Thursday, July 11, 2019

AOC ups ante in feud with Pelosi, suggests speaker is 'singling out of newly elected women of color'

Worst thing ever happening to the Democrat Party was allowing Anti American Muslims into the US Government, Period! Love seeing them eat their own :-)
The public spat between Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif, got a lot nastier on Wednesday, with the freshman congresswoman suggesting that the speaker is "singling out" her and her colleagues based on their race.
Pelosi has worked to keep the Democratic caucus in line, specifically four newly-elected outspoken progressives: Ocasio-Cortez, Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass..
However, a feud between Pelosi and the quartet escalated after Congress passed a border funding bill that the four young Democrats opposed. Pelosi discussed the bill, and those in her party who oppose it, in an interview last weekend. She told the New York Times: "All these people have their public whatever and their Twitter world, but they didn’t have any following. They’re four people, and that’s how many votes they got."
Ocasio-Cortez said to The Washington Post on Wednesday that the "persistent singling out" by the Speaker may be more than "outright disrespectful."
"When these comments first started, I kind of thought that she was keeping the progressive flank at more of an arm’s distance in order to protect more moderate members, which I understood,” Ocasio-Cortez said.
“But the persistent singling out . . . it got to a point where it was just outright disrespectful . . . the explicit singling out of newly elected women of color.”
In an earlier interview with The New Yorker Radio Hour, Ocasio-Cortez accused Congress of using  women and minorities as "bargaining chips."
"When it comes to women of color in Congress, particularly the freshman, it's that we both have encountered and represent communities that have been auctioned off and negotiated off for the last 20 years. And we're over it," Ocasio-Cortez said Tuesday.
"We see in these negotiations all the time--- it's like fighting for black communities or policies that help women. They're bargaining chips. And they're the first chips that are reached for in any legislative negotiations."
On Wednesday, Pelosi also delivered a stern message to her caucus, telling House Democrats: "You got a complaint? You come and talk to me about it. But do not tweet about our members and expect us to think that that is just okay."

