Thursday, November 1, 2018

Kavanaugh turns down nearly $600G raised online for his defense: reports

The Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh testifies before the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington. (Associated Press)

Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has reportedly turned down nearly $600,000 that had been raised in his name after sexual misconduct allegations were leveled against him during his confirmation process.
A GoFundMe page through which the funds were raised had a message saying Kavanaugh would not accept the money in order to avoid judicial ethics violations, the Washington Examiner reported.
“I've spoken to a former clerk for Judge Kavanaugh who told me that Kavanaugh’s supporters loved the outpouring of support from this GoFundMe," said conservative blogger John Hawkins, who launched the page Sept. 24. "Judicial ethics rules caution judges against permitting the use of the prestige of judicial office for fund-raising purposes. Justice Kavanaugh will not accept any proceeds from the campaign, nor will he direct that any proceeds from the campaign be provided to any third party."
The page launched one day after the New Yorker published allegations from Deborah Ramirez, who claimed Kavanaugh exposed himself to her while they were in college, and a week after Christine Blasey Ford accused him of trying to force himself on her, also decades ago.
Hawkins said he received a statement from the law clerk several days ago saying Kavanaugh was not able to accept the money and said Kavanaugh requested that Hawkins discontinue the use of his name for any fund-raising purposes.
Instead, Hawkins said he will donate the money to the Archdiocese of Washington, which operates the Catholic Youth Organization where Kavanaugh used to coach a girls’ basketball team.
The page is no longer accepting donations.
In an interview with Yahoo!, Hawkins said the idea for a Kavanaugh fundraiser page came from a conversation with a woman who noticed all the pages that had been launched on behalf of Ford.
“I was talking to a woman and … she was like, ‘Christine Blasey Ford has these GoFundMes up; I wish someone would do a GoFundMe for Brett Kavanaugh," Hawkins said.
President Trump nominated Kavanaugh for the nation's highest court in July, after Justice Anthony Kennedy announced plans to retire from his lifetime appointment. After a contentious confirmation process, the U.S. Senate voted to 50-48 on Oct. 6 to confirm Kavanaugh's nomination.

Pundits assume Democrats will win the House. Sound familiar?

Their faces peered out from the pages of The New York Times a couple of days ago, the Democrats who would become committee chairmen if their party wins the House.
These mini-profiles were followed by a Times interview published yesterday with Nancy Pelosi, who laid out her agenda if she becomes speaker again.
CNN's Chris Cillizza followed up with this piece: "Nancy Pelosi Is Right. The Democrats Should Win the House on Tuesday."
Sure sounds like the media are viewing a Democratic takeover as pretty close to a done deal. It's being baked into the cake of political coverage.
At Nate Silver's 538 site, the projection is that the Dems have 85.5 percent chance of being able to give Pelosi the gavel.
Sound familiar?
Didn't we go through this in 2016, when almost everyone in journalism, citing endless polls, believed or predicted that we were headed for a second Clinton presidency?
I'm not here to talk up the Republicans' chances in the House. The atmosphere favors the Democrats, the grass-roots energy seems to be on their side, the president's party usually loses seats in the midterms, and Donald Trump, who has made this a referendum on himself, is polling around 40 percent.
But who really knows for sure? It's a midterm, with 435 House races. Turnout is a question mark. Local personalities and issues are a factor, although less so in this Trump-dominated race. Whether these contests will turn more on health care, immigration, the economy, Kavanaugh, the recent terror attacks, or visceral feelings about the 45th president is not entirely clear.
While the odds are against the Republicans, they probably have a better shot at holding the House than Trump appeared to have two years ago in the Electoral College.
And if the Democrats do gain control, will it be by winning barely more than the 23 seats they need, or by the 30 or 40 seats that would constitute a blue wave?
The GOP, meanwhile, is widely expected to hold the Senate, perhaps gain a seat or two, in large measure because of a highly favorable map -- although there are a number of tight races there too.
It's obviously reasonable for the press to look into what the Trump presidency would look like with the opposition party running the House. But it's not a lock.
The Times piece, based on an interview with Pelosi, says "Democrats would use their first month in the House majority to advance sweeping changes to future campaign and ethics laws, requiring the disclosure of shadowy political donors, outlawing the gerrymandering of congressional districts and restoring key enforcement provisions to the Voting Rights Act."
The California congresswoman says her party "would then turn to infrastructure investment and the climbing costs of prescription drugs, answering voter demands and challenging President Trump's willingness to work on shared policy priorities with a party he has vilified." The idea, she says, would be to show that the Dems "are a governing party, not the leftist mob that Mr. Trump describes."
The more likely outcome is gridlock if Congress is divided. And keep in mind that Pelosi would be under great pressure from the party's left wing to go more forcefully in a Medicare-for-all direction, not to mention a flood of investigations and subpoenas for the Trump administration.
The Times story does contain this caveat in the seventh paragraph:
"Democrats, of course, may fall short of a majority on Tuesday."
Of course.

