Thursday, February 14, 2019

Nike Kaepernick Sweatshop Cartoons

Colorado store that quit selling Nike products over Kaepernick ad goes out of business

Stephen Martin

The owner of a sporting goods store in Colorado says his shop is going out of business after he stopped selling Nike products over the company's controversial campaign with Colin Kaepernick.
Prime Time Sports, in Colorado Springs, is shuttering its doors after "21 mostly good years," owner Stephen Martin wrote on Facebook Monday.
He advertised 40 percent off all merchandise, and thanked those who "offered help and support through the 'Honor The Flag' memorial wall and NIKE boycott."
Martin said he can't afford to stay open anymore after he stopped selling Nike products, in protest after the sports brand featured Kaepernick, a former quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers, in its "Just Do It" campaign.
The controversial ad from the campaign included a photo of Kaepernick's face, with the words "Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything" superimposed on it. Nike’s decision led to calls for a boycott of the company, with more than 42,000 people tweeting with the hashtag #NikeBoycott the day after the ad was released.

Martin told KOAA-TV that "being a sports store without Nike is kind of like being a milk store without milk or a gas station without gas."
"How do you do it? They have a monopoly on jerseys," he said.
Martin said that despite having NFL apparel for every team in the league sold at his store, he currently isn't selling the jerseys of any current NFL player because of his decision to boycott Nike.
“As much as I hate to admit this, perhaps there are more Brandon Marshall and Colin Kaepernick supporters out there than I realized,” Martin confessed, adding that he canceled an autograph event with Marshall, of the Denver Broncos, in 2016 because the linebacker kneeled during the national anthem.
Martin said Prime Time Sports will remain open until he's sold all his remaining merchandise, but is seemingly proud he did what he felt was right.
“I didn’t give in to big Nike and big dollars. I didn’t give in. I did it my way," he said. "That part of the military respect that’s in me just cannot be sacrificed or compromised, as I believe Brandon Marshall and Colin Kaepernick both did. I don’t like losing a business over it, but I rather be able to live with myself."
Martin anticipates his store will close in about a month's time.

House GOP leader McCarthy slams Dem's 'blah blah blah' mockery of Trump administration accomplishments

How in the hell have we managed to vote IDIOTS like this into office??

Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wis., was slammed by House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy after following up a list of White House economic successes with "blah blah blah." (U.S. House of Representatives)

A House Democrat's "blah blah blah" mockery of key Trump administration accomplishments drew a quick response on Twitter on Wednesday from House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wis., appeared unimpressed as she read a list of the economic successes of the Trump administration during a House Ways and Means Committee hearing on Capitol Hill.
"GDP is great, unemployment is at an all-time low, African-Americans are doing well, Hispanics are doing well, wages are rising at the fastest pace in ten years -- blah, blah, blah,” Moore, a congresswoman since 2005, said at the hearing.
Afterward, McCarthy, R-Calif., tweeted a video of Moore making the remarks, adding an overlay of the words "blah blah blah" for emphasis.
"From the party that claims to be #ForThePeople," McCarthy wrote.
Moore later responded to McCarthy, referring to what she called the "GOP tax scam."
"Any benefit of the #goptaxscam is put on the national credit card," Moore wrote on Twitter. "The middle class knows they’re going to be the ones who are forced to pay it back.
"Meanwhile," she added, "Democrats grew the economy, shrunk the deficit, & gave everyone healthcare. Thanks, Obama!"
Donald Trump Jr. later described Moore’s comments as “a joke.”
“If over his entire presidency Obama had accomplished 10% of what @realDonaldTrump for these groups the left would anoint him emperor for life. When Trump does it in less than 2 years it’s Blah Blah Blah. What a joke!”
Wednesday's House Ways and Means Committee hearing focused on how middle-class families are faring in today’s economy.
Moore, the first African-American elected to Congress from Wisconsin, had noted that there appeared to be a disconnect between the Trump administration’s list of economic wins and the testimony from the panel of economists invited to speak in the chamber.
A representative for Moore did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.

