Wednesday, January 18, 2017

San Francisco sued by car-theft victim for allegedly violating its sanctuary city ordinance

Paul Ryan condemns sanctuary cities
A 32-year-old is suing San Francisco, alleging that the city violated its sanctuary city ordinance by reporting him to the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement after reporting his car stolen in 2015.
Pedro Figueroa Zarceno, who is from El Salvador and lives in the Mission District, was in federal immigration custody for two months. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that it is prohibited in the city to use local resources to help federal law enforcement.
“With an incoming federal administration threatening mass deportations and targeting sanctuary cities, we must hold SFPD and the Sheriff’s Department accountable and ensure that every single officer is following the city’s due process protections,” Saira Hussain, an attorney representing Figueroa, told the paper.
The suit, which was filed in U.S. District Court, seeks an unspecified amount and calls on police to admit that he was a “victim of false imprisonment.”
A spokesman from the city reportedly said that San Francisco has “strong policies in place to encourage victims and witnesses to report crimes without fear of being deported.” The report pointed out that in February, then-Police Chief Greg Suhr acknowledged that the man should not have ended up in custody.
The report said that Figueroa reported the car stolen in November 2015.
Authorities eventually found the car, and when he filled out the paper work to pick up the car, he was arrested.
Homeland Security told the paper that police ran the background check and learned that he had a 10-year-old, outstanding warrant for deportation after failing to appear at an immigration hearing in Texas in 2005, and a 2012 conviction for drunken driving, authorities told the paper.
His attorneys told the paper that he planned to file for asylum and intended to go through the hearing process. He reportedly did not hear from authorities about the matter again. And his attorneys told the paper he had no idea there was an outstanding warrant.

Interior nominee Zinke disputes Trump on climate change

Donald Trump's choice to head the Interior Department on Tuesday rejected the president-elect's claim that climate change is a hoax, saying it is indisputable that environmental changes are affecting the world's temperature and human activity is a major reason.
"I don't believe it's a hoax," Rep. Ryan Zinke told the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee at his confirmation hearing.
"The climate is changing. The debate is what is that influence and what can we do," said the Montana Republican.
Trump has suggested in recent weeks he's keeping an open mind on the issue and may reconsider a campaign pledge to back away from a 2015 Paris agreement that calls for global reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.
In contradicting Trump, Zinke cited Glacier National Park in his home state as a prime example of the effects of climate change, noting that glaciers there have receded in his lifetime and even from one visit to the next.
Still, he told Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., that there is debate about how much humans have influenced the climate.
Likely to win Senate confirmation, Zinke sketched out a variety of purposes for the nation's vast federal lands, from hiking, hunting, fishing and camping to harvesting timber and mining for coal and other energy sources.
An admirer of President Theodore Roosevelt, Zinke said management of federal lands should be done under a "multiple-use" model set forth by Gifford Pinchot, a longtime Roosevelt associate and the first chief of the U.S. Forest Service.
Zinke also pledged to tackle an estimated $12 billion backlog in maintenance and repair at national parks, saying parks and other public lands should be a key part of Trump's infrastructure improvement plan.
Zinke has said he would never sell, give away or transfer public lands -- a crucial stance in his home state of Montana and the rest of the West where access to hunting and fishing is considered sacrosanct.
Zinke feels so strongly that he resigned as a delegate to the Republican National Convention last summer because of the GOP's position in favor of land transfers to state or private groups. But Zinke's commitment to public lands has come into question in recent weeks.
The Interior Department and other U.S. agencies control almost a third of land in the West and even more of the underground "mineral estate" that holds vast amounts of coal, oil and natural gas.
Zinke's position on public lands came under fire after he voted in favor of a measure from House Republicans that would allow federal land transfers to be considered cost-free and budget-neutral, making it easier for drilling and development.
Zinke "says he's against transfer of federal lands, but there's a big gap between what he says and what he does in that regard," said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club, the nation's oldest and largest environmental group.
Zinke told senators Tuesday that he flatly opposes all sales or transfer of federal lands.
Indeed, his support for public lands was a crucial reason why Zinke was chosen by Trump. The president-elect and son Donald Trump Jr. both oppose sale of federal lands. The younger Trump, an avid hunter, has taken a keen interest in Interior Department issues and played a key role in Zinke's selection.
Zinke also reiterated his support for coal production on federal lands as part of an all-of-the above energy strategy
Sen. Maria Cantwell of Washington state, the top Democrat on the energy panel, asked Zinke about modernizing the federal coal program, saying it was important "to make sure American taxpayers aren't short-changed for the benefit of corporate interests
Zinke promised to review the coal program and said he thinks taxpayers "should always get fair value," whether it's coal, wind power or other energy sources.

