Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Dems to flex muscle with new House majority: Subpoenas, investigations, even possible impeachment talks loom

The incoming Democratic majority in the House of Representatives has the power to open a slew of investigations into the White House and President Trump when the new Congress is seated in January, and early indications are that Democrats plan to aggressively take advantage of their new authority.
Bogging down the Trump administration with burdensome document requests and subpoenas could backfire, political analysts tell Fox News, but there is little doubt that the strategy -- made more viable by heightened partisanship and loosened congressional norms -- would impair Republicans' messaging and even policy goals for the next two years.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who aims to reclaim the position of House speaker when her colleagues vote on leadership roles in the coming weeks, recently seemed to threaten to use congressional subpoenas as a cudgel against the White House.
“Subpoena power is interesting, to use it or not to use it,” Pelosi said at a conference in October, referring to the authority of House committees to summon individuals and organizations to testify or provide documents under penalty of perjury. “It is a great arrow to have in your quiver in terms of negotiating on other subjects." She added that she would use the power "strategically."
On Tuesday night, as it became clear Democrats would retake the House, Pelosi appeared to double down on that rhetoric, declaring that the midterms were about “restoring the Constitution’s checks and balances to the Trump administration."
"In sharp contrast to the GOP Congress, a Democratic Congress will be led with transparency and openness, so the public can see what's happening and how it affects them. ... We will have accountability," Pelosi said.
"A Democratic Congress will be led with transparency and openness."
— House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
Pelosi has said that unearthing Trump's personal tax returns would be "one of the first things we'd do" in an interview with The San Francisco Chronicle, calling it the "easiest thing in the world" to obtain them using statutory authority granted to congressional committees under the Internal Revenue Service code. Democrats made several efforts to obtain Trump's returns while in the minority, only to be rejected by House Republicans.
Trump would likely seek to stall those requests with legal challenges, and it remains unclear whether Democrats could publicly release his tax returns even if they obtained them for investigative purposes.
Before a rally in Indiana on Monday, Trump appeared unconcerned about the matter. "I don't care," he said. "They can do whatever they want, and I can do whatever I want."
House committees can effectively hold in statutory contempt anyone who refuses to fully comply with a subpoena relevant to the committee's legislative purpose and pertinent to its investigation. While criminal penalties, including fines and even imprisonment, are then possible with a judge's approval, separation-of-powers issues emerge when the House tries to penalize a member of the Executive branch.
In 2014, a federal judge denied House Republicans' efforts to hold then-Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of court, saying the move was "entirely unnecessary."
But even fruitless investigations can beleaguer and derail administrations, and historical evidence suggests they are becoming a popular partisan tool in the lower chamber for that reason.
Research conducted by Cornell University political science professor Douglas Kriner, who co-wrote the 2016 book "Investigating the President: Congressional Checks on Presidential Power," underscores how important control of the House, as opposed to the generally less partisan and slower-moving Senate, is to these congressional probes.
"We examined every congressional investigation from 1898 to 2014 – more than 11,900 days of investigative hearings," Kriner told Fox News. "What we found is that divided government is a major driver of investigations in the House. This is particularly true in periods of intense partisan polarization. For example, from 1981-2014, the House averaged holding 67 days of investigative hearings per year in divided government, versus only 18 per year in unified government."
Kriner added that modern congressional probes seem geared towards "maximiz[ing] the political damage on the White House," rather than producing more substantive results. "Investigations are less likely to trigger new legislation than in previous, less polarized eras," Kriner told Fox News.
President Trump has repeatedly derided the ongoing investigation by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into possible illegal Russian collusion and obstruction of justice as a "partisan witch hunt," saying it's fueled by Democrats upset that he won the 2016 election. But it's not clear how effective those attacks have been: An August poll showed that 59 percent of registered voters approve of Mueller's investigation.
The House Intelligence Committee’s top Democrat, Adam Schiff, already has warned his party would relaunch the Russia probe in the House with Democrats in charge.
“We will be able to get answers the Republicans were unwilling to pursue,” he recently told CNN.
Democrats have an array of potential avenues of investigation to pursue aside from Russia. In September, a federal judge ruled that Democrats have standing to sue Trump over potential violations of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause, which ostensibly precludes the president from accepting certain foreign favors. While the legal argument that Trump is violating this clause by maintaining lucrative and profitable overseas investments is far from settled, Democrats' pursuit of this line of argument offers some clues into what their investigations might focus on.
