Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Megyn Kelly finalizing $30M exit from NBC

Megyn Kelly is close to finalizing a $30 million exit from NBC, sources confirm to Page Six.
The embattled anchor, who celebrated her 48th birthday Sunday, was dumped from her 9 a.m. slot on “Today” last month after questioning why it was racist to wear blackface for Halloween.
And as she prepares to sign her exit deal, the mom of three is already planning her return to TV, Page Six has learned.
Sources say NBC owner Comcast will pay Kelly around $30 million. She signed a $69 million deal when she joined the network after leaving Fox News in 2017.
A source familiar with the negotiations said nothing will happen until next week at the earliest, admitting: “It’s taking slightly longer than expected, the paperwork is going back and forth.”
Another confirmed: “Everyone wants this to be over — both Megyn and NBC — and Comcast has the money to pay off Megyn. We thought this would be a done deal a few weeks ago.”
One senior TV source added: “NBC decided rather than fight and face a lawsuit from her, they — and more importantly, Comcast with all its money — decided to draw a line under the entire debacle and pay Megyn the full amount owed in her contract to go away.
“But this is far from the end of her TV career — in the Trump era, there are few broadcasters like her. Megyn would likely take a short break from TV and return to cable news ahead of the 2020 election.”
When Kelly — whose 9 a.m. hour had failed to win over viewers — made her comments, the backlash was immediate, with “Today” mainstay Al Roker lashing out at his colleague on air.
He said: “The fact is, while she apologized to the staff, she owes a bigger apology to folks of color around the country.
“This is a history going back to the 1830s — minstrel shows to demean and denigrate a race wasn’t right. I’m old enough to know, have lived through ‘Amos ‘n’ Andy,’ where you had white people in blackface playing two black characters, just magnifying the worst stereotypes about black people — and that’s what the problem is. That’s what the issue is.”
Reps for Kelly and NBC declined to comment.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez compares Sarah Palin to 'grandpa emails' in Twitter feud

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took aim at Sarah Palin on Tuesday, after Palin appeared to  mock the newly elected U.S. representative from New York on Twitter. (AP/Getty Images)

Newly elected Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin are trading barbs on Twitter.
“Now that’s *TWO* fallen GOP Vice Pres candidates going after a freshman Congresswoman that’s not even sworn in yet,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted. “Isn’t it a little early to be bringing out the big guns? Especially when they look like the FWD:RE:FWD:WATCH THIS grandpa emails from the ‘08 election they lost.”
The spat began after Palin, running mate to Republican presidential candidate John McCain in 2008, tweeted on Monday: “YIKES: Ocasio-Cortez Fumbles Basic Civics TWICE In 1 Statement.”
Palin’s tweet came alongside an article from, which included a screenshot of a Twitter post from Ryan Saavedra, a reporter at The Daily Wire. The reporter on Sunday evening shared a video of Ocasio-Cortez making a mistake when talking about the government.
“If we work our butts off to make sure that we take back all three chambers of Congress — uh, rather, all three chambers of government: the presidency, the Senate, and the House in 2020, we can’t start working in 2020,”’ Ocasio-Cortez is heard saying on the video.
Ocasio-Cortez fired back, turning the conversation to health care.
“Maybe instead of Republicans drooling over every minute of footage of me in slow-mo, waiting to chop up word slips that I correct in real-tomd (sic), they actually step up enough to make the argument they want to make: that they don’t believe people deserve a right to healthcare,” she tweeted.
She later tweeted a correction of the spelling of “real-time.”
In a follow-up to her retort aimed at Palin, Ocasio-Cortez revealed on Twitter Tuesday that the other vice presidential candidate she had been referring to was “Lieberman,” seemingly referring to 2000 Democratic vice-presidential candidate Joe Lieberman.
She later tweeted: “For those who need their jokes explained to them: surprise! This tweet thread is humorous! The emoji in the original tweet signals that humor is indicated in the statement. :) (You know, because Lieberman killed the public option for healthcare and endorses Republicans).”
Ocasio-Cortez, the 29-year-old Democratic socialist from New York, defeated her Republican challenger earlier this month in the midterm elections, becoming the youngest female elected to Congress.

