Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Trump calls for live, televised hearing of Strzok, 'other hating frauds' at FBI, DOJ

President Trump blasted FBI agent Peter Strzok on Monday night, arguing that the hearing for the agent known for his anti-Trump text messages should be “shown to the public on live television.”
“The hearing of Peter Strzok and the other hating frauds at the FBI & DOJ should be shown to the public on live television, not a closed door hearing that nobody will see,” the president tweeted. “We should expose these people for what they are - there should be total transparency!”
Trump’s comments came just days before Strzok is set to testify before the House Judiciary Committee. Strzok apparently was willing to go before Congress, but the committee issued the order for the June 27 appearance because he wouldn’t confirm a specific date to appear, Fox News has learned.
Strzok was involved in special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation before he was removed following the revelation of several anti-Trump text messages with his bureau colleague and lover, Lisa Page.
Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz's report on the Clinton email investigation, released earlier this month, said Page texted Strzok in August 2016, prior to then-candidate Donald Trump's election night win, saying "[Trump's] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!"
"No. No he won't. We'll stop it," Strzok responded.
Earlier Monday night, Trump also criticized Virginia Democratic Sen. Mark Warner following reports that Warner, while allegedly drinking alcohol at a retreat on Martha’s Vineyard, joked to donors that he might reveal sensitive information known only to him and Special Counsel Robert Mueller.
“If you get me one more glass of wine, I’ll tell you stuff only Bob Mueller and I know. If you think you’ve seen wild stuff so far, buckle up. It’s going to be a wild couple of months,” he reportedly said jokingly.
“Why is Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), perhaps in a near drunken state, claiming he has information that only he and Bob Mueller, the leader of the 13 Angry Democrats on a Witch Hunt, knows,” Trump questioned. “Isn’t this highly illegal. Is it being investigated?”
Warner, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee, was at a dinner for more than 100 guests as part of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee’s (DSCC) annual Majority Trust retreat, Politico reported.

Monday, June 25, 2018

Gov. Brown Cartoons

Glenn Beck walks out of tense CNN interview before Brian Stelter asks why his company was 'imploding'

Glenn Beck walked out of an interview with CNN's Brian Stelter Sunday morning after he was questioned about the future of his conservative media company, TheBlaze.
Glenn Beck, conservative commentator and CEO of TheBlaze, walked out of a CNN interview Sunday morning after he was questioned about the future of his company.
In the interview with "Reliable Sources" host Brian Stelter, which focused mainly on recent family separations at the border, Beck was asked to respond to a Daily Beast report which said his conservative media company "imploded" after it underwent another round of layoffs.
"Wow, Brian. Thanks a lot. I think that's the most ridiculous question I've ever heard," Beck told Stelter. "I'm sitting here getting ready to talk to you about the detaining of children and parents, and trying to break families apart."
"We want to stop it and you want to play those games? Have a nice day," Beck said, before removing his mic and walking off camera.
After Beck's abrupt departure, the media host asked, "What game did I just play?"
Stelter mentioned the Daily Beast article and claimed Beck had attempted to sell TheBlaze, but "talk about a deal with The Daily Wire" reportedly "fell through."
"Frankly, I thought Glenn deserved a chance to address those reports," Stelter told his viewers. "I hope he'll come back and talk about it."
Earlier in the interview, Beck, a former Fox News host, criticized CNN, claiming it was dividing the nation by making decisions over immigration coverage based on ratings.
Beck suggested that CNN staffers were saying, "It's all about ratings, this is all about ratings." He continued, "This isn't about ratings. This is about saving our country, bringing us together. Stop dividing us."
Stelter responded: "You think I'm dividing the country for ratings by booking you?"
"Stop, Brian, look what you're doing," Beck shot back. "When did this become about you? This is about the media and the administration, that's what you guys make it into."
After his appearance on CNN, Beck took to Twitter to defend himself, writing that that recent news reports criticizing the Trump adminstration could have been written about the Obama administration, as well.
"The media is so blind," Beck tweeted. "I couldn't take anymore of it on #cnn and #ReliableSources."
EDITOR'S NOTE: A previous version of this article stated that Glenn Beck walked out of the interview after Brian Stelter asked why Beck's company was "imploding." Stelter said "imploding," referencing another media company's headline, after Beck had already left.
Nicole Darrah covers breaking and trending news for FoxNews.com. Follow her on Twitter @nicoledarrah or send her an email at nicole.darrah@foxnews.com.

President Trump Requests Democrat Cooperation on Border Security

President Donald Trump arrives at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Saturday, June 23, 2018. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
President Trump takes to Twitter to appeal to Democrats for their cooperation on border security.
In a tweet today, the president said Democrats need to “fix the laws” and not resist.
He said his administration is doing far better than “Bush or Obama but we need strength and security at the border.”
The president pointed out the United States cannot accept all of the people who are trying to break into the country.
He ended the tweet by saying “strong borders, no crime!”
The remarks comes amid a backlash on the administration’s zero-tolerance policy, on those who cross into the U.S. illegally.

