Friday, May 31, 2019

North Korea executes 5 officials over failed Kim-Trump summit: South Korean media

North Korea has executed five officials for their part in the failed second summit between President Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, according to a South Korean newspaper.
Citing the newspaper, Bloomberg News reported that Kim Hyok Chol, North Korea's special envoy to the U.S., was executed by firing squad in March for being "won over by the American imperialists to betray the supreme leader."
The paper also claimed that four other North Korean Foreign Ministry officials were executed that same month because of the breakdown of the February summit in Hanoi, Vietnam, but did not provide details.

Kim Hyok Chol, North Korea's special envoy to the U.S., and four other North Korean foreign ministry officials, were executed because of the breakdown of the February North Korea-U.S. summit in Hanoi, Vietnam. (REUTERS, File)
Kim Hyok Chol, North Korea's special envoy to the U.S., and four other North Korean foreign ministry officials, were executed because of the breakdown of the February North Korea-U.S. summit in Hanoi, Vietnam. (REUTERS, File)

Trump’s much-anticipated summit with Kim ended abruptly and without the two leaders signing any agreements over nuclear disarmament.

Kim aide Kim Yong Chol is reportedly undergoing hard labor for his role in the breakdown. (REUTERS, File)
Kim aide Kim Yong Chol is reportedly undergoing hard labor for his role in the breakdown. (REUTERS, File)

Top Kim aide Kim Yong Chol is reportedly undergoing hard labor for his role in the breakdown.
He had been Kim’s most trusted policy adviser and was removed from one of his posts.

President Trump meeting with Kim Yong Chol this past January 18 in the Oval Office. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead, File)
President Trump meeting with Kim Yong Chol this past January 18 in the Oval Office. (Official White House Photo by Shealah Craighead, File)

He even was seen in photos with President Trump at the White House over the past year, delivering letters from the North Korean dictator.
Kim Yong Chol has been North Korea’s top nuclear negotiator and the counterpart of U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo since Kim entered nuclear talks with the U.S. early last year.
Fox News' Bradford Betz contributed to this story.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Bernie & Robert Cartoons

Sanders supporters fearful DNC now backing Biden like it backed Clinton

Some supporters of 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders say they are seeing a repeat of the Democratic National Committee’s 2016 treatment of their candidate, according to a report.
These Sanders supporters claim the DNC leadership is giving preferential treatment to 2020 frontrunner Joe Biden, after the former vice president's surge in the polls, just as they did Hillary Clinton three years ago, the Washington Times reported.
The supporters of Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont, say they mistrust polls showing Biden holding a commanding lead over the 23-candidate Democratic field, and some say they may stage another revolt at the party's 2020 national convention in Milwaukee, just as they did in Philadelphia in 2016, if Biden gets the nomination.
Laurie Cestnick, a Sanders supporter who founded Occupy DNC, told the Washington Times they’re frustrated that the mainstream media doesn’t cover many of their candidate's events.
“The mainstream media and the DNC are colluding against the American people," she said. "That’s what it feels like. It’s the same thing all over again."
“The mainstream media and the DNC are colluding against the American people. That’s what it feels like. It’s the same thing all over again."
— Laurie Cestnick, Sanders supporter who founded Occupy DNC
After the fracturing of the Sanders wing of the party in 2016, many Democratic candidates, including Sanders, signed a unity pledge saying they’ll support the eventual nominee. The DNC chairman has also adopted new rules to make the process fairer, including denying superdelegates a vote in the first ballot at the convention, the Times reported.

New Mexico mayor issues cease-and-desist order to private company building border fence

FILE: A construction worker watches a section of fencing be moved for a privately-funded border fence on private land in Sunland Park, New Mexico.  (AP)
Sunland Park’s Mayor Javier Perea

A legal dispute unfolded this week between private contractors who have built a half-mile fence between a New Mexico city and Mexico, and the mayor of that city who is arguing that the fence didn’t get proper authorization.
“We Build the Wall,” began construction of the border fence on private land in Sunland Park, N.M., last Friday using money raised through crowdfunding, the Dallas Morning News reported. The city shares a border with El Paso, Texas and Mexico.
The company had planned to finish construction by Friday, but Sunland Park’s Mayor Javier Perea said Tuesday that the 18-foot fence surpasses the city’s maximum height of 6 feet. On Wednesday, he issued a cease-and-desist order.
Dustin Stockton, vice president and co-founder of We Build the Wall, said the company was undeterred by Perea and felt that the company was in compliance with city regulations.
“Sunland Park sent out a building inspector out to inspect the site before we started building,” Stockton said. “There was an inspector on site when we did the first concrete pour, and each time along the way we were given permission to continue to build while our application was processed.”
Perea told KOAT 7 that the cease-and-desist has been turned over to a municipal court. We Build the Wall said they will hold a rally Thursday in support of finishing the project.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Robert Mueller comments on Russia probe leave Nancy Pelosi holding 'a pair of deuces:' Geraldo Rivera

