks As the NY Times Notices Some Things About Kamala Harris' MSNBC 'Interview'

Kamala Harris enjoyed quite the media honeymoon in the aftermath of President Joe Biden being forced out of the presidential race in late July, with her being installed soon after as the Democrat presidential nominee.

For weeks, going into early-mid September, the fawning reporters who among other things tried to absolve her of her border crisis failures largely gave the veep a pass for the calculated tactic of avoiding questions from news organizations outside of the ones the Harris-Walz campaign knew would be especially friendly. 

One example was CNN, where Harris was spoon-fed leading questions in late August from anchor Dana Bash while her VP running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, meekly sat next to her in case she needed help.

SEE ALSO: Another CNN Softball Kamala Interview Clip Is Dropped, and Our Intelligence Gets Insulted Again

The latest sit-down interview on a cable news network was MSNBC, where Harris took questions from fangirl anchor Stephanie Ruhle Wednesday in a pretaped segment.

As RedState reported, Harris as per the norm did not answer a single question asked by Ruhle. But there was some cringe cackling, especially when the topic came to whether Harris truly had worked at a McDonald's. ICYMI:

Ruhle: "At any point in your life, have you served two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions, on a sesame seed bun?"  

Kamala: "I did fries ha ha ha!"


Unfortunately for Harris, the positive coverage dam appears to have cracked among some typical media echo chambers like CNN, which shockingly fact-checked some things she said to Ruhle, which we documented earlier.

But over at the New York Times, the journo dam hasn't just cracked; it has broken wide open, as evidenced by their takeaways from the Harris/Ruhle interview, which were shall we say not exactly flattering:

This part was especially biting:

A hard-hitting Harris interview is still yet to come.

Since Ms. Harris began granting more interviews in recent days, her media strategy has been to sit with friendly inquisitors who are not inclined to ask terribly thorny questions or press her when her responses are evasive.

Nothing about that changed during her interview with Ms. Ruhle before her audience on MSNBC, the liberal cable channel whose viewers overwhelmingly favor Democratic candidates.


Ms. Ruhle joined Ms. Harris in attacking Mr. Trump (“His plan is not serious, when you lay it out like that”) and avoided posing tricky questions about positions Ms. Harris supported during her 2020 presidential campaign or what, if anything, she knew about Mr. Biden’s physical condition or mental acuity as his own campaign deteriorated.

Which is perhaps why Ms. Harris agreed to the interview in the first place.

Harris' hope since becoming the nominee was that she'd be able to skate through to November with the press totally in her corner and continuing to look away as she evaded questions and blathered on about "joy" and "aspirations." While most in the media will do just that, there are some, like the Times, who are demonstrating they aren't going to play along any longer.

It's similar to what happened to Joe Biden in 2021 when he continually avoided doing solo press conferences the first few months of his presidency to the point where even his apologists in the White House press corps were openly grumbling and demanding access, calling him in so many words "worse than Trump" in some instances. 

Once that access was given, the ball game changed and more people were able to see his incoherency and other problems for themselves throughout his time in office and form opinions about the type of president he was.

The same is starting to hold true of Harris. She finally sat down to take (but not answer) questions, first with CNN and now MSNBC. While we didn't learn much about her policy positions, the American people learned an awful lot about how much of a vapid, empty suit she actually is.

The more she does these things, the more people are going to realize that, which is why she doesn't want to do them. 

But she's in a Catch-22 at this point. The more she continues to resist the pressure that is put on her by non-Fox News outlets to put some answers on the record, the worse she's going to look in the eyes of voters who want to know more but who aren't being given the opportunity thanks to her media avoidance strategy, which is still largely in place.

Kamala Harris boxed herself into this corner and now she can't get out of it. It's too delicious for words to watch the unraveling, and the best part about it is that it is Democrat-friendly news organizations like the Times that are bringing it on. More please.

RELATED: A Pre-Taped Kamala Harris Radio Interview Gets Delayed, the Reason Given for Why Is Laughable


EXCLUSIVE: Dem Congressional Candidate Derek Tran Claims He's a Decorated Iraq Vet; Records Say Otherwise

California Democrat Derek Tran is running for Congress as a “decorated Veteran” and proudly says that he enlisted at age 18 “to fight in Iraq, serving the country that had given him and his family so much." The son of Vietnamese refugees, Tran enlisted in the Army Reserve and says that "in 2003 [he] was called to active duty for the Iraqi conflict" and that he "served during Operation Enduring Freedom in 2003." The tagline for his logo reads, "Veteran for Congress," and in interviews and campaign materials Tran references his military service, saying his time in the Army taught him to be "mission-focused" and to work together to get a job done, regardless of one's political affiliation.