Porn star's lawyer Michael Avenatti accuses feds of cancelling meeting with Stormy Daniels

Porn star Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti on Sunday accused federal prosecutors of cancelling the meeting with his client regarding the investigation into President Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen after it somehow leaked to the media.
“So I was just informed by the US Attys office that they are canceling the meeting tomorrow scheduled with me and my client (for weeks) because the press found out about the meeting and they can’t handle a few cameras outside their offices,” Avenatti tweeted.
“If they consider this a big deal, how will they ever bring any serious criminal charges against Cohen et al., let alone handle a trial, in such a high profile matter? We have bent over backwards to accommodate them. This is unheard of. We remain willing to cooperate but something isn’t right,” he added.
In an email published by Avenatti, he said the reasons for cancellation are “ridiculous” and urged the federal prosecutors to meet with him and his client.
Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, was expected to meet Monday with attorneys from the U.S. attorney's office for the Southern District of New York, which oversaw the April FBI raid that resulted in millions of paper and electronic records being seized, Politico reported.
Cohen is facing questions related to the allegations of bank fraud and possible campaign finance law violations in relation to a $130,000 payment Cohen made to Daniels amid the 2016 presidential election over claims she had a 2006 fling with the Trump.
Cohen hasn’t yet been charged with any crime, though experts believe Cohen will face charges of campaign violation law as the payment’s purpose was to avoid negative publicity to the Trump campaign in the final weeks of the election.
The president’s attorney Rudy Giuliani said the payment was made to “resolve a personal and false allegation in order to protect the President’s family. It would have been done in any event, whether he was a candidate or not.”
Daniels is suing Trump and Cohen, arguing that an October 2016 non-disclosure agreement is void because Trump never signed it. Daniels also sued Trump for defaming her after saying the alleged sexual encounter never happened and she fabricated the story.

US to present North Korea with post-summit 'asks': report

The United States is preparing “specific asks” in a timeline that will be presented to North Korean officials as a result of the recent historic summit, Reuters reported.
The news agency, citing an unnamed U.S. defense official, reported that the U.S. hopes the presentation will show Pyongyang’s level of interest in denuclearizing.
“There will be specific asks and there will be a specific timeline when we present the North Koreans with our concept of what implementation of the summit agreement looks like,” the official reportedly said.
The Associated Press reported that the Koreas, in the meantime, are discussing the possible relocation of North Korea's long-range artillery systems away from the tense Korean border.
North Korea has deployed an estimated 1,000 artillery pieces along the border, posing a significant threat to Seoul and the metropolitan area.
In a speech marking the 68th anniversary of the outbreak of the 1950-53 Korean War, Prime Minister Lee Nak-yon said that "moving (North Korea's) long-range artillery to the rear is under discussion," as he explained what types of good-will steps between the sides have been taken in recent months.
Lee's comments appear to be Seoul's first official confirmation of media reports that South Korea demanded that the North reposition its forward-deployed artillery pieces during inter-Korean military talks this month. Seoul's Defense Ministry, which has denied those reports, said it had no immediate comment on Lee's speech.
Also Monday, military officers from the two Koreas met to discuss how to fully restore their military hotline communication channels, according to the South's Defense Ministry. The results of the talks were expected later Monday.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Bernie Sanders Cartoons

Bernie Sanders' income tops $1M for second year in row, reports say

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who portrays himself as an advocate for working Americans, speaks in Silver Spring, Md., June 18, 2018.  (Associated Press)

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ message of income inequality resonated with many voters in 2016 -- and now the senator himself may know how the other half lives.
A financial disclosure document filed in May shows that the indepedent lawmaker from Vermont made more than $1 million in 2017, given him income of that figure or more for the second year in a row, VTDigger reported.
Most of that income – $885,767 – came from cash advances and royalties for his 2016 book, “Our Revolution,” which recounted the Sanders' failed bid for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination.
The same book also outlined the political ideas that helped Sanders pose a strong threat to Hillary Clinton's bid for nomination.
The remaining $174,000 of Sanders' income for last year came from his Senate salary.
Sanders has long brandished his credentials as one of the “poorest” members of Congress to rally against income inequality, a threat the senator has called “the great moral issue of our time.”
But the senator’s income places him high above the national threshold for qualifying for the so-called "One Percent," the group of super-wealthy individuals that is supposedly knocking U.S. society out of balance.
According to a 2013 Economic Policy Institute report, a family needs an income of $389,436 to be in the top 1 percent nationally.
When asked by VTDigger whether Sanders’ income damages his credibility as an advocate for average Americans, the senator’s senior political adviser dismissed the question as “ridiculous.”
“Bernie Sanders continues to fight for working-class people across this country, so I think it’s a pretty ridiculous question,” Jeff Weaver said.
“Bernie Sanders continues to fight for working-class people across this country, so I think it’s a pretty ridiculous question.”
Sanders is reportedly working on a follow-up book, titled, “Where We Go from Here,” scheduled for an Oct. 30 release.
Sanders’ socialist “authenticity” has been challenged before.
In the months leading up to the 2016 presidential election, the senator was criticized for purchasing a vacation home – his third at the time – in upstate Vermont, for $575,000.  
