Saturday, July 27, 2013

Excuse me, Mr. President

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

680,000 Workers to Pay the Price for this Bloated Government

680,000 Workers to Pay the Price for this Bloated Government

It’s not like you haven’t read many other stories just like this one, since the mention of ‘sequester’.   But, it does highlight the complete audacity of a government spinning out of control.
680,000 civilian Defense Department employees are going to be furloughed.    The word ‘employees’ means that these people actually have jobs.  They’re not sitting at home on the government dole.  They earn a salary, and they pay exorbitant taxes to fund this ridiculous, monstrosity of a government.   How does the administration show appreciation for their efforts?   Furlough!
Just who does pay the price for bloated government, out of control spending, billions in objectionable foreign aid, and a ‘President’ who thinks he’s royalty?  Well, 680,000 civilian Defense Department employees are going to be feeling it in their pocket books…
The Pentagon began furloughing the vast majority of its civilian employees as part of an effort to generate billions in savings required to address budgetary constraints.
To meet the mandates of the so-called sequestration, 680,000 Defense Department employees will be forced to take a day of unpaid leave each week over the next 11 weeks. The move is expected to save about $1.8 billion, but it’s frustrating many of those affected.
“This is exactly the wrong way to balance the budget, to arbitrarily furlough everybody,” said Professional Services Council President Stan Soloway, whose organization represents government contractors whose work will be disrupted when large numbers of their government counterparts are forced into mandatory leave. “It’s unfortunate and unfair.”
As badly as the lost income will sting those who are furloughed, the Pentagon had originally expected it to be much worse. The current plan is a reduction from the 22 furlough days the department thought would be necessary.

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Friday, July 26, 2013

Enough of Trayvon

David Lawrence
Enough of Trayvon

On the cover of the “Daily News” we have the usual protestors—Beyonce, Jay Z, and AL Sharpton.  Add the really aggrieved, Trayvon Martin’s mother, Sybrina Fulton.

It’s not my party.   It’s not my death.  But I don’t like long faced grievers trying to publicize, glamorize and get ego satisfaction out of misfortune. 

The court said Zimmerman was innocent.  Let it die.  Let Trayvon die peacefully rather than be tossed up in the air as a political cause. 

I didn’t know Trayvon.  I wouldn’t have wanted to know him.  Not because he’s black.  But because he’s an uneducated kid.  And those thousands of demonstrators who act like Trayvon was their best friend didn’t know him either. Jay Z is not a poor kid from the streets; he’s worth millions.

If you really need to breathe in the sadness of the dead, go up to Chicago and mourn some of the nameless murders of black on black crime.  Don’t pick and choose your wailing according to Presidential whim.  As the rappers say, stop biting out of Trayvon’s lyrics.

When my mother died I didn’t even invite any guests.  I’m not a wake person.  I don’t like parties over the dead.  I think it’s disrespectful and digressive. 

If Trayvon is to rest in peace he should not have 101 demonstrations around the country shaking up his bones.  Let him go with dignity, not with anger and vituperation.

Let the Jay Z’s of the world wipe those blank mindless expressions from their faces and mourn their own previous contributions to crime and the drug culture. Let them look for solutions rather than to wail, cry and complain. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

What Democrats and unions have done to Detroit


Light years seem to have passed between Detroit's June 17, 2013, bankruptcy filing and the warning issued by the city's newly elected Mayor Coleman Young in his 1974 inaugural address.
"It is time to leave Detroit. Hit Eight Mile Road. And I don't give a damn if they are black or white, if they wear Superfly suits or blue uniforms with silver badges. Hit the road," he said.
To the first African-American mayor of a major U.S. city, equating the police with criminals was a way of telling his overwhelmingly black constituency that he understood their concerns about police brutality and civil rights.
To the city's white residents, it was a message that he placed those concerns above public safety and civil order. White flight, which began in the late '60s, accelerated.
In 1970, Detroit's population was 1.5 million. Forty-four percent was African-American, 54 percent was white. By 1990, the city's population had fallen to slightly more than 1 million, with African-Americans accounting for 78 percent and whites only 20 percent.
The population shift under Young cemented the Democratic Party's lock on the city. The labor organizer-turned-Democratic lawmaker would serve five terms, stepping down in 1993 at age 74 as his health worsened.
Under him, Detroit became a one-party big city machine. The last Republican mayor, Louis Miriani, was elected in 1957. Since 1970, only one Republican, Keith Butler, was elected to the city council.
As a result, Detroit exemplifies what happens when one political party - and it doesn't matter if it's the Democrats or the Republicans - keeps an iron grip on political power for decade after decade.
Young used the power to reward his base. The police force became 50 percent minority under his watch. Efforts to steer city business to a black-owned company resulted in two federal corruption probes in the early 1980s. Young himself was never charged.
Other corruption scandals followed. Young's police chief, William Hart, was convicted of embezzling $2.4 million in police funds in 1992.
Young's successor, Kwame Kilpatrick, resigned amid a "pay to play" and sex scandal in 2008. In March, he was convicted on 24 counts including racketeering and bribery.

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