Trump, at Halloween rally, bashes 'far-left media' for trying to 'push people apart' after Pittsburgh slayings

Speaking Wednesday night at a rally in Fort Myers, Fla., President Trump condemned the "far-left media" for "once again using tragedy to sow anger and division" shortly after his visit to Pittsburgh in the wake of Saturday's deadly mass shooting at a synagogue there.
The approximately 8,500 supporters in the crowd at the Hertz Arena erupted in a chant of "CNN sucks" as Trump paused. He then accused the media of overblowing a protest in Pittsburgh during his visit, and "doing everything in their power to play it up and push people apart."
CNN host Don Lemon was fiercely criticized earlier in the day after an on-air rant in which he declared that “white men” are the biggest terror threat to the United States, adding that "there is no white-guy ban" and wondering aloud, "What do we do about that?" A CNN spokeswoman said neither Lemon nor CNN would have any further comment on his statement.
Trump's broadsides were unrelenting: "The far-left media has spread terrible lies and stories about the Trump administration, and the tens of millions of people who make up our movement -- the greatest political movement in the history of our country," the president continued, as the crowd cheered.
On-air personalities at CNN and other networks have hammered Trump for his fiery rhetoric in the wake of last week's mail bombs, which police say were directed at prominent liberals by a supporter of the president, as well as Saturday's shooting -- even though the alleged perpetrator in Pittsburgh, Robert Bowers, had posted anti-Trump and anti-Semitic messages online.
Close to a thousand protesters, including some organized by the Jewish group IfNotNow, demonstrated against Trump's visit in Pittsburgh -- with many arguing that Trump's rhetoric has endorsed white supremacy. IfNotNow advocates for ending what it calls Israel's "occupation" of the Palestinian territories; Trump formally moved the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem earlier this year, enraging groups like IfNotNow.
Earlier in the day, Trump on Twitter took a shot at some Democrats in Pittsburgh, including the city's mayor, who refused to meet with him during his visit.
Trump then turned to the migrant caravans making their way through Mexico to the U.S., saying, "They got a lot of rough people in those caravans -- they are not angels. They are not."
The White House has said that up to 15,000 U.S. troops could be deployed to the border if the caravan continues its approach. The Pentagon also said Wednesday afternoon that its initial estimate was for 7,000 troops at the border.
The president referred to birthright citizenship -- the process by which the children of illegal immigrants born on U.S. soil automatically become citizens -- as a "crazy policy," echoing remarks he has made throughout the week.
"Illegal aliens are not subject to the jurisdiction of the United States," Trump said to applause at Wednesday's rally, to chants of "U-S-A!"
That comment was significant, because the 14th Amendment reads: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside."
Some Republicans are advancing the theory that illegal immigrants are not "subject to the jurisdiction" of the U.S. within the meaning of that provision, which would give Congress the legal daylight to pass a law codifying Trump's view, modifying the current Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) of 1952.
The president was kicking off a final series of rallies, ahead of next week's pivotal midterm elections, and fans had streamed into the arena after lining up well before dawn, many wearing red shirts and tossing beach balls.
"They got a lot of rough people in those caravans -- they are not angels."
— President Trump