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Crazy AOC Cartoons

AOC and the Rising Rhetoric of Revolution

I grew up in the 1960s and saw first-hand how easy it was to dehumanize soldiers returning from Vietnam as racist killers. Nowadays it is politically correct to decry that horrific treatment and talk about it as an aberration of American decency, but it was much more than that.
It was part of a well-planned campaign by the antiwar left to destroy confidence in our government and our institutions for the purpose of overthrowing our “imperialistic” overlords. Sadly, that campaign continues, only today it is not an underground movement but one led by members of Congress.
Indeed, the revolutionary theater of Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez calling out the Border Patrol as dangerous jack-booted thugs goes a long way toward accomplishing in one afternoon what it took years for the antiwar movement to do to Vietnam-era GIs.
The freshman congresswoman visited two border facilities managed by U.S.Customs and Border Enforcement on July 1, including the one at Clint, Texas.
“In that last facility, I was not safe from the officers,” Ocasio-Cortez lamented to the reporters who were trailing her like hyenas waiting for a lioness to corner its prey.
They didn’t have to wait long. AOC had her bloody claws fully extended and in an interview with Yahoo News later that night she went in for the kill.
“Are we headed for fascism? Yes. I don’t think there’s a question. If you actually take the time to study, and to look at the steps, and to see how government transforms under authoritarian regimes, and look at the political decisions and patterns of this president, the answer is yes.”
Such is the rhetoric of a true believer. Whether you are talking about Che or Mao or Bill Ayers of the Weather Underground, the absolute moral certainty of the revolutionary left is what allows them to spit in the face of soldiers returning from Vietnam or to call ICE agents Nazis or to vote against funding for border camps so that they can complain about lack of funding for border camps.
But make no mistake. The socialist-communist attack on the Border Patrol or on Immigration and Customs Enforcement as fascist is no accident or mere theater. It is part of a long-range plan to delegitimize the government of the United States as a whole. Here’s what Ayers and his co-authors wrote in their 1974 manifesto for the revolutionary Weather Underground:
“Fascism in this country is not a challenge to those in power by some more reactionary gang on the outside. Fascism is perpetrated on Third World people from the seats of power: the Pentagon, the Congress, the White House, the Supreme Court. In these places liberal and fascist tendencies compete, but they also connive and conspire. Our strategy must be unity against existing fascism for the liberation of all oppressed people.”
It is the institutions of power in the United States that Democrats like Ocasio-Cortez and Bernie Sanders want to destroy, and they will take any opening to do it. It was the United States Army in 1969. It is the Border Patrol in 2019.
But it isn’t just the target that has changed in the last 50 years. Ayers and his cohort dreamed while living underground in the 1970s of seeing their generation of revolutionaries put on coats and ties and infiltrate the seats of power to effect change from within. One measure of their success is that coats and ties are now largely passé. Another is that Congress is now full of members who have adopted the revolutionary rhetoric of the 1960s as their own. Thus, the Democratic leader of the Senate, Chuck Schumer of New York, did not chasten his colleague from the House for her outrageous attack on uniformed Americans, but rather threw gasoline on her anti-American rhetoric. He tweeted the following:
“Acting @CBP Commissioner Morgan and other top leadership at U.S. Customs and Border Protection should be fired. A new, untainted team must be brought in to begin reining in the toxic culture at the border patrol. … Internal investigations aren’t enough. The leadership at @CBP, particularly Acting Commissioner Morgan, are too callous about the way children & their families are treated. That's why we need untainted professionals to be brought in from outside the @CBP structure immediately.”
Did you get that? Mark Morgan, who at the time Schumer tweeted had not even taken over at Customs and Border Protection, is “tainted.” The Border Patrol itself is “toxic.” This is all highly reminiscent of the rhetoric of the antiwar movement when soldiers were called “baby killers” and street marchers chanted, “Hey! Hey! LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?" But Ocasio-Cortez has a flair for the dramatic that surpasses anything we have seen in Congress for many years.
She was able to leverage her power as a member of Congress into a cudgel to attack the Border Patrol, claiming not just that the illegal immigrants in the detention center were being mistreated, but that somehow even the mighty AOC herself had been in danger just by entering the facility. Remember, she had already compared border detention facilities to “concentration camps,” thus escalating the rhetoric to the point where U.S. law officers were likened to Nazis.
“I see why CBP officers were being so physically and sexually threatening towards me,” Ocasio-Cortez wrote on Twitter. “Officers were keeping women in cells w/ no water & had told them to drink out of the toilets. ... This was them on their GOOD behavior in front of members of Congress.”
Forced to drink water out of toilets? Well, no; actually, that was just one more convenient lie told by AOC. From what anyone can tell, the cells in the immigration detention facility utilize standard-issue jail plumbing in which a toilet and sink are both incorporated in one stainless-steel fixture. If you had a toilet, you also had a sink. The idea that the cell had “no water” is therefore ridiculous, and just one more rhetorical flourish from a woman who will say anything to get attention.
What matters to the socialist left is creating discontent and isolating an enemy. During the Vietnam War, that meant the soldiers fighting overseas and the police maintaining order at home. Today it is the Border Patrol and ICE. Bill Ayers described the importance of creating the enemy as a “pig” in the 1969 manifesto “You Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows”:
“[T]he pigs are ultimately the glue — the necessity — that holds the ... movement together; all of our concrete needs lead to pushing the pigs to the fore as a political focus.”
The Democratic left likes to call Trump “the divider in chief,” but the rhetoric of Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders, Schumer and Nancy Pelosi shows who truly wants to divide the country. For the socialist left, a demonized Border Patrol is “the glue — the necessity — which holds the … movement together” as the Democratic Party pursues its globalist, open-borders, anti-American agenda.
AOC knows exactly what she is doing, and anyone who isn’t afraid of her and her fellow revolutionaries in Congress doesn’t know which way the wind is blowing.
Frank Miele, the retired editor of the Daily Inter Lake in Kalispell Mont., is a columnist for RealClearPolitics. His new book — “The Media Matrix: What If Everything You Know Is Fake” — is available at Amazon. Visit him at to read his daily commentary or follow him on Facebook @HeartlandDiaryUSA or on Twitter @HeartlandDiary.

