Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Justin Amash gone from House Freedom Caucus after saying Trump's conduct was 'impeachable'

Michigan Repubican Rep. Justin Amash announced Monday evening he was leaving the influential conservative House Freedom Caucus, just weeks after he attracted the ire of his colleagues by arguing in Twitter posts that President Trump had committed impeachable offenses, Fox News has learned.
Amash, speaking at a Freedom Caucus board meeting, insisted his departure was voluntary. Amash said he did not want to continue to be a "further distraction" for the caucus, which is chaired by North Carolina GOP Rep. Mark Meadows.
Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan, a member of the Freedom Caucus, told Fox News' "Ingraham Angle" Monday evening that Meadows and Amash mutually came to the decision after several conversations.
Jordan said the Republican members of the group still consider Amash a friend, but that their disagreements were "sharp" and significant.
"Some of the president's actions were inherently corrupt," Amash, who said Trump had "engaged in impeachable conduct," tweeted in May. "Other actions were corrupt -- and therefore impeachable -- because the president took them to serve his own interests."
Amash also accused Attorney General Bill Barr of intentionally misrepresenting Mueller's report through lawyerly sleights of hand.
President Trump responded by writing that Amash was a "loser" and a "lightweight" seeking to gain national name recognition.
At a town hall in Grand Rapids, Mich., late last month, some of Amash's constituents excoriated him for pushing for impeachment, while several others commended him for breaking ranks with his party and standing on principle.
"You talk about the Constitution and how important that is, but yet nothing that Mueller came out within this report, nothing that has been said about him and President Trump is constitutional and has been a smear tactic because that's how the Democrats work," one Trump supporter told Amash. "How can you become a Democrat when we voted for you as a Republican because you've just drank the same Kool-Aid as all the Democrats."
Amash then defended his record in Congress, telling the town hall attendees he has "one of the most constitutionally conservative and fiscally conservative" voting records of all sitting lawmakers and that he's at the top "of nearly all the scorecards" of conservative groups.
Amash had a high 88 rating from the American Conservative Union (ACU) in 2018, up from 78 in 2017. Jordan scored 100 for both years, while Meadows notched 91 and 100, respectively. The group's Federal Legislative Ratings scores members of Congress based on how they vote in line with conservative principles. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., by contrast, had a 4 rating in 2018.
Another woman at the town hall, Anna Timmer, criticized Amash for "grandstanding" and trying to raise his "national profile," while arguing that an impeachment inquiry would "tear this country apart."
She later told Fox News the town hall was "packed with Democrats" who were "shaking their fists" at her.
In May, another caucus member, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, echoed Timmer's complaints. (McCarthy's ACU rating was 80 in 2018.)
"This is exactly what he wants, he wants to have attention," McCarthy said on "Sunday Morning Futures." He went on to express doubt over Amash's Republican leanings in general.
"You've got to understand Justin Amash. He's been in Congress quite some time. I think he's asked one question in all the committees that he's been in. He votes more with Nancy Pelosi than he ever votes with me. It's a question whether he's even in our Republican conference as a whole."
Amash criticized Republicans and Democrats for rushing to judgment over Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report, accusing his colleagues of speaking out based on which side of the political aisle they are on, and not the facts.
"Few members of Congress even read Mueller’s report; their minds were made up based on partisan affiliation," Amash tweeted, "and it showed, with representatives and senators from both parties issuing definitive statements on the 448-page report’s conclusions within just hours of its release."
McCarthy, meanwhile, accused Amash of simply being contrarian, saying, "You could have a bill with 400 votes all supporting it, there will always be one opposed and that is Justin Amash."
Amash stated earlier this year that he was considering running against Trump in 2020 as a third-party candidate.
Fox News' Chad Pergram and Mike Emanuel contributed to this report.

Monday, June 10, 2019

About Twitter Cartoons

Pres. Trump: Twitter Is Making a ‘Giant’ Mistake

President Donald Trump speaks during a ceremony to commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day at The Normandy American Cemetery, Thursday, June 6, 2019, in Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandy, France. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 11:03 AM PT – Sunday. June 9, 2019
President Trump says Twitter is making a ‘giant mistake’ by quieting conservative users.
In a Tweet Sunday, the President said Twitter has violated freedom of speech and should lift its recent bans on conservative activists.
Twitter has been under fire from conservatives who allege the site pushes a left-leaning bias.
These claims came after his after conservative actor, James Woods, and Info Wars’ host, Alex Jones were banned on the site in addition to several other social media platforms.
Twitter has denied a left-leaning bias on its platform and disputes all allegations.

Economist Predicts U.S. Mexico Immigration Deal Will Pave Way for Deal With China

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 10:46 AM PT – Sunday. June 9, 2019
The President’s latest breakthrough on immigration with Mexico could bode well for trade talks with China.