University of North Carolina Law Professor Michael Gerhardt, a constitutional expert who testified during impeachment proceedings of former President Bill Clinton, told Fox News in an interview that Democrats might focus on Trump's financial ties to Saudi Arabia.
"It is possible — would not be a surprise — if there were some interest in exploring the president’s Saudi connections or finances," Gerhardt said, before adding: "It would also not surprise me if the Democrats did not pursue these things."
The killing of dissident Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi Consulate in Turkey last month led to heightened scrutiny of the past connections between Trump's business empire and the Islamic country. The president initially condemned what he characterized as a rush to judgment against the Saudi government, before saying that its agents had apparently engaged in the "worst cover-up ever."
Trump has tweeted that he has "no financial interests in Saudi Arabia," and there is no evidence that he currently does. However, he has repeatedly touted his real estate deals with the country, saying at a 2015 rally that "they buy apartments from me" and "spend $40 million, $50 million. Am I supposed to dislike them? I like them very much."
In August, Axios published a spreadsheet circulating among Republican circles on Capitol Hill documenting possible areas of focus for Democratic investigations. They include the White House's revocation of top former officials' security clearances, Trump's unreleased tax returns, and the administration's proposed travel ban and a prohibition on transgender individuals in the military. Other topics on the list, which Axios said originated in the office of a senior Republican lawmaker, are Trump's personal iPhone use and his personal payment to porn star Stormy Daniels -- a move that implicated, but did not appear to definitively violate campaign finance law.
Frequent Trump critic Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., said in an interview last week that Democrats intend to "exercise oversight over the executive branch the way the Framers intended."
He went on to mirror Pelosi's threat: "We would be able to get Donald Trump's tax returns to see if he's being influenced by foreign entities. ... We can call in the secretary of Homeland Security [to] ask her why she still has hundreds of children she has not reunited that she ripped away from parents at the border. There are a lot of things that we can do with our oversight responsibility."
House Oversight and Government Reform Committee ranking member Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who is poised to become the committee's chairman, offered another possible angle in an interview with The Hill. "I want to look at what President Trump has done, aided and abetted by the Republicans in Congress, to tear down the foundations of our democracy," he said.
Republicans who control the Oversight committee have rejected more than 50 Democratic requests for subpoenas of Trump administration documents, covering everything from the White House's decision not to defend key provisions of ObamaCare in court, to perks used by Cabinet members.
A particularly prominent possible investigation would revolve around Trump's decision to fire FBI Director James Comey, which critics have cited as potential obstruction of justice in part because Trump acknowledged that Russia-related matters were on his mind at the time.
“The cover-up is always worse than the crime, and this one is very shady,” Andrew Hall, who represented a top adviser to then-President Richard Nixon during Watergate, said in an interview. Hall has maintained that Trump will "undoubtedly be impeached."
However, legal experts, including emeritus Harvard Law professor Alan Dershowitz, have said that penalizing the president for firing an FBI director who serves at his pleasure would be unconstitutional, and others have pointed out that Comey's firing would have done little to halt the Russia probe generally.
Mueller's findings, which are expected to be submitted to Congress in a matter of months, might provide a launching point not only for further investigations but for even impeachment proceedings.
"Impeachments tend to be driven by particular events that are instances of grave misconduct — not liking someone or being an opponent is not likely to be enough to get the whole process started," Gerhardt told Fox News.
Such an escalation, analysts warn, would potentially pose a risk to Democrats. "I don’t think there is something as well developed as a tradition not to seek an impeachment when it appears conviction is unlikely or unthinkable," Gerhardt added. "Nonetheless, I think there is always awareness of the possible risks of seeking an impeachment when conviction is impossible."
Handling many of these congressional inquiries will be the new White House Counsel, veteran high-powered Washington lawyer Pat Cipollone, who will oversee an office that dwindled from a staff of approximately 50 to fewer than 30 in recent weeks. That headcount is expected to expand significantly in the wake of Democrats' House takeover.
"He’s very talented and he’s a very good man," Trump said last month, referring to Cipollone. In a campaign email in the days leading up to Tuesday's vote, the president made an impassioned effort to cut down on Cipollone's workload, saying Democrats are interested only in "vicious obstruction and mindless resistance."
"We can only imagine what they’d do with legitimate power in our government," Trump said. "We can’t hand Democrats the keys to Congress. We can’t go back.”

