Monday, November 19, 2018

Guardsman charged with smuggling migrants into US

U.S. Border Patrol agents and members of the military pass concertina wire during a tour of the San Ysidro port of entry in San Diego. (Associated Press)

A California National Guardsman was arrested earlier this month for allegedly smuggling migrants into the United States for money.
Private First Class Edward Jair Acosta-Avila was pulled over in San Diego, about two miles from the U.S.-Mexico border, USA Today reported.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials arrested Acosta-Avila and four other individuals – including a U.S. citizen and three undocumented Mexican nationals who were hiding under a blanket in the back seat, the report said.
Acosta-Avila told authorities that he and the U.S. citizen were going to split $400 for shuttling the three Mexican nationals into the U.S., according to the report. But the three men told authorities they agreed to pay between $6,000 and $7,000 each to enter the U.S., the report said.
Acosta-Avila and the U.S. citizen were charged in federal court with human trafficking. The Mexican nationals will serve as witnesses in the case, San Diego’s Fox 5 reported.
Acosta-Avila was reportedly not part of the 7,000 troops that President Trump ordered to various points at the U.S.-Mexico border, the Army Times reported.
The bulk of the troops are currently in Texas -- hundreds of miles away from the caravan that started arriving this week in Tijuana on Mexico's border with California -- after walking and hitching rides for the past month.

Former Obama official says Georgia gov-elect not ‘normal head of the state’

Georgia Republican gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp gives a thumbs-up to supporters, Wednesday, Nov. 7, 2018, in Athens, Ga. (Associated Press)

Georgia Gov.-elect Brian Kemp should not be treated as a “normal head of the state” because of allegations of voter suppression during this month's election, a former ethics chief for the Obama administration said Sunday.
Norm Eisen, who also served as U.S. ambassador to the Czech Republic from 2011 to 2014, was responding to allegations about Georgia's gubernatorial race that were posted on Twitter by Ari Berman, a writer for liberal publications such as Mother Jones and the Nation.
Berman alleged that Kemp, in his role as Georgia's secretary of state, had purged 1.5 million voters from registration logs, and that the state had placed 53,000 registrations on hold, closed more than 200 polling sites and made voters wait in lines for more than four hours.
Kemp, 55, who asked Georgia's voters to unite behind him Saturday after the election results were certified, showing he defeated Democrat Stacey Abrams, a 44-year-old attorney, has defended himself against allegations that the election was tainted.
"Look, we have laws on the books that prevent elections from being stolen from anyone," Kemp said, according to Atlanta's FOX 5. Those laws "make sure we have secure, accessible, fair elections," he added.
"Look, we have laws on the books that prevent elections from being stolen from anyone."
— Georgia Gov.-elect Brian Kemp
Eisen wrote that if the same conditions Berman described for Georgia had existed in a country to which he was appointed an ambassador, he "would have publicly slammed them & called for economic sanctions."
“I certainly would not have treated the 'winning' candidate as the normal head of the state, & we should not do so here,” Eisen wrote.
Eisen's tweet linked to Berman's article in Mother Jones, which accused Kemp of implementing hurdles to the election process while secretary of state.
During the campaign, Democrat Abrams repeatedly accused Kemp of voter suppression. Final tallies showed that Kemp won by about 55,000 votes, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
Abrams acknowledged defeat Friday, 10 days after the election, but stopped short of calling it a concession. She vowed to continue fighting in court to prevent voter disenfranchisement, the Hill reported.
“I acknowledge that former Secretary of State Brian Kemp will be certified victor in the 2018 gubernatorial elections,” Abrams said. “But to watch an elected official -- who claims to represent the people of this state, baldly pin his hopes for election on the suppression of the people's democratic right to vote -- has been truly appalling."
Abrams also told CNN's "State of the Union" on Sunday that she intends to run for public office again in the future.
"I’m going to spend the next year as a private citizen but I do indeed intend to run for office again," Abrams said, according to the Hill. "I’m not sure for what and I am not exactly certain when."
"I need to take a nap," she added. "But once I do, I’m planning to get back into the ring."

Ocasio-Cortez lashes out again, says ‘drooling’ Republicans waiting to ‘chop up’ her ‘word slips’

What a Idiot.