Avenatti accuser claims he 'dragged' her on floor, court filing reportedly says

Attorney Michael Avenatti, right, poses with Mareli Miniutti for a photo at a party in New York. (AP)

The actress who was granted a temporary restraining order against attorney Michael Avenatti claimed that he "dragged" her on the floor and put her into a public hallway dressed only in a T-shirt and underwear, a report said, citing court documents.
In a sworn declaration, Mareli Miniutti, 24, said she and Avenatti, 47, dated from October 2017 to Nov. 13, the night Avenatti allegedly hit her in the face with pillows and followed her into a guest bedroom where she went to sleep alone, the New York Times reported.
Miniutti said they had an argument about money in his Los Angeles apartment.
“He dragged me on the floor of the apartment towards and out of the door into the public hallway,” she wrote in the declaration. “I was wearing only my underwear and a T-shirt at the time, and suffered scratches to the bare skin on my side and leg.”
Avenatti pulled Miniutti back into the apartment and blocked the door, the declaration reportedly said. She eventually left and said she spoke with building security. A friend picked her up and she called the police, the report said. The court filing includes photos that appears to show bruising and scratches, the paper reported.
Miniutti did not immediately respond to a Fox News request for comment.
Avenatti was arrested on suspicion of domestic violence the next day and a judge granted Miniutti’s request for a temporary restraining order this week.
Avenatti denied the claims in a series of tweets Monday. He said he has never abused a woman and has called for the release of video footage from the building’s security cameras.
“I am a target,” he said. “And I will be exonerated.”
In a separate episode, Miniutti also claimed Avenatti had been drinking and pushed her out of a different apartment into a hallway, threw shoes at her and struck her in the leg.
She reportedly said the high-profile lawyer “has a history of being very verbally abusive and financially controlling towards me,” and that he “made promises to ‘take care of me’ financially and sometimes fails to follow through.”
A fierce critic of President Donald Trump, Avenatti has advocated on behalf of women’s rights and represented adult-film star Stormy Daniels, in a legal dispute against Trump.
“I continue to be afraid of” Avenatti, she wrote, according to the paper, "and do not want him to contact me."

Gowdy wants information on Ivanka Trump's use of personal email, sets December deadline

Outgoing House Oversight Committee chair Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., sent a letter to White House Chief of Staff John Kelly demanding information on Ivanka Trump’s reported use of personal email.
The letter, obtained by the Hill, follows the Washington Post report claiming that Trump sent hundreds of emails about White House business to contact “White House aides, Cabinet officials and her assistant," an apparent violation of the Presidential Record Act. The report does not indicate if the emails contained any classified or sensitive government information.
Gowdy said in the letter that Trump’s use of personal email may “implicate the Presidential Records Act and other security and recordkeeping requirements,” and set a Dec. 5 deadline to respond to the request for more information.
“In light of the importance and necessity of preserving the public record and doing so in a manner that is reflective of relevant statutory and regulatory requirements, the Committee must assess whether the White House took adequate steps to archive Ms. Trump’s emails and prevent a recurrence,” Gowdy wrote in the letter.
The Republican’s letter may give a heads up to the incoming Democratic majority in the House that is gearing up to investigate both the daughter of the president and his close advisor Jared Kushner.
Committee Ranking Member Elijah Cummings, D-Md., who is expected to become the chairman of the committee in January, said Tuesday he also wants more information about Trump’s use of personal email.
“We launched a bipartisan investigation last year into White House officials’ use of private email accounts for official business, but the White House never gave us the information we requested,” Cummings said in a statement to Fox News.
“We need those documents to ensure that Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, and other officials are complying with federal records laws and there is a complete record of the activities of this Administration,” he added.
Trump’s lawyer criticized the media for peddling “misinformation” and pointed out the difference between Trump’s and Hillary Clinton’s use of personal email.
“To address misinformation being peddled about Ms. Trump’s personal email, she did not create a private server in her house or office, there was never classified information transmitted, the account was never transferred or housed at Trump Organization, no emails were ever deleted, and the emails have been retained in the official account in conformity with records preservation laws and rules,” said Peter Mirijanian, the spokesperson for Trump's ethics lawyer Abbe Lowell, in a statement to Fox News.
“When concerns were raised in the press 14 months ago, Ms. Trump reviewed and verified her email use with White House Counsel and explained the issue to congressional leaders,” he added.
President Trump echoed the lawyer on Tuesday as well, saying that “Ivanka did some emails” but they “weren't classified like Hillary Clinton, they weren't deleted like Hillary Clinton.”
He added that Ivanka “wasn't' doing anything to hide her emails. They're all in presidential records.”