However, a RedState investigation into Tran's military service reveals that the candidate's claims are about as truthful as those made by Democrat Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz - starting with the fact that Tran enlisted in 1999, well after Operation Desert Storm ended and well before the 9/11 attacks.

Whether in his own campaign materials or those put out by PACs or groups who've endorsed Tran, his status as a Iraq veteran is front-and-center. This ad from House Majority PAC running on YouTube shows paratroopers jumping out of an airplane as the narrator repeats Tran's talking points about bipartisanship and his Army service and saying, "That's the kind of leader Derek Tran is."

Leader? That's a strong implication that Tran was in some kind of leadership position in the Army reserves.

In a press release on Tran's campaign site announcing an endorsement, Rep. Seth Moulton (D-MA) is quoted as saying:

"The son of Vietnamese refugees, Derek Tran bravely served our country during Operation Enduring Freedom."

And Justice HQ, a group endorsing Tran, wrote:

"Derek is a decorated Veteran and served during the 2003 Iraqi Conflict."

Where did they get that information? Obviously, from Tran, starting from the moment he announced his candidacy on October 2, 2023. Here's the headline from the Daily Pilot/LA Times:

As of September 28, 2023, just a few days before his candidacy was announced, his law firm bio said:

"After his military service during the Iraq War in 2003, Derek Tran began his expansive career with serving the people."

A short time later Tran sold his firm to Feher Law, and his current biography there says:

"Derek is a decorated Veteran and served during Operation Enduring Freedom in 2003."

An introductory video his campaign put out in December 2023 leads off with Tran's military credentials:

While Tran has cleaned up the English and Spanish versions of the "about" section on his campaign site, the Vietnamese-language version currently says:

"At 18, Derek enlisted in the Army to fight in Iraq, serving the country that had given him and his family so much."

In a February 2024 interview Tran pointed to his "military background" and mission focus as qualifications for office:

“I think that this country is so divided, right now. Nothing’s really getting done. And given my military background, being a soldier, I know what it’s like to be mission focused and in accomplishing a task.”

On the Ed Branding Podcast in March 2024, Tran claimed that he "was called to active duty for the Iraqi conflict" but later adds that he was "fortunate... I was stationed stateside" and mentions his "almost half a year" at Fort Stewart.

Many of his Instagram posts contain the phrase, "As an Army veteran..." which he is, but he's using the phrase as a way to claim authority on certain topics, like guns. 

Based on Tran's comments, it's clear he intends for voters to believe that he served overseas, deployed to a combat zone, and received many medals as a result of that service. According to Army records obtained by RedState as the result of a Freedom of Information Act request, though, Tran's service was entirely stateside and he was not part of Operation Enduring Freedom or Operation Iraqi Freedom, but instead was part of Operation Noble Eagle as a "Culinary Specialist."

As shown above, Tran's unit, the 401st Chemical Company, was "mobiliz[ed] for NOBLE EAGLE" and Tran's PMOS (Primary Military Occupational Specialty) was 92G, or a Culinary Specialist.

"As a Culinary Specialist, you’ll cook meals and work alongside chefs to prepare meals comparable to any major restaurant, so that Soldiers can sit down and enjoy a hot meal in between training or mission deployments. You’ll be responsible for preparing and servicing meals both in the field and at home stations, as well as ordering, inspecting food supplies, and keeping the kitchen safe and sanitary."

Tran's unit was to be at Fort Stewart, Georgia starting on 25 March 2003 for up to 365 days. They were "released from active military service 12 July 2003 and reverted to reserve status," according to an official Army site detailing the history of the unit. 

According to the military records RedState reviewed, the two medals Tran received are the Army Achievement Medal and the Army Commendation Medal. The Army Achievement Medal was issued in June, 2001 for Tran's "Outstanding professional ability and energetic approach while participating in the Memorial Day Parade held in Dorchester, MA. His outstanding qualities of leadership and devotion to duty reflect great credit upon himself, the unit, and the United States Army Reserve."

Yes, he was given a medal for marching in a parade in Dorchester, MA.

The Army Commendation Medal was given in January 2004 for "Meritorious service from 17 November 1999 to 7 July 2003. Specialist Tran distinguished himself on numerous occasions in support of 401st Chemical Company as First Cook. His dedication to duty and commitment to mission accomplishment reflects great credit upon himself, his unit and the USAR."