Dan Bongino: Americans still love capitalism. Here are three reasons why they aren't flocking to socialism

In a world where we now have three so-called "democratic" socialists in office (which is an oxymoron if I've ever seen one), you'd think the American public must be increasingly moving to the left. But you would be wrong. A brand-new Fox News poll disputes that thesis. The poll, which was released on February 13 finds that “Fifty-seven percent of voters have a positive opinion of capitalism. That’s more than twice the number who feel the same about socialism (25 percent).” How about that. (And, if you ask me, the actual figure is probably even higher because most people, especially millennials, can't even define socialism.)
So what's causing this surprisingly large disdain for socialism?
I have a few ideas...
1. Americans enjoy eating food
Like you, I prefer three meals a day, and rotten meat for zero of them. Call me petty, but this is a major issue for me.
For as much as we hear about our nation's obesity crisis, it's a problem that our friends in breadlines would kill to experience.
While no famine has ever taken place in a democracy, they're the rule rather than the exception in socialist countries. In just the 20th century alone, six of the ten worst famines were in socialist countries, as were seven of the top fifteen. I guess they all weren't "real” socialism?
Capitalism even does a better job at producing food within socialist countries themselves. The Soviet Union (which went from being an exporter of food to an importer after going socialist) eventually had to resort to opening up some agriculture to private hands. While private agriculture never composed more than 4 percent of the land mass of all Soviet agriculture, it yielded a third of the nation's total produce.
2.  Americans don't want to be equally poor
While it's easy to find polls showing that the average American would prefer lower levels of economic inequality, the average American will also draw the line far before we're all equally poor.
Ironically, socialist countries do tend to have immediate short term decreases in poverty before collapsing. After Hugo Chavez came to power the Venezuelan poverty rate was cut in half from 54 percent to 27.5 percent from 2004-2007 to the cheers of socialists worldwide. And then Chavez ran out of other people's money -- and by 2014 the poverty rate had nearly caught up to where it was in 2004, and in 2018 the poverty rate skyrocketed to 90 percent. And only then did Venezuela become "not real socialism" to other socialists.
While capitalist countries have more inequality - they also have more wealth overall. The Frasier Institute's annual studies one economic freedom routinely finds that the poorest people in the freest economies are wealthier than the richest people in the least free economies.
3.  Freedom of speech matters
I have a podcast that you all listen to ("The Dan Bongino Show") and I must say the job would be so much more stressful if I recorded my show under the threat of potential torture every day, fearful of criticizing the wrong person. Similarly for you, the reader, in a capitalist country you have the ability to answer a poll question from Fox News about capitalism vs. socialism truthfully. Something tells me a similar poll would generate 110 percent support for socialism in a socialist country.
It's ironic that socialism and similar left-wing ideas appeal to people who fashion themselves as "anti-establishment," when you can't have socialism without political repression.
Any college student who disagrees may want to speak with one of the tens of millions of people who have wound up in a gulag.

Menendez threatens to call police on reporter asking about Green New Deal: report

Sen. Bob Menendez, left, had a testy encounter with Daily Caller reporter Henry Rodgers. (Zach Gibson/Getty Images, Fox News)

U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., had a fiery exchange with a reporter on Capitol Hill on Wednesday when asked to comment on the Green New Deal.
Henry Rodgers, the Daily Caller's Capitol Hill reporter, approached the senator at a subway station and asked him if he supported Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's legislative proposal.
Menendez avoided the question and asked where Rodgers worked. Rodgers said that when he told Menendez he worked for the Daily Caller, the Democrat responded by saying he would not answer any questions. An intern who was with Rodgers asked a follow-up question, and tensions apparently rose.
The reporter followed the tweet with an audio clip from their back-and-forth.
“I am wondering why you won’t answer questions on the Green New Deal?” Rodgers asked.
“I won’t answer questions to the Daily Caller, period! You’re trash,” Menendez responded.
“Why do you think we’re trash, sir?” the reporter followed.
“Don’t keep harassing me anymore or I’ll race to the Capitol Police,” the New Jersey Democrat threatened.
Rodgers told Fox News he had no prior interaction with Menendez and was working on a story that was to include the responses of Senate Democrats regarding the Green New Deal.
Menendez was criticized on social media for threatening to call the police on the reporter.
Numerous members of Menendez’s office, including his communications director, Tricia Enright, defended the senator and trashed what one described as “gotcha journalism.”
Sen. Menendez’s office did not respond to Fox News for comment.

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Cory Booker Cartoons

Cory Booker says meat-centric ‘Standard American Diet’ not sustainable

If U.S. Sen. Cory Booker wins the White House in 2020, he’d make history as the first vegan elected U.S. president.
The New Jersey Democrat recently told VegNews that he started experimenting with a vegetarian diet around 1992 and then eliminated dairy foods as well, making his diet completely animal-free.
“I remember my last non-vegan meal was Election Day, November 2014,” Booker, a former mayor of Newark, N.J., told the news outlet.
These days, Booker says, we may all be heading toward a vegan diet because, in his view, meat consumption is not sustainable in the future.
“You see the planet earth moving towards what is the Standard American Diet,” he told VegNews. “We’ve seen this massive increase in consumption of meat produced by the industrial animal agriculture industry.
“The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact. It’s just not possible, as China, as Africa move toward consuming meat the same way America does because we just don’t have enough land.”
"The tragic reality is this planet simply can’t sustain billions of people consuming industrially produced animal agriculture because of environmental impact. It’s just not possible."
— U.S. Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J.
Booker says there are a number of goals he hopes to accomplish through legislation that would affect what people eat.
“Legislatively, I want to continue to be a part of a movement of folk who are fighting against corporate interests that are undermining the public good and the public welfare,” he says. “So, I’m going to continue supporting bills that are about public health, whether it is pumping in all these antibiotics into animals that are literally threatening the safety of Americans. I believe that Americans do care about the cruelty to animals, and that’s why you see public movement to stop pig crating, which is harmful and violates our collective values as a country.”
But don’t count U.S. Rep. Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., among those who share Booker’s meat-free vision.
After Booker’s comments to VegNews were reported, the congresswoman – whose state is home to some 60 meat plants, according to the Wyoming Department of Agriculture – fired off a Twitter message that made it clear where she stands on the issue.
“Hey @CoryBooker,” Cheney wrote. “I support PETA – People Eating Tasty Animals.”

Cotton says media was 'Stalin-like' in Ocasio-Cortez Green Deal cover up

Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton unloaded on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal and said the media were “complicit” in burying the most radical parts of the deal.
Cotton, a staunch Republican, appeared on The Hugh Hewitt Show on Tuesday and discussed the widely ridiculed Green New Deal that aims to implement sweeping changes across the nation.
But what particularly caught Cotton’s eye was how the media became complicit in hiding the now-infamous FAQ document circulated by the Ocasio-Cortez office, which included lines such as promising a job to “all people of the United States” –  including those “unwilling to work” – and making air travel industry obsolete.
“I understand the Democrats that proposed this immediately tried to retract that white paper that went along with their resolution,” Cotton added. “And too many people in the media have been complicit in the Stalin-like or 1984 technique of disappearing it, sending it down the memory hole.”
“And too many people in the media have been complicit in the Stalin-like or 1984 technique of disappearing it, sending it down the memory hole.”
— Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton
Hewitt asked whether the Democrats who immediately jumped to endorse the radical package have actually read what’s inside it.
“Sure. I mean, Hugh, it’s pretty remarkable that when these Democrats put out the Green New Deal last week that you had many Democrats running for president leap onto a proposal that was going to confiscate every privately owned vehicle in America within a decade and ban air travel so we could all drive or ride around on high-speed light rail, supposedly powered by unicorn tears, yes,” Cotton said.
Multiple Democratic 2020 candidates such as Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Cory Booker, Kamala Harris, and Kirsten Gillibrand have endorsed the deal.

Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton unloaded on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal and said the media were “complicit” in burying the most radical parts of the deal.<br>
Arkansas Republican Sen. Tom Cotton unloaded on Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s Green New Deal and said the media were “complicit” in burying the most radical parts of the deal.
(Associated Press)

Cotton finished the interview the segment saying the Green New Deal, in essence, is what Democrats believe in and want for the U.S.
“But this is where their heart lies,” he said. “They believe that Americans driving around in trucks on farms, or commuting from the suburbs where they can have a decent home into the city to work are a fundamental threat to the world, and they have to have the power and the control of those Americans’ lives to implement their radical vision for humanity.”