Trump education pick DeVos promotes school choice at confirmation hearing

Education secretary nominee Betsy DeVos voiced strong support for public school alternatives at her confirmation hearing Tuesday, telling senators that "parents no longer believe that a one-size-fits-all model of learning fits the needs of every child."
DeVos told the Senate Health, Education and Pensions Committe that she would be "a strong advocate for great public schools" if confirmed, but added that "if a school is troubled, or unsafe, or not a good fit for a child ... we should support a parent's right to enroll their child in a high-quality alternative."
DeVos, 59, also said she will seek to address rising higher education costs and massive student debt, but also advance trade and vocational schools as well as community colleges because "craftsmanship is not a fallback — but a noble pursuit."
President-elect Donald Trump's nomination of DeVos to lead the Department of Education was harshly criticized by teacher's unions, who have claimed that DeVos wants to undermine the public education system, which provides instruction to more than 90 percent of the country's students.
In his opening statement, committee chairman Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., himself a former secretary of education, said DeVos is "on our children's side."
"I believe she is in the mainstream of public opinion, and her critics are not," said Alexander. That praise was echoed by Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., who introduced DeVos to the committee by calling her "a champion of education, and specifically a champion of education for poor kids."
Former Connecticut Sen. Joe Lieberman also appeared before his onetime colleagues to introduce DeVos.
"We just can't accept the status quo in education anymore," Lieberman said. "We need a change agent and an education reformer to be education secretary ... and that is exactly the kind of education secretary I believe Betsy DeVos can and will be."
Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., the committee's ranking member, expressed concern that lawmakers had not received an ethics review for the nominee.
"I am extremely disappointed that we are moving forward with this hearing without receiving the proper paperwork from the Office of Goverment Ethics," Murray said.
Murray also told DeVos that federal policy should be focused on strengthening public schools, "and certainly not toward diverting taxpayer dollars to fund vouchers that don't work for unaccountable private schools." She asked DeVos point-blank to pledge that she would not seek to privatize public schools or take money away from them.
DeVos, whose husband is the heir to the Amway marketing fortune, has for decades used the family’s influence and wealth in her home state of Michigan to advocate for charter schools and promote conservative religious values. Critics of DeVos have expressed concerns about her financial contributions and possible conflicts of interest.
The nominee attempted to assuage those concerns during the question-and answer period, pledging that she "will not be conflicted. Period." DeVos also said that she will take a government salary of $1 if confirmed.
Asked outright by Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., if she got the job because of her family's political contributions, DeVos said: "As a matter of fact I do think that there would be that possibility. I have worked very hard on behalf of parents and children for the last almost 30 years."
On tuition-free public colleges and universities, DeVos said: "I think we also have to consider the fact that there is nothing in life that is truly free. Somebody is going to pay for it."

She skirted Sanders' question on whether she would support making child care free or much more affordable for low-income families as is the case in many countries around the world, saying only that she feels strongly about "parents having an opportunities for child care for their children."

"But it's not a question of opportunity," Sanders fired back, raising his voice. "It's a question of being able to afford it!"