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Democrat Blue Wave Cartoons

Ted Cruz fires back at Jim Carrey's 'vampire' attack with shot at Democrats

Ted Cruz and Jim Carrey engaged in a contentious back-and-forth on Twitter on Monday. (AP)

Liberal Hollywood actor Jim Carrey and GOP Texas Senator Ted Cruz engaged in a contentious back-and-forth on Twitter Monday, just hours before voters in the state head to polling stations to help determine Cruz’s fate in the Senate.
Cruz is holding a slight lead in his race against Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke in the Lone Star State, according to the recent polls. So Carrey, a vocal liberal who recently urged Americans to ‘stop apologizing’ and ‘say yes to socialism,' got into the fray by tweeting his support for the Democrat.
“Go Beto! Go Democrats! Vote like there’s no tomorrow,” the “Ace Ventura” star tweeted Monday. “Let’s make this Tuesday like the end of every great vampire movie. Pull back the curtains and let the sunshine turn all those bloodsuckers to dust.”
The tweet accompanied the actor's art showing O’Rourke opening a window curtain as Cruz fled from sunlight.
“Hollywood liberals all in for Beto,” Cruz soon tweeted in response. “But (self-described socialist) Jim Carrey made a mistake here:  Vampires are dead, and everyone knows the dead vote Democrat...”
But Carrey didn’t back down from his Cruz criticism and instead doubled-down in a Monday night response.
“Wow...sorry I rattled your chain, @TedCruz,” the actor wrote. “I thought you would have more important things to do two days before an election — like sucking up to the guy who called your wife ugly and accused your dad of murder. But I get it! It’s hard to say no when Trump grabs ya by the p----!”
President Trump and the Texas senator had a contentious relationship during the last presidential primary season but apparently mended ties ahead of Tuesday’s midterm elections.
Cruz, however, isn’t the only GOP politician Carrey has targeted; the actor's recently painted a series of unflattering portraits of Trump administration officials.
“I don't know when it'll stop,” he said in August.

Crowd at Trump rally sings 'Amazing Grace' after woman collapses

The crowd at President Donald Trump’s rally in Missouri on Monday evening began singing "Amazing Grace" after a woman collapsed and needed medical attention.
Trump paused his rally for roughly five minutes after asking the audience to say a prayer as emergency responders made their way to the woman.
"Is there a doctor in the house, please? Doctor? Please. Thank you," the president said while pointing to the woman in the crowd, according to The Hill.
As the woman received medical treatment, the crowd of thousands broke out into song.
"That was beautiful," Trump said after resuming his spot behind the podium. “Hopefully she’ll be OK.”
"Amazing Grace" has been recorded more than 6,600 times, according to reports.
The song was written in 1779 (or a few years earlier) by John Newton, an English poet and clergyman who died in 1807. Newton, as a young man, deserted the English Navy, was recaptured and punished and became involved in slave trading. He later had a religious awakening during a storm at sea before becoming a prolific hymn composer.
More than two centuries later, it's a fixture across spiritual and secular culture. It's been played at some of the country's most somber gatherings: Memorial services following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, the Oklahoma City bombing and the attack that killed 32 students at Virginia Tech.
The familiar, inspirational first verse: "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound
"That saved a wretch like me.
"I once was lost but now am found.
"Was blind, but now I see."
Subsequent verses offer reassurance, protection and fulfillment.
During Monday night’s rally in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, Trump touted his administration’s progress the past two years, while making his final case for Republican candidates as voters head to the polls for the midterm elections on Tuesday.
Medical emergencies are common at presidential rallies, where security requires attendees to be in place for hours ahead of time.