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Michael Avenatti Cartoons

Legions of Democrats drawing headlines just by eyeing the White House

It's the easiest layup in Democratic politics.
All a politician needs to do to generate some good press is hint, insinuate, ruminate — or simply not deny — a desire to run for president.
Now some of these people will launch campaigns, others are simply flirting, and still others don't have the faintest possibility of being taken seriously. But it doesn't matter: they all get some ink
The late Russell Baker used to write about the Great Mentioner, how up-and-coming pols would mysteriously be designated by the press as presidential timber. But that no longer matters. In the social media age, they get to mention themselves — and reporters invariably follow.
Maybe the Democrats — figuring hey, Donald Trump did it — will wind up with a field so massive that it will make the GOP's 17 contenders last time look like an elite club.
One reason for the recent wave of stories is that potential candidates feel liberated to show a little leg after the midterms. Before Nov. 6, they engaged in a sanctioned form of lying, saying the idea of a White House bid never crossed their minds, even as journalists and voters alike knew that was basically bull.
Take newly reelected Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, who bucked a red tide in his state:
"After insisting for years that a run for president was far off his radar — Mr. Brown has begun wondering aloud if he should have the world’s most important job after all."
And here’s the pitch, in The New York Times:
"Rumpled and unvarnished — with a fondness for sweatshirts, less so for ties — Mr. Brown would in some ways seem uniquely positioned in a party hoping to win back the Midwestern states that flipped to Mr. Trump. Throughout his political career, he has championed populist platitudes like the 'dignity of work' that have resonated with working-class voters in all corners of Ohio while also supporting liberal social causes like women's reproductive rights and L.G.B.T.Q. rights."
The same goes for New York Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, who the Times says has undergone "a notable shift ... Less than three weeks ago, in the lone debate of her re-election campaign, Ms. Gillibrand pledged to serve her full Senate term."
Right after the election, Gillibrand told Stephen Colbert that "the hatred and the division" she said was caused by Trump "has called me to fight as hard as I possibly can to restore the moral compass of this country."
And Elizabeth Warren, after years of denials, said weeks ago she was taking a "hard look" at a presidential run.
What's more, you don't even have to win your race to have your hat thrown into the proverbial ring. Ted Cruz beat Beto O'Rourke by 3 points, but it's the Texas Democrat who's getting the media love. That includes yesterday's Politico piece with this blind-quote headline: "He's Barack Obama, But White."
O’Rourke is “scrambling” the Democratic field, having raised $70 million in the Lone Star State, “his closer-than-expected performance in the largest red state on the map was credited with lifting at least two Democrats to victory over House Republican incumbents.” A Politico/Morning Consult poll had him third among Democratic voters, behind Joe Biden and Bernie Sanders.
A Boston Globe column was titled "Beto O’Rourke Lost the Election, But He’s Getting the Most Presidential Buzz."
Thanks to the media, of course. O’Rourke says he hasn't made any decisions. I know, Abe Lincoln won the White House after losing a Senate race, but that was a long time ago.
The list goes on. The Washington Examiner says "Kamala Harris will have a digital army behind her if she runs for 2020."
Julian Castro is also being "mentioned." In fact, says the AP, "Castro has spent much of his political career being discussed as a potential presidential candidate since he was elected San Antonio mayor at age 34 ... Julian Castro would be a prominent Latino candidate in the 2020 field."
Mike Bloomberg has been toying with a presidential bid since stepping down as New York mayor, but never quite seems to do it, despite the pundits pining for him. In fact, the Republican-turned-independent recently re-registered as a Democrat. One person in touch with Bloomberg thinks he’ll make the run, but his "centrist" policies are likely to clash with the Democrats’ left wing. Oh, and he’ll be 78 on Election Day.
This Times op-ed in favor of Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper sort of captures the anyone-can-try ethos:
"Governor Hickenlooper, an optimistic, pro-business, pragmatic centrist, might seem, at first, like a long shot for the Democratic nomination. But then, in considering a post-Trump era, it is hard to imagine anything."
Nor do you need to be a politician. Politico informs us that "Marianne Williamson — pal of Oprah, spirituality guru and fixture of Hollywood's New Age community" — has been visiting Iowa. If nothing else, this should help her rack up more best-selling books on spirituality.
And I haven't even mentioned those touted in a Washington Post write-up: Amy Klobuchar, Cory Booker, Deval Patrick, John Delaney (don't ask), and Hillary Clinton herself (she's making noises.)
And no handicapping list would be complete without Michael Avenatti, whose nascent bid suffered a tiny setback with his arrest on domestic violence allegations, which if true means he wouldn't even get Stormy Daniels' vote.
Look, you never know who might catch fire. Barack Obama wasn't exactly a leading contender in 2004, and few geniuses saw Trump as president the day he came down the golden escalator.
But one thing is undeniably true: These wannabes and many others know that the press cares far more about any public figure who harbors presidential ambitions. That's why it suddenly seems like every unindicted Democrat is pondering a 2020 campaign.