FILE – In this May 10, 2019, file photo China Shipping Company containers are stacked at the Virginia International’s terminal in Portsmouth, Va. Over the past month, President Donald Trump has rolled the dice on the economy. He has more than doubled tariffs on $200 billion in Chinese imports. He’s preparing to target another $300 billion, extending his import taxes to everything China ships to the United States. (AP Photo/Steve Helber, File)

Economist Stephen Moore predicts, the latest immigration deal between the United States and Mexico may push China to reach a trade agreement with the U.S.
This comes amid largely stalled trade negotiations between the two nations.
Speaking to Breitbart News Saturday, Moore said the U.S. Mexico deal serves as an example to show President Trump is a good negotiator who could lead China to make concessions and reach a deal.
If a trade agreement is reached, China may avoid additional tariffs which Treasury Secretary Steve Munichin warned would come if China didn’t return to the negotiating table.
Moore also predicts, the U.S. economy will soar.
President Trump says he will decide whether to enact tariffs on china after the G-20 summit in Japan.

GOP opponent says AOC ‘literally ran’ away when challenged to debate

US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez turned tail on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue to avoid a potential Republican challenger as they both marched in the National Puerto Rican Day Parade on Sunday, her political opponent said.
Talk-radio producer Rich Valdes told The Post that he tried to challenge the freshman Democratic congresswoman to a debate on the merits of capitalism versus socialism when he spotted her near West 47th Street.
But Ocasio-Cortez “cut her handshaking short, jerked her hand back and jetted to the other side of the street,” Valdes said.
“She literally ran!” he said.
“I thought this was a good time to try and get a response but I honestly only saw the back of her head as she trotted across the street.”
Valdes’ account was echoed by Guardian Angels founder and radio host Curtis Sliwa, who said the incident unfolded when Valdes approached the progressive firebrand about 12:30 p.m.
“As soon as she saw him she did a pirouette — a spin — and she ran north on Fifth Avenue, ahead of her delegation, just to get away from Rich,” he said.
“I heard Rich yelling after her, ‘OK, AOC. You can run — but you can’t hide!'”
Sliwa’s wife, lawyer Nancy Sliwa, also snapped photos that show Valdes walking several steps behind Ocasio-Cortez, then facing the camera with a look of exasperation.
On Thursday, Valdes told members of the Queens Village Republican Club that he would move from New Jersey to Ocasio-Cortez’ district, which covers parts of The Bronx and Queens, in an effort to unseat her.

Cash-strapped state reveals staggering pricetag of plan to give full health care to illegal immigrants

In a stance to distance itself from President Trump’s administration, California is set to become the first state in the country to pay for tens of thousands of illegal immigrants to have full health benefits.
Under an agreement between Gov. Gavin Newsom and Democrats in the state legislature, low-income adults between the ages of 19 and 25 living in California illegally would be eligible for California’s Medicaid program, known as Medi-Cal. The deal emerged as part of a broader $213 billion budget.
The plan would take effect in January 2020, the Sacramento Bee reported.
State officials have estimated the benefits would be available to about 90,000 low-income illegal immigrants at a cost of $98 million per year.
“While it’s not all we sought, it will provide a real tangible difference for people, especially for those around and below poverty and for middle income families who don’t get any help under the federal law,” Anthony Wright, executive director of advocacy group Health Access, said. Indeed, a family of four earning as much as six times the federal poverty level -- or more than $150,000 a year -- would be eligible to get about $100 a month from the government to help pay their monthly health insurance premiums.
To pay for part of it, the state agreed to start taxing people who don’t have health insurance. It’s a revival of the individual-mandate penalty that had been on the books nationwide under former President Barack Obama’s health-care law until Republicans in Congress eliminated it as part of the 2017 overhaul to the tax code.
The budget agreement still must be approved by the full state legislature; a vote is expected this week. State law requires lawmakers to enact a budget by midnight on June 15. If they don’t, lawmakers would lose their pay.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Pete Buttigieg Cartoons

Pres. Trump thanks Mexican president, govt for agreement on immigration

President Donald Trump waves as he steps off Air Force One after arriving, Friday, June 7, 2019, at Andrews Air Force Base, Md. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)

President Trump thanks Mexico for its cooperation, in coming to an agreement on immigration.
On twitter Saturday, the president thanked the Mexican president, the Mexican foreign minister, and all the country’s representatives for working long and hard on the agreement.
The president’s remarks come after the two nations reached an agreement to help reduce the surge of illegal immigration on Friday.
On Saturday, President Trump blasted the Left-wing media such as, Comcast, NBC, CNN, the New York Times, and the Washington Post for publishing false reports on his border immigration plan, saying threatening to raise tariffs on Mexico has already yielded results.
White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders weighed in on the successful agreement, saying President Trump’s work with Mexico is a win for America. On Twitter, Sanders said despite no help from what she calls the “do-nothing Democrats,” the president secured billions of dollars of funding to build the wall.
She also said President Trump secured an unprecedented commitment from Mexico to stem of the tide of illegal immigration, calling it an example of leadership for the nation.