Ingraham: Pelosi has no one to blame but herself for AOC beef

Is House Speaker Nancy Pelosi responsible for her conflict with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., and her cohorts?
According to Fox News' Laura Ingraham, she is.
"While attempting to take Pelosi's aside against the AOC allergens, she has no one to blame but herself. Now, why do I say this?" Ingraham said on "The Ingraham Angle" Tuesday.
Ingraham chastised Pelosi for accusing the president of racism Monday before mocking Pelosi and Ocasio-Cortez's battles.
"While these young Turks are kind of fun to watch as they scrounge for any morsel of attention, they have gone so far left, so fast, they sent Speaker Pelosi reaching for her heart pills," Ingraham said.
Ingraham pointed out that the Democrats arguing against President Trump's economic impact was futile.
"Let's face it, what else are they going to try to argue?" Ingraham said. "That Trump's economy isn't in terrific shape? Good luck."

AOC says she’s open to getting rid of entire DHS in interview

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., last week suggested she was open to getting rid of the Department of Homeland Security in order to undo "a lot of the egregious mistakes that the Bush administration did."
Ocasio-Cortez made during a Friday appearance on the New Yorker Radio with host David Remnick.
“ICE is not under the (Department of Justice),” Ocasio-Cortez says. “It’s under the Department of Homeland Security. And so we have now—”
“Would you get rid of the Department of Homeland Security, too?” Remnick asks.
“I think so,” she says. “I think we need to undo a lot of the egregious, umm, a lot of the egregious mistakes that the Bush administration did.”
She added: "I feel like we are, at a very, it’s a very qualified and supported position, at least in terms of evidence, and in terms of being able to make the argument that we never should of created DHS in the early 2000s.”
Later asked what a "sane immigration policy" looks like, Ocasio-Cortez said "we should not be using detention for people who have harmed no one."
Last month, the freshman lawmaker courted controversy for comparing border detention facilities to concentration camps.
"The fact that concentrations camps are now an institutionalized practice in the Home of the Free is extraordinarily disturbing and we need to do something about it," she said in a live stream.

Ross Perot donated to Trump’s re-election campaign before death: report

In his last documented political act, self-made billionaire and two-time presidential candidate Ross Perot wrote out two checks to President Trump’s re-election campaign before succumbing to his battle with leukemia at the age of 89, according to a report.
Perot, who ran for president as a third-party candidate in 1992 and 1996, is largely credited with providing a road map for Trump's presidential campaign.

FILE: Ross Perot is shown on a screen in a paid 30-minute television commercial, during a media preview in Dallas. 
FILE: Ross Perot is shown on a screen in a paid 30-minute television commercial, during a media preview in Dallas.  (AP)

Like Trump, Perot ran as a billionaire populist against the Republican establishment. His focus on the North American Free Trade Agreement – rather than the national debt – and his use of cable news for laying out his agenda were both familiar elements of Trump’s campaign.
As Democratic strategist James Carville put it in a 2016 podcast: “If Donald Trump is the of Jesus of the disenchanted, displaced non-college white voter, then Perot was the John the Baptist of that sort of movement.”
In 2000, Trump briefly considered running for president in Perot’s Reform Party before scrapping the idea. Perot’s model, of running as a third-party candidate in a two-party political system, taught Trump that he needed to run as a Republican in 2016 – a lesson that ultimately led to his victory.
In March, Perot wrote two checks of the maximum legal limit to Trump’s reelection campaign, including next year’s general election, the Boston Globe reported.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Kamala Camel Harris Cartoons

Trump showing new strength, even with some foes calling him ‘unpresidential’