A few people wore Halloween attire — a man in an Uncle Sam hat, one in a red cape, another dressed as a Revolutionary War soldier. While the atmosphere was festive, the president's schedule appeared urgent: Trump has 10 more rallies planned in 8 other battleground states ahead of Election Day on Nov. 6, with two each in Indiana and Missouri, plus stops in Tennessee, Georgia, Ohio, Montana and West Virginia.
And, a new round of Fox News state polls Wednesday showed several of those states remain tight.
Florida, which Trump narrowly carried in the 2016 presidential election, is home to two major, neck-and-neck races that Fox News currently rates as toss-ups.
The Republican Senate candidate, incumbent Gov. Rick Scott, is facing off against Democrat Sen. Bill Nelson, who has held the office since 2000 and leads by 2 points in the RealClearPolitics polling average. Trump called Scott an "incredible asset" Wednesday night, saying he had handled Hurricane Michael effectively earlier this year.
"Together, we will ensure Florida comes back stronger than ever -- it's already happening," Trump said. "Rick and everybody in Florida did a phenomenal job."
Meanwhile, polls show GOP gubernatorial nominee Ron DeSantis, a Trump ally, slightly trailing Democratic nominee and current Tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillum, who has been besieged in recent days by a series of document releases that show he may have lied about potentially illegal campaign expenditures and donations.
The president frequently referred to Scott and DeSantis as "Rick and Ron" during Wednesday's rally, and said they had worked well together and, if elected, would both "keep the Florida boom in full swing."
Trump already has taken public shots against Gillum, calling him a "stone-cold thief" in a Fox News interview on Monday, after the state ethics commission released documents that showed he accepted tickets to the Broadway musical "Hamilton" from an undercover FBI agent posing as a local developer in the summer of 2016. Gillum has maintained he assumed his brother bought the tickets.
Other disclosures from the investigation into possible corruption in the Tallahassee government appeared to show Gillum illegally using city funds for campaign trips that his office apparently misrepresented as official business.
Gillum struck back on Twitter, writing that it's never wise to "wrestle with a pig." He also has accused DeSantis of failing to be fully transparent about roughly $150,000 in taxpayer-funded travel expenses he has incurred during his six years in Congress. DeSantis is not legally required to provide detailed receipts for those expenses.
All congresspeople receive an allowance for traveling during their time in office, including to attend interviews and answer questions, and DeSantis has said those funds were used for hotel stays and travel expenses. His spokeswoman has said the money went to "official office travel that included official media appearances."
While Trump is not on the ballot in November, both Democratic and Republican strategists have reported that Trump's rallies — the centerpiece of his unconventional and underestimated 2016 campaign — have been a boost for local candidates, generating hundreds of thousands of dollars in free media and boosting Republicans in post-rally polls.
At least one local business allowed employees to take the day off if they attended the rally.
The atmosphere leading up to the speech was like a rock concert, with some people batting a large beach ball in the bleachers as the Village People's "Macho Man" blared over the sound system.
By Election Day, Trump will have held 30 rallies since Labor Day, according to the White House. He's been holding events in competitive House districts and in states with competitive Senate and gubernatorial races.
More than 3.4 million people already have voted in Florida, surpassing the number who voted early or by mail four years ago.

