Monday, July 1, 2019

Planned Parenthood Cartoons

Pro-life ‘Conscience Protection’ Rule is Delayed Amid Democrat-led Lawsuit

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:45 PM PT – Sat. June 29, 2019
The Trump administration delays a health care rule protecting religious liberty, to fight a lawsuit brought forth by Democrats.

President Donald Trump speaks during a ceremony where he will sign an executive order that calls for upfront disclosure by hospitals of actual prices for common tests and procedures to keep costs down, at the White House in Washington, Monday, June 24, 2019. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)

On Saturday, The Department of Health and Human Services stated the “conscience protection” rule will be postponed.
The legislation would allow health care officials to refuse to perform procedures that go against their beliefs. But various Democrat coalitions allege the act promotes discrimination to patients.
Sources said the rule, is a small part of president Trump’s fight, to rebuild faith and freedom in the U.S.
“And just today, we finalized new protections of conscience rights for physicians, pharmacists, nurses, teachers, students, and faith-based charities,” said President Trump “Together, we are building a culture that cherishes the dignity and worth of human life. Every child born and unborn is a sacred gift from God.”
The rule was supposed to be implemented last week. The HHS said the earliest date the rule could now go into effect would be November 22nd.

Trump calls Ivanka, Pompeo ‘Beauty and the Beast’

President Trump on Sunday compared his daughter Ivanka and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to “Beauty and the Beast.”
Trump was introducing the pair while addressing a gathering of Air Force personnel at Osan Air Base in Pyeongtaek, near the South Korean capital of Seoul, when he drew on the tale as old as time.
“Mike, come up here Mike,” Trump told Pompeo, before telling the crowd, “And you know who else we have here, Ivanka — alright come up Ivanka,” as cheers rose from the gathered.
“What a beautiful couple — Mike — Beauty and the Beast,” he said, as the pair strode to the podium.
Just hours earlier, Trump had become the first sitting US president to step foot on North Korean soil when he met with leader Kim Jong Un on the northern side of the Demilitarized Zone separating the north and south.
The North in April demanded Pompeo, the nation’s top diplomat, be left out of peace talks — and issued a stinging rebuke of him Wednesday, accusing him of “reckless remarks” and “sophistry” for claiming sanctions on the Hermit Kingdom were bringing them to the negotiating table.
Ivanka serves as a domestic adviser to Trump.
Trump was returning to Washington Sunday following a whirlwind trip east for the G20 summit in Japan.

Sanders hits back at AOC after Ivanka Trump dig

Sarah Sanders, the former White House press secretary, fired back at freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who called out Ivanka Trump for accompanying her father to the G-20 summit.
Ocasio-Cortez called out Ivanka and said on Twitter that “being someone’s daughter actually isn’t a career qualification.”
“It hurts our diplomatic standing when the President phones it in & the world moves on. The US needs our President working the G20. Bringing a qualified diplomat couldn’t hurt either,” the freshman representative continued.
Ivanka represented the U.S. in meetings with leaders from China, Japan, Russia, India and Australia during the summit in Osaka, the South China Morning Post reported.
Sanders, who just recently stepped down from her role at the White House, said “phone it in @AOC is wasting your time on Twitter while destroying jobs in NY.” She said President Trump and Ivanka have created “millions of new jobs and continue to make the US stronger on the global stage but thank you for reminding Americans everyday why they elected Trump.”
Ocasio-Cortez played a major role in thwarting Amazon’s plans to build part of its HQ2 in Long Island City. She was one of several elected officials who pushed back on Amazon's planned expansion pointing at the secrecy of the deal itself, the lack of public input and the potential for gentrification and displacement resulting from 25,000 new highly paid tech workers in the area.
Fox News' Christopher Carbone contributed to this report

Trump says he's optimistic about trade deal with Chinese President Xi, in interview with Tucker Carlson

President Trump expressed optimism about a possible trade deal between his administration and Chinese President Xi Jinping, during an interview with Tucker Carlson set to air Monday night on Fox News.
Trump sat down with Carlson during the president's trip which included stops in Osaka, Japan, for the G20 summit, and a first-of-its kind visit by a U.S. president to North Korea, meeting with dictator Kim Jong Un at the demilitarized zone (DMZ).
President Trump told Carlson he was hopeful about striking a trade agreement with Xi.
"You just recently hours ago met with the Chinese president, Xi Jinping," Carlson said. "Are you closer, do you think after that meeting, to a trade deal?"
"I think so," Trump replied. "We had a very good meeting. He wants to make a deal. I want to make a deal. Very big deal, probably, I guess you'd say the largest deal ever made of any kind, not only trade."
"We got along very well," Trump added. "We understand each other."
Trump had met with Xi during the G20 summit in Osaka and described the meeting as "excellent" before saying the two countries were "back on track."
The news arrives on the heels of Trump announcing that Chinese tech giant Huawei could purchase equipment from U.S. companies after being blacklisted.
“U.S. companies can sell their equipment to Huawei,” Trump said at a news conference. “We’re talking about equipment where there’s no great national security problem with it.”
Huawei was placed on a blacklist last month barring American companies from providing them with computer chips or software, without first going through the federal government.
Trump had enacted tariffs on $250 billion worth of Chinese imports this year and has said he's willing to add tariffs on an additional $300 billion. China hit back with its own tariffs on American exports.
Carlson's full interview with Trump is scheduled for Monday on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" at 8 p.m. ET.
Fox News' Brie Stimson contributed to this report 