It's commendable that Tran apparently worked very hard at his job in the Army, even though that job was a junior enlisted soldier serving as a cook. As the saying goes, any job worth doing is worth doing well. But to portray that service as being part of the Iraq war or Operation Enduring Freedom and to portray himself as a "decorated Veteran" is incorrect and an insult to those who did serve - even in what some consider menial jobs - in those conflicts. Many of his claims are carefully phrased to be considered technically correct, but when he says he was "called to active duty for the Iraqi conflict" when he wasn't even mobilized in a support role for that operation, it seems that he's engaging in stolen valor.

Derek Tran Military Records by Jennifer Van Laar on Scribd

Tran has embellished more than just his military record. As the New York Post recently revealed, though he claims to be fluent in Vietnamese he repeatedly needed the assistance of a translator when giving an interview to a Vietnamese-language outlet.

RedState contacted Tran's campaign asking for confirmation of these records and whether they had any additional information or would provide a DD-214. We did not hear back as of press time.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This piece was edited post-publication for clarity and to add an audio clip from a podcast on which Tran appeared.)


They're Trying to Do It: Dems Are Pushing Legislation to Pack the Supreme Court. Here Are the Details.

If he is really Jewish, then the cow did jumped over the moon 😂

They want to do it. It’s not a secret. Democrats, upset that we’ve flipped the Supreme Court, now want to destroy the third branch of government. They want to pack the court, a throwback to an old FDR initiative. It speaks to the entitlement these people have—Democrats think they deserve to win every argument and election. That’s not how any of this works. We have elections, and they can’t make good arguments because large swaths of their base are engulfed with abortion-crazed, wine-guzzling women, pronoun clowns, and abject weirdos who want to mutilate children sexually. 

To cap it off, some pro-Hamas antisemites now dominate the youth wing of the party. Unable to win with this motley crew, they’re trying to smash the Supreme Court, which rightly will reject their authoritarian, left-wing agenda. It’s unconstitutional, but this attempt to whitewash that aspect with this ad hoc expansion is what you’d expect from a bunch of snobby sore losers (via WaPo) [emphasis mine]: 

A sweeping bill introduced by a Democratic senator Wednesday would greatly increase the size of the Supreme Court, make it harder for the justices to overturn laws, require justices to undergo audits and remove roadblocks for high court nominations. 

The legislation by Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) is one of the most ambitious proposals to remake a high court that has suffered a sharp decline in its public approval after a string of contentious decisions and ethics scandals in recent years. It has little chance of passing at the moment, since Republicans have generally opposed efforts to overhaul the court. 

Wyden, who chairs the Senate Finance Committee, said the goal of the bill is to restore public confidence in a battered institution. He said he hopes to get parts of the bill passed, even if the whole package is not embraced by lawmakers.

“It’s not an atomic secret that the process for selecting justices is politicized,” Wyden said. “You’ve got this thoroughly politicized process resulting in a Supreme Court that now frequently issues sweeping rulings to overturn laws and upend precedents. We are proposing a way to restore some balance between the three branches of government.”

The bill’s most significant measure would increase the number of justices from nine to 15 over the course of 12 years. The staggered format over two or three administrations is aimed at diminishing the chance that one political party would pack the courts with its nominees. 

During the rollout, each president would approve justices in the first and third year of their terms. 

The bill would also require a ruling by two-thirds of the high court and the circuit courts of appeals, rather than a simple majority, to overturn a law passed by Congress. Wyden said the current court has been too quick to discard precedent and curtail rights by narrow majorities. 

So, this essentially erases checks and balances, place a benchmark for overturning ruling so high that it would ensure nothing Congress passes can be overturned. That’s the aim, and they don’t even try to hide it. Talk about a gross abuse to separation of powers. If Democrats don’t want their shoddy policies challenged in court, don’t push for undemocratic, illiberal, and unconstitutional action items. And if you can’t make an argument that gets broad appeal from voters, then maybe it’s a bad policy. Being soft on crime is a bad policy. Having an open border is a bad policy. Enabling and coddling antisemitism and radical Islamic terrorism is a dangerous policy. Stop being idiots. 