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Anchor Baby Cartoons

Harry Reid's 1993 claim that 'no sane country' would provide birthright citizenship fuels GOP immigration push

Top Republicans are pointing to an impassioned 1993 speech by then-Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, in which the future Democratic Senate majority leader argued that "no sane country" would award citizenship to children of illegal immigrants born on its soil and promoted his own legislation to end the practice here.
President Trump ignited a national debate on the topic this week when, speaking to "Axios on HBO," he announced his intention to use an executive order to end birthright citizenship, which he called "ridiculous."
In his speech, Reid concurred, although he advocated passing a law to enact the change -- one that would grant citizenship only to the children of mothers in the U.S. legally.
"If making it easy to be an illegal alien isn't enough, how about offering a reward for being an illegal immigrant? No sane country would do that, right?" Reid said. "Guess again. If you break our laws by entering this country without permission and give birth to a child, we reward that child with U.S. citizenship and guarantee a full access to all public and social services this society provides. And that's a lot of services."
He continued: "Is it any wonder that two-thirds of the babies born at taxpayer expense at country-run hospitals in Los Angeles are born to illegal alien mothers?"
"No sane country would do that, right?"
— Fmr. Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., on birthright citizenship
Reid reversed his position in 1999 and apologized for his stance, shortly after the union group AFL-CIO, which holds significant political sway nationally and in Nevada, changed its position to support birthright citizenship. The Las Vegas Review-Journal reported that Reid has since called his speech "way up high" on his "list of mistakes," and in 2006 he referred to it as a "low point" of his legislative career.
Within hours of the clip surfacing, Republican leaders were quick to highlight Democrats' changing tune on immigration.
"Stopping the flow of illegal immigration used to be a bipartisan issue," GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel wrote on Twitter. "But the Democrat leaders of today want to abolish ICE and open our borders."
Former GOP vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin reposted an article about Reid's speech.
In terms of giving unwitting political fodder for Republicans on immigration, Reid has some high-profile company. Earlier this month, President Trump gleefully quoted then-Sen. Barack Obama's comments in 2005, when he declared that "we simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants into this country.” (Obama, in those comments, went on to advocate for providing some legal status for illegal immigrants.)
But not all Republicans are speaking with one voice after Trump's proposal. House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisc., said Tuesday that Trump has no authority to use an executive order to unilaterally resolve the issue, which many legal experts say is controlled not only by the 14th Amendment, but also by the Immigration and Naturalization Act (INA) of 1952.
It might be possible, some conservatives argue, for a new law passed by Congress to revise the INA and still comport with the Constitution, which states that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside."
Republicans are advancing the theory that illegal immigrants are not "subject to the jurisdiction" of the U.S. within the meaning of that provision, which would give Congress the legal daylight to pass a law codifying Trump's view.
"On substance, I believe President Trump is right on birthright citizenship — the 14th Amendment does not require it," wrote former U.S. Attorney Andrew McCarthy. "I do not believe, however, that the president may change the interpretation of the 14th Amendment, which has been in effect for decades, by executive order, as he is reportedly contemplating."
While the new 5-4 conservative majority on the Supreme Court might seem sympathetic to the president's interpretation, the change would mark an apparent, abrupt departure from tradition -- and tradition is what then-Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh cited as a guiding principle when interpreting the Constitution.

Trump's birthright citizenship interview sparks the media reaction he wanted Howard Kurtz

