Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Immigration tensions boil over as Dems accost Trump, intern curses at president

Tensions over illegal immigration and family separations at the border boiled over on Capitol Hill Tuesday night, as President Trump was met with profanity and heckling, blue-faced Democrats on his way to a meeting with House Republicans.
First, as President Trump's entourage made its way to House Speaker Paul Ryan's office, a congressional intern yelled, "Mr. President, F--k you!" across the Capitol Rotunda.
It was unclear whether Trump heard the remark. The incident occured after visiting hours.
Then, several members of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) gathered outside Trump's meeting with senior Republican officials. When Trump emerged, the representatives heckled him until some were blue in the face, holding signs and screaming.

From left are: Rep. James P. McGovern, D-Mass., Rep. Adriano Espaillat, D-NY, Rep. Nanette Barragán, D-Calif., Hispanic Caucus Chair Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham, D-N.M., Rep. Juan C. Vargas, D-Calif., and Linda Sanchez, D-Calif., shout in protest as President Donald Trump meets at the Capitol with House Republicans to discuss a GOP immigration bill Tuesday, June 19, 2018, in Washington.. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham, center, and other Democratic lawmakers shouted at Trump.  (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham, D-N.M., the chair of the CHC, called the separation of children from their families at the border the "worst thing" she has ever seen in her career.
"This is an unusual commander-in-chief ... it appears to me he doesn’t care about the consequences," Grisham said. "He uses incredibly offensive language to defend his policies."
Grisham defended her colleagues' decision to shout at the president and stage a dramatic protest as he left the meeting with Republican officials.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., left, walks with President Donald Trump as they head to a meeting of House Republicans to discuss a GOP immigration bill at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, June 19, 2018. (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
Trump met with top GOP leaders to talk immigration on Capitol Hill Tuesday night -- and got a wild reception.  (AP)

"This is a very unique set of circumstances, and it requires a unique set of extraordinary efforts," she said.
The outward hostility by members of Congress to a sitting president was highly unusual, and drew comparisons to Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C., who made international headlines by interrupting former President Barack Obama in 2009 and shouting, "You lie."
But Grisham told Fox News the treatment of Trump was different, because the policies at the border are particularly "inhumane."
Two congressmen -- Juan Vargas, D-Calif., and Carlos Curbelo, R-Fla. -- also engaged in a verbal altercation in the hallway outside Trump's meeting.
"This is a very unique set of circumstances, and it requires a unique set of extraordinary efforts."
Then, during his discussions with House GOP members, Trump made a dismissive remark concerning Rep. Mark Sanford, R-S.C., who recently lost a key primary in a race that became a referendum on his repeated, harsh criticisms of the president.
Two sources in the meeting room told The Associated Press that Trump joked: "I want to congratulate Mark on a great race."
A senior House Republican who is a Trump supporter told Fox News that the president's comment was "unnecessary" and "poor form." Another senior GOP lawmaker called it a "low blow."
Another GOP member told Fox News the room got "pretty quiet" after the remark and some attendees booed in a low tone of voice.
Despite the brouhaha, top Republicans said there had been progress on a legislative solution to the separation of illegal immigrant children from their parents at the border.
Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, told Fox News that a solution could be coming in a "matter of days."
Fox News' Chad Pergram, Samuel Chamberlain and Anne Ball contributed to this eport.
Gregg Re is an editor for Fox News. Follow him on Twitter @gregg_re.

FBI may have modified witness reports, misled DOJ watchdog with 'false information,' GOP Rep says

