Monday, July 15, 2019

American Townhall Cartoons

O’Rourke says he and wife descended from slave owners, has ‘more personal connection’ to slavery

Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke revealed on Twitter Sunday that he and his wife Amy are both descended from slave owners.
“Something that we’ve been talking about in town hall meetings – the legacy of slavery in the United States – now has a much more personal connection,” O’Rourke said. “I was recently given documents showing that both Amy and I are descended from people who owned slaves.”
O’Rourke included a link to a article he wrote titled “Rose and Eliza,” in reference to two slaves one his distance relatives owned.
“A paternal great-great-great grandfather of mine, Andrew Cowan Jasper, owned these two women in the 1850s,” O’Rourke wrote.

Democratic presidential candidate, former U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke speaks at the Manchester Democrats annual Potluck Picnic at Oak Park in Manchester, N.H.
Democratic presidential candidate, former U.S. Rep. Beto O'Rourke speaks at the Manchester Democrats annual Potluck Picnic at Oak Park in Manchester, N.H. (AP)

He added that records also showed that an ancestor of his wife, Amy, owned slaves while another was part of the Confederate Army.
O’Rourke noted that he’s spoken about the legacy of slavery in the U.S. while campaigning, but that such discussions now have “a much more personal connection.”
O’Rourke’s disclosure comes as discussions of reparations for slavery have become a hot-button issue among Democratic candidates for the 2020 presidential election.
Last month House Democrats held a hearing on reparations for slavery for the first time in more than a decade. The panel’s aim was to “examine, through open and constructive discourse, the legacy of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.”
Fox News Gerren Keith Gaynor and The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Trump, after tweet backlash, hits Dems 'sticking up for' people bad-mouthing America

After triggering backlash over tweets urging progressive congresswomen to go back to their "broken and crime infested" home countries, President Trump appeared unbowed Sunday night, suggesting it was "so sad" to see Democrats sticking up for the lawmakers.
"So sad to see the Democrats sticking up for people who speak so badly of our Country and who, in addition, hate Israel with a true and unbridled passion. Whenever confronted, they call their adversaries, including Nancy Pelosi, 'RACIST,'" Trump tweeted. "Their disgusting language... and the many terrible things they say about the United States must not be allowed to go unchallenged."
He continued, "If the Democrat Party wants to continue to condone such disgraceful behavior, then we look even more forward to seeing you at the ballot box in 2020!"
Trump’s earlier attack drew a searing condemnation from Democrats who labeled the remarks racist and breathtakingly divisive. The president’s tweets led Democrats in large part to set aside their internal rifts to rise up in a united chorus against the president. Republicans remained largely silent.
Trump's tweets did not name any specific congresswomen. However, among his frequent targets is Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., the first Somali native elected to Congress and one of its first Muslim women. She was born in Somalia but spent much of her childhood in a Kenyan refugee camp as civil war tore apart her home country.
New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who is of Puerto Rican descent, was born in the Bronx, N.Y., and raised in suburban Westchester County. Trump's latest tweets appeared to reference Ocasio-Cortez; she had accused House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., of "singling out" women of color last week, although she later denied she was accusing Pelosi of racism.
Ocasio-Cortez had fired back at Trump's initial tweets. "You are angry because you can’t conceive of an America that includes us. You rely on a frightened America for your plunder," she tweeted, later adding: "But you know what’s the rub of it all, Mr. President? On top of not accepting an America that elected us, you cannot accept that we don’t fear you, either. You can’t accept that we will call your bluff & offer a positive vision for this country. And that’s what makes you seethe."
Omar, for her part, responded to Trump's latest tweets by quoting author James Baldwin: "There are few things more dreadful than dealing with a man who knows he is going under, in his own eyes, and in the eyes of others. Nothing can help that man. What is left of that man flees from what is left of human attention."
Pelosi tweeted, "When @realDonaldTrump tells four American Congresswomen to go back to their countries, he reaffirms his plan to 'Make America Great Again' has always been about making America white again. Our diversity is our strength and our unity is our power."

Peter Thiel says FBI, CIA should investigate if Chinese intelligence infiltrated Google: report

Billionaire tech investor Peter Thiel on Sunday called for the FBI and CIA to investigate whether Chinese intelligence had infiltrated Google, according to a report.
Thiel, who supported Trump in 2016 and Facebook board member, made the comments during a speech at the National Conservatism Conference in Washington. He said the FBI and CIA needed to ask Google three questions to determine if the tech giant had been compromised by Chinese intelligence, Axios reported.