Now, that’s not to say that the GOP has been crackerjacks on our end. We’re lucky that Democrats have been so extreme that we’re winning battles and new voters by default. The hordes of working class voters flocking to the GOP is not necessarily because our message has been better—it’s that we don’t lecture, talk down, or denigrate people who aren’t like us regarding education level or what folks do for a living. If you’re not college educated or rich, Democrats think your trash. That’s what a lot of working class families have come to believe, which has led to a shocking defection where the modern Democratic Party has no working folks in their ranks. 

If Trump wins, this whole agenda to remake the court is dead. Another reason to vote for Trump in November. It’s unlikely to pass in the near future, but this is a long-term war item. It must be nuked from orbit, which can happen if Kamala Harris is never elected president.

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Here's When Trump Knew NYC Eric Adams Would Get Indicted

For months, Donald Trump has done something Kamala Harris has refused to do: hold a press conference. The vice president is being interviewed, but it’s vapid stuff, almost all done with uber-friendly outlets like MSNBC and CNN. Trump spoke to the press for nearly an hour at Trump Tower, where he was asked about the indictment against New York City Mayor Eric Adams. 🠗

NYC Mayor Eric Adams spent Wednesday fielding resignation questions,  attending Biden event, before being indicted - ABC News

Trump said he didn’t know the intricacies of the case but said that he felt the mayor would be indicted after he warned that the endless stream of migrants would destroy New York City. 

“I watched about a year ago when he talked about how the illegal migrants are hurting our city,” said the former president. “And I said, 'You know what, he'll be indicted within a year.' And I was exactly right,” added Trump. 

He then went on to criticize the Democrats for politicizing the justice system to come after their enemies. 

Here’s what Adams said about the illegal alien invasion in September of 2023. 

Then again, Adams said this and later gave these people $53 million in pre-paid credit cards

Exactly one year ago, Mayor Eric Adams admitted (off-script) that migrants are "destroying NYC"

He was just indicted by Biden-Harris

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) September 26, 2024

Adams was slapped with a five-count indictment yesterday that alleged the mayor took bribes, engaged in fraudulent activities, and took illegal campaign donations (via NYT): 

The indictment, which was unsealed on Thursday morning after a search of the mayor’s official residence, Gracie Mansion, followed an investigation that started in 2021. Prosecutors said the scheme began when he was a top elected official in Brooklyn and continued after he became mayor. 

The judge in the case, Dale E. Ho, ordered Mr. Adams to appear on Friday at noon for an arraignment before a federal magistrate judge, but a lawyer for Mr. Adams asked the judge to move the hearing to early next week. When the arraignment takes place, Mr. Adams will be formally informed of his rights and will enter a plea, presumably of not guilty. 

The investigation focused on whether Mr. Adams, 64, had conspired with the Turkish government to receive illegal foreign campaign contributions in exchange for acting on its behalf. 

Damian Williams, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, said that Mr. Adams had been “showered” with gifts that he knew were illegal. 

“This was a multiyear scheme to buy favor with a single New York City politician on the rise: Eric Adams,” Mr. Williams said at a news conference. “Year after year, he kept the public in the dark.” 

Mr. Williams discussed the indictment moments after Mr. Adams finished a raucous news conference at Gracie Mansion surrounded by supporters. Mr. Adams cast himself as a victim and urged New Yorkers to be patient. 

He said he would not resign despite numerous calls from elected officials — and hecklers who constantly interrupted and called him a disgrace. “I ask New Yorkers to wait to hear our defense,” said Mr. Adams, a Democrat. 

If Mr. Adams is convicted of all five counts in the indictment, the maximum penalty under law would be 45 years in prison.

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Hillary Clinton Defends Her Characterization Of Trump Supporters As 'Deplorables'

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 05: Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks during a panel at the Vital Voices Global Festival on May 05, 2023 in Washington, DC. Vital Voices, a non-profit organization focused on promoting women leadership, is hosting their second annual festival to hear from speakers who work in government, activism and entertainment. (Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images)

 The Swamp Thing 👆🠋

Big Shiny Robot | Saturday Morning Cartoon! 'Swamp Thing'

Hillary Clinton continued to demonize supporters of former President Donald Trump this week, arguing that the term “deplorables” is actually “too kind” of a characterization for the Republican voter base.

Clinton released an op-ed in The Washing Post on Wednesday. She described how difficult it was for her to empathize with “radicalized individuals,” reflecting back on her “basket of deplorables” phrase from 2016, when she lost to Trump in the U.S. election.

However, political strategists highlighted how Clinton’s use of that phrase greatly damaged her political campaign, as she continued to openly insult a demographic comprised of working class, blue collar voters, the same group that many Democrat politicians claim to want to benefit in their campaign messaging.