The FBI may have "edited and changed" key witness reports in the Hillary Clinton and Russia investigations, a top House Republican charged in a hearing into FBI and Justice Department misconduct Tuesday.
Freedom Caucus Chair Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C, also raised the possibility that the FBI misled the DOJ watchdog in an attempt to hide the identities of FBI employees who were caught sending anti-Trump messages.
The House Judiciary and Oversight committees were questioning Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz over his bombshell report into FBI and DOJ misconduct during the Hillary Clinton email probe.
"The other thing that I would ask you to look into, there is growing evidence that 302s were edited and changed,” Meadows told Horowitz. “Those 302s, it is suggested that they were changed to either prosecute or not prosecute individuals. And that is very troubling.”
So-called "302s" are reports on witness interviews compiled by federal investigators. Horowitz said later he has additional information suggesting that the witness reports were changed after-the-fact in both the Clinton and Russia probes -- a particularly alarming possibility given the IG report's findings of bias in those investigations.
Horowitz suggested that the IG is reviewing information concerning modified 302s, saying his office intended to "follow up" on the matter.
In a dramatic moment, Meadows then directly asked Horowitz whether two anonymous FBI employees identified as making anti-Trump statements in the IG's report were named Kevin Clinesmith and Sally Moyer.
Horowitz refused to confirm the employees' identities, which the FBI has declined to publicly reveal, citing the supposed sensitivity of their counterintelligence matters.
But Meadows suggested that justification may have been a sham.
"If that’s the reason the FBI is giving, they’re giving you false information."
“They don’t work in counterintelligence," Meadows said. "If that’s the reason the FBI is giving, they’re giving you false information, because they work for the [FBI] general counsel."
In the IG report released last Thursday, the two unnamed anti-Trump FBI employees reacted with shock and dismay at Trump's election.
“I am numb," one wrote on Election Day. “Viva le resistance,” the lawyer wrote later, in response to what he would do now that Trump had won.
Gregg Re is an editor for Fox News. Follow him on Twitter @gregg_re.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Mexico's America Cartoons

Cal Thomas: No bias in IG report? People are more likely to believe pigs can fly

Inspector general found Comey 'insubordinate' in Clinton probe, while a Strzok text recovered last month, suggests the agent may have acted for political reasons much later than initially believed; Catherine Herridge goes in-depth for 'Special Report.'
Would you consider a jihadist biased against Jews? Could a member of a white supremacist group be accused of bias against non-whites?
The Justice Department’s inspector general, Michael Horowitz, and FBI Director Christopher Wray claim the 500-plus-page report found no “documented” evidence that political bias at the FBI directly influenced the findings in the Clinton investigation or the Justice Department’s decision not to prosecute the former secretary of state. People in “flyover country” are more likely to believe pigs can fly than they are to accept that political bias did not expose a clear intent to damage presidential candidate Donald Trump.
Why does one need a document to prove bias? If the anti-Trump political beliefs of FBI employees, which are documented in text messages, did not influence their work then why is Director Wray ordering all of his employees to undergo training, including, reports CNN, “instruction ‘on what went wrong so these mistakes will never be repeated.’”?
Members of the media might also benefit from ethics training since the IG report found multiple incidents of journalists doing favors for FBI agents, presumably in return for information.
Huffpost writes, “Other instant messages showed FBI employees referring to Trump as ‘Drumpf,’ calling Trump supporters ‘retarded’ and ‘lazy POS’ … joking about Trump’s election signaling the fall of the Republic, and writing ‘Viva le resistance.’” How can anyone claim that people with such strong political views could approach their work objectively? If perception is reality, then a connection between bias and behavior is reality for average people, who include most citizens outside the Beltway.
Among the things people hate about Washington is that no matter how many higher-ups are alleged to have broken laws and violated ethics codes, few are held accountable.
“The damage caused by (the agents’) actions ... goes to the heart of the FBI’s reputation for neutral fact-finding and political independence,” says the report. This seems to suggest that the behavior of certain agents was not neutral and that the agents did not display political independence. Again, how could the agents’ political views be harmful if those views did not impact their work?
Another of many disturbing findings by the IG was that President Obama and 12 high officials in his administration exchanged unsecured emails with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, including times when she was overseas and presumably more vulnerable to hacks. Some of those emails, Horowitz says, contained classified information. President Obama claimed during a 2015 interview with CBS News that he learned Clinton was using an unsecured server when he read about it in the media. The IG report revealed this was not the case.
Numerous people, some unnamed, come in for strong criticism in the Horowitz report. Former FBI Director James Comey is cited for effectively taking matters into his own hands and becoming his own authority in public statements about Hillary Clinton’s emails. A Wall Street Journal editorial said of Comey: “The unavoidable conclusion is that Mr. Comey’s FBI became a law unto itself, accountable to no one but the former director’s self-righteous conscience. His refusal to follow proper guidelines interfered with a presidential election campaign in a way that has caused millions of Americans in both parties to justifiably cry foul.”
Among the things people hate about Washington is that no matter how many higher-ups are alleged to have broken laws and violated ethics codes, few are held accountable. The fix was in on Hillary Clinton even before she was interviewed with two of her lawyers present, which the IG report says violated accepted practices.
Horowitz and Wray are now testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee. While Democrats will categorize the IG report as nothing, Republicans must burrow in and get even more facts than the disturbing, even disgusting ones he has already uncovered. The Justice Department should then hold accountable those people who broke the law and the rules.
Cal Thomas is America's most widely syndicated op-ed columnist. His latest book is "What Works: Common Sense Solutions for a Stronger America". Readers may email Cal Thomas at

Ex-CIA engineer accused of leaking hacking docs to WikiLeaks charged in massive 'Vault 7' security breach

Joshua Schulte allegedly disclosed thousands of top-secret files outlining the extent of the CIA’s cyberwarfare capabilities.