Election Day arrives: What’s at stake in midterm battles for Congress, governorships

It’s finally here.
After hundreds of campaign rallies, billions of dollars in donations, a nonstop blitz of TV advertising and polling that’s been in full swing since summer, Election Day has arrived – and with it, voters’ midterm verdict on whether Republicans should hold or lose their grip on power in Washington.
Democrats have been working toward this day since the moment President Trump was sworn in. They’ve waited two long years for the shot to win enough seats in Congress to cripple the 45th president’s agenda.
In the end, the elections will go one of three ways: Republicans hold both chambers, Democrats take the majority in both, or the parties split the House and Senate. Either of the latter two scenarios would be problematic for Trump, immediately putting a damper on his agenda.
By the numbers, 35 Senate seats, 36 gubernatorial seats and 435 House seats are up for grabs on Tuesday. And the biggest names in both parties say the stakes couldn’t be higher.
“America is at a crossroads right now,” former President Barack Obama told supporters in Illinois over the weekend, saying it “might be the most important election of my lifetime, maybe more important than 2008.”
Trump himself has been campaigning non-stop in recent days, telling voters they must keep Democrats from taking back control of the House and Senate, or his agenda could be in jeopardy. The party of the president has historically lost seats in their first midterm elections.
“We have to win,” Trump told supporters Monday during a telephone town hall, ticking off accomplishments during his first years in office and warning everything he’s accomplished as president can be “undone and changed by the Democrats.”
Here’s the lay of the land on Election Day:
  • For Democrats, their best shot at winning back control of a body of Congress is in the House, where they need to net 23 seats for a majority. Whether they flip the House or not, Democrats are still expected to gain seats in the chamber, given the favorable political environment for Democrats.
  • Republicans currently hold a slim 51-49 majority in the Senate, and Democrats have long aimed to win back control. But it will be more difficult for Democrats to be victorious in the Senate by netting two seats in part because of the large number of incumbent Democrats running for re-election in states won by Trump in 2016.
  • Republicans currently control 33 governorships, with Democrats holding 16. But with 36 seats up this year, Democrats are likely to pick up at least some seats. According to the Fox News Gubernatorial Power Rankings, Republicans are favored to control at least 22 seats by the end of the night and Democrats are favored have at least 20 seats, with 8 additional toss-up races.
Election watchers could be in for a long time. The first polls, on the East Coast, close at 7 p.m. ET. After polls on the West Coast close at 11 p.m. ET, the last will close in Alaska at 1 a.m. ET.
Ahead of the vote, House Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi confidently predicted last week that Democrats would indeed win back the House.
“Let me say this. Up until today, I would’ve said, ‘If the election were held today, we would win,’” Pelosi said on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert” Tuesday. “What now I’m saying is, ‘We will win.’”
But there are no guarantees about Election Day, even as generic congressional ballots show Democrats with the advantage over Republicans. While Democrats need to net 23 seats for a majority, the Fox News House Power Rankings indicate there are 29 “toss-up” races.
If Democrats are victorious, the Trump administration likely will be in for a challenging 2019. Should Democrats re-take the House, there are signs some in the conference may launch a push to impeach the president – though the leadership has not yet backed the effort. Pelosi has said impeachment is "not a priority," at least not until Special Counsel Robert Mueller announces the conclusions of his probe into the Trump administration's alleged dealings with Russia.
Trump, though, almost assuredly will face an avalanche of investigations into his tax returns, his payments to adult-film star Stormy Daniels and his relationship with Russia if Democrats win back the House – which comes with the much-coveted power to subpoena and launch congressional investigations.
A number of prominent anti-Trump Democrats also would be poised to assume control of key committees if Republicans lose control of the House.
Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., likely would be elevated to chairwoman of the House Financial Services Committee, where she currently serves as ranking member. Another top California Democratic representative, Adam Schiff, would likely rise to chair the House Intelligence Committee, where he is now the ranking member. And Pelosi would look to regain the speakership.
Still, if Democrats win the House – but Republicans hold the Senate – their legislative priorities likely would stall.
In the Senate, the Fox News Senate Power Rankings lists Florida, Indiana, Missouri, Arizona and Nevada as the five most competitive races. Of those races, Democrats in three states won by Trump are defending their seats.
Republicans feel more confident about keeping control of the Senate – or possibly adding to their majority. But the threat to the Trump agenda is real if they lose control. Democrats have a narrow path to the majority if they run the table in the toss-ups and pick off one GOP-favored seat, like Texas or Tennessee. If Democrats win control of both houses of Congress, they could send legislation to Trump’s desk. And, in the Senate, they would have the votes to block any of Trump's nominees – coming after Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s brutal confirmation fight last month.
On the day before America votes, Trump hopscotched to rallies in three battleground states -- in Ohio, Indiana and Missouri.
In Ohio, Trump campaigned for a slate of Republicans, including Jim Renacci in his bid to unseat Democrat Sen. Sherrod Brown. Trump won the state with 52 percent of the vote in 2016 but the Fox News Senate Power Rankings lists that contest as “likely Democrat.”
Later Monday, the president flew to Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he is hoping to give Republican Mike Braun an assist to defeat incumbent Democratic Sen. Joe Donnelly. He then traveled to Missouri to lend a hand to Josh Hawley in his campaign to beat incumbent Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill.
Meanwhile, in state capitals across the country, Republicans have control of a majority of governorships, holding 33 to the Democrats’ 16 seats.
Democrats are likely to pick up at least some seats, with 36 gubernatorial seats up for grabs this year. According to the Fox News Gubernatorial Power Rankings, 15 of the contested seats lean Republican, 13 lean Democrat and eight are tossups.
For Republicans, holding on to control of state houses is important, considering that’s where real policy changes may take place if Democrats win control of Congress and Washington effectively deadlocks.
Among the most-watched races: Wisconsin GOP Gov. Scott Walker is locked in a tight re-election battle with Democratic challenger Tony Evers and Tallahassee Democratic Mayor Andrew Gillum is facing off against Trump-backed GOP Rep. Ron DeSantis in Florida.
Though the political environment seems to favor Democrats, Trump argued Monday that Republican voters are energized heading into Tuesday’s vote, saying he hasn’t felt such “electricity” since he was elected president in 2016.
"Tomorrow, with your votes, you can stop the radical resistance in its tracks," Trump told the crowd in Cleveland.
Fox News’ Gregg Re contributed to this report.

