Saturday, May 12, 2018

'People Are Pissed Off': House Candidate Sees 'Red Wave' Coming in California

A California Republican candidate said she believes a "red wave" is coming in the state because people are "pissed off" about the current leadership by far-left politicians.
Morgan Murtaugh, who is running in the 53rd congressional district near San Diego, said there is growing opposition to the state's sanctuary law toward illegal immigrants and high taxes.
She agreed with President Trump's contention at a rally in Indiana that Democrats will have a tough time in November selling Americans on higher taxes and opposition to the Trump agenda.
"Our new slogan for 2020, you know what it is? 'KEEP AMERICA GREAT!'" —President @realDonaldTrump
— Fox News (@FoxNews) May 10, 2018
"Everyone keeps saying there's a blue wave coming, but in California people are really pissed off. Sorry for saying that, but they are. ... People are upset with the state of affairs. I really feel a red wave coming out here in California," she said.
Murtaugh, who is the youngest person running for Congress this year, said citizens are realizing that liberal policies are to blame. She said her grandparents came to the U.S. legally from Mexico in the 1968, so she understand the need to have "good, hardworking immigrants" come to the U.S. the right way.
But she said securing the border is a "national security issue," explaining that she has toured the border with Border Patrol officers. The district has been represented since 2003 by Democrat Susan Davis.

Friday, May 11, 2018

John Kerry Traitor Cartoons

Casino mogul Sheldon Adelson cuts $30M check to GOP amid Dems' 'blue wave' fears

Las Vegas casino magnate Sheldon Adelson has committed to a $30 million cash infusion for a House Republican group, a move that will boost GOP chances of fighting off energized Democrats in the midterm elections.
The donation to the House GOP-aligned Congressional Leadership Fund was sealed last week when Speaker Paul Ryan and his entourage met with the mogul at his hotel, where he explained the importance of his money in maintaining the Republicans' House control, Politico reported.
Due to laws guiding political contributions, Ryan, like any other federally elected official, couldn't solicit a donation as big as $30 million. Instead, Norm Coleman, the former Minnesota senator who chairs the Republican Jewish Coalition, was tasked with asking for the donation while Ryan left the room, the report said.
Republicans have long courted Adelson to make a donation in this election cycle. In February, multiple House Republicans paid Adelson their respects and attended an annual retreat hosted by the Republican Jewish Coalition, which Adelson also supports.
The massive cash infusion comes six months before the midterm elections, in which Republicans are facing tough and well-funded Democratic challengers with a mobilized voting base in the wake of President Donald Trump's presidency.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said earlier this month that she's optimistic her party will regain control of the House.
According to an average of generic ballot polls, Democrats have a 7-point advantage over the GOP, though the lead has been significantly cut in recent months, with fears on the Democratic side as well that the so-called "blue wave" won't materialize on Election Day.
Adelson's donation is also three times bigger compared to his 2016 donation and came a lot earlier than in the previous election cycles, according to Politico.

HHS Secretary, FDA Commissioner, CMS Administrator: Help is on the way for Americans facing high drug prices