The ex-CIA software engineer suspected of leaking a massive, highly secret trove of U.S. hacking tools and source code to WikiLeaks has been charged in federal court with a series of Espionage Act violations.
Joshua Schulte, 29, allegedly disclosed thousands of top-secret files outlining the extent of the CIA’s cyberwarfare capabilities in an unprecedented breach that triggered an intensive investigation even before WikiLeaks published the information in March 2017.
In March and June 2016, Schulte modified a computer run by the U.S. Intelligence Agency to “delet[e] records of his activities” and “den[y] others access to the system,” prosecutors charge in a superseding indictment unveiled Monday.
The former CIA engineer was accused formally in the indictment of lying to federal investigators, illegally gathering and transmitting national security information, theft of government property, and other offenses.
“As alleged, Schulte utterly betrayed this nation and downright violated his victims,” assistant New York FBI field director William F. Sweeney, Jr., said in a statement. “As an employee of the CIA, Schulte took an oath to protect this country, but he blatantly endangered it by the transmission of Classified Information.”
Schulte was charged last year with knowingly receiving and possessing child pornography, and those charges are also listed in the latest federal grand jury indictment.
Prosecutors signposted the new charges weeks ago, even as his defense team accuses the U.S. of scapegoating.
“As the evidence is flushed out, it will become clear that Mr. Schulte is hardly the villain the government makes him out to be,” Sabrina P. Shroff, Schulte’s public defender, said in a statement Monday.
In a strange twist, while he was still working with the CIA, Schulte reportedly tweeted that WikiLeaks source Chelsea Manning should be killed for her disclosures.
“Kill the prick,” he reportedly said on Twitter in response to a story about Manning.
Last March, WikiLeaks touted its stunning 8,000-plus page disclosure as the full hacking capacity of the CIA, saying it was “the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency.”
The 8,761 documents and files — released as ”Vault 7 Part 1,” and titled “Year Zero” — were obtained from an “isolated, high-security network” at the CIA’s Center for Cyber Intelligence in Langley, Va., WikiLeaks claimed.
Prosecutors charge that Schulte committed the crimes in Virginia, where the CIA is headquartered.

West Point grad who posed with 'Communism will win' in cap discharged

Spenser Rapone is seen in an undated photo making a fist and holding a cap with a sign inside that reads, "Communism will win."  (Twitter)

The West Point graduate, who last year posed in a picture holding a cap that had “Communism will win” written inside, is officially out of the U.S. Army with an other-than-honorable discharge.
Spenser Rapone rocked the military community last year after his social media posts were revealed, showing him wearing a Che Guevara shirt underneath his military uniform.
He is no longer part of the U.S. military after top brass at Fort Drum’s 10th Mountain Division accepted his resignation Monday after an earlier warning for “conduct unbecoming of an officer.” He’s leaving the military with an other-than-honorable discharge.
Army officials condemned the cadet last year and opened an investigation into his social media activity. “Second Lieutenant Rapone’s actions in no way reflect the values of the U.S. Military Academy or the U.S. Army,” an Army statement read.

Spenser Rapone
Spenser Rapone is seen in an undated photo wearing a Che Guevara shirt underneath his U.S. Military Academy uniform.  (Twitter)