Trump on the ballot as midterm elections turn on president’s record, influence

To some Republicans' chagrin, President Trump has openly embraced Democrats' efforts to cast Tuesday's midterm elections as a referendum on his record and political clout, a kind of ultimate test after a bruising midterm season that saw many of his hand-picked candidates surge to victories in key primaries.
Election Day marks voters' first nationwide opportunity to react not only to Trump's tenure, but also to the slew of recent developments that have reverberated in the public consciousness, including the deadly mass shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue, the swelling migrant caravans making their way to the U.S. border with Mexico, and the mail bombs sent to prominent liberals by an outspoken supporter of the president.
"In a sense, I am on the ticket,” Trump told a raucous election-eve rally in Ohio, one of three he held in the final hours before Election Day. "The midterm elections used to be, like, boring, didn't they?" he added. "Do you even remember what they were? People say midterms, they say, 'What is that, what is it,' right? Now it's like the hottest thing."
Trump has held 26 rallies since October as he criss-crossed the country, boosting not only local candidates but also his own stake in Tuesday's vote. In Mississippi in October, Trump urged supports to imagine they could vote for him when they head into the voting booth: “I'm not on the ballot, but in a certain way, I'm on the ballot. I want you to vote. ... Pretend I’m on the ballot.”
At an airport in Indiana ahead of another Monday evening rally, Trump simultaneously seemed to downplay his role while also expressing an eagerness to bear the responsibility for his party's performance on Tuesday.
"It's really about the candidate, but if they want to give me the credit or the liability, I'll be willing to take it," Trump told reporters.
"In a sense, I am on the ticket."
— President Trump
Over the past several months, Trump has unabashedly taken credit for the big wins enjoyed by several Republican candidates throughout this year's primary season, which often came directly after his endorsement.
Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, who is locked in a tight gubernatorial race against Stacey Abrams, had surged ahead of Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle only after he secured Trump's backing. Similarly, Republican John Cox secured a spot on Tuesday's ballot in California's gubernatorial race when Trump urged the party to coalesce behind him.
Perhaps the most stunning example of Trump's influence unfolded on June 12 in South Carolina, when Trump-bashing Rep. Mark Sanford was unseated by Katie Arrington. As voters headed to the polls, Trump tweeted that "Sanford has been very unhelpful to me in my campaign to MAGA" and called him "MIA and nothing but trouble."
Also attributable, at least in part, to Trump's endorsements: Republican State Sen. Troy Balderson pushing back a challenge from insurgent Democrat Danny O’Connor in Ohio's special election in August; South Carolina Gov. Henry McMaster's win over rival businessman John Warren; and New York Rep. Dan Donovan's rise to beat Michael Grimm.
"When I decided to go to Ohio for Troy Balderson, he was down in early voting 64 to 36," Trump tweeted. "That was not good. After my speech on Saturday night, there was a big turn for the better. Now Troy wins a great victory during a very tough time of the year for voting. He will win BIG in Nov." (Fox News currently rates Balderson's bid for Ohio's 12th Congressional District as lean Republican.)
But as voters head to the polls, some Republicans are suggesting that Trump's fiery, immigration-focused messaging may have derailed the GOP's electoral chances in some key races. And Trump himself seemingly acknowledged that, despite his efforts, his party is looking at long odds in several congressional races.
“I think we’re going to do well in the House," Trump said. "But, as you know, my primary focus has been on the Senate, and I think we’re doing really well in the Senate.”
Last week, Trump rebuked House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and told him that he "should be focusing on holding the Majority" rather than challenge his proposal to end birthright citizenship -- which was widely seen as an effort to cast some blame on Ryan if Democrats retake the lower chamber.
Last Friday's jobs report showed the unemployment rate holding steady at 3.7 percent, the lowest it has been in nearly 50 years, and that employers added roughly 250,000 jobs in October. Consumer confidence is at record-high levels. In an exclusive Fox News op-ed published Monday, Trump focused extensively on the economy, which he called "red-hot" and "the envy of the world."
At times, though, Trump has appeared unwilling to discuss those figures publicly.
"Sometimes it’s not as exciting to talk about the economy because we have a lot of other things to talk about," Trump said at a rally Wednesday night in West Virginia. He proceeded to discuss the migrant caravan and birthright citizenship -- more contentious issues that analysts say may turn off some moderate voters.
"Does that bring a single person to the polls? Is it moving any undecided voter — toward you, anyway?" Americans for Tax Reform President Grover Norquist asked, in an interview with The Washington Examiner. "Immigration is not a consensus issue within the current Republican Party because so many Republican voters are immigrants."
In an interview with The Los Angeles Times on Monday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Trump "owns the Republican Party even more than Reagan" -- and he's wielding that historic influence accordingly.
"He has polarized the election on the issues he believes in, on his terms, despite the news media," Gingrich said. "You can argue whether or not it’s the right gamble. But it’s his gamble.”