I'll leave it to the legal scholars to debate the fine points, but it’s no accident that one week before the midterms, President Trump says he wants to revoke birthright citizenship.
Sure, he did it in an interview with Jim VandeHei and Jonathan Swan of Axios for the premiere of the website's string of HBO specials. And yes, Trump expressed surprise that the journalists, who had been digging into the issue, knew about his secret plan to move against the practice.
But the president easily could have deflected the question. Presented with the opportunity, he wanted this out there as a pre-election message.
For Trump to speak of eliminating the practice where illegal immigrants can arrange to have babies in this country, and they automatically become American citizens, is very much part of his eleventh-hour push on immigration. At a time when he has been pounding away at the Central American caravan — at least until that narrative was interrupted by terror attacks — birthright citizenship is shrewdly targeted to his base.
"It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don't," Trump told Axios.
When pressed, he said that "you can definitely do it with an Act of Congress. But now they're saying I can do it just with an executive order ... It's ridiculous. It's ridiculous. And it has to end."
The president made this argument: "We're the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States for 85 years, with all of those benefits."
That is wrong. As the New York Times points out, "dozens of other countries, including Canada, Mexico and many others in the Western Hemisphere, grant automatic birthright citizenship, according to a study by the Center for Immigration Studies, an organization that supports restricting immigration and whose work Mr. Trump's advisers often cite."
There is also the not insignificant matter of the 14th Amendment: "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
Some conservatives have argued that the 14th Amendment was intended to apply only to citizens and permanent legal residents.
What's interesting to me is that the right fiercely objected when Barack Obama used his executive power to stop the deportation of the dreamers, saying this was a horrible abuse of presidential authority. They did have a point that Obama was trying to accomplish with a pen what he could not get passed into law, which is why the issue remains unresolved and Trump can threaten to expel younger immigrants unless Congress acts.
But I'm not expecting a whole lot of pushback from conservatives who don't like birthright citizenship. Both parties object to sweeping executive orders when they oppose the policy in question, and justify it as a reasonable exercise of power when a president of their party does it.
One exception is Paul Ryan, who said yesterday in a radio interview: "Well, you obviously cannot do that. You cannot end birthright citizenship with an executive order. We didn't like it when Obama tried changing immigration laws via executive action, and obviously, as conservatives, we believe in the Constitution." Of course, it's easier for the House speaker to object because he'll be gone in January.
You can get the flavor of the mainstream media coverage with this CNN on-screen headline: "TRUMP CLAIMS HE CAN DEFY CONSTITUTION, END U.S. BIRTHRIGHT."
Now I understand why many people find the practice unfair, with many illegal immigrants flocking here on temporary visas or through other means to have their babies in U.S. hospitals. And it's worthy of debate. But the constitutional obstacle means it would probably be tied up in lengthy lawsuits.
That doesn't matter for Trump, at least not right now. The president, who recently complained that the media were so busy covering terror attacks that they were interrupting GOP momentum in the midterms, has his eye on Nov. 6. And by making the over-the-top claim that he can easily do this with the stroke of a pen, he guaranteed the kind of coverage he needs to broadcast the issue to his supporters.
Footnote: Trump used an interview with Fox's Laura Ingraham in part to push back at some critics in the media.
The president responded to the Washington Post headline the day after the Pittsburgh synagogue slaughter, "Critics Say Trump Has Fostered the Toxic Environment for the Political Violence He Denounces."
"I was in the headline of the Washington Post, my name associated with this crazy bomber. 'Trump bomber' or something, but I was in the headline when they got him ... They didn't do that with Bernie Sanders ... They didn't do that with President Obama with the church, the horrible situation with the church" in South Carolina, he said.
Ingraham also asked him about GQ correspondent Julia Ioffe, who first blamed Trump for the Pittsburgh massacre and then said on CNN that he had "radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did."
Trump said Ioffe "must be some kind of sick woman."
I still can't believe that Ioffe, who has also worked for the Atlantic and Politico, said that. But she said she was sorry later in Jake Tapper's show, and repeated that on Twitter:
"I clarified and apologized on air, but I'll say it again here. This has been a very emotional and painful time, but I absolutely should not have gone with such hyperbole on the air. I apologize."