We live in a golden era of American prosperity and medical innovation, with amazing new medicines and technologies improving and extending our lives. Yet Americans all across our country face, or will face at some point, the burden of paying high prices for prescription medications.
This burden has become a threat to the financial security of far too many of our seniors, neighbors and communities. For someone in desperate need of a cure, there is little difference between one that has not been discovered and one that cannot be afforded.
Americans should be able to reap the rewards of living in the country that has brought the world more new drugs than any other. President Trump recognizes that the current situation is unacceptable, and has made fixing high drug prices a top priority for his administration.
We at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) are taking on this challenge, focused on four major problems in drug markets.
First, drug manufacturers have rapidly increased the list prices of drugs over the last couple of decades, sometimes even doubling or tripling prices.
Second, government programs and private payers do not always have all the tools they need to negotiate more reasonable prices.
Third, many Americans, especially our seniors, face high out-of-pocket costs for the drugs they need, because out-of-pocket costs are typically calculated based on drugs’ sky-high list prices.
As just one example, while Medicare Part D provides affordable drug coverage for our seniors, more than 1 million beneficiaries are in a phase of the program where their out-of-pocket spending averages $3,000 a year – a huge sum for many.
Finally, foreign countries and their government-run health-care systems bully our drug manufacturers into unrealistically low prices, allowing other countries to freeload off of American innovation.
On top of all this, a new generation of high-cost drugs is now coming onto the market. They offer new advances for our health, but prices are reaching into the six figures. Government insurance programs have often been unable to secure discounts from manufacturers, meaning huge out-of-pocket costs for some seniors.
These burdens are real and pressing, and we at HHS have already been taking action to address them.
HHS is home to two agencies that have a significant role to play in bringing down the high cost of prescription drugs:
· The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which rigorously ensures the safety and efficacy of America’s prescription drugs.
· The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), which provides health insurance and drug coverage for more than 130 million Americans.
The FDA recently unveiled a Drug Competition Action Plan that makes the approval process for generic drugs more efficient, encouraging lower prices through robust competition. Under President Trump, in 2017 the FDA approved more than 1,000 new generic drugs – a record number and 200 more than had ever before been approved in a single year.
Generic drug approvals save American consumers billions of dollars each year. The FDA will continue to work to ensure that safe and effective generic drugs are approved expeditiously and not hamstrung by unfair practices that brand-name drug manufacturers sometimes use to thwart competition.
Last year, CMS made a change to improve Medicare that will save seniors an estimated $320 million on out-of-pocket drug spending in 2018 alone. CMS also updated a policy to expedite the substitution of generic drugs in Medicare Part D plans, giving seniors low-cost options more quickly than before.
President Trump’s 2019 budget proposed a five-part plan to modernize Medicare Part D and lower costs for seniors. This plan includes free generic drugs for low-income seniors and a cap on seniors’ out-of-pocket expenses for the first time.
But with American patients in need and the status quo unsustainable, President Trump has told us to go much, much further.
In response, HHS has been formulating the most ambitious reform of drug pricing in the history of our country. Our blueprint for reform, which will be unveiled in the coming weeks, will use four major strategies to address the problems we face.
First, HHS aims to increase competition in drug markets.
Second, we are going to give Medicare Part D plans better tools to negotiate discounts on behalf of our seniors – tools that private-sector health plans often already use.
Third, we will develop new incentives for drug manufacturers to lower list prices.
Fourth, we develop options to lower patients’ out-of-pocket spending.
We are living through the most innovative era in the history of medicine. Our free-market system has produced cures and treatments that seemed impossible a short while ago.
But securing the benefits of 21st century medicine demands major changes to how our country pays for prescription drugs. President Trump has seen to it that we are not just going to talk about this problem – we are going to fix it, and soon.
So the president and his administration have one message for Americans burdened by our current system: Help is on the way.
Scott Gottlieb is commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration and Seema Verma is administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. 
Alex M. Azar II was sworn in as the Secretary of Health and Human Services on Jan. 29, 2018. Azar has spent his career working in both the public and private sectors, as an attorney and in senior leadership roles focused on advancing healthcare reform, research and innovation.

Collusion is usually a dirty word. So where's the outrage over Kerry's secret meetings on the Iran deal?