FILE: A Google Home Hub is displayed in New York. 
FILE: A Google Home Hub is displayed in New York.  (AP)

“Number one: How many foreign intelligence agencies have infiltrated your Manhattan Project for AI (artificial intelligence)?” Thiel reportedly asked. “Number two: Does Google’s senior management consider itself to have been thoroughly infiltrated by Chinese intelligence?”
Thiel then slammed Google for its decision to work with the Chinese military while refusing to renew a contract with the U.S. Department of Defense.
“Number three: Is it because they consider themselves to be so thoroughly infiltrated that they have engaged in the seemingly treasonous decision to work with the Chinese military and not with the US military,” Thiel said.
Google has faced criticism over its work on a censored search engine – “Project Dragonfly” – that would allow it to return to China after leaving in 2010 over human rights concerns. The company dropped the project after members of the company's privacy team raised complaints.
Other reports said that Google decided not to renew its contract for Project Maven – a controversial military program that uses artificial intelligence to improve drone targeting – which expired earlier this year.
Google did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment.
Fox News' Louis Casiano contributed to this report.

Pelosi and Mnuchin have been chatting on the phone, possible indicator that there’s a debt-limit issue

The Speaker of the House doesn’t talk to the Treasury Secretary on a Saturday night, then send him a letter, and, then blast out a press release, unless it’s urgent.
But that’s what happened Saturday night.
This is all about Washington’s second favorite, semi-annual acrobatic regimen: a fight over increasing the debt ceiling. Washington’s favorite exploit is a battle over funding the government. The latter will come in less than two months. But the former is here now – a little sooner than everyone thought.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin have become phone friends of late. They’ve burned up the lines more than teenyboppers singing “Telephone Hour” in Bye Bye Birdie.
Pelosi appears to prefer to work with Mnuchin on this issue – and do it telephonically.
The House Speaker has little use for acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney. Multiple Congressional sources tell Fox that Mulvaney infuriated Democrats during the last set of bicameral, bipartisan meetings on the debt ceiling on Capitol Hill. Three weeks ago, a clearly agitated Pelosi told reporters she refused to “waste time” on Mulvaney’s characterization of her remarks in the session. She also said that Mulvaney “has no credibility” on the debt ceiling “whatsoever.”
That said, Mulvaney appears to be the administration official most in tune with the id of President Trump. So, lawmakers ignore Mulvaney - and Mr. Trump’s impulses - at their peril.
Still, Pelosi apparently prefers to use the phone to engage Mnuchin. And perhaps, the same is the case for Mnuchin when it comes to discourse with Pelosi. There’s a reason why Ambrose Bierce described the telephone as “an invention of the devil which abrogates some of the advantages of making a disagreeable keep his distance.”
To wit, regarding communications between Pelosi and Mnuchin:
The duo spoke last Wednesday night about an urgent need to raise the debt limit.
Pelosi and Mnuchin talked twice last Thursday. They spoke midday on Friday. Then the duo chatted for 12 minutes Saturday night.
Mnuchin sent Pelosi a letter underscoring the need hike the debt ceiling in the next couple of weeks. The Speaker responded with her own missive to the Treasury Secretary Saturday night.
The nation’s top political leaders don’t chat this often and volley communiques between one another - especially on a Saturday night – unless there’s a problem.
The problem is that a vote to increase the debt limit is one of the most onerous ballots lawmakers can cast. The problem is that no one wants to vote to authorize more debt. But the problem is that Congress must lift the debt threshold soon or risk a downgrade in the nation’s credit rating, rattle the stock market or send a shock through the bond market.
The problem is that Mnuchin is imploring Congress to raise the debt ceiling right away – before lawmakers abandon Washington for most of August and the traditional summer recess. That’s because few in Washington paid close attention to this issue until a few days ago. That’s when Mnuchin suggested the government could “run out of cash in early September, before Congress reconvenes.” Government reserves will soon dwindle to about $250 billion. The accelerated timetable is partly due to diminished revenues, attributable to the new tax law.
One could spot a signal that government coffers are going dry the other day: the yield of short-term Treasury bill yields. The return on a Treasury bill maturing in mid-September is now higher than those ripening in mid-August. People are also not investing in shorter-term government securities - another sign of possible trouble.
If Congress and the Trump Administration don’t act soon, federal cash reserves could wane and the government could scuffle to meet liquidity needs.
By sending out a letter on a Saturday night, Pelosi is trying to sound an alarm, emphasizing to lawmakers the need to expeditiously raise the debt ceiling.
Official Washington has long known about the need to raise the debt ceiling. The sides were talking months ago about marshaling a two-year agreement on the spending caps and mixing it with the debt limit. Back in May, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) suggested they were so close that an accord could just be hours away.
But then talks melted.
In her Saturday night epistle to Mnuchin, Pelosi insisted the sides cut a deal on “spending priorities.” This is a reference to stalled efforts to lift mandatory spending caps Congress imposed in a 2011 package to boost the debt ceiling. In Washington, the caps are commonly referred to as “sequestration.” Sequestration hits defense especially hard because the Pentagon commands the largest chunk of money doled out by Congress each year. President Trump wants more for defense. Democrats are willing to bend a little. But that’s why Pelosi is pushing for “parity.” In other words, Pelosi is requesting a parallel increase in funding for all non-defense programs, too.
Just a few days ago, a senior Congressional source told Fox that it looked like the sides may have to agree to a short-term extension of the debt limit. Technically, the spending cap issue doesn’t need to be resolved until mid-January. But Pelosi is coupling these issues now.
Meantime, many Congressional Republicans don’t want to just increase the debt limit unless it’s attached to something . Even if failing to address the debt ceiling issue threatens the market or the ability of the federal government to borrow. That’s why some on the GOP side have hoped for an imminent caps deal. A failure to latch the debt ceiling increase to a caps agreement could be an issue for some Senate Republicans.
This prompted some chatter about hooking the debt ceiling increase to the bill to fund the health coverage of sick 9/11 first responders. The House approved the plan 402-12 on Friday. McConnell promised to tackle the issue in the next couple of weeks. As he left the Capitol Friday afternoon, 9/11 first responder advocate Jon Stewart specifically spoke against Scotch taping the 9/11 bill to another measure or vice versa. But, when it comes to legislating, you don’t get style points.
And so, everyone in Washington has a problem without a lot of time to solve it. It’s possible Congress could nuke part of the August recess if something doesn’t come together quickly.
Expect more phone calls between Pelosi and Mnuchin.
Raising the debt ceiling is a monumental Congressional task. And while policymakers may negotiate this over the phone, hiking the debt ceiling is a subject so significant that you can’t just phone it in.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Illegals Cartoons & Shepard Smith

