Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Crying Walker opponent: This is the end of democracy!

Governor Scott Walker’s victory in Wisconsin quickly turned into a pity party for the left. And while most took to the airways in full fledge spin mode, others had still not come to terms with the embarrassing defeat. Perhaps the most entertaining interview came courtesy of CNN and a random protester, who took it as an opportunity to cry about the end of his beloved democracy. Glenn played the audio on radio this morning.

Bailey: " They'll really be crying when their welfare checks stop coming in and they have to work like the rest of us"?

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Obama Wants More Taxes On Rich Americans

Obama wants to put more taxes on rich Americans. How come he just doesn't charge Mexico for the taking care of half their people. They're here right now getting free medical, food, housing, and most of the jobs. Jobs to us that might be low paying, but to them just the icing on the cake. To them it's all free, but not to us tax payers. What a bunch of dumb asses in our Government!

Slim, Batista

Mexico’s Carlos Slim, 72, remains the world’s richest person with a net worth of $63 billion. 

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Classless Obama

Classless Obama beats dead horse, unnecessarily insults George W. Bush
During a ceremony at the White House yesterday to hang a portrait of President George W. Bush, Obama was truly childish in his introduction. Meanwhile, George W. Bush was once again the epitome of class and what it means to be presidential. Glenn reacts to this distasteful display on radio today.
