Saturday, February 9, 2013

Henry Payne

Bill is right about no respect!

O'Reilly was correct in his assessment about there being
An epidemic of disrespect in America
But listening to the courtroom video I also came to the conclusion that it wasn't her fault because her parents obviously had not taught her anything.  The Judge needs to bring them to court.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Less and Less Voters!

Do you know why there are getting to be less people voting? Simply because no matter how you and others vote against something it still always seems to pass no matter if your vote won or not.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Blame the old people for retiring early!

Most older workers that take early  social security retirement are forced into it by a loss of their jobs. When trying to found another job who is the employer going to hire, a younger cheaper worker or a older more experienced one? You know the answer to that one! When you're 62 and laid off your job and most if not all of your saving is gone (still have to pay the bills) while trying to find another job, what else can you do?

Saturday, January 19, 2013

What is wrong?

What's wrong with Americans? Could it be the fact that we have nothing left to look up to and believe in. When you can't even trust a bicycle  rider, who can you trusted?

Friday, January 11, 2013

I'm just sitting here watching America, what's left of her.

But of course you have the old timers like me that knew that back than things were doing alright you and your family would get the money for the food on the table, mortgage payment, car note. And you had found you had been put in for a Raise. When these things happened you believed, because back then Americans believed in you and believed in them. When told you did a good job, no one had to pulled out a paper, say to you see here your getting 3% raise just as Fred over there! Americans did not paid Employees  like that because to both Employer & employee that would have been a insult. Your word and reputation of the company you worked for was carved on stone, same as a handshake, or the written IOU.
These things was the morals that made us true Americans. Why is America no longer here? But the hand shake is, only thing that remains can you really trust the American behind the hand?As a matter of fact is he really American. One item more  I would like to share with you. Bill a big thanks to you on helping your beloved America. To bad all the Bills that made us strong have slipped away