U.S. Rep.-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., lashed out at Republicans via Twitter on Sunday night, accusing the GOP of “drooling” in anticipation of the 29-year-old’s every misstep.
“Maybe instead of Republicans drooling over every minute of footage of me in slow-mo, waiting to chop up word slips that I correct in real-tomd (sic),” she wrote, “they [should] actually step up enough to make the argument they want to make: that they don’t believe people deserve a right to healthcare.”
She later tweeted a correction on the spelling of “real-time.”
It was the latest in a series of complaints the socialist political newcomer has made on social media since winning her election Nov. 6 in New York’s 14th Congressional District, which includes parts of New York City.
On Thursday, Ocasio-Cortez complained that critics were calling her “divisive” because she participated in a demonstration about climate change two days earlier outside the office of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
“When I respectfully join young people in an action promoting climate action while encouraging leadership decisions, it’s ‘divisive,’” she tweeted.
On Wednesday, she wrote that people on Capitol Hill were repeatedly mistaking her for an intern, or thinking she was the spouse of a member of Congress, rather than a lawmaker-elect.
“People keep giving me directions to the spouse and intern events instead of the ones for members of Congress,” she tweeted.
Last week she wrote that her constituents in Queens reacted with “outrage” that online giant Amazon had decided to bring 25,000 jobs to the borough.
Earlier this month, soon after becoming the youngest woman elected to Congress, Ocasio-Cortez complained that she wouldn’t have enough money to rent a Washington, D.C., apartment until she begins drawing her congressional salary.
“Don’t worry btw,” she later tweeted. “We’re working it out!”
Ocasio-Cortez stunned many in the political world in June when she defeated longtime incumbent U.S. Rep. Joe Crowley, chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, in a primary race.
Since then, she has continued looking to stir things up in her own party. On Saturday she endorsed a far-left group’s bid to run primary candidates against moderate Democrats in 2020.
The group, called Justice Democrats, calls its effort #OurTime.
“We recruited and supported Ocasio-Cortez all the way to a historic victory,” Justice Democrats Executive Director Alexandra Rojas told Politico in a statement, “and now we’re going to repeat the playbook.”

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Ben Garrison Trump Cartoons

Trump backs Pence, dismisses ‘phony’ report he questioned loyalty

President Trump on Saturday pushed back on a “phony” New York Times story that said Trump was questioning Vice President Mike Pence’s loyalty and that a 2020 shakeup could be on the cards -- telling reporters that Pence was “100 percent loyal.”
“No, I don’t question his loyalty. He is 100 percent loyal,” he told reporters before departing for California. “It was a phony story. I doubt they have any sources, a typical New York Times phony story.”
The article, published Friday, reported that Trump has repeatedly asked aides and advisers about Pence’s loyalty to the point that it has “alarmed” advisers. The Times reported that Trump has not openly suggested dropping Pence from the 2020 ticket but advisers said that such questions indicate that he is irritated with someone.
The Times reported that while most White House advisers have backed Pence, others outside the White House have said that Trump now has his own relationship with evangelical voters and he may benefit from a running mate who could help him with women. According to the Times, some of Trump's advisers outside the White House have mentioned outgoing U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley as a potential running mate. But the report says that few advisers believe he would really go through with a change on the ticket.
But Trump brushed off the report and said he “couldn’t be happier” with his vice president.
“Mike Pence is 100 percent, not even a doubt of it in my mind, he’s a trooper. He’s been with me as soon as I won the primaries, he was the one I chose and I couldn't be happier and I don't question his loyalty at all. He’s already been tested in many ways," he said.
Trump also said the outlet “never called me for a comment.” However, the article does include a comment from the White House.
“The president absolutely supports the vice president and thinks he’s doing an incredible job helping to carry out the mission and policies of this administration,” Deputy Press Secretary Hogan Gidley told the outlet.
This was seconded by reporter Maggie Haberman, who tweeted a "fact check" on Saturday:
"Emailed with @PressSec and spoke with first deputy Hogan Gidley, who is quoted. POTUS would need to talk to them about why they didn’t provide us with a quote from him."
Trump later followed up on Twitter, criticizing the Times again and saying he "can’t imagine any President having a better or closer relationship with their Vice President then the two of us."
Trump’s remarks come after a press conference last week at the White House in which he was asked about the 2020 ticket, and he asked Pence to be his running mate on the spot.
“Mike, will you be my running mate?” Trump asked Pence, who stood up and nodded.
“Will you? Thank you. OK, good,” the president said. “That was unexpected, but I feel very fine.”