Sunday, June 30, 2019

Harris, Sanders, Warren, Gillibrand, Buttigieg, Booker CARTOONS

Mark Levin: 2020 Dems' policies will 'destroy' key aspects of American society

Democratic presidential candidates' policy platforms will run the nation deeper into debt and transform American society, according to Mark Levin.
Americans must unite against the candidates' agendas to prevent "socialism" and retain "Americanism," Levin claimed Sunday on "Life, Liberty & Levin."
"They have plans that will do nothing but destroy this society," he said.
"We never talk about liberty anymore or individualism anymore or success or true free market capitalism. Look around you look at all the wealth that we have. You go to a grocery store there's everything you want in a grocery store look around your home.
"Why would we destroy such a society? It's time to take on the left. Time to take on the Democrat leadership. It's time to take on socialism with Americanism ... We never talk about liberty anymore, or individualism anymore, or success."
He mentioned several proposals including wealth taxes, Medicare-for-all, paid family leave and student debt forgiveness.
Levin claimed the Soviet Union's 1936 Constitution inspired or mirrors such initiatives, which he said were heralded by two candidates in particular.
"Article 118: Citizens of the U.S.S.R. have the right to work, that is, are guaranteed the right to employment and payment for their work in accordance with its quantity and quality," he said.
"Article 119: Citizens of the U.S.S.R. have the right to rest and leisure ... the institution of annual vacations with full pay for workers and employees and the provision of a wide network of sanatoria, rest homes and clubs for the accommodation of the working people -- Sounds just like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren."
The conservative radio host continued, arguing some Democrats, "embrace not the American dream, but the Soviet dream."
"Why is it that we don't have serious, substantive discussions about what they're proposing and how they're going to be paid for?" he asked.
The "Unfreedom of the Press" author said he believed such policies will make the nation's debt problems even worse.
"We have a crushing debt," he said.
"We have a fiscal operating debt of $22 trillion. Our economy produces slightly over $18 trillion in goods and services every year. That's enormous."

Antifa-Proud Boys confrontation in Portland turns violent; conservative writer injured

Maria C. Dehart, 23, was arrested during an Antifa protest and charged with disorderly conduct and harassment Saturday. (Portland Police Bureau)

At least three people were arrested and several others were reported injured, as members of Antifa and other leftist groups clashed with members of the Proud Boys and other conservatives around downtown Portland, Ore., on Saturday, police said.
One of those injured was Andy Ngo, a conservative writer who appeared to have been attacked by Antifa members, the Oregonian reported. Ngo later posted a photo of himself from a hospital, with bruises, cuts and scratches on his face.
Some of the demonstrators turned violent, throwing milkshakes said to be mixed with quick-drying cement, raw eggs and pepper spray. The gatherings were deemed "civil disturbance and unlawful assembly" by the Portland Police Bureau and the perpetrators were believed to include members of both sides.
Those arrested were identified as Gage Halupowski, 23, who was charged with multiple counts of assault, including on a public safety officer; James K. Stocks, 21, who was charged with harassment; and Maria C. Dehart, 23, who was charged with disorderly conduct and harassment.
Maria C. Dehart, 23, was arrested during an Antifa protest and charged with disorderly conduct and harassment Saturday. (Portland Police Bureau)
"During today's events, there were multiple assaults reported, as well as projectiles thrown at demonstrators and officers," the police said in a statement. "There were also reports of pepper spray and bear spray being used by people in the crowd. Officers deployed pepper spray during the incident. There were reports of individuals throwing 'milkshakes' with a substance mixed in that was similar to a quick-drying cement. One subject was arrested for throwing a substance during the incident."
Portland Fire Medics were embedded with the Portland Police Bureau members and treated eight people, including three police officers during the even, the Oregonian reported.
"Three community members received treatment at area hospitals after they were assaulted with weapons. Two officers were pepper-sprayed during the incident and were treated. Another officer was punched in the arm by a demonstrator and sustained non-life threatening injury. Another officer sustained a non-life threatening head injury from a projectile," the statement said.