Trump's visit to Pittsburgh's Tree of Life Synagogue shows he is dedicated to fighting anti-Semitism

President Trump’s visit Tuesday to the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh – where an anti-Semitic gunman murdered 11 Jews gathered in prayer Saturday – was an important gesture that symbolized national mourning and unity in the face of a horrific tragedy.
The visit showed President Trump’s deep concern for the welfare of America’s Jewish community and followed a long tradition of presidential visits to the scenes of mass murders and natural disasters. On occasions like this, presidents of both parties have led the nation in mourning terrible losses of American lives.
In another gesture, President Trump ordered that flags at federal buildings around the nation to fly at half-staff this week in respect for the dead at the synagogue. In addition to the 11 Jews who were murdered, six people – including four courageous police officers – were wounded in the attack.
The president’s visit to the Pittsburgh synagogue – accompanied by first lady Melania Trump, his daughter Ivanka Trump and her husband, Jared Kushner – drew criticism by some and brought out about 1,000 protesters.
Assigning blame to President Trump for the scourge of anti-Semitism that has infected society for millennia – and scoring political points on the graves of 11 murdered Jews – is reprehensible.
Yet I’m sure that many Americans Jews felt, as I felt, that the visit by President Trump and members of his family was deeply heartening and an acknowledgment that the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in U.S. history cried out for the presence of our nation’s leader to show that hatred of Jews has no place in our country and is un-American. 
President Trump’s visit was not a surprise at this painful time. He – and the Republican Party as a whole – have always condemned anti-Semitism, supported the Jewish community, and been dependable friends and allies of Israel.
The attack on the Tree of Life synagogue has called forth two very different responses. One is an outpouring of comfort, solidarity, and compassion from Americans of every religion and background. That is the best possible response in the face of the anguish we feel at this sad time.
As an American Jew, who feels pain whenever Jews anywhere are hurt, I am grateful for the sympathy and friendship I have received from non-Jewish friends, neighbors and even strangers on the street in the wake of the mass murder at the synagogue.
President Trump should be acknowledged for the leadership he has shown in his responses to the synagogue attack. His strong statements condemning anti-Semitism demonstrated a true understanding of the nature of the evil that took those precious lives in Pittsburgh.
The president called out anti-Semitism as a poison that “must be condemned and confronted everywhere and anywhere it appears.”
President Trump sent two senior members of his administration, Jason Greenblatt and Avi Berkowitz, to Pittsburgh. In addition, the president and his family members were accompanied on their visit to the synagogue by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Ron Dermer.
Anti-Semitism is an ancient evil that sadly rears its ugly head in many parts of the world. In America, we’ve seen President Trump and the Republican Party loudly and consistently reject anti-Semitism and those who espouse it, including white supremacist fringe candidates who have tried to run for office as Republicans. Such people have no place in the Republican Party.
We’ve seen President Trump implement a pro-Israel agenda that goes beyond the historic diplomatic, intelligence and defense cooperation of our strong and very important strategic alliance with Israel.
President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the U.S. embassy there. That’s something that previous American presidents had promised – but never done.
In ways large and small, too many to list, President Trump has deepened and strengthened the U.S.-Israel relationship that is so beneficial to both countries.
This makes it all the more painful and disturbing to see the second response to the Pittsburgh shooting that has filled the mainstream media and social media – a flood of bitter, hateful, politically motivated rhetoric trying to assign the blame for the murder of 11 American Jews to our president. 
Assigning blame to President Trump for the scourge of anti-Semitism that has infected society for millennia – and scoring political points on the graves of 11 murdered Jews – is reprehensible.
Anti-Semitism is not new. It is one of the oldest hatreds in the world and has caused the deaths of millions of people. And it still kills today.
While the attack in Pittsburgh is the largest loss of life in an anti-Semitic attack on American soil, it is not the first such deadly incident. Between 1990 and 2015, a dozen people were killed in six anti-Semitic shooting attacks. And there have been many more anti-Semitic attacks that left American Jews injured, but thankfully still alive.
These terrible attacks did not start when Donald Trump became president. Pretending that he is somehow responsible for anti-Semitism in America makes it much harder to confront hatred of Jews and stop it.
Anti-Semitism is not a feature of the Republican Party or the mainstream right. Nor is it usually found among mainstream Democrats and independents.
Anti-Semitism is incubated at the extremes, where neo-Nazis and leftwing progressive radicals live, and where religious, racial and ethnic prejudice sow hatred against the “other.” Ever since our forefather Abraham proclaimed the One God in biblical times, Jews have been the chief “other” of history. When extremism is on the rise, our community suffers.
When leftwing organizations like Bend the Arc and J Street attempt to blame President Trump for the deaths in Pittsburgh, they contribute to hatred and division precisely when compassion and unity are needed. They should appeal to the best in our community and our country to stand together against hate, not to seek political gain from the murders of Jews.
Sadly, we can’t go back and erase the terrible events that turned the Tree of Life synagogue into a crime scene of death. But we can come together as Americans – Jews and non-Jews alike – to speak with one voice and to act with one purpose: to condemn anti-Semitism in unison and stop it from destroying any more lives.

