Monday, July 22, 2019

Iran says it dismantled CIA spy ring, arrests 17, sentences some to death: report

Iran on Monday trumpeted the issuing of death sentences to several members of what it claims is a CIA spy ring that had been embedded in "sensitive" departments nationwide, a development that threatened to further inflame an already precarious staredown between the Islamic Republic and the United States.
The roundup of the alleged espionage cell ensnared 17 people during the past several months and was completed by the end of March, an Iranian official said at a news conference in Tehran. The official was identified only as the director of the counterespionage department of Iran’s Intelligence Ministry, which is highly unusual in Iran, as officials usually identify themselves at press conferences.
"The identified spies were employed in sensitive and vital private sector centers in the economic, nuclear, infrastructural, military and cyber areas...where they collected classified information," said a ministry statement read on state television.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, while not commenting directly on the spy report, advised caution and noted Iran has a history of lying.
"It's part of their nature to lie to the world," Pompeo told "Fox & Friends" on Monday morning. "I would take with a significant grain of salt any Iranian assertion about actions they've taken."
Pictures of some of the alleged spies were reportedly shown on state TV, which also broadcast a documentary purporting to show a CIA officer recruiting an Iranian in the United Arab Emirates.
Tehran also announced in June the takedown of a CIA spy ring, but it was not immediately clear if those alleged spies were the same as those referenced Monday.
Iran's semi-official Fars news agency was the first organization to report on the matter, according to Reuters. The identities of those arrested were not immediately known.
The U.S. has increased its military presence in the Persian Gulf region in recent weeks after it alleged provocative moves by Tehran that included attacks on two oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, the downing of a U.S. drone and the seizure of a British tanker.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

Liz Peek: Trump self-destructing? The one big bucket of ice water on Dems' smug assurance about the president

Liz Peek

Democrats are reaping what they have sown. What began as a trickle of cautionary advice has become a torrent, as Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo, columnists Thomas Friedman and Frank Bruni, former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack, BET Founder Robert Johnson, former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz and so many others warn Democrats that their far-left lunge is likely to reelect President Trump.
A recent piece in the New York Times analyzing the president’s polling in several important states brings home the high cost of Democratic extremism. Given Trump’s standing in the Rust Belt and other states key to his 2016 victory, the piece concluded that Trump’s "advantage in the Electoral College, relative to the national popular vote, may be even larger than it was in 2016."
The analysis concludes, "Trump could win while losing the national vote by as much as five percentage points." Why might this happen? Because "the major Democratic opportunity – to mobilize nonwhite and young voters on the periphery of politics – would disproportionately help Democrats in diverse, often noncompetitive states."
Simply stated, Democrats are playing too much to the progressive wing of their party, which is concentrated in blue states like New York and California that Trump lost in 2016 and will likely lose again in 2020. Meanwhile, in the Rust Belt, where more moderate voters prevail, the president is in pretty good shape. Further, his popularity in the Sun Belt battleground states, which Democrats hoped might be fertile ground, remains strong.
That is one big bucket of ice water on Democrats’ smug assurance that the president was day by day self-destructing, and that their attacks on him would bear fruit.
For four years, starting during the 2016 campaign, liberal politicians and media figures like those columnists now warning of their party’s likely defeat, have denounced Donald Trump in the most vulgar and salacious manner, calling him a bigot, misogynist, criminal and worse. They seem clueless that those insults also, by inference, targeted those who voted for Donald Trump.
Sen. Mazie Hirono, D-Hawaii, recently tweeted, "Trump and his ultra-right wing base have a symbiotic relationship. They feed his narcissism and he feeds their hatred of others. A match made in totalitarian heaven."
That kind of attack causes Trump voters to dig in their heels. Attacks on the president, after all, are attacks on them, and they don’t like it.
That’s one reason why 90 percent of Republicans, according to Gallup, approve of the job Trump is doing.
Hirono comes from a state which Hillary Clinton won by 62.2 percent, her highest vote percentage of any state. Moreover, it was one of only two states in which she won every county. Hirono does not have to worry that her slams against Trump and his supporters might offend some of her constituents. But others in her party do have to worry. Offensive smears like that ripple through the nation like a virus; for the embattled moderates in the Democratic Party, there is no cure.
After Democrats took the House in 2018, Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., tweeted: "We have tremendous unity in our caucus. That unity has been our strength, and it will continue to be as strong as ever in the 116th Congress."
Talk about wishful thinking. As I wrote at the time, numerous important issues divided Democrats, including gun control, the environment and health care. As it has turned out, the rift between progressive and moderate Democrats have only widened in the months since, leading to what is arguably now a split party.
President Trump’s spat with four freshmen progressive women in Congress, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., and Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., forced Democratic leaders to support a group that, like Hirono, has nothing to lose by attacking him, but that further alienates voters that Democrats need.
Trump’s call for "the squad," as that group is known, to go back to their "home" countries was widely condemned. But the women, who have in the past supported Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitism, have further roiled party politics by attacking House Speaker Nancy Pelosi as "disrespectful" of "newly elected women of color."
Pelosi has tried to ignore and belittle the controversial group, but that dismissal has done nothing to keep their attention-seeking antics from sucking all the air out of her party. Instead of covering moderate campaigners like Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn., or former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper, liberal media outlets have devoted enormous ink and airtime to the Squad, making those four the face of the Democratic Party.
That is surely not helpful to moderates trying to win back blue-collar voters in the Rust Belt.
It has now been reported that Pelosi will meet with squad leader Ocasio-Cortez, the freshman progressive from the Bronx. That proposed get-together should have taken place months ago, away from the glare of the cameras. Pelosi should have privately encouraged AOC, as she is called, to use her celebrity and social media following to boost Democrats in other parts of the country, and to work for the good of the party. She should have enlisted her as a valued and valuable colleague.
Instead, the meeting is now a made-for-TV spectacle, following on the heels of incendiary charges of racism the progressive group has hurled at Pelosi. We’ll no doubt hear happy talk from both parties about reconciliation and partnership, none of which will be believable.
Democrats have only themselves to blame for this threatening divide. The constant thrashing of Trump has fed a years-long frenzy that has exalted the most extreme personalities and policies.
Now, as 2020 approaches, many ask: do Democrats want to win an election or are they content to win a popularity contest among liberal elites in California and New York? We shall see.