Democrats routinely express outrage over claims of collusion with a foreign power to undermine our democracy. So where is the outrage over revelations that former secretary of state John Kerry held not one but two secret meetings with Iran's foreign minister to strategize over how to undermine President Trump's plans to withdraw from the Iran nuclear deal?
An Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman confirmed the meetings after the Boston Globe broke the news, declaring, "We don't see the U.S. just as Mr. Trump; the United States is not just the current ruling administration." Think about what this means. Iran is a terrorist state responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans in Iraq, whose leaders hold rallies where thousands chant "Death to America!" Kerry was working with a sworn enemy of the United States to try to undermine the foreign policy of the elected president of the United States.
I thought we didn't like Americans who colluded with our enemies.
Kerry's meetings with Iran's leaders were not isolated incidents, but part of a formal lobbying campaign that included phone calls with European Union leaders and meetings with the presidents of Germany and France in which, the Globe reports, he discussed "the details of sanctions and regional nuclear threats in both French and English."
On Twitter, Trump suggested that Kerry might have violated the Logan Act, which says: "Any citizen of the United States ... who, without authority of the United States, directly or indirectly commences or carries on any correspondence or intercourse with any foreign government ... with intent to influence the measures or conduct of any foreign government ... in relation to any disputes or controversies with the United States, or to defeat the measures of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than three years, or both." In fact, no one has been prosecuted under the Logan Act in more than 160 years, and most conservative legal scholars consider it unconstitutional.
Although what Kerry did was probably not illegal, it was deeply hypocritical. Recall that in 2015, when Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., and 46 other Republicans wrote to Iran's leaders informing them of the Senate's constitutional role in approving international agreements, Kerry was incensed. "My reaction to the letter was utter disbelief," he said at the time. "To write leaders in the middle of a negotiation ... is quite stunning ... [and] ignores more than two centuries of precedent in the conduct of American foreign policy," Kerry said, adding that he would never have interfered in that way "no matter what the issue and no matter who was president." What a difference three years make.
Cotton is a sitting United States senator. The Senate has a constitutional role in foreign policy. Kerry is a private citizen.
He has a constitutional role in nothing.
Kerry's defenders compare him to Henry Kissinger and other former secretaries of state who regularly meet with world leaders.
"Secretary Kerry stays in touch with his former counterparts around the world, just like every previous Secretary of State,"a Kerry spokesman said. But Kissinger does not conduct rogue diplomacy. When he meets with foreign leaders, he usually coordinates with the White House, often carrying messages for the president, and then briefs administration officials afterward. Kerry did none of this.
This is not the first time Kerry has interfered in U.S. diplomacy as a private citizen. In 1970, he flew to Paris and met with the North Vietnamese while they were in the midst of negotiating the Paris Peace accords with Kissinger. Kerry admitted then that his actions were "on the borderline of private individuals negotiating." What he did last month was not on the borderline.
Kerry would not have had to resort to rogue diplomacy if he had negotiated a better deal. The agreement he struck could not even muster the support of a simple majority in the Senate, much less the two-thirds majority needed to ratify a treaty. As Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Neb., correctly points out, the Obama administration "made a bad deal with Iran without support from Congress. ... American foreign policy makes lasting progress when it is led by the President, approved by Congress, and presented honestly to the American people." Kerry has no one to blame but himself for Trump's decision to withdraw. And he certainly has no business colluding with America's enemies against America's president.

Ex-congressman says he's 'given up on America' after sentenced for 3rd conviction