As the hearing dragged on into its fourth hour, Democratic senators made repeated requests with Chairman Alexander to allow them to pose another round of questions to DeVos, but he refused, citing procedures at previous hearings.
DeVos is expected to get enough votes in the committee and before the full Senate to be confirmed, considering she needs only a simple majority, with Republicans having 52 senators and Democrats having 48.
In a letter addressed to the committee, 38 prominent education groups and teachers' organizations expressed concern that DeVos' track record bodes ill for public education.

"Over the course of her career as a major campaign contributor, soft-money donor and lobbyist, DeVos has used her considerable wealth to influence legislation and the outcomes of elections to advance policies that have undermined public education and proved harmful to many of our most vulnerable students," the letter said.

LGBT groups also have protested Trump's choice of DeVos, saying she has funded conservative religious groups that promote what they consider to be traditional family values, including one organization that supports conversion therapy -- counseling of gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender people with the aim of changing their sexual orientation.

DeVos repeatedly disavowed any support for conversion therapy Tuesday, saying in her opening statement that "every child in America deserves to be in a safe environment that is free from discrimination."
Under questioning from Sen. Al Franken, D-Minn., DeVos said that "I have never believed in" conversion therapy and "I believe in the innate value of every single human being."  Alexander later read into the record a letter of support from the Log Cabin Republicans, a Republican organization pushing for LGBT rights.

DeVos supporters, meanwhile, applauded her nomination. Eva Moskowitz, CEO of Success Academy Charter Schools, said that American public education "is in deep crisis," with 35 countries outranking American schools in math and 20 in reading.

"I believe Betsy DeVos has the talent, commitment and leadership capacity to revitalize our public schools and deliver the promise of opportunity that excellent education provides, and I support her nomination as U.S. secretary of education," Moskowitz said in a statement.
DeVos has also garnered strong backing from two dozen state governors, as well as another former education secretary, William Bennett.
It’s time we take a major turn in American education,” Bennett told Fox News Channel’s “Happening Now” on Tuesday. “Betsy DeVos represents a change. She is experienced in the field with children from all over the country. … She understands what the problems with education are.”

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

political protests cartoons

Pro-life group dropped from list of partners for inauguration protest march

Protesters protesting the protesters?                               

The organizers of a women's protest march set to hit the streets of Washington D.C. the day after Donald Trump's inauguration said Monday it had dropped one of its partner organizations because the group opposes abortion.
The nonprofit group, New Wave Feminists, vowed to take part in the protest anyway.
"We will definitely be there with our pro-life, pro-woman message," group leader Destiny Hernon-De La Rosa told "These are the women we would be trying to reach, anyway."
On Sunday, New Wave Feminists announced on its Facebook page that it had been chosen as an official partner of the Jan. 21 Women's March on Washington, putting them on a par with Planned Parenthood and NARAL Pro-Choice America.
On its website, New Wave Feminists decry that their "womanhood [has been] traded in for a handful of birth control pills, the 'privilege' to degrade ourselves in playboy [sic], and the 'right' to abort our children." The group calls for "the return of common sense feminism that refuses to exploit women in the name of liberation."
The group's partnership status was mentioned in a story published Monday on the Atlantic magazine's website and drew outrage from several left-wing writers.
Soon after, New Wave Feminists was removed from the partner list.
"The Women's March platform is pro-choice and has been from day one," the march organizers said in a statement. "We look forward to marching on behalf of individuals who share the view that women deserve the right to make their own reproductive decisions.
"The anti-choice organization in question," the statement added, "is not a partner of the women's March on Washington. We apologize for the error."
The head of New Wave Feminists, Destiny Herndon-De La Rosa told the website Newsbusters that she had not heard from the march organizers about the group's demotion.
"I can only assume," she said, "they caved to the backlash on social media after the Atlantic piece came out saying we were listed as partners."