Monday, November 5, 2018

Oprah Cartoons

Pete Davidson doesn't owe me an apology, Crenshaw says

Republican congressional candidate Dan Crenshaw reacts to the crowd with his wife, Tara, during a party at the Cadillac Bar, in Houston. (Houston Chronicle via AP)

Dan Crenshaw, a Texas Republican Congressional candidate, took the high road Sunday after 'Saturday Night Live' actor Pete Davidson joked that the former Navy SEAL's eye patch made him look like a "hit man in a porno movie."
Davidson stirred up controversy during Saturday's "Weekend Update" when he said Crenshaw's photo was "kinda cool," but that viewers might be "surprised he's a congressional candidate from Texas and not a hitman in a porno movie." He added, "I'm sorry, I know he lost his eye in the war or whatever."
Crenshaw wears an eyepatch because he was badly wounded during his third tour in Afghanistan as a Navy SEAL.
The National Republican Congressional Committee tweeted Sunday morning that David and NBC "should immediately apologize to Dan, and to the millions of veterans and military families who tune in every weekend -- because they're not laughing."
But Crenshaw backed away from demanding an apology from either Davidson or NBC. He said the "real atrocity" was Davidson's attempt at a joke, which he called "not funny" and "mean-spirited."
"[I]t wasn't even funny. Right? It was not original, it was not funny, it was just mean-spirited and that's how I feel about it," Crenshaw told TMZ.
"I want us to get away from this culture where we demand apologies everytime someone misspeaks," Crenshaw said. "I think that would be very healthy for our nation to go in that direction."

FILE: Pete Davidson speaks at a Comedy Central Roast at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, Calif. 
FILE: Pete Davidson speaks at a Comedy Central Roast at Sony Pictures Studios in Culver City, Calif.  (Photo by Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP)

"We don't need to be outwardly outraged. I don't need to demand apologies from them. They can do whatever they want." He acknowledged that Davidson and NBC are likely "feeling the heat from around the country right now."
"But I would like him and 'Saturday Night Live' to recognize something, which is that veterans across the country probably don't feel as though their wounds they received in battle should be the subject of a bad punchline for a bad joke," Crenshaw said.
Neither representatives for Davidson not NBC immediately responded to Fox News' request for comment.

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