Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Cohen lawyer admits he was anonymous CNN source for bombshell story on Trump Tower meeting

Lanny Davis, the high-powered attorney of President Trump’s longtime “fixer”-turned-foe Michael Cohen, admitted Monday he was an anonymous source for a bombshell CNN story on the infamous 2016 Trump Tower meeting — after The Washington Post outed him as a source for its own story.
Davis told BuzzFeed News Monday night he regretted being the anonymous source as well as his subsequent denial. The CNN story, which cited multiple “sources,” claimed Cohen said President Trump knew in advance about the Trump Tower sit-down.
“I made a mistake,” Davis told BuzzFeed.
CNN, which has stood by its reporting, did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.
Davis spent recent days walking back his bombshell assertions that his client could tell Special Counsel Robert Mueller that Trump had prior knowledge of the meeting with a Russian lawyer discussing potentially damaging information on Hillary Clinton.
Trump has denied knowledge all along, and fired back following CNN’s report last month.
“I did NOT know of the meeting with my son, Don jr. Sounds to me like someone is trying to make up stories in order to get himself out of an unrelated jam (Taxi cabs maybe?). He even retained Bill and Crooked Hillary’s lawyer. Gee, I wonder if they helped him make the choice!” Trump tweeted on July 27.
The CNN report from July 27 headlined, “Cohen claims Trump knew in advance of 2016 Trump Tower meeting,” cited “sources with knowledge,” contradicting repeated denials by Trump and his surrogates, as Fox News previously reported. CNN’s report resulted in countless cable news segments and sent other news organizations scurrying to match.
Among them was The Washington Post. On Sunday, the newspaper published an interview in which Davis backpedaled.
Davis, attempting to clean up his comments in interviews last week after Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations, tax evasion and bank fraud, told the Post he “should have been more clear” that he “could not independently confirm what happened.”
Davis said he regretted his “error.”
“Davis’s latest comments cast doubt on what Cohen may know, including about a June 2016 meeting in New York’s Trump Tower attended by Trump’s eldest son and a Russian lawyer,” the Post wrote on Sunday night.
Davis started walking back the allegations last week, when during an interview with CNN’s Anderson Cooper, he was asked whether there was evidence that Trump knew about the meeting before it happened.
“No, there’s not,” Davis said.
He told BuzzFeed on Monday night about his comments to Cooper: “I did not mean to be cute.”
Fox News' Brian Flood and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Frank Miles is a reporter and editor covering sports, tech, military and geopolitics for FoxNews.com. He can be reached at Frank.Miles@foxnews.com.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Russian Hacking Vote Cartoons

Attorney General Sessions Deems Late Senator Mccain ‘Great Leader’ with ‘Relentless Drive’

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions speaks during a news conference regarding the country’s opioid epidemic, Wednesday, Aug. 22, 2018, in Cleveland. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak)
Attorney General Jeff Sessions offers his condolences over the death of Senator John McCain, calling him a “great leader” with “relentless drive.”
In a statement Saturday, Sessions said the country was McCain’s top priority and “his ferocious tenacity for his country was unmatched.”
Sessions went on to say America has lost a great patriot and cited his support for the U.S. troop surge to Iraq back in 2007 as completely selfless and patriotic.
McCain first announced his brain cancer diagnosis in July of last year.

Kelli Ward criticized for suggesting McCain pre-timed announcement to damage her campaign

Kelli Ward speaks to the media as she prepares to file her nominating petitions at the state Capitol in Phoenix  (AP)

Hours before Sen. John McCain died on Saturday, a Republican seeking Arizona’s other U.S. Senate seat suggested that his family’s earlier announcement that he was ending cancer treatment had been timed to hurt her campaign.
Former State Sen. Kelli Ward, who lost a primary to McCain running from the right in 2016 and is now trying to win the GOP nomination for retiring Sen. Jeff Flake’s seat, made the suggestion in response to a Facebook post by a campaign aide.
According to screenshots of the conversation posted on Twitter by Arizona political reporters, the aide, Jonathan Williams, wondered if it was “just a coincidence” that the announcement of McCain ending medical treatment came the day Ward was launching a statewide bus tour, her big push before Tuesday’s primary.
Ward replied: “I think they wanted to have a particular narrative that is negative to me.”
After her response was Tweeted out, Ward deleted the post and replaced it with one claiming the media was concocting a story.
Aaron Borders, an Arizona lobbyist and ex-vice chair of the Maricopa County GOP, shared the comment on his Facebook page told The Washington Post that Ward, “shouldn’t be saying any of this. Leave it alone. [McCain’s] not even an opponent. That’s about as narcissistic as it gets,”
“I’ve said again and again to pray for Senator McCain & his family,” Ward wrote. “These decisions are terrible to have to make. I feel compassion for him and his family as they go through this.”
McCain, a war hero who survived five years as a prisoner of war in Vietnam, served three decades in Congress and went on to become the Republican Party’s nominee for president in 2008, died Saturday. He was 81 years old.