Mayor quits golf club as members try to block Obama's entry

The local mayor and member of the exclusive Maryland country club whose members are preemptively trying to keep President Obama out over his stance on Israel announced that he was dropping out over the controversy.
Jeffrey Slavin, the mayor of the Montgomery County town of  Somerset, said he could no longer belong to a community at Woodmont Country Club with such “intolerance,” The New York Post reported.
The Washington Post reported that some members of the historically Jewish club were bothered by Obama’s recent decision not to vote on a U.N. resolution criticizing Israeli settlements.
“[President Obama] has created a situation in the world where Israel’s very existence is weakened and possibly threatened,” longtime member Faith Goldstein wrote in a Dec. 26 email obtained by the Washington Post. “He is not welcome at Woodmont. His admittance would create a storm that could destroy our club. "
There has been no official indication Obama plans to apply for membership at Woodmont, but he has played at least four rounds at the course during his presidency and reports from last summer indicate Woodmont would be his club of choice when he leaves the Oval Office.
The Washington Post reported that Slavin signed his email to the club, “Thanks for many great memories” and quoted “Lift Every Voice and Sing,” with the words, “stay woke.”

Trump to meet with Boeing CEO again to talk Air Force One

President-elect Donald Trump is expected to meet with the head of Boeing Tuesday to discuss the contract to update the next Air Force One, The Seattle Times reported, citing a person familiar with the plans.
Last month, Boeing’s Dennis Muilenburg met with Trump and told him that his company can build a new Air Force One for less than originally quoted. Trump made headlines for blasting the company on Twitter for alleged cost overruns and called on the government to cancel the contract.
The paper reported that it is unclear what the two will discuss at the meeting. Muilenburg has appeared to strike an agreeable tone with the incoming president and said he made a “personal commitment on behalf of the Boeing company.”
Since early December, Trump has been browbeating Boeing and Lockheed Martin over the costs of the next Air Force One and the F-35, respectively.
“I don't need a $4.2 billion airplane to fly around in,” Trump told “Fox News Sunday” earlier this month, referring to Air Force One.

CIA's Brennan rejects Donald Trump's criticism, says dossier didn't come from intel community

Sen. McCain on Trump's feud with CIA director Brennan
John Brennan, the outgoing Central Intelligence Agency director, rejected President-elect Donald Trump’s suggestion that he may have leaked the unsubstantiated dossier that claimed Russia had compromising allegations about Trump.
“First of all, this is not intelligence community information,” Brennan said Monday. Brennan said he did not read the document and, according to the Wall Street Journal, gave it no particular credence.
Trump blasted outgoing director on social media Sunday after Brennan said Trump does not have a “full understanding” of Russia’s power and threat to the world.
“I don’t think he has a full understanding of Russian capabilities and the actions they are taking on the world,” Brennan told “Fox News Sunday.”
He also suggested that Trump lacks a “full appreciation” of Russia’s aggression or about why President Obama imposed sanctions on the Kremlin for meddling in the 2016 presidential election.
“Mr. Trump has to understand that absolving Russia is a road that he needs to be very, very careful about moving down,” Brennan said.
Trump responded with a two-tweet message that criticized the CIA's record under Brennan and questioned whether the director had leaked a dossier of unverified allegations that Russia spies had obtained compromising personal and financial information about Trump.
The day after the dossier's contents were published by BuzzFeed, Trump posted on Twitter that intelligence agencies "should never have allowed this fake news to 'leak'" before asking "Are we living in Nazi Germany?"
Brennan was reportedly indignant that Trump attacked his fellow spies, according to The Journal. He mentioned Trumps tweet on Nazi Germany in particular.
“Tell the families of those 117 CIA officers who are forever memorialized on our wall of honor that their loved ones who gave their lives were akin to Nazis,” Brennan said. “Tell the CIA officers who are serving in harm’s way right now and their families who are worried about them that they are akin to Nazi Germany. I found that to be very repugnant, and I will forever stand up for the integrity and patriotism of my officers who have done much over the years to sacrifice for their fellow citizens.”