Former U.S. Rep. Mel Reynolds speaks to reporters after receiving a six- month prison sentence for failing to file tax returns for four years after a hearing in Chicago, May 10, 2018.
A former Democratic congressman from Chicago, heading to prison for the third time, says he has “given up on America” and plans to move to Africa after he serves his latest sentence.
At his sentencing Thursday, Mel Reynolds, 66, got six months in prison for failing to file tax returns on more than $400,000 he received for consulting work.
He also received a scolding from federal Judge Robert Gettleman, who told the Harvard graduate he could recall thinking to himself in the early 1990s that Reynolds had tremendous promise.
“It's a tragedy that you squandered the opportunities you had and the type of person you could have become," Gettleman said.
Reynolds represented Illinois’ 2nd Congressional District, serving from January 1993 to October 1995. He was succeeded by Jesse Jackson Jr., who also served time in prison.
Acting as his own attorney, Reynolds argued it was unfair to give too much weight to his prior convictions, from the 1990s, in calculating a sentence for his conviction at a bench trial last year on four misdemeanor counts of not filing tax returns.
Prosecutors say the undeclared income was money made consulting for Chicago businessmen in Zimbabwe, the Chicago Sun-Times reported.
In 1995, Reynolds was convicted of statutory rape for having sex with a 16-year-old campaign worker. Later, he was convicted of concealing debts and diverting money meant for voter registration drives into his election campaign.
“The question is, How long does a person have to pay for mistakes?"
“The question is, How long does a person have to pay for mistakes?" Reynolds asked about the older crimes.
At other periods in his life, he had been in the military and raised three children, he said.
“I wasn't just living my life as a wheeler-dealer,” he added.
Reynolds rose from poverty in Mississippi to become a Rhodes Scholar and then a lawmaker in Washington, D.C.
After Thursday's sentencing, with credit for two months served in jail, the Chicago Democrat will end up serving closer to four months behind bars.
Reynolds had argued he shouldn't be imprisoned at all, saying a year of probation would have been the right sentence.
“To put me in jail serves what purpose?” he asked the judge. “To teach me a lesson? ... I've been taught about this racist society ... every day of my life.”
“To put me in jail serves what purpose? To teach me a lesson? ... I've been taught about this racist society ... every day of my life.”
- Mel Reynolds, former U.S. congressman from Illinois
Prosecutor Georgia Alexakis had asked for at least two years behind bars, citing what she described as Reynolds' decades-long pattern of flouting the law.
“There are aspects of the defendant's life that are ... laudatory,” she said. “But the good doesn't outweigh the bad.”
The maximum penalty Reynolds faced was four years in prison.
The judge said he hoped Reynolds would use his time in prison to reassess his life, telling him: “It will give you some time to think where you go from here.”
Reynolds, who will report to prison later, told reporters outside court that he already knew where he would go after prison.
“I'm going home to Africa," he said. "I've given up on America because how long do African-Americans put up with this nonsense?”

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Iranian Cartoons

Victoria Toensing: Senate should defend constitutional powers of Trump -- not Mueller

President Donald Trump look to the media as he walks to Marine One across the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Saturday, April 28, 2018, for the short trip to Andrews Air Force Base en route to Michigan. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)  (Copyright 2018 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.)