His open advocacy of communism attracted the criticism from Florida Sen. Marco Rubio who then urged the U.S. military to dismiss Rapone for supporting the country’s enemies.
The now-former cadet said the probe found him advocating for socialist revolution online and disparaging high-ranking officers and U.S. officials. The Army said it took “appropriate action” in dealing with the situation.
But Rapone remains unabashed, posting a picture on Monday showing him the middle finger at a sign at the entrance to Fort Drum, captioned with “One final salute.”
He also remains committed to the far-left causes, saying he considers himself “a revolutionary socialist” and urged others to join him in his revolution,
“I would encourage all soldiers who have a conscience to lay down their arms and join me and so many others who are willing to stop serving the agents of imperialism and join us in a revolutionary movement,” he said.
Rubio cheered the departure of Rapone. “While in uniform, Spenser Rapone advocated for communism and political violence, and expressed support and sympathy for enemies of the United States,” the Senator said on Monday. “I’m glad to see that they have given him an ‘other-than-honorable’ discharge.”
“While in uniform, Spenser Rapone advocated for communism and political violence, and expressed support and sympathy for enemies of the United States. I’m glad to see that they have given him an ‘other-than-honorable’ discharge.”
- Florida Sen. Marco Rubio
Military experts say it’s rare for an officer out of West Point to receive an other-than-honorable discharge. Greg Rinckey, an attorney specializing in military law, claimed that this opens an opportunity for the military to seek money back from Rapone for the education he received as he didn’t fulfil the five-year service obligation for all the graduates.
“I knew there could be repercussions,” said Rapone, who’s becoming a prominent far-left advocate and will be speaking at a conference for socialism next month. “Of course my military career is dead in the water. On the other hand, many people reached out and showed me support. There are a lot of veterans both active duty and not that feel like I do.”

Sessions rebukes critics who compare border situation to Nazi Germany: 'Fundamentally, we're enforcing the law'

Attorney General Jeff Sessions forcefully rebuked critics who fault the Trump administration for the separation of illegal immigrant families at the border, saying that the Obama administration's policies are partially to blame.
Speaking to Fox News' "The Ingraham Angle" Monday night, Sessions said illegal immigrants have taken advantage of the U.S.
"We have watched what happened with the Obama policies, and over years, we went from 15,000 illegal entries to 75,000 -- this is a huge loophole in our system that's attracting more and more people, as more and more people understand that, under previous policies, if they enter the country unlawfully, that nothing will happen," Sessions said.
The attorney general denied that children are being abused or kept in inhumane conditions, saying that the Department of Health and Human Services spent approximately a billion dollars last year taking care of children caught crossing the border.

Government agents take a woman suspected of living in the country illegally into custody during an immigration sting at Corso's Flower and Garden Center in Castalia, Ohio, Tuesday, June 5, 2018. The operation is one of the largest against employers in recent years on allegations of violating immigration laws. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the Obama administration bears some responsibility for child separations on the border.  (AP)
"We are taking care of these children; they are not being abused," Sessions added. "We've had a big surge of families bringing children or some adults bringing children with them."
In response to critics who have compared immigrant detention centers to Nazi Germany, Sessions said "we need to be rational and thoughtful" about the situation.
"In Nazi Germany, they were keeping the Jews from leaving the country," Sessions said, drawing a contrast that was criticized on Twitter as being tone deaf.
Asked whether children are being separated as part of an intentional deterrence policy to discourage illegal immigration, Sessions suggested fewer border crossings could be a positive result of the administration's zero-tolerance stance.
"Fundamentally, we are enforcing the law," Sessions said. "Hopefully people will get the message ... and not break across the border unlawfully."
Sessions had touted the possible deterrent effect of separating children in announcing the administration's new zero-tolerance policy, saying adults should not bring children across the border from Mexico.
Concerning complaints from top House GOP members that the DOJ and FBI have been slow to produce documents concerning political bias in their investigations, Sessions also said that "we have a responsibility to respond to Congress" and vowed to be responsive to their subpoenas.
Earlier Monday, Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas announced a plan to introduce comprehensive "emergency legislation" designed to end unnecessary separations of illegal immigrant children from their parents.
The bill, an answer to President Trump's call for a congressional solution to the situation, would double the number of immigration judges to 750 and mandate that illegal immigrant families be kept together, unless there has been "aggravated criminal conduct" or threat of harm to the children, according to Cruz's office.
Cruz's bill would also authorize new temporary shelters for immigrant families, and provide for expedited resolution of asylum claims within 14 days.
On Monday, all 49 Senate Democrats announced their support for the Keep Families Together Act. That bill has a different, even higher standard for separating kids at the border, and calls for an accountability report on asylum claims.
It does not contain an equivalent to Cruz's provisions to accelerate the asylum application process or to deploy more judges.
Under current law, adults can be separated from their families as soon as criminal proceedings against them are commenced.
The Trump administration's new "zero-tolerance" policy had led to an increase in these prosecutions.
But the administration has consistently said that the so-called Flores consent decree -- crafted during former President Bill Clinton's administration -- is what prohibits them from keeping parents and children together during these prosecutions, by limiting how long children can remain in federal custody.