South Bend cops warn of ‘mass exodus,’ as morale tanks over Buttigieg handling of shooting

As South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg commands national attention with his media-savvy presidential bid, the firestorm back home over an officer-involved shooting shows no sign of settling soon -- with the mayor facing criticism not only from protesters but police who say his handling has crushed morale and risks a “mass exodus” from the force.
“Morale around here has been terrible. We do nothing,” one police officer, a 20-year veteran of the force, told Fox News. “We call ourselves firemen, we sit around in parking lots until we’re called and then we go to the call, because if you say or do something wrong, then you get hung.”
“At an all-time low,” another officer said of morale. “It’s been really demoralizing and hard to come to work lately.”
Officers requested not to be identified for this story in fear of retaliation by the mayor's administration. But they told Fox News that they know of multiple officers who are considering handing in their badges or taking retirement if eligible, in response to the mayor’s handling of the shooting.
“That's the big discussion ... is who's staying and who's going. I think you’re going to see a mass exodus, our administration is a joke,” one officer said.
South Bend Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) President Harvey Mills told Fox News that he has spoken to five or six officers who are “seriously” considering retiring or resigning because of the administration’s handling of the shooting. One officer told Fox News that he believes as many as 10 people will quit in the next year, and said he has also considered stepping away.
“It’s very discouraging that something I’ve always wanted to do, that God called me to do, that I’m questioning that and wondering, thinking about not being a police officer strictly because of politics and things that are going on that are completely out of my control,” he said.
Buttigieg has long had a strained relationship with the officers in South Bend, but that relationship has deteriorated considerably since the shooting death of Eric Logan -- who is black -- by white officer Sgt. Ryan O’ Neill.
According to investigators, O’Neill was called to a report of someone breaking into cars and encountered Logan O’Neill, who was allegedly carrying a knife. According to authorities, O'Neill shot Logan after he approached him with the knife and ignored repeated demands to drop it, the South Bend Tribune reported.
But O’Neill’s body camera was not on to confirm his account, and skeptics of the department's account have blasted city officials,  fueling a firestorm that repeatedly has pulled Buttigieg off the trail to deal with the crisis back home.
O’Neill resigned last week, with the FOP saying in a statement that “job related stress, the lawsuit, national media attention, and hateful things said on social media have been difficult for O’Neill and his young family.”
Buttigieg has claimed he has not taken sides, but amid angry protests back home, he has not challenged the narrative that the shooting is connected to police racism. At an NBC News-hosted presidential primary debate last month, Buttigieg described the shooting as “a black man ...killed by a white officer” and said he “could walk through all of the steps we took, from bias training to de-escalation, but it didn’t save the life of Eric Logan. And when I look into his mother’s eyes, I have to face that fact and nothing that I say will bring him back.”
“Until we move policing out from the shadow of systemic racism, whatever this particular incident teaches us, we will be left with the bigger problem of the fact that there is a wall of mistrust, put up one racist act at a time, not just what’s happened in the past, but from what’s happening around the country in the present,” he said.
Buttigieg has also come under fire from black residents who think he has not done enough to reform the police department and was pelted with criticism from angry residents last month.
But it was the repeated references to the "shadow" of racism in law enforcement (he said in June that "all police work and all of American life takes place in the shadow of racism") that particularly upset officers.
“To me, it’s like he kind of convicted Sgt. O’Neill before anything was even out, making comments like that,” one officer said. “It wasn’t based on the facts of what happened, because we don’t even have all the facts of what happened.”