“In 2016, I famously described half of Trump’s supporters as ‘the basket of deplorables’. I was talking about the people who are drawn to his racism, sexism, homophobia, xenophobia, Islamophobia – you name it. The people for whom his bigotry is a feature, not a bug. It was an unfortunate choice of words and bad politics, but it also got at an important truth. Just look at everything that has happened in the years since, from Charlottesville to Jan. 6,” Clinton wrote in the piece.

She continued on, stating, “The masks have come off, and if anything, ‘deplorable’ is too kind a word for the hate and violent extremism we’ve seen from some Trump supporters.”

In contrast, Clinton attempted to compare and integrate the “expertise” of Shannon Foley, a former white supremacist, who has changed her life and now “works to deprogram and rehabilitate people leaving hate groups,” to reigning in Trump supporters. Clinton added that she “marveled at the empathy Shannon managed to summon for even the most (yes, let’s say it) deplorable bigots.”

However, The Denver Post outlet previously noted that “when Clinton aides speak in private, their basket of ‘deplorables’ includes faithful Catholics and evangelicals who believe in the sanctity of human life.”

Clinton continued in the op-ed: “I wondered whether Shannon’s thoughtful, empathetic approach could offer lessons not just for rescuing radicalized individuals but also for healing our wounded country. What will it take to pull us out of the madness? Is there any way to drain the fever swamps so we can stand together on firmer, higher ground.”

Although she believes that her “deplorable” characterization holds true, Clinton claimed that she would strive to look at the Republican base with more empathy.

“Talking about the ‘deplorables’ in 2016, I said, ‘Some of those folks, they are irredeemable.’ Part of me would still say this is objectively true. Just look at the lack of remorse from many of the Jan. 6 insurrectionists who’ve been convicted of sedition and other crimes. But another part of me wants to believe something else. I’d like to believe there’s goodness in everyone and a chance at redemption, no matter how remote,” she concluded, presenting herself as taking the moral high ground.

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Harris Campaign Spends Millions On Private Jet Flights While Declaring That Climate Change Is An 'Existential Threat'

In the past my family owned slaves.

Since Vice President Kamala Harris secured the Democrat nomination a few months ago, the Harris campaign has spent millions on private plane travel.

Harris has made numerous assertions that climate change poses one of the greatest “existential threats” to humanity while out on the campaign trail, giving speeches about addressing the issue.

“There’s no question, we have to be practical. But being practical also recognizes that climate change is an existential threat to us as human beings,” Harris told CNN back in 2019. “Being practical recognizes that greenhouse gas emissions are threatening our air and threatening the planet and that it is well within our capacity as human beings to change our behaviors in a way that we can reduce its effects. That’s practical.”

Harris’ campaign has reportedly spent at least $3.8 million on private planes in less than six weeks, despite urging Americans to adopt lifestyle changes in order to combat climate change, according to Fox News, who cited the Federal Election Commission.

The Advanced Aviation Team, Private Jet Services Group, Principal Aviation, FlexJet, and other private jet companies received numerous payments from the Harris campaign between July 24th and August 30th.

The majority of the payments were made to Advanced Aviation, which provides eight-seater turboprop jets for three-hour trips and eight-seater ultra long-range jets, which, according to their website, offer a “comprehensive list of on-board amenities and sophisticated finishes” along with a flight attendant for trips lasting up to sixteen hours.

As it describes itself, FlexJet combines “first class meets world-class.” Following years of insistence that “we must treat the climate crisis as the existential threat that it truly is,” Harris has now begun requesting the private flights.

“The urgency of this moment is clear. The clock is no longer just ticking, it is… Banging. And we must make up for lost time. And we cannot afford to be incremental. We need transformative change and exponential impact. As nations, we must have the ambition that is necessary to meet this moment,” Harris said at the United Nations Climate Change Conference in 2023. “We must lead with courage and conviction, and we must treat the climate crisis as the existential threat that it truly is. It is, dare I say, our duty and our obligation. Not a choice.” 

With the release of an aviation climate action plan, the Biden-Harris administration set climate targets for the sector, aiming for a 20% reduction in aviation emissions by 2030. The administration declared in August that programs aimed at achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions from aviation by 2050 will receive $291 million from the Inflation Reduction Act.

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) reported that private aircraft is “the most energy-intense form of air travel.”

According to NLM estimates, the average fuel use per passenger on a commercial aircraft is around 10 to 20 times lower than that of private flights.

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