Before the Senate debates a bill to protect Special Counsel Robert Mueller from being fired by President Trump, it should consider this: Mueller’s use of a subpoena to require testimony by the president would violate the separation of powers in the Constitution and is an abuse of the grand jury process.
In addition, Mueller’s proposed questions for President Trump in the special counsel’s wide-ranging investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election would violate Article II of the Constitution and executive privilege.
Here’s a simple fact that Mueller chooses to ignore: A sitting president cannot be indicted. This fact cuts the legs out from under Mueller’s efforts to require testimony by President Trump.
In the wake of Watergate, a Republican Justice Department Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) in 1973 thoroughly discussed whether a president could be subject to criminal prosecution. Because the president is “selected in a highly complex nationwide effort,” the OLC found it would be “incongruous” to “bring him down … by a jury of twelve, selected by chance ‘off the street.’”
Action by the House and Senate, via impeachment, is the appropriate process for “such a crucial task, made unavoidably political by the nature of the ‘defendant,’” the OLC said.
The OLC observed that the “modern Presidency” has had to “assume a leadership role undreamed of” in earlier years. It added: “The spectacle of an indicted President still trying to serve as Chief Executive boggles the imagination.”
In 2000, because of three U.S. Supreme Court cases, a Democratic Justice Department OLC revisited the issue of presidential immunity from criminal prosecution.
Two cases concerned President Richard Nixon, the most well-known involving the “Nixon tapes.” After indicting Nixon aides, the special prosecutor in the case subpoenaed the Nixon tapes (recordings of the president’s conversations with his aides) for evidence at trial. The Supreme Court upheld the subpoena with specific limitations requiring in camera review (a legal term meaning privately, not in open court) and said only relevant and material information needed to be produced.
The other Nixon case held that the president was immune from civil liability for “official acts.” 
In the third case, involving Paula Jones (who claimed Bill Clinton sexually harassed her), the Supreme Court held that Clinton was not immune from civil liability involving matters occurring before he took office, since such matters were not official presidential acts. (President Clinton waived challenging his grand jury subpoena from Independent Counsel Ken Starr, so that case was not discussed.) 
The OLC determined that none of the Supreme Court’s rulings altered the 1973 opinion finding the president “uniquely immune” from criminal process.
In dealing with the Nixon tapes, the high court balanced the president’s “generalized interest in confidentiality” with the requirement of “the fair administration” of a criminal trial. Thus, the ruling had no bearing on whether a president could be indicted. The other two cases were civil.       
The OLC noted that criminal prosecutions are different from civil litigation, requiring personal attention and imposing “physical disabilities.” Therefore, “criminal proceedings against a President in office should not go beyond a point where they could result in so serious a physical interference with the President’s performance of his official duties that it would amount to an incapacitation.”
If Mueller cannot indict President Trump, what possible use can he make of any presidential testimony? The only option is that he will provide it to Congress for consideration of articles of impeachment.
But referring President Trump’s testimony to Congress would abuse the grand jury process, which is only to be used for a criminal proceeding. According to the U.S. Attorneys’ Manual, which Special Counsel Mueller is obligated to follow: “A grand jury has but two functions – to indict or, in the alternative, to return a no bill.”
Providing the legislature with testimony obtained from an executive branch grand jury subpoena also violates the Constitution’s separation of powers.
Mueller reports to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, an executive branch official. Impeachment is purely a legislative function. The executive cannot utilize its awesome power to compel grand jury testimony for the purpose of providing it to another governmental branch.
If Congress finds the president’s refusal to testify an impeachable offense, it can allege so in articles of impeachment.
The substance of the recently leaked list of questions that Special Counsel Mueller outlined for President Trump’s counsel is also in violation of the Constitution and executive privilege. Not one of the questions passes requirements mandated by the Constitution and case law defining executive privilege.
Any question about firing FBI Director James Comey or obtaining National Security Adviser Michael Flynn’s resignation violates the president’s Article II authority to have vested in him “all executive power.”
The president had unfettered authority to fire both officials for any reason, for multiple reasons, or for no reason. Incidentally, if the firing of Comey can be construed as obstruction of justice, then Rosenstein – who discussed such a firing with the president and wrote a scathing memo recommending that Comey be fired – is a co-conspirator. Yet, he is supervising the Mueller investigation.
Numerous questions deal with the deliberative process, such as how were the decisions made to request the resignation of Flynn and to fire Comey. Some request information about the president’s discussions with White House Counsel Don McGahn.
The answers to these questions all involve the decision-making process and, as such, are clearly covered by executive privilege.
The president is not readily available to be interviewed under established case law. There must be a “demonstrated, specific need for evidence in a pending criminal trial,” which courts have defined as evidence that is material to the matter at issue and not available elsewhere with due diligence.
Ignoring the obvious – that there is no criminal trial pending as in the Nixon tapes case – not one Mueller question can meet the standard that would require executive privilege to be waived.
Unless, of course, you count the numerous questions asking what the president “thought” in response to various situations. These include Comey’s Jan. 6, 2017 briefing to President-elect Trump; Comey’s March 20, 2017 testimony before the House Intelligence Committee; the appointment of a special counsel and other issues.
It is correct that only the president can state what he “thought” of the listed occasions. Yet, I recall the Catholic confessional as the only place where I have been penalized three Hail Marys after admitting to sinful thoughts. A president’s thoughts are not – and cannot be – the basis for any governmental inquiry.
Mueller has over a dozen experienced lawyers on his team. They are all veterans of the federal criminal justice system. They know very well that as executive branch personnel they must follow OLC’s opinions that a president cannot be indicted.
And these lawyers know very well that no court has ever ruled that a president may be subpoenaed to testify in a criminal proceeding involving his own conduct.
The lawyers on Mueller’s team also know that the grand jury cannot be used to obtain evidence except for the criminal process. And yet, Special Counsel Mueller has threatened the president with a grand jury subpoena.
The Senate needs to pass a bill to protect the constitutional authority of the presidency, not the bad faith conduct of the special counsel.