University staff told not to use ‘don’t’ or ‘frightening’ capital letters

Journalism professors at Leeds Trinity University have been told not to use "don't" or "frightening" capitals, according to reports. (Leeds Trinity University via Facebook)

Journalism professors at Leeds Trinity University in the UK have been instructed not to use certain words — in case they frighten sensitive students.
According to UK media reports, the use of capital letters has been banned as well as the “overuse” of the words “do” and “don’t”.
In an internal staff memo obtained by the Express, staff are told students’ “anxiety” can lead to academic failure.
“Despite our best attempts to explain assessment tasks, any lack of clarity can generate anxiety and even discourage students from attempting the assessment at all,” it reads.
“Generally, avoid using capital letters for emphasis and the overuse of ‘do’, and, especially, ‘DON’T’.
It also urged staff to be “explicit about any inexplicitness” in assignment requirements and to be aware that “misconceptions or misunderstandings quickly spread” among students.
“This can lead to further confusion and students may even then decide that the assessment is too difficult and not attempt it,” the statement reads.
The story quickly spread across the UK media as well as on social media, with many members of the public slamming it as extreme “political correctness” pandering to the “snowflake generation.”
It follows similar news in September, when The University of Manchester’s student union made global headlines after voting to ban clapping and cheering at certain events in order to avoid triggering those with anxiety or sensory issues.
Instead, students were urged to use “jazz hands”.
“It was argued that the loud noise of traditional clapping and whooping pose an issue to students with anxiety or sensory issues. BSL clapping — or, jazz hands — would be a more inclusive form of expression,” student newspaper the Mancunion reported.
In a bizarre twist, Leeds Trinity University released a statement claiming it had not banned capital letters — but confirmed “it is best practice not to write in all capital letters.”
But many social media users pointed out there was little difference between “banning” words and capital letters and asking staff not to use them.
In a statement, vice-chancellor Margaret House said the university was committed to supporting students to be “the very best they can be”.
“We’re proud to offer a personal and inclusive university experience that gives every student the support to realise their potential,” she said.
“We follow national best practice teaching guidelines and the memo cited in the press is guidance from a course leader to academic staff, sharing best practice from the latest teaching research to inform their teaching.
“For every assignment, academic staff have an ‘unpacking’ session with students so the students are clear on what is expected. The majority of universities do this. It is also about good communication and consistent style. For example, it is best practice not to write in all capital letters regardless of the sector.
“We are absolutely committed to enhancing and enriching the student learning experience at Leeds Trinity, where staff and students are a name not a number.”
The public university is located near Leeds in England’s West Yorkshire.
It has a student population of more than 3625 and offers foundation, undergraduate, and postgraduate degrees in a range of humanities and social sciences.

Actress files restraining order against Avenatti, court records show

An aspiring film actress on Monday filed a restraining order against lawyer Michael Avenatti – just days after he was detained by police on domestic violence charges, according to court records obtained by The Blast.
Mareli Miniutti, an actress who appeared in Ocean’s 8, filed the domestic violence restraining order Monday in Los Angeles, the report said. It wasn’t immediately clear if Miniutti was the woman who accused Avenatti of domestic violence last week.
Miniutti did not immediately respond to Fox News' request for comment.
"I have NEVER abused a woman or committed domestic violence," Avenatti tweeted after the restraining order was first reported. "Any claim to the contrary is completely bogus and fabricated. I am a target. And I will be exonerated.”
Avenatti was formally charged Wednesday with felony domestic violence, LAPD Officer Rosario Herrera told Fox News.
Police didn't immediately disclose details about the arrest incident but Officer Tony Im, an LAPD spokesman, said the victim has visible injuries.
TMZ, which first reported the domestic violence allegations, cited an unnamed law enforcement source who said the woman's face was "swollen and bruised."
"I have never been physically abusive in my life nor was I last night," Avenatti said after his release from custody. "Any accusations to the contrary are fabricated and meant to do harm to my reputation."
Avenatti, an outspoken critic of President Trump and the attorney for adult film star Stormy Daniels, was considered a rising star in the Democratic party as he weighed a presidential run in the 2020 election.
The Vermont Democratic Party canceled events planned for Friday and Saturday, where Avenatti was scheduled to speak, and is refunding ticket sales.
A hearing for the restraining order will be held in Santa Monica next month, according to the court records.

Too Funny: Kamala Harris Book of Achievements Consists of… Empty Pages

There are many serious issues facing the country – and the world—right now, including a possible Israeli retaliatory strike agai...