Michael Goodwin: Here's how Trump can survive the fierce attack against his presidency

From Day One, President Trump has been fighting a war for survival on two fronts. One front involves law enforcement, led first by James Comey’s FBI and now by special counsel Robert Mueller. The other front is political, where Trump faces the resistance movement led by congressional Democrats.
But sift through the fog of last week’s dizzying headlines about guilty pleas, immunity deals and possible impeachment, and a clear picture emerges: The two fronts have united, with the anti-Trumpers in the Justice Department and those in politics now openly working hand-in-hand against him.
In the long slog to unseat the president, the official merger of the anti-Trump forces marks a dramatic turning point. For one thing, it shows beyond doubt that the Mueller probe is fundamentally tainted by partisan politics, with the latest example involving Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer. Inexplicably, Cohen’s case remains in control of Manhattan federal prosecutors.
The US attorney Trump appointed for that outpost, Geoffrey Berman, reportedly was ordered to recuse himself by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, leaving the office staffed mostly by holdovers from Preet Bharara’s tenure.
For all the glee of his opponents and media doomsaying, only a fool would count President Trump out. He’s bounced back from the brink before and there are three reasons why he could do it again.
Bharara was fired by Trump when he refused to resign and is cheering for Trump’s fall. Meanwhile, his former colleagues made the politically charged demand that Cohen accuse the president of criminal behavior in his own plea documents, illustrating how Cohen is a pawn and Trump is the real target.
The anti-Trump alliance also raises the stakes even higher in the midterm elections. Every match- up will be a referendum on him, and if Republicans lose either house of Congress, his power ebbs and his troubles instantly expand.
Perhaps most remarkable of all, this new legal-political landscape shows the power wielded by Lanny Davis, a decades-long friend, lawyer and fixer to Bill and Hillary Clinton.
With Davis serving as Cohen’s lawyer, the Clinton machine is effectively directing much of the assault on the president. After brokering Cohen’s deal with prosecutors, Davis began a televised barnstorming tour where he declared that because Cohen said Trump “directed” him to pay hush money to Stormy Daniels and another woman during the 2016 campaign, it is certain the president broke campaign-finance laws.
Leaving aside that the deal proves nothing about Trump, the fact remains that Davis’ role is a delicious revenge scenario beyond anything Hillary could have imagined. She now has a mole working with Mueller!
Click here to keep reading Michael Goodwin's column.
Michael Goodwin is a Fox News contributor and New York Post columnist.

Tiger Woods says 'you have to respect the office' of president after questions about his relationship with Trump

Tiger Woods shot down questions on Sunday about his relationship with President Trump, urging people to respect the office of the president.  (AP)

Tiger Woods shot down questions on Sunday about his relationship with President Trump, urging people to respect the office of the president.
“He's the President of the United States. You have to respect the office. No matter who is in the office, you may like, dislike personality or the politics, but we all must respect the office,” Woods said during a news conference just after the final round of the US PGA Northern Trust tournament.
"He's the President of the United States. You have to respect the office. No matter who is in the office, you may like, dislike personality or the politics, but we all must respect the office."
- Tiger Woods
The comment was in response to a provocative reporter’s question that tried to get Woods to denounce Trump’s policies and feuds with NBA and NFL players, USA Today reported.
Woods was asked whether he had anything to say to people who “find it interesting” that he maintains a rather personal relationship with the president who tightening immigration controls in the country and feuding with both NBA and NFL players.
“At times, especially 2018, I think a lot of people, especially immigrants are threatened by him and his policy — what do you say to people who might find it interesting that you have a friendly relationship with him?” a reporter asked Woods.
Trump and Woods are known golfing partners for years and have remained in touch ever since Trump took office.
“Well, I’ve known Donald for a number of years,” Woods said. “We've played golf together. We've had dinner together. I've known him pre-presidency and obviously during his presidency.”
The golf star was then asked to comment about the race relations in the country, which he declined.
“No. I just finished 72 holes and really hungry,” Woods said and moved on to questions that were relevant to his performance at the tournament that day.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Gun Control 2018 Cartoons

NRA Blasts Dems For Trying To Bring Down Pres. Trump Via Clinton Tactics

Dana Loesch

The NRA blasts the Left and the FBI for trying to bring down President Trump.
During an interview Friday, NRA spokesperson Dana Loesch slammed the Democrats for doing anything necessary to entrap President Trump.
Loesch said liberals will make a legal problem to do so, and will use campaign finances to fund the venture.
She clarified moral dilemmas surrounding the president would not result in legal trouble, so they use the so-called ‘Clinton years’ as a template to manipulate the situation.
“They’re trying to Al Capone the president. I mean, you remember. Capone didn’t go down for murder. Elliot Ness didn’t put him in for murder. He went in for tax fraud. Prosecutors didn’t care how he went down as long as he went down. The same goes for Democrats, whatever avenue is needed to take down the president they’ll take it.” -Dana Loesch, NRA spokeswoman
This comes just days after President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to campaign finance violations among other charges.