“It’s like pouring gas on the fire,” the officer said.
"I feel like we're guilty until proven innocent," said another.
One officer warned that it will significantly affect the hiring of good, new officers to replace them: “When you see the politics and the way police officers are treated by the media and by politicians, it’s like, why would anyone want to sign up to do this job right now?”
Buttigieg's campaign did not respond to a request for comment from Fox News. The South Bend Police Department, in a statement, described officers as "professionals who regularly go above and beyond to serve the community."
"We do not comment on anonymous speculation and rumor," the statement said.
Officers have also bristled at what they see as the implicit blame by Buttigieg for O’Neill’s body camera being off, arguing that O'Neill followed police policy that Buttigieg would have signed off on as mayor. They say it didn’t turn on automatically because his car lights weren’t on, and he would have had little time to turn it on manually if Logan appeared and immediately moved toward him with a blade.
“If you’re put in that terrible situation, he reacted exactly like we’re trained,” one officer said.
Buttigieg has been pictured clutching the hand of Logan’s mother, and The Washington Post reported that he attended a "police accountability" march, but officers say that Buttigieg has had little interaction with them. Mills said that Buttigieg does not attend the annual fallen officer memorial services and called a recent gesture, in which he sent over a dozen pizzas, "lame."
"We have 240 officers that really need that support when every call we go to is already weighing on our minds and it’s a lot of stress and they don’t need the additional stress knowing the city administration doesn’t support them," he said.
As for what Buttigieg could do the fix the crisis with police officers, Mills urged him to back his officers, be more involved and see the good work they do: “Police work keeps the community safe, and if our officers are afraid to do their jobs because they might get fired or criticized and have media pounding on their door, it’s just, we just need that support even if it’s a small pat on the back every once in a while.”
Others see an unsalvageable situation. “I don't think he could ever fix the damage that he’s done,” one officer said.
One cop said, somewhat tongue-in-cheek, that some of the officers were thinking of getting bracelets with "WWPD" on them -- standing for "What Would Pete Do?" -- so they can consider what the mayor wants them to do when they answer a call:  "Because that's who's ... going to be front and center outside our police department with a bullhorn on his shoulder again."
Officers also warned of increasing levels of crime as cops are less motivated. Mills feared that officers would hesitate in a crucial situation.
“They are less likely to defend themselves, and that scares me because we've got 15 officers on our memorial wall and I certainly don’t want to add a 16th,” Mills said.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

America Love It or Leave It Cartoons

Delegation of lawmakers visits Mexico, discusses USMCA with Mexican pres.

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 2:40 PM PT – Sat. July 20, 2019
A delegation of house lawmakers visits Mexico in order to better comprehend the country’s commitment to the USMCA.

The group met with Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and others Mexican officials Friday to discuss the new trade deal.
Oregon Representative Earl Blumenauer is reportedly leading the delegation, which also includes GOP Representative George Holding and California Congressman Jimmy Gomez.
Gomez said the group saw a “deep commitment” from Mexico in regard to fulfilling the USMCA.
“This trip is to get a better understanding of some of the provisions, as well as the commitment of the Mexican government to fulfilling those provisions,” Gomez said. “We learned a lot and we saw there was a deep, deep commitment to fulfilling the letter and the spirit of the new USMCA.”
Mexico has already ratified the new trade deal, which is still awaiting approval from Congress as well as Canadian lawmakers.

Lara Trump lashes out after CNN host accuses her of 'lying' about rally crowd's ‘Send her back!’ chant