Calif. sheriff supports ICE deportations

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 4:25 PM PT – Sat. July 13, 2019
One California sheriff said she supports ICE, as they prepare for mass deportations.
In an interview Friday, Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims noted that ICE is doing their job, and complying with law to remove illegal immigrants who have evaded deportation.
She reiterates that these immigrants received due process and went through the court system, but chose to ignore the law and stay in the country illegally.

Several California mayors and the state’s governor have reached-out to illegal immigrants, informing them they don’t have to comply with ice officers if they come knocking on their doors.
Meanwhile, the former acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement slams a Virginia Democrat, following a heated exchange on Capitol Hill.
In an interview Friday, Thomas Homan recapped his testimony before Congress on detention centers at the border, calling out Congressman Gerry Connolly.
Homan said the congressman threw out dirt and wouldn’t let him respond, calling it political theater, and calling Connolly a coward.
Connolly and Homan shared some heated exchanges during the hearing, one in which the Democrat lawmaker yelled at the former border agent.
Homan said the Democrat’s actions are about resisting the president and support for open borders, and not about the truth.

Pastor John Hagee: Secularizing of America will lead to 'heartache and chaos'

Figures in government and media are trying to secularize American culture, which will lead the country away from its founding Judeo-Christian principles, according to Pastor John Hagee.
When the Pilgrims landed in today's New England, they made a promise to God that what became the United States would be a righteous nation based on morality, Hagee said in an interview airing Sunday on "Life, Liberty and Levin."
The relative lack of focus on Evangelicals by the media is, "indicative of the fact that America is slipping from its moral foundations of faith and Bible principles into secularism," the pastor said. "The further into secularism you go, the further away from the Word of God you go."
"And when you're away from the Word of God, you are away from God," Hagee went on. "So, they're out there swimming in an ocean of their own ego -- their opinions, their secular humanist concepts."
Hagee, founder and senior pastor at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, claimed that what he sees as the shift from righteous leadership toward secularism will destroy the vision of the Founding Fathers.
"It will produce nothing but heartache and chaos because the real principles of society -- the real principles of this nation -- are still in the Word of God," he said.
"It's rarely taught, I guess, in our government public schools these days: When our Pilgrims landed, they made a covenant with God that this nation would be a nation that served the Lord.
"And our Founding Fathers, when they put the Constitution together, remembered the principles of the Word of God."
Hagee claimed the United States has strayed from that form and must return to a righteous path in order to continue to prosper.
"Our nation today is getting away from anything that looks like righteousness," he said. "... Our country is going the other direction full-speed and it is paying an awesome price -- and that price has just begun."

Trump in Atlanta: Georgia Will End Harris' 'Reign of Failure'

Former President Donald Trump, campaigning in Atlanta on Tuesday, declared that voters in Georgia would be vi...