Patriot Prayer rally in Portland, Ore., leads to 6 arrests as groups clash

Dueling rallies in Portland, Ore., ended with members of the Patriot Prayer group and counter-demonstrators clashing on Saturday, resulting in six arrests.
The day started with a rally downtown to support survivors of sexual assault where several in attendance spoke about their experiences, the Oregonian reported. Around 200 people attended.
Nearby, a "Him Too" rally, a counter to the #MeToo movement, hosted by Patriot Prayer member Haley Adams was underway with about 40 people in attendance.
Adams said the gathering was to support men falsely accused of sexual assault, though some guest speakers spoke about freedom and a "war on men." Once the rally ended, protesters allegedly began throwing bottles and flares and small scuffles broke out.
A few demonstrators allegedly tossed smoke bombs as well, the paper reported. Police officers in riot gear separated the Patriot Prayer members and the black-clad counter-demonstrators.
FOX 12 Oregon reported that six people were arrested. police identified them as Gary Fresquez, 52, on suspicion of disorderly conduct and two counts of interfering with a peace officer; Hannah R. McClintock, 19, charged with harassment., and four others - Ruben A Delahuerga, 25; Betsy Toll, 68; Elizabeth L. Cheek, 33; and Brittany N. Frost, 35 – charged with interfering with a peace officer.
Saturday’s events came nearly a month after Patriot Prayer members and Antifa counter-demonstrators got into a bloody brawl outside a popular bar in the city.
Members of the conservative group had marched earlier that day calling for the ousting of Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler.
Wheeler has faced harsh criticism in recent months over his oversight of the city’s police department and how it responds to protests.

GOP lame ducks in House need to move fast before their wings are clipped

In Washington, power is fleeting. Elected and appointed officials know they better use it before they lose it.
In the House of Representatives, Republicans are going to lose it Jan. 3 when they become the minority party. The change in power that GOP representatives will experience will be dramatic – like Superman turning into Clark Kent or Wonder Woman turning into Diana Prince.
Voters elected a Democratic majority to the House in the Nov. 6 midterm elections, ending uninterrupted Republican control of the chamber that last began in 2011. With a few races still undecided, Democrats have flipped at least 35 seats held by Republicans. This gives the Democrats the ability to elect a new speaker of the House and install Democratic chairs to head every committee.
While the Senate will remain under Republican control in January, legislation needs to be approved in both the Senate and House to become law. So Republicans have only a short time left to pass bills during their lame duck session and get them to President Trump so he can sign them.
This task is more complicated than it sounds, because Republicans have plenty of disagreements with each other. But they would be foolish to let their differences prevent them from making progress on important measures in the next few weeks.
Republicans need to play chess and not Russian roulette with the Democrats. There is an opportunity to horse trade or to jam Democrats if Republicans adopt the ancient advice that “united we stand, divided we fall” and think strategically.
I urge Republicans to work long days and into the night for the remainder of this year to pass as many measures as they can, not kicking the can down the road to the next Congress where Democrats will be empowered.
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., may need Republican votes to be elected speaker of the House, because some Democratic insurgents are saying they won’t support her bid.
The Democratic rebels are giving Republicans leverage over Pelosi to demand that she agree to some GOP priorities – like funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, as well as other spending measures – in return for their support.
The idea is that it is better to deal with the devil you know than what could come next.
I urge Republicans to work long days and into the night for the remainder of this year to pass as many measures as they can, not kicking the can down the road to the next Congress where Democrats will be empowered.
Republicans should be able to get bipartisan support for measures like a budget resolution needed to avoid a government shutdown, permanent repeal of the medical device tax, and a multibillion-dollar program to fund infrastructure expansion and improvement projects.
Then there are heavier lifts like immigration reform, border wall funding, tax cut 2.0 to target the middle class, and the Holy Grail – a full and complete repeal and replacement of ObamaCare.
Republicans should not squander the opportunity to lead – the sand is almost through the hourglass. For many representatives who lost their seats in the midterm elections, action and results could be a great legacy as they exit stage right.
Republicans should have no regrets as this year ends and not give up the fight in 2019. Democrats cannot govern alone next year.
If Democrats act in good faith and heed the electorate that is sick and tired of bitter partisanship they will get things done. Democrats would be wise to resist the temptation to get even for past grievances and the urge to engage in endless, pointless and fruitless investigations.
What Democrats need to realize and accept is that President Trump is transactional – not an entrenched ideologue. He wants to make deals and say he is winning, but on the other hand he will not be taken advantage of.
So the choice is clear. Republicans need to lead in the lame-duck session and Democrats need to help where they can or get out of the way.
Then when a new Congress arrives in January, Democrats need to reach across the aisle to advance legislation for the good of the country.
Democrats should remember that when President Clinton and President Obama suffered heavy midterm loses they still managed to get re-elected, in part because of the behavior of the opposition party and the way Republicans obstructed instead of governed.
Many Democrats in Congress have tied themselves to the delusional and obsessive anti-Trump “resistance” movement. They need to remember that they weren’t elected to come to Washington to stage protests and reflexively oppose everything the president and GOP lawmakers propose.
This is especially true for some of the young and far-left Democrats who call themselves democratic socialists and who support massive increases in government spending to fund a laundry list of expensive government programs. Voting for these measures means voting for big tax increases or unsustainable deficits that are likely to anger voters in 2020.
I believe President Trump can lead Republicans to compromise with Democrats in the House and Senate for the remainder of this year and in 2019, but it will take three to tango – the House, Senate and White House.
The lame-duck session should operate under the motto of “Lead or get out of the way.” The 2019 congressional session should operate under the motto of “Let’s make a deal.”
And Republicans who Pelosi turns to for support should ask: “What’s in it for us?”