While some Democrats are desperate to go all in with impeaching President Trump, Special Counsel Robert Mueller has just dealt House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a "pair of deuces," according to Fox News' Geraldo Rivera.
Rivera, speaking on "The Five" Wednesday, said Pelosi might be forced to convince those in her party to fold their impeachment hand in the wake of Special Counsel Mueller's rare public statements.
"If this was cards, Mueller dealt Pelosi a pair of deuces," Rivera opined. "She's holding a pair of deuces now, do you go forward with impeachment with a pair of deuces?"
Rivera was reacting to Mueller's comment Wednesday his team did not have the “option” to charge Trump, that there “was not sufficient evidence to charge a conspiracy” with regard to whether members of the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election
But Mueller also addressed the president's possible obstruction of justice which has lead to renewed interest in impeachment proceedings among Democrats.
“If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said that,” Mueller said Wednesday. “We did not determine whether the president did commit a crime.”
On "The Five," co-host Greg Gutfeld was critical of Mueller for yet again fueling the belief that Trump may have committed a crime.
"If you're not going to resolve this you just can't throw that out there," Gutfeld said.
Gutfeld also blamed the Democrats and the media for forcing Mueller to indulge them and noted in the end they will be disappointed with the results.
"I think the media and the Democrats forced his hand and he had to do this. This is now the fourth bite of a rotten apple, right. The first was the summary that came out, the media spit it out.  Then the second was the release, they spit it out.  The third was having Barr come on, they spit that out," Gutfeld said.
"Now he's got this presser. They're not going to be happy with this. Why do we keep indulging this?"

Hannity tells Dems to 'Go for it' on impeachment, says Mueller should be 'held accountable'

Fox News host Sean Hannity was in rare form on Wednesday evening's "Hannity," declaring "act one" over, in reaction to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's comments on the Russia investigation and also challenging Democrats to impeach President Trump.
"Without a doubt the radical extreme democratic socialist party, they are clamoring for impeachment more than ever before. Here is my message to them tonight: Go for it, go for it. I want you to reach for the stars," Hannity said during his monologue.
"Without a doubt the radical extreme democratic socialist party, they are clamoring for impeachment more than ever before. Here is my message to them tonight: Go for it."
— Sean Hannity
"Stay right there and don't solve any more problems of the American people or serve the people who put you in Washington."
The host, who was No. 1 in May's cable news ratings, warned Democrats that impeachment was "political suicide" for those who can't "handle the truth" of the recent Russia investigation developments or the 2016 election results.
"I'm going to enjoy watching you dig the hole deeper every day," Hannity said.
Hannity was reacting to Mueller's Wednesday news conference, where the special counsel addressed his report, saying his team did not have the “option” to charge Trump, that there “was not sufficient evidence to charge a conspiracy” with regard to whether members of the Trump campaign coordinated with the Russian government during the 2016 presidential election
But Mueller also addressed the president's possible obstruction of justice, which has lead to renewed interest in impeachment proceedings among Democrats.
Hannity blasted Mueller and criticized him for sparking an "impeachment fantasy."
"Mueller has spent 25-plus million dollars investigating a hoax and now, for the fourth time, we have a conclusion," Hannity said. "No coercion and no conspiracy. Today he officially resigned from the office of special counsel but not before showing the world, of course, what we already know on this program, his partisan hackery true colors, if you will."
The Fox News host was incensed that Mueller did not take questions from reporters and listed the questions that he wants Mueller to answer, swearing that Mueller "will be held accountable."
"I want Mueller under oath. I want him held accountable. I want him answering those questions," Hannity said. "It's now more important than ever."

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Obamacare 2019 Cartoons

Kamala Harris: The odds are 'you will be able to keep your doctor' under Medicare For All

Willie's Girl :-)
California senator and 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris assured town hall attendees on Tuesday night that the "odds-on favorite" under Medicare For All is that you will be able to keep your doctor.
Harris was asked about her plans for healthcare reform during a televised town hall in South Carolina. She responded by reiterating her belief that access to healthcare should be a "right" and how she's been a proud supporter of Medicare For All.
She then knocked the skeptics who question whether they'd be able to keep their doctor under Medicare For All, which she admitted was an "understandable point."
"Well 91% of the doctors in the United States are in the Medicare system, so the odds-on favorite is that you will be able to keep your doctor," Harris said.
The senator's remarks resemble the assurances President Obama gave while promoting the Affordable Care Act, where he told Americans that "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it," something Politifact declared as "Lie of the Year" in 2013.
MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell later pressed Harris on which Medicare For All proposals would she sign as president.
"Mandatory Medicare for everyone," O'Donnell said.
"For everyone," Harris responded.
"So that does mean giving up their current private healthcare plans," O'Donnell followed.
"No, but they would be entitled to receive and have basically supplemental insurance, but under Medicare For All and my vision for Medicare For All, we would expand the coverage of Medicare so it would include dental, it would vision for our seniors, it would include hearing aids, which are so expensive," Harris continued. "The goal is that everyone is going to be in the same system."