Call it the Trump paradox.
So many Democrats, liberals and all-around detractors look at the last 2-1/2 years, and are convinced that he’ll never win reelection. They see chaos and confusion, they see endless Twitter rants, and they see a president who hasn’t cracked 50 percent in the major polls.
But here’s what they’re missing: There’s a significant chunk of the country that doesn’t like Trump’s behavior, but very much likes how things are going.
They particularly like the booming economy, which remains the greatest single indicator of whether an incumbent president will get a second term. If America isn’t mired in a major war — remember that Trump called off the airstrikes against Iran with 10 minutes to spare — then it’s the economy, stupid.
I get that the rising tide isn’t lifting all boats, that everyone doesn’t have a 401(k) plan. But with the lowest jobless rate in half a century, things certainly don’t look as dire as the Democratic candidates are painting them.
All of which leads me to an invaluable nugget in the new Washington Post/ABC poll.
What made headlines is that Trump has risen to his highest approval level in that survey, 47 percent — up from 42 percent in April. And that’s while he’s been dealing with the border crisis, the Kim Jong-un meeting, the trade war and other controversies.
At the same time, more than six in 10 of those surveyed say Trump has acted in ways that are unpresidential since taking office.
And here’s the zinger: “Roughly one-fifth of those who say he is not presidential say they approve of the job he is doing.”
That’s the key to his presidency, and one that many pundits fail to understand. Sure, lots of Americans think Trump at times goes too far, crosses the line, shatters the norms, and they’re uncomfortable with that. But they’re still satisfied with his performance — especially, I’m sure, conservatives who see him delivering on judges, social issues and deregulation.
Trump is underwater on numerous issues in the Post/ABC poll, but gets positive marks from 51 percent when it comes to the economy.
And while the survey shows Joe Biden beating Trump by 10 points, the president is 1 to 2 points behind Bernie Sanders and Kamala Harris — a statistical tie — and actually tied with Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg.
There’s a reason that Biden is still leading the Democratic field; many of the party’s voters have reason to believe he’d run strongest against Trump.
Part of Trump’s appeal to his supporters — which drives his critics crazy — is that he’s always on offense. And that’s especially true against the press.
In a tweetstorm over the weekend, the president strafed some of his favorite targets, including the “failing” New York Times, for “writing phony and exaggerated stories about the Border Detention Centers.” (The Times and El Paso Times jointly published a lengthy investigation, based on dozens of interviews, which said some customs agents had gone to their bosses about the horrendous conditions at the Clint, Texas Facility.)
He also went after “Comcast Trump haters” at NBC and MSNBC, who do what they’re told by “Brian & Steve.” (Brian Roberts is chairman of the networks’ parent company and Steve Burke is NBC’s chief executive officer.) And he singled out “Lyin’ Brian Williams,” who “totally fabricated a war story.” (Williams, an MSNBC late-night host, lost his job as NBC anchor after telling a false story about his helicopter coming under fire in Iraq.)
The president also went after the weekend anchors at Fox News, declaring them worse than “Fake News” CNN. He tweeted that Fox, which failed to get the “very BORING Dem debates, is now loading up with Democrats and even using Fake unsources @nytimes as a ‘source’ of information.” That was most likely a reference to the Times’ Sunday story on conditions at the border.
Trump has tweeted critically before about Fox’s town halls with Democratic candidates, and seems annoyed that the race, which is now heating up, is getting significant airtime.
These are just the sort of attacks that rile up his base, which detests the media, and Fox’s news division is not exempt.
Perhaps the conflicted view of Trump is best captured by leaked cables from Britain’s ambassador to Washington, Sir Kim Darroch. (Trump tweeted that the administration will no longer deal with him, but of course he’ll be replaced when Boris Johnson takes over as prime minister.)
Darroch cabled London that Trump is “inept,” “insecure” and “incompetent,” and the White House “uniquely dysfunctional,” according to the Daily Mail.
And yet the tart-tongued diplomat also wrote that Trump may nonetheless “emerge from the flames, battered but intact, like Schwarzenegger in the final scenes of ‘The Terminator.’”
And that’s why, as the Post poll suggests, Donald Trump after the next election may still be back.