Anti-Trump mayor of Portland, Ore., mutters he 'can't wait' to leave office

Ted Wheeler
Being mayor of Portland, Ore., may have gotten to Ted Wheeler.
On Thursday, after finishing a speech at the Oregon Health Forum in which he was heckled, Wheeler mumbled, “I can’t wait for the next 24 months to be over,” indicating he may not seek re-election, the Oregonian reported.
"If you know me, you know I mutter quite a bit,” Wheeler said in a statement issued later in the day. “Not one of my most redeeming qualities. I will make a decision next year with my family if I am running for re-election."
"If you know me, you know I mutter quite a bit. Not one of my most redeeming qualities. I will make a decision next year with my family if I am running for re-election."
— Ted Wheeler, mayor of Portland, Ore.
In previous media interviews, Wheeler has complained about the job, calling it “no fun.”
The comment came a day after the City Council rejected his proposal to expand his powers to regulate protests. At the same meeting, the first-term mayor criticized a half-dozen people who regularly attended the meetings and subjected Wheeler to taunts and jeers.
Last month, Wheeler faced harsh criticism from a union that represents personnel from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) regarding his handling of a 38-day protest in the city last summer by a group calling itself Occupy ICE.
The National ICE Council sent letters to state Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum and U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, asking them to look into whether Wheeler committed misconduct when he directed the city's police officers to not respond to certain calls for service during the protest in front of the local ICE field office, the Oregonian reported.
In July, the city drew negative attention after the Occupy ICE protesters were forced to vacate their camp because they left piles of trash and debris behind.
That same month, the leader of Portland's police union slammed Wheeler for his response to the city's homelessness crisis,
"Our city has become a cesspool," Officer Daryl Turner, president of the Portland Police Association, wrote on Facebook. "Livability that once made Portland a unique and vibrant city is now replaced with human feces in businesses doorways, in our parks, and on our streets.
In August, Wheeler's handling of the Occupy ICE protests drew attention from President Trump.
"Last month, the mayor of Portland, Oregon, shamefully ordered local police to stand down, leaving federal law enforcement officers to face an angry mob of violent people," Trump said during a speech honoring Border Patrol officers.
After Trump's remarks, U.S. Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., called for Wheeler to resign in a resolution that took aim at anti-ICE rhetoric by some Democrats.
Wheeler responded to Trump: "We want an administration that represents us," Wheeler wrote on Facebook. "We want a president that we can be proud of."
Portland hasn’t had a mayor seek a second term since Vera Katz, whose third term ended in 2004, the Willamette Week reported.
The incident brings back memories of previous Portland mayors. Katz’s successor, Tom Potter, once declared during a City Council “I’m irrelevant” and stormed off the dais.

CartoonDems (FEMA)