Border Patrol warns Texas landowners about ‘possible armed civilians’ in area due to caravan: report

The U.S. Border Patrol this week reportedly told Texas landowners along the U.S.-Mexico border to prepare for a possible influx of "armed civilians" on their property as the migrant caravan moves closer to the U.S., a report said.
The Associated Press reported that these civilians say they intend to support the National Guard and Border Patrol to prevent the illegal migrants from crossing into the U.S.
But some see the move as a negative, arguing that the armed civilians' presence would add even more tension should there be a confrontation.
Three activists told the AP they were going to the border or organizing others, and groups on Facebook have posted warnings about the caravan. One said it was “imperative that we have boots on the ground.” Another wrote: “WAR! SECURE THE BORDER NOW!”
President Trump tweeted on Monday, "This is an invasion of our Country and our Military is waiting for you!"
Shannon McGauley, president of the Texas Minuteman militia, told the AP that he already has members at three points of the state's border and expects 25 to 100 more people to arrive in the coming days.
Militia members and volunteers patrolling the border is a practice that has been in place for decades. Usually, the civilians patrol the border and look out for illegal border crossers. Once they spot a trespasser, the civilians usually contact the Border Patrol to apprehend them. (The Border Patrol is the law enforcement branch of U.S. Customs and Border Protection, part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.)
This practice has not been without problems. In 2009, a militia member Shawna Forde killed two U.S. citizens, Raul and Brisenia Flores, during a raid on what she thought was a drug house near the border in Arizona.
Residents in a small Arizona town have posted signs saying these militias are not welcome. One resident told the Arizona Republic that she has an anti-militia sign in her yard because she “wants everybody to be aware that we do not want the militias.”
People from other states have raised money to assist the militias with supplies and equipment. The militias are expected to bring guns and tactical gear, such as bulletproof vests.
Marianna Trevino Wright, a South Texas resident, told the Yucatan Times that she is concerned about the arrival of militias.
"We go about our business here every day in a peaceful manner," she told the paper. "The idea that we could be invaded not by illegal immigrants but by militia groups … is regrettable, and it will end badly."
"We go about our business here every day in a peaceful manner. The idea that we could be invaded not by illegal immigrants but by militia groups … is regrettable, and it will end badly."
— Marianna Trevino Wright, a South Texas resident
The report said it is unclear how many militia members will arrive at the border to face the first caravan, which is currently estimated to include some 4,000 people — mostly citizens of Honduras — who seek to enter the U.S. to improve their economic situation.
The caravan is currently about 1,000 miles south of the border and estimated to be more than a week from arriving there.
President Trump has announced the deployment of 5,000 troops along the border, in a move that has been criticized by some as a pre-election stunt.
Trump told Fox News on Monday that the migrants are "wasting their time" and vowed, "they are not coming in."
Trump spoke to "The Ingraham Angle" hours after the Pentagon announced it would deploy troops to the southern border in what the commander of U.S. Northern Command described as an effort to "harden the southern border" by stiffening defenses at and near legal entry points.
"When they are captured, we don't let them out," Trump told host Laura Ingraham. "We're not letting them out ... We're not catching, we're not releasing. ... We're not letting them into this country."