Lara Trump fired back Saturday against critics who’ve asserted that the “Send her back!” chant at President Trump’s recent rally in North Carolina was planned, instead of a spontaneous crowd response.
“Anyone insinuating that there was some premeditated plan to orchestrate the ‘send her back’ chant is obviously desperate to continue pushing a biased, racially-charged narrative,” the president’s daughter-in-law wrote on Twitter on Saturday.
“Anyone insinuating that there was some premeditated plan to orchestrate the ‘send her back’ chant is obviously desperate to continue pushing a biased, racially-charged narrative.” 
— Lara Trump
She added the hashtag, #FakeNews.
Lara Trump’s message was in response to a Saturday article in the Washington Examiner that reported CNN’s Anderson Cooper had criticized her on Friday’s edition of his nightly program, “Anderson Cooper 360.”
“She’s just friggin’ lying,” Cooper said at one point, accusing the wife of Eric Trump of misrepresenting the North Carolina situation during her interview earlier Friday on Fox Business, the Examiner reported.
“She’s just friggin’ lying.”
— CNN's Anderson Cooper
Lara Trump had said that the “send her back” chant – which the crowd directed at Somali-born U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. – was not prompted and that President Trump did not join in.
Lara Trump took issue with some remarks that CNN's Anderson Cooper made Friday, according to a report.
“It wasn’t the whole crowd,” she added. “It was just a couple of people right there in the front, but [the president] didn’t say it.”
But Cooper argued that Lara Trump had “primed” the crowd during her warm-up speech prior to the president’s appearance Wednesday in Greenville, N.C., the Examiner reported.
“If you don’t love our country, the president said it, ‘You can leave,’ right?” Lara Trump is heard saying in a video clip before the president took the stage.
But Lara Trump was not shown coaching the crowd to chant, “Send her back!” -- contrary to what Cooper appeared to be suggesting.
Following Wednesday’s rally, critics of President Trump latched onto the chant to advance their argument that some Twitter messages from the president earlier in the week – targeting Omar and other far-left House Democrats known as “The Squad” – were racist.
But the president pushed back against the racism argument, saying he was merely opposing what he viewed as the Democrats’ negative attitudes toward America – and that his tweets had nothing to do with race.
“I was not happy with it, I disagree with it,” President Trump said Thursday, referring to the rally crowd’s “Send her back!” chant. “But again, I didn’t say that, they did.”

Republicans raise $20.7M in June -- more than double Dems' $8.5M haul

The Republican National Committee raised more than twice as much as the Democratic National Committee in June – $20.7 million compared to the DNC’s $8.5 million, according to Federal Election Commission filings, Politico reported.
“Our record-smashing fundraising haul is a testament to the ongoing enthusiasm for President Trump and the pro-growth agenda that is delivering for every American across this country," GOP Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement to Fox News last week.
The RNC currently has $43.5 million, more than double the cash on hand as the DNC’s $9.3 million.
The DNC spent heavily on events related to the debates and the presidential candidates last month, including $221,000 for catering and $61,000 for event decorations for a total of $7.5 million, according to Politico.
“They need to get their s-- together. Now,” Adam Parkhomenko, a former DNC national field director, told Vice.
“When Hillary became the nominee in 2016 she was handed nothing, the DNC was nothing and there was nothing to build on. You’d think we would have spent the last few years making sure this would never happen again, and it has,” he said.
The RNC has already spent $60 on digital operations and $10 million on advertising and building a ground game, according to Vice.
“This is a real problem that our party and the major donors are not facing,” Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb told the publication.
The Trump campaign reported $56 million cash on hand at the end of June compared to just $24.8 million for Pete Buttigieg, the top Democratic fundraiser.

Trump says Squad member Ilhan Omar 'lucky to be where she is'

President Trump continued to criticize far-left Democrat Ilhan Omar on Friday afternoon, telling reporters in the Oval Office that the Minnesota congresswoman was “lucky to be where she is.”
The remark came nearly a week after the president tweeted that Omar and three other members of “the Squad” should “go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.
"Then come back and show us how it is done," the president added.
Trump also defended his supporters at last week's North Carolina rally who chanted “Send her back!” in reference to Omar -- something that, along with the tweets, was viewed by most Democrats and some Republicans as racially insensitive.
"Those are incredible patriots,” Trump told reporters, referring to the Wednesday crowd in Greenville, N.C. “But I’m unhappy when a congresswoman goes and says, 'I’m going to be the president’s nightmare.'
"She’s going to be the president’s nightmare? She’s lucky to be where she is, let me tell you. And the things that she has said are a disgrace to our country.”
Omar came to the United States as a Somali refugee when she was a teen and is a naturalized U.S. citizen.
On Friday morning, Trump tweeted that the “fake news media” had become “crazed” over the “Send her back!” chant and asserted that a gathering of supporters greeting Omar at a Minnesota airport last week had been “staged.”
On Saturday, an Omar ally, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., defended her fellow Democrat, claiming Trump had "relished' in the anti-Omar chanting at the rally.
"He kind of presided over the situation, he relished it, he took it in," Ocasio-Cortez said at a town hall on immigration in her New York City district.
When a reporter asked her whether she believed Trump had led the crowd on, Ocasio-Cortez replied: "He absolutely did."
Fox News' Sam Dorman contributed